A BITE of A Capella (PENTATON...

By CThatPentaholic

3.2K 141 34

Avi Kaplan was turned into a vampire 84 years ago, he never aged and has been roaming LA for years, until he... More

A BITE of A Capella
3) Date Or Death???
4) what the heck?
5) Sorry
6) I don't know..
7) Don't go...

2) Meet Amelia

646 32 10
By CThatPentaholic

(Amelia's POV)

I walked through the streets of LA. Not a lot of scenery, mainly large buildings, cars and billboard signs, but it was home to many poeple, including me now. I saw that down by the end of the road I was walking on, was a shop. It wasn't anything huge, but oddly this one caught my eye. I made my way towards it and looked inside, it was....magical. Glass dragon figurines fighting on a hand sculpted mountain, dragons carefully painted with precision onto porcelain cups. Paper mâché dragons hanging delicately from the ceiling. There was no one inside the shop, it seemed to be closed. I just stood outside the window looking in. Then I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned abruptly, almost knocking over the old lady passing by.

'Oh uhm, yes?' I asked. Looking up, my gaze was met with a pair of sea green eyes looking back at me.

'You're in the way of my shop' he said, almost without emotion. (A/N: I can just hear the readers saying "of course it's Avi that owns the dragon shop") I looked closer at him. He had a beard that was practically hugging the bottom half of his face, his hair was rather long, it rested on his shoulder, to be held in place with a dark beanie. All his clothes were dark, his shirt and his skinny jeans, even his shoes were black. I mean, black is my favourite colour too but I don't over do it. I shuffled out the way slightly and he moved to the door, his rather large hands went into his pocket and I couldn't help but stare at them. They look large, and cold...yet friendly. His whole body looked pale and cold, and his eyes looked older than the rest of his body. Perhaps he wasn't a scary, unfriendly man? His hands came back out of his pocket along with keys. It was then I noticed on his right hand (the one that went in his pocket) a ring, it was silver and green. There was a shape on it, but I couldn't quite make it out. His eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to remember,bed which key was for his shop, failing with each key he tried. I moved closer and he froze, looking at me.

'Need any help?' I asked. He shook his head, but didn't look at me for a while. It was as though he couldn't be close to me, was is scaring him? He finally found his key and opened the shop. He left the door open as he walked to his counter. I didn't know whether or not to follow him, but I didn't just want to stand outside looking weird. So I walked in. He unlocked his till and smiled at one of the dragons on the ceiling before looking at me and frowning. I gave him an awkward smile as I looked at things. He sat on his chair, reading a book and whistling. He had a rather deep voice, even when he whistled it was deep.

(Avis POV)

This girl is so.....weird, and that's coming from me. She has long, wavy, waist length hair which is black with red highlights. She had a black ring lip piercing and the same as a nose piercing. But I guess she could be dinner? I am starving. My belly just growled and she looked at me.

'Hungry?' She giggled. I just smiled at her sarcastically before getting out my bottle. It was full of pigs blood, but it was enough to get me going until she left. It was a black bottle so she couldn't see what was in it thankfully. Soon she came back holding an antique glass and porcelain, turquoise green dragon that was about 30 cm tall. She smiled as she got to me. I stood up and scanned it.

'That will be $12.00 please' I gave her a fake smile, which she seemed to notice but chose to ignore it. She paid and as I was putting the receipt in her bag, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. She was too tempting, I was close to ripping out her throat there. I slipped in a piece of paper that said:

Midnight tonight, Meet me here ***** *** **************

- Avi -

I smiled to myself as she left, there was no knowing if she would actually turn up, or even see it, But I liked my bets.

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