My Soulmate

By izzy370-5

2.1K 39 53

Rating- Mature Additional Warnings- Suicidal Attempts, Self Harm, Graphic Descriptions Of Violence, Rape Cate... More

Chapter Two: Keith
Chapter Three: Hell
Chapter Four: Truth
Chapter 5: Mission
Chapter 6: Dream State
About me

Chapter One: Lance

507 11 33
By izzy370-5


When Lance heard about soulmates he was 7 years old after feeling an unexplained pain in his right arm. Even though that pain hurt, he felt so happy to know he could help someone that shares a special bond with him. But how far will Lance go in order to help his soulmate.

Keith just turned 7 when he heard about soulmates, and he thought it was crap. Plus he didn't want someone taking his pain. But mostly he doesn't feel worthy to have a soulmate. How far will Keith go in order to get rid of his soulmate.

Lance walked in his kitchen to see his momma making dinner. There was this horrible pain in his right arm that came out of no were. When he told his momma all she could do was laugh.

"What? Why are you laughing at me?"

"I'm sorry. Its just... I was surprised. Come. Sit down. We have to talk about something that is called soulmates." Lances momma said firmly but softly. "A soulmate is someone you have a deep connection with. Someone who feels all of your emotions and pain. You have a soulmate and you can take there pain away and they can take yours away as well. Sometimes you fall in love with them others you keep as a friend that you love."

"Wow!" Lance said excitedly. "So is papa your soulmate then?"

Lances momma gave him a firm look. "No my child, your papa is not my soulmate. Instead it is my best friend, your auntie Flare."

"Oh." Lance said awkwardly.

Lance knew he didn't want his soulmate to suffer any pain, so he made a choice in taking all of his soul mates pain.

A few weeks later

Lance started getting bumps, bruises, and scratches all over himself from his soulmate. Even though they hurt, Lance would not stop. When his momma notice them she yelled at him for being to clumsy since he told her they were from playing outside with his siblings and cousions.

3 years later

In the past 3 years Lance is now 10, him and his family had to move away from Cuba and into America since his papa got a raise that involved moving. Although Lance hated being away from his home and his friends he still supported his papa for his decision. However Lance became homesick, alone, and at the same time he was still taking all his soulmates pain. Lance felt how sad his soulmate was and how people would bully them. But he never felt what it was like to get the pain taken away.

That made Lance even more sad since he got bullied a lot at school for looking different and not being able to speak English right yet. The bullies got worse when they found out Lance had a soulmate, a soulmate who doesn't take his pain away. They laughed and tested him by adding other cuts and bruises to make sure there thoery was right.

One day a special Ed teacher came to Lances class to talk about soulmates.

"Alright class, does anyone have any questions?"

"What does it feel like to get the pain taken away?" One of Lances bully asked.

"It feels like you are being cleansed on the inside." One boy said.

"It gives you a nice relief knowing that someone cares enough to help the pain." A girl said.

That's when all the kids looked at Lance knowing he has never felt that.

The day was over and Lance was not really in the mood, so he told his momma he was gonna go to bed early that night. As Lance layed there he started wondering.

"Maybe they hate me and don't want to help me. Or maybe they don't know I'm there taking there pain away." Lance told himself befor passing out.

Two weeks

Things are still the same at school for Lance. And things are still the same for his soulmate, he takes all there pain away no matter how bad it is.

It was June 3, at 2:45 am, Lance felt the worst pain he has ever felt in his life.

He woke up screaming in pain, when his mamma and papa came they saw that his left leg was twisted as if it was broken. They took him to the hospital and found out that his leg was indeed broken.

Lances momma knew that he took his soul mates pain and she yelled at him for taking that big of a pain. But then she just cried happily to know nothing else was wrong with her baby. That's when Lance felt guilty for not telling his momma how he really feels.

Four years later

Lance is now 14, he still gets bullied at school witch Lance is already used to now.

But the only difference with his soulmate is that....they cut themselves.

Every night Lance would lay in bed crying as he watches the small, deep cuts form on his thighs. Each would be different from the other, up and down, sideway, slanted, overlapping, or new ones form above the scars. But for Lance it wasn't the pain that each one left that made him cry, no it was the pain his soulmate was in to be able to do this.

One month

It's about a month later, Lance was in his room on his bed reading a comic his older brother gave him as a birthday gift.

When out of no were Lance felt a sharp pain on his chest, he looked down and watched a deep, long, red line form. Lance started crying since he knew this was his soul mates doing. That's when things took a different turn. More cuts started to form on his left arm faster and deeper than ever. Then his right.

This was the worst pain Lance has ever felt. Even worse than the time he broke his leg because of his soulmate.

