
Oleh Elisheba29

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"So you have a life threatening disease that could kill you?" Caroline asked for clarification on what I said... Lebih Banyak



450 27 13
Oleh Elisheba29

Ever experienced that moment when you are late for class and when you walk in everyone's eyes are on you? I'm pretty sure you have. Now let's tweak that scenario a little bit shall we? You don't know the people and there about 100 to 150 people all looking at you. Now I'm a person who is not about being in the spotlight and I never have been. Cue hyperventilating now!

"Who the hell are you?" Ronnie growled. Her instinct to protect me was kicking in. Whoever the heck you are Sydney, good luck!

"I'm Sydney. Who are you?" Sydney asked like a snotty little brat. Okay even she is annoying me.

"I'm Ryan's mother. Now if you don't tell me what the hell you want I'm not to afraid to hurt you little girl." Ronnie threatened her.

"Shut up old lady, what are you gonna do? Ground me till I die? Oh please, move out of my way." Sydney dismissed Ronnie like she was an insect.

She's got it coming now. Ronnie's eyes turned red, her canines elongated, her claws came out as well. She walked towards Sydney in two steps and put her hand around Sydney's neck and swiftly lifted her off the ground. Everyone around us gasped.

As soon as the Alpha noticed the crowd he gave out a command for everyone to go to the football field which was a bit further from here. Everyone began to move including Caroline.

"Not you idiot." Blaire said pulling Caroline back who yelped. I looked around as everyone left but not before giving me a questioning look.

"Ronnie put her down." Alpha Landon commanded her to do but it seemed like she wasn't listening in fact her grip on Sydney's neck seemed to tighten, a small smile playing on her lips. Her eyes turned darker.

"Ronnie! Stand. Down." Alpha Landon said  more aggressively. I could feel his wolf on the surface. He definitely didn't like being disrespected in front of people. Ronnie laughed and licked her canines. She looked insane and dangerous.

At that moment Jackson, Sebastian and Ryder walked onto this scene. He's here. He's here. Holy freaking molly HE'S HERE!!!!!! Calm down Ry its just a boy. The most amazing boy I have ever met. Ahhhh he is a full course meal all in his own. Did I just say that? Oh my what is wrong with me. But can I blame myself when he comes here looking like that.

OH JEEZ! Did he just come here looking like a freaking God. I am about to faint. Someone hold me before I faint. He is wearing dark grey sweatpants that are hanging a lil bit too low for my liking. I don't want anyone seeing what's mine. He is not mine. And this man decided to wear a cotton grey shirt that is hugging his muscles so beautifully. He is slightly covered in sweat making his hair slightly damp and his hair curlier than usual. I think I'm having an eye-gasm. I just got pregnant by looking at him.

"What the hell is going on?" Jackson asked with wide eyes.

"That's so cool man. Look at her eyes!" Ryder said earning a whack on the head from Sebastian.

"Shut up dude." Seb said. Ryder shrugged and stared at Ronnie in awe. He hasn't seen the half of it. She's barely shifted. When she fully shifts, she looks worse than a Lycan and that's saying something man.

"Tesorino ." Jack whispered and closed his eyes. That's what he calls Ronnie. Its a term of endearment. It always melts her heart. Its Italian for little treasure.

She gasped and snapped out of her murderous trance and dropped Sydney to the ground who started gasping for air. Her face was a light shade of purple. Ronnie's eyes changed to her usual light brown eyes. She softly smiled with her eyes closed. In two big steps, Jack held Ronnie. He whispered something in her ear which we all couldn't hear.

"Ouch!" Sydney screamed. Ronnie immediately looked at her with narrowed eyes. Sydney crawled away whimpering. Serves her right! Don't mess with my mum or you're gonna get it!

"Enough!" Alpha Landon roared. Woah man, calm the chicken down. Alpha's are sooooo big headed. So what we aren't paying attention or giving you respect? Ohhhhhh that's why he's mad. Oops!

"Let the show begin." Blaire commented.

"Blaire have some respect. Do you see your sister making such rude comments? Oh my goddess!" Marisa exclaimed.

Blaire simply took a beer from the cooler, opened it and took a swig from it. Marisa looked at her in horror.

"Sydney! I thought I told you not to come to the barbeque!" Landon said to Sydney. So he knew she was here? Well of course he did, he is the Alpha.

"I came here to see Caroline. I also came here to meet the girl who supposedly took my place." Sydney said. Honey? Took whose place? I will fight you! Why am I so aggressive all of a sudden!?

