Violet Parr x Male Reader

By R350URC3

25K 177 83

Y/n is a young demon hunter who was recently gifted a neon sign of devil may cry. He just moved to metroville... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

2.6K 19 37
By R350URC3


I escorted Edward to his father's office. Standing in front of the door of Mr. Creedence, I heard someone being lectured or maybe even questioned.

???: "I'm not cutting classes, if I was then I should be heading to the exit."

With no hesitation, I opened the door, then saw someone familiar. It was the girl that I asked directions from. I looked at her with concern.

Mr. Creedence: "You know her?"

"Yeah, she's my assistant."

I did not know who she was although I think she was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. The girl gave me a shocked look, I just hope she knows what I'm trying to do.

"She was just trying to keep us safe from the demons, weren't you?"

???: "Uh... Yeah, I was doing that. Hehehe..."

She laughs nervously with no clear idea of what her role is in this situation.

???: "Yes I am demon hunting haha, with mister uhm..."

I nudged her shoulder and whispered in her ear.

"It's Y/n..."

???: "Yes... Yes, mister Y/n is my partner in crime. We have been demon hunting for the past few years."

I can tell that Mr. Creedence ain't buying this one bit, so I knew I had to end this charade quick.


For some reason, this cliche of a scene decided to twist my words up. I walked up to the girl with a smile on my face.

???: "Uhm what is it?"

I put my whole palm in front of her talkative mouth and decided to play it off.

???: "mmmmmmmhmmmmmmm"

As she struggles to get a say into this, I just kept pushing my hand on her mouth so she cannot speak a single word. I looked back at the principal staring at his highly confused face. I started sweating with no other counters to defend myself.

Mr. Creedence: "Ahem, Let's get back to the topic at hand."

"Anyways, I found your Fortunate son."

Mr. Creedence sighed with relief. I signaled Edward to come in, came in he did. He still looked pretty messed up but no major injuries which are good.

"So let's talk about my reward..."

Mr. Creedence: "Fine, what do you want..."

"First, I want my all of my future absence excuse. Second, if a clientele calls me in the middle of the day or during class, I'll be excused."

Mr. Creedence: "hmm... is it a bother to be asking why is that?"

"You know in this kind of job, you never know when someone needs help. These demons are no joke. They'll sacrifice any human to unseal Mundus. A demon capable of conquering Earth in a single day or less. You don't want that to happen to do you?"

With each word I uttered, the tone shifted from a comedy gag to seriousness. The atmosphere is heavy, I seem to act like a demon myself but that's the only way to convince him.

Mr. Creedence: "Ahem. Fine. Fine. I'll write the form for you everytime you are going to leave just promise me that you'll not leave class for selfish reasons."

"Yeah, yeah I got it..."

Mr. Creedence: "Very well, How much is the service..."

"Nah, don't need it."

He gave me a nod and thanked me one last time. One thing I didn't understand is the concept of having a familial bond, maybe if my father knew what I was doing I think he would be proud of me or maybe worried... As my mind drifts away my eyes wanders to the still confused, "Assistant," of mine. I admired her beauty until her eyes locked onto mine. I immediately look away from her while being flustered. Mr. Creedence cleared his throat loudly and said.

Mr. Creedence: "Both of you could take the rest of the day off, it is nearly 12 pm."

I grabbed my bag and carried it behind me.

"Alright, If you have any demon problems again, you know who to call."

He nodded and said his goodbye to me and my, "Assistant." I grabbed her hand and drag her into the janitors closet without any sign of resistance.

"Ok... whatever you heard there, whatever you saw, you are just crazy. Actually just forget everything that happened today uhmm..."

Violet: "It's Violet Parr."

"Right, violet I want you to not tell anyone what happened today please."

Violet: "Why?"

"Well... I don't want people to be freaking out that demons exist at least in this city."

Third Person POV

Violet nodded to Y/n. Y/n took a peek outside the janitor's room as he saw that no one was near the premise. He went out like nothing happened and Violet followed suit. After that Y/n went home to contemplate what to do for the rest of the day. Now that he thought about it the previous owner told him that there were some strange things that happened in the house's basement and that it also smelled strange like a perfume. With that in his mind, he went home to investigate the basement to see if his house itself has demons in it.


Arriving at my house I went straight to the basement disregarding the feeling of fear that is looming over me. Why would I fear something this simple I'm a demon hunter for christ's sake. That said entering the room I heard a noise that startle me I went to the source of the noise turns out it was just papers, newspapers to be exact. I examined it but it was just something about heroes being illegal but the locals that I met were different as well as the attitude of the police. I took my mind off of it and proceed deeper into the basement. I bumped into something although it was really dark so I pulled out my phone and used its torch. I saw a coffin with engravings that say, Eliza. I opened it and there was a woman with horns, she was wearing a red and black dress.

"It must be a vampire..."

As soon as I said that she opened her eyes and tried to grab my shoulder to bite me but I dodged it then she fell down on her face.

Eliza: "ow..."

With that, she slept again.

"She looks pretty harmless, for now..."



/n: I just got over my writers block and i'm tryin to get some new characters in this, to spice things up. Also school just started 3 weeks ago and actually found myself focusin so i might not be able to upload new chapters as often. Any recommendations, suggestion, criticisms are welcome thank you for reading.

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