Lance layed there crying on his bed for about 10 minutes waiting for the cuts to stop forming. Finally they did. When he looked down at the newly cut open flesh he saw a word form slowly and deeply in his right forearm. "DIE!" Than a huge deep cut formed down his wrist. Blood was everywhere Lance was freaking out at all the blood, he did everything to stop it but he couldn't. When Lance ran down stairs to his kitchen his momma was in the middle of making dinner for everyone. Lance quickly grab the wash cloth to stop the bleeding, that's when Lances momma droped the food and yelled trying to also stop the bleeding. Lance was crying so hard, all he could say was how sorry he was and how he didn't want this. Then Lance passed out from the lack of blood loss.

Three hours

Lance woke up feeling like all the energy in his body was dead. That's when he realized he was in a hospital bed, hooked up with different machines. He saw his mamma by the doorway crying and talking to a man.

"Momma?" Lance cryed.

Lances momma turned around immediately. "Oh my baby. Are you ok my love?"

"Who is that man you were talking to? And why am I here? What happened?" Lance asked confused, but tired.

"We are at the hospital. I will tell you more of what happened, but right now you need to rest. When you wake up we will talk."

That's when Lance realized how exhausted he was, but he was scared of his momma leaving his side.

"Promise you won't leave." Lance asked his momma.

"I promise." That's when Lance passed out remembering his mommas words.

One day later

Lance woke up still feeling tired, but a little bit refreshed. He looked over and saw his momma holding his hand sleeping. When he looked outside from the window he saw a light blue sky.

"Most likely morning." Lance thought.

Lance remembers everything. What he was feeling, what his soulmate was feeling. He remembered what happened to his arm, and how he passed out in his kitchen.

"Momma." Lance said weakly.

Lances momma woke up to the sound of her son's voice.

"Oh my boy, you are ok." She said greatfully.

"Momma I'm so sorry, I didn't want this to happen. I just wanted to help make them better." Lance started to cry.

That's when Lances momma realized what he was talking about. "My boy I love you so much, and I understand that you wanted to help. But what they did to you, what they tried to do to themselves is an abusive relationship. I don't want you taking there pain any more. I almost lost you and I don't want to almost lose you again." Lances momma cryed.

"I promise momma I'm so sorry!"

Lance had to stay in the hospital for two weeks.

Turns out an almost suicide from your soulmate means a lot of doctors looking after you.

Lance was happy to be alive, but mad at his soulmate for almost killing him. Lance was scared it was going to happen again.

However Lance hasn't felt his soulmate in the two weeks he has been at the hospital. When he asked the doctors about it they told him the same thing. "That is a good thing for now since they did what they did."

When Lance was finally released from the hospital his family through a huge welcome home party. With all his favorite food, music, and games. And when it was time for bed Lance, his sibilings, and his cousins all had a sleepover. Although Lance had all the comfort in the world, he still felt uneasy about not being able to feel his soulmate.

After about three days Lance finally gave in and called a soulmate specialist.

"Hi thank you for calling blah, blah, blah my name is Rachel, how may I help you?" The women from the phone said.

"Um hi, um I was wondering I haven't felt my soulmate presence for two weeks now and I was wondering. Does that mean they are dead?"

"No. If your soulmate was dead you would feel a complete different feeling. But it could mean they are in a coma, but you would be experiencing dizzy ness, drowsy ness, or wanting to sleep all the time. And the other thing is a restrictor which a soulmate they don't know could have in case of a risky job or afraid of injury during work." The lady Rachel began to explain more things to Lance, but he wasn't listening.

Once Lance was done with the phone he turned on the tv and sat down. There was this commercial with a man named Shiro Takashi. He was talking about how cool space was and how mysterious it was. That caught Lances attention. When Shiro announced about the Garrison and all the programs Lance knew he wanted to go to that school.

Lance went to his room and started to do research on how to get in the Garrison, and while he was at it he also did some research on Shiro Takashi. Shiro was Lances new idol and the Garrison was going to be Lances new school.

One year later

Lance got into the Garrison about three months ago. He study so hard in order to get in and he got into second rank for pilots, although first rank was a guy named Keith. Best of all Lance got the best romate/ best friend EVER, Hunk! He was sweet, careing, and a good cook Lance loved him. When they first met Lance knew right away he was gonna protect this wonderful fluffy teddy bear.

Lance wanted to get past his soulmate and try to forget the pain, so he decided he was gonna have fun by getting all flirty. He would flirt with everyone that interest him and for fun. Both girls and guys were his role. And although he was annoying and not always a good flurter, it helped Lance become who he is.

Two years

"I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here. Is that the best pilot had a discipline issue, and flunked out. Don't follow in his footsteps." The constructor told Lance.