"How do you know about Ryan sweetie?" Marisa asked Sydney. Did she just call her sweetie?

"Sweetie?" Seb questioned just as confused as I am. Awwwww we are agreeing on things. Argh snap out of it!

"Sebastian, Caroline I suggest you leave the grownups are talking. Ronnie, Jack and Ryan, I think you should be on your way this is a family issue."Marisa told us.

"I am not going anywhere." Ronnie retorted. In any other werewolf pack, a pack member can even be sentenced to death for disobeying a direct order. Landon and Marisa kept their mouths shut but looked at the rest of us signaling for us to leave.

"This clearly involves all of us seeing as we are connected to this bitvh and so is Ryan now so it'd be unwise to send any of us away. We are all staying mum." Jackson told his mother who looked at him with wide eyes. She looked to Landon to back her up but he simply shrugged. She huffed before staring at all of us but locking her eyes on me.

"This issue is to remain right here. No one in the pack hears of this. Understood?" Marisa sternly said. Yes ma'am. We all nodded our  heads in agreement. Well the entire pack will obviously hear of this since they literally just saw my mother strangle someone.

"Now that that is over, let's catch up shall we? Caroline I missed you sooooo much." Sydney said with a fake smile on her face. She walked towards Caroline with open arms but it seemed like my body had a mind of its own. I moved quickly and stood in front of Caroline protectively.

Everyone stared at me in shock. I was still out of control so I just shrugged and glared at Sydney. This isn't me! What the pastrami is going on? I must be drunk even though I only drank water at home. Well that's a lie I do occasionally drink alcohol but only at parties.

"Wow! She really has taken my place huh? Caroline babe so quick to move on." Sydney pouted. "Ryan? Can at least hug my best friend?" She asked.

Best friend? Who in the seven hells are you? I mean I know I'm not Caroline's best friend but I mean I sort of wanna be but I don't know honestly.

"No." I said. No sugar coating or anything just rip the bandaid off! Wooo where is courageous Ryan when I need her during a class presentation? Where are you???

"Oh shit she said no. I need to sit down for this man." I heard Ryder say.

"Already got you covered man." Jackson said as he took out three camp chairs and sat down and handed some apple juice to Ryder and Sebastian.

"You guys are ridiculous." Sebastian said. Thank you, one of them has some sense. "You're forgetting the popcorn!" He exclaimed. Never mind.

"No?" Blaire, Caroline and Sydney said at the same time looking at me in shock. Jack's mouth was open before Ronnie closed it but it just opened again. Landon looked at me with interest whilst Marisa looked at me with anger. Ronnie looked oddly proud.

"No. I'm not letting you anywhere near her. If you want her, you have to get through me." I said unwaveringly. She looked at me for a good three seconds before laughing out hysterically.

"I can kill you in less than a second." Sydney said.

"You saw what my mother did to you, I don't think you wanna get on my bad side because I can do worse." I threatened. Her eyes widened in fear for a fraction of a second but she quickly covered it up with a glare.

"Is it me or did Ryan just become hotter man?" Ryder commented which earned a growl from Caroline and Sebastian. Jackson whacked him on the head.

"I don't need to be here, but I'll stick around town. You all will be seeing a lot of me." Sydney said. She walked away swaying her hips but everyone's eyes were on me.

"Why are you all looking at me like that? Have you never seen someone defend another someone?" I asked. I am panicking right, look away people show is over.

"Marisa, Ronnie and Jack, please join me in my office. We have some things to discuss." Landon said.

He looked in my direction and said, " Nice meeting you Ryan. Have fun." I smiled at him genuinely. He seems nice but there is still something off about him.

Ronnie and Jack walked towards me and surrounded me.

"Be safe. Call me if you need anything or anything happens." Ronnie told me. I nodded.

"We'll be back before you know it Capretta." Jack said calling me by that annoying nickname I hate! Capretta, Italian for little goat.

I glared at him which caused them both to chuckle. They kissed my forehead before walking away with Marisa and Landon.

We all stood there waiting for someone to break the silence. We all stared at each other before we all burst out laughing.

"Ryan that was cool! I didn't know you had it in you." Blaire praised me which caused my smile to grow bigger.

"I did. From the moment I met her I knew it!" Caroline said sticking her tongue out. We all laughed.

"C'mon guys let's go to start the party." Ryder said getting up from his chair.

"The party has already started idiot." Caroline told him.