He and his team witch include Pidge (one of his other best friends he has made at the Garrison) and Hunk failed a test since they didn't work in a team. Lance was sad since people kept comparing him to Keith also the fact that he came to the Garrison to see Shiro, but he dissapered as well as Matt Holt and Samuel Holt on the Kerberous mission.

That night Lance and Hunk snuk out of the Garrison, found Pidge investigating the sky, saw an alien ship with Shiro inside, an explosion, and the guy Keith. Keith saved Shiro as well as Lance, Pidge, and Hunk did and they all welcome Shiro back. Found a giant blue lion, rode the giant blue lion while getting attacked by aliens and lasers. Fond a castle with a 10,000 year old, beautiful princes, and a crazy old man with a mustache. A whole bunch of stuff happen including a robot called voltron formed by robot cats controlled by Hunk, Lance, Pidge, Shiro, and Keith also know as the Pallidons. All in all they fight the Gallar and protect the universe.

Lances life is exciting, until everything goes to hell.

Two months

Everything was normal in the castle, Allura and Coran was monitoring the castle. Pidge was working on a robot she found, Hunk was helping. Keith was messing with his knife while Shiro talked to him, and Lance was just on the coach taking a break.

A few ticks later Allura got a cut on her finger while messing with some tools. She started to bleed out blue since that was her blood color. Coran went to help her, thats when Shiro gasped in surprise and shock. When Lance looked over he saw Shiro close his eyes.

"It's gone!" Allura said alarmingly.

"What?" Coran asked confused.

"The cut is gone! It was here then it vanished! And the weirdest part is...I don't feel any pain."

"That's because I took it." Shiro said.

"What!?" Allura yelled.

"Well you see we have this thing on earth called soul mates and you are able to take there pain away. I thought I didn't have a soulmate since I never felt anything but tiredness, but that might be because you were asleep for 10,000 years!"

Allura walked over to Shiro with an expression of death. She grabed Shiro and said

"We need to talk in private." Then they both dissapered into the kitchen.

Lance was happy for them since he has a bad relationship with his soulmate. Although he did start to think of his soulmate and wonder how they were.

After a few varga later Allura and Shiro came back to were they all were. They looked more calmed and happy.

"We have agree to not take each other's pain since there is a battle." Allura explained.

"But we have agreed to take small coughs or colds." Shiro said.

"Now since a soulmate is a special part of everyone's life, we are all going to tell each other about our soulmate. That way you all can bond as a team some more." Allura said.

When Lance heard that, he felt his stomach drop to the floor. Lance hated talking about his soulmate, and talking about them to everyone just makes it worse. Hunk tried to get Lance to talk bout them, but Lance refused so Hunk gave up.

"We all will meet in about 5 dobosh." Allura said happily. Then everyone went back to what they were doing be for.

Lance went to his room so he could get his thoughts together and figure out what he was gonna tell everyone.

5 dobosb later

Everyone gathered in a circle at the training arena.

"Alright team who would like to go first?" Shiro asked. "Hunk?"

"Sure." Hunk said. "I have a soulmate and although I do not know them we made an agreement that we would only take small pains nothing big like a broken bone or anything like that."

Lance was happy for Hunk to have someone like that. But he was also upset to know he doesn't have that.

"Wonderful, I'm happy for you!" Shiro said. "Pidge would you like to go next?"

"Sure. All I know is I don't have a soulmate. I've never felt there presence and I'm ok with that." Pidge said happily.

"I'm glad your ok with that Pidge." Shiro said. "Alright Lance your turn."

Lance was dreading this moment, and now that it's his turn Lance felt like he couldn't breath anymore.

"I don't have one." Lance said quietly.

"Oh please, your Lance of course you have one. I'm surprised your not all lovey dovey about them." Keith said annoyed.

"Oh ya! Then who's your soulmate?" Lance asked accusivelly.

Keith frowned and got a sad look in his eyes then he said. "I don't know, but whoever they are they don't deserve me to be there soulmate."

Lance looked at Keith to make sure he wasn't bluffing or messing with him. Lance decided he might as well tell them the truth.

"I do have a soulmate, but I don't know who they are. But I do know that they hate me." Lance said, he looked down and felt hot tears form in his eyes.

"Lance stop being dramatic." Pidge said.

"Ya how could your soulmate hate you?" Hunk asked as he put his arm around him.

Lance couldn't believe what he was hearing he. That's when Shiro spoke.

"Ya I agree with Hunk how could your soulmate hate you? It's just not rig-." Shiro was cut off by Lance pushing Hunks arm off of him. Walking over to Shiro with tears running down his face.

"They do hate me, and I know because when I was 14 my soulmate tried to kill me." Lance said angrily.

With that Lance stormed off into his room crying.

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