"I'm still here soooo no it hasn't. I'm the life of the party baby!" Ryder said as he lifted Caroline up bridal style and went running towards the rest of the pack.

"Milady." Jackson said as he extended his hand for Blaire to take and just as she was about to, he pulled her, grabbed her waist and put her over his shoulder.

"You idiot!" Blaire shouted as she pounded his back. He smiled and slapped her butt before he walked away towards the rest of the pack.

Oh wow I'm alone with Sebastian.



"So what do we do now?" I asked awkwardly.

"Well we can join the rest but we have to make our entrance cool too." Sebastian pouted as he crossed his arms. Awww he is so cute.

"Yeah we can't just walk there." I agreed with him. Well we could but this is my chance to touch him so let me take it. Don't judge me!

"Ouuuu piggyback ride! Hop on ангел." He said as he squatted down for me to hop on his back.

"Ангел??" What the monkey does that mean?!

"Its mean Angel. Its Russian. Now hop on and let's fly away!" He said with his charming boyish smile. He called me angel??? We are so getting married!! I love exaggerating stuff.

"Sebastian I'm quite on the heavy side so I don't think that's a good idea." I said. I got heavy bones and maybe my curves add to it too. I don't know how this works.

"C'mon you can't be that heavy. Trust me will ya?" He asked. Now that seems like a normal question in this situation to most. But ever since our wolves or whatever the heck I have connected to his wolf, I see more, I feel more when it comes to him. This attraction is getting deeper and its only been a day but I can't control it.

Do I trust him? For some reason, I do. What the heck is happening to me? I'm getting too involved with these people. First what happened with Caroline and now this. This is crazier than crazy.

"Okay but I'm warning you if we topple over its your fault." I told before I lifted my dress up a little bit and hopped onto his back. He tilted sideways a lot causing me to panic and scream. This idiot is trying to kill me. He burst into laughter as he stood straight holding my bare thighs but I still held onto him like a cat afraid of water. I ain't taking my chances.

"Calm down Ry. I got you. " He said. I know you do idiot but you don't do stuff like that.

"I hate you." I mumbled into his shoulder as we well he started walking.

"I don't think you do." He said. We walked in silence for a while. I closed my eyes and basked in his scent. His scent was woodsy with a hint of apple. I could breathe him in all day. Well except the fact that he is slightly sweaty. He has the softest hair. If I were to have a mate I hope its you Seb. I opened my eyes and realised we weren't going in the direction of the pack.

"Seb where are we going?" I asked my face still buried in his shoulder.

He chuckled and said, "You're awake. I thought you fell asleep." I rolled my eyes but smiled.

"We're going to the riverside. Its really beautiful down there." He said. I didn't argue with him but let him take me away.

He walked for a couple more minutes before we arrived. I looked over his shoulder and saw a beautiful river that stretched for kilometres before reaching land. He gently put me down and I stood next to him. The sun was beginning to set casting an orange hue over the water.

"Its beautiful." I whispered in awe. I could be here all day. Peace and serenity.

"Yeah. This pack has some really amazing places." He replied. We stood for a couple more minutes watching the sunset. This is a dream, it must be.

"Ryan. Are you working with the rogues?" Sebastian broke the silence with the weirdest question.

What the heck?

"Heyyyyyy guys!!" Caroline's voice echoed behind us. I quickly turned to face her. Blaire, Jackson, Ryder and her walked towards us. How long were they there? Was this a plan to gang up on me?

"Ohhhh did we interrupt something?" Ryder asked looking at both of us with a look implying we were talking about something sexual.

"What are you doing here guys?" Sebastian asked like they had interrupted something important. You were interrogating me stupid!

Jackson looked at us both closely before he groaned and said, "You idiot! You were supposed to be subtle! Asking her directly isn't subtle!"

"You asked her upfront? Oh my goodness! Thank the moon you aren't the next alpha! You could get us all killed." Blaire exclaimed with Jackson.

"Way to go Sebastian." Ryder rolled his eyes.

"Wow Sebby you're really good at this." Caroline added sarcastically. She leaned her arm on Ryder's shoulder. They look like a damn fine power couple.

"What the Frick is going on!?" I asked waving my arms up in air.

"Are you working with the rogues. Yes or No?" Jackson questioned.

"Noooooo! Why the heck would you assume that?" I asked incredulously. Everything is falling apart.

"Because of this! This letter is addressed to you for some damn reason." Blaire said. They all stared at me as I read it. What the heck?

They are coming for me? For what belongs to them? Who the hell are they?

"I don't know what this is you have to believe me. I have no idea what this is. You have to trust me." I quickly told them hoping they would believe me. They had no reason to but I had to try.

At that moment I felt the pulling of invisible strings that connects myself to them. I don't know where the heck this is coming from. It's feels like the bond I have with my parents but in this case its not as strong and its more friendly except my attraction to Seb, its more....romantic.

Fireflies emitting a golden light started flying around us. We all inched closer to each other as the fireflies created different shapes in the air. They then created a circle around us, like a circle of trust or friendship or love. A circle bringing us all together despite our polar opposite personalities. Like a force of love brings us together.

I felt the bonds humming and vibrating. A silver light surrounded us, like the fireflies light. It swirled around us kinda like the northern lights but in silver. I closed my eyes and relished in this moment. I felt a sense of trust amongst us, a trust that cannot be broken. I trust them. Why? I barely know them. Its a magical moment. I felt like I belonged, like I was part of a real pack, a family. I felt connected to them.

Just as this magical moment began, it immediately stopped. It was like being sucked back into reality. Ugh reality, what a bust.

"What the hell just happened?" Ryder asked with confusion lacing his voice.

"The Moon." Caroline whispered. We turned to her waiting for her to explain what she means.

"The Moon Goddess." She whispered again but we all heard her clearly.

"Cee what do mean?" Ryder questioned with concern. He looked at her with concern.

"I don't know exactly. I felt her power, this has something to do with the moon. Her energy was flowing through us. " She said with wonder and excitement.

"Ryan? Do you know what just happened?" Jackson questioned me. I could tell he didn't want to trust me so easily, but my gut told me he doesn't believe I'm part of the rogues. He is the future alpha, it's in his nature for him to be suspicious in case there is a threat to his pack and family.

"I don't know. I don't understand any of this." I replied frustratedly. I removed my hair tie and retied my hair pulling in all my hair.

We all stood there in silence trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I need to talk to Ronnie about this, all of this.

A look of realisation crossed over Sebastian's face and he started waving his arms around like a mad man. We all looked at him waiting for him to say what's on his mind.

"Use your words honey." I told him. He calmed down and stood there with a stupid grin on his face.

"Well?" Blaire asked.

"The book in the library. I can't remember its name but its talks of stuff like this. Mythical creatures, signs given by the goddess, you know stuff like that. It can tell us what this is." He finally. I remember him telling me something about this book.

"I think I know it. We can go on Monday when we go to school. I hope this book tells us what all of this is." Caroline said.

"Oh I won't be there. But I can try to make it." Jackson said. He won't be there? Why?

"Why won't you be there?" Ryder asked.

"I no longer attend high school." He said. Wait, what did you say boy?

"Why?" I asked. Everyone else didn't look surprised at all. Didn't you people hear what he said????

"Well I was done with high school three years ago. I just came back because I wanted a break from Alpha duties." He said. He's already done with school!

"Jackson how old are you?" I asked because man I'm confused.

"I'm 20. Finished high school when I was 17 years old." He said with a smirk on his face. Well I can relate considering I'm 17 in my last year of school.

"Okay before I confuse all of this stuff. How old is everyone? I already know Caroline 17 like me." I said.

"Well I'm 19, Ryder and Sebastian are 18. I'm done with school too. I just get bored at home." Blaire answered for everyone.

"So you two decided to enrol in high school just for fun?" I asked them.

"Yeah I guess." Blaire shrugged.

"Guys we need to head back to the barbeque." Ryder said.

"I'll make a group chat and we'll talk guys. Just text me alright." Caroline said in an american accent. We all started laughing. Only friends can transition so quickly from arguing to serious to interrogating to making plans to laughter. Only true friends. I think I finally found them.

"Let's race!" Ryder shouted thrusting his fist into the air. The boys agreed with him and started getting ready for a race.

"Girls, let's show them how this is done!" Blaire told Caroline and I. We looked at each other before agreeing.

We all stood in a line and got ready. When Blaire screamed 'Go' we all started running like our lives depended on it but at the same time laughing like mad men. I came out second with Caroline in first place. I had to tone down my speed not to look too suspicious.

It felt amazing. Being able to laugh and have fun around a campfire. Yeah it got that late. Dancing around with no worries of how I look or what people will think about me. For once I could have fun with friends. It felt amazing.

I felt amazing.

I was happy.

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