Mindlessly In Love With You

By Katy_A

111 0 0

Katana Andrew is in California with her friends trying to live a better life than the one she left behind. Sh... More

Mindlessly In Love With You
First Day of School
First Day of School (part 2)
Afterschool (Part 2)
Hanging Out
Character Birthdays
Hanging Out (Part 2)

First Day of School (Part 3)

7 0 0
By Katy_A

I was sitting in my trigonometry class, finishing up my assignment when the lunch bell rang. I gathered my things and walked out of class. I made my way to my locker and put my stuff inside. I grabbed what I needed for the second half of my day and closed my locker, making my way to the cafeteria for lunch. As I was walking, a figure appeared next to me. I looked over to see a girl smiling hard at me. I said, with clear confusion in my voice........

K- Can I help you?
??- I saw what you did in class this morning and I like your attitude. I'm Hadiya and I think we'd make pretty good friends.
K- Is that so?
H- Definitely
K- I don't really like people like that so I doubt we'd vibe that well
H- Well I say otherwise so how about you have lunch with me and my friends?
K- Sure why not

She smiled wide at me and I shook my head at her with a smile as she led me into the cafeteria. I looked around to see lines everywhere, people eating and talking, administration, security, the whole set up. Hadiya said.......

H- So, I know you're new here. This cafe is like the social hub of the school. It used to be smaller but they combined it with like three computer labs and now it's the place where we socialize, have assemblies, clubs, eat, fight, hook up, break up, everything.
K- Sounds like high school alright
H- (laughs) Yeah pretty much.....I mean, if anything happens at this school, it's gonna be talked about, posted, or whatever right here
K- Perfect
H- Your sarcasm was quite apparent
K- Oh was it? I was really trying to hide it
H- (laughs) Alright bitch, what do you feel like eating?
K- Shit, I don't know.....what's on the menu?
H- Pretty much everything so take your pick
K- Alright, I'm feeling pizza, curly fries, tacos, and a burrito
H- Damn girl
K- Shit, you asked
H- Alright well, the lines aren't too long so go collect your lunch, I'll go collect mine, and we'll meet back here
K- Bet

20 minutes later......

I finished getting my food and grabbed a big strawberry banana smoothie to gulp down too. I walked back over to see Hadiya holding a tray with a bacon cheeseburger, chili cheese fries, chicken nuggets, and a cup of soda. My eyes widened with surprise and I said.....

K- And you was talking about me lil hoe?
H- (laughs) Well, you inspire me. Now, let's go eat
K- Mhm

We laughed and I followed her to her table as some people stared at me. When we got to her table, she pulled out my chair for me before taking a seat herself. I sat down and we placed our trays down. I said......

K- Um, why didn't we sit somewhere else if it was just gon be the two of us?
H- It's not. I told you, my friends are coming
K- Who are these friends anyways?

Just as I said those words, a group of people came and sat down at the table. I looked around to see the bitch from this morning, her little crew, and another guy I didn't know. My facial expression dropped and I looked at Hadiya with the "Bitch, you must be joking face." She smiled at them as they all stared at me with confusion. She said.....

H- Hey you guys. Y'all remember Katana from English class
K- Hi

They all continued to stare and I rolled my eyes with a sigh. Hadiya said......

H- Where are your manners?
Jasmine- Hadiya, why on earth would you bring this girl here anyways?
K- This girl has a name bitch. I already done told you about yourself today, let's not have a repeat.
H- Come on now, she's cool and she's the first girl I've met in a long time who doesn't kiss your ass little sister
K- Little sister?
H- Yeah.....forgot to mention, Jasmine is my younger sister
K- Oh wow
Jasmine- And what's that supposed to mean?
K- Oh nothing, just wondering how come my "choke this bitch" meter went off with you but not Hadiya. She obviously doesn't have the same pole up her ass that you were born with

The boys snickered and she scoffed at me as I smiled wide and began to eat my food. We were all eating as the guys continued to stare at me. Hadiya, looked at them and said......

H-You know y'all could take the less creepy approach and just talk to the girl, right?
K- I got this Hadiya. Alright look, hi everyone. My name is Katana Andrew, I'm from Florida and I transferred here for a fresh start. So, could y'all just do me the favor of not staring at me like I'm some type of leper or some shit?

They all looked at each other and one of the guys who was sitting in the backseat this morning extended his hand to me. I shook it and smiled as he said.....

??- I apologize on behalf of me and my friends. We're honestly not used to new people especially not ones as beautiful as you so that's our bad but let's start fresh, my name is Rayan Lopez most people call me Ray Ray or Ray. I answer to either one so it's really your choice.
K- (smiles wide) It's a pleasure to meet you, Ray
R- You too

Another one of them spoke up and said......

??- Hey, I'm Jacob Perez. People call me Princeton or Prince so call me what you like
K- (smiling still) Pleasure to meet you, Jake
J- Jake? That's a new one
K- Really? No one has called you Jake?
J- Not really no
K- Oh well then that's definitely what I'm gonna call you
J- ( laughs lightly) Bet

I laughed as well as another one of them said......

??- I'm Craig Crippen. I've been called Prodigy by some but it's really great to meet you
K- Really great to meet you too Prod

We exchanged smiles and the other guy who I hadn't met before spoke up......

??- Well, I'm Elijah Johnson, they call me EJ. I don't know what these niggas have been doing all day to creep you out but you gotta excuse them. They're a bit slow up there if you know what I mean
K- (laughs) I think I catch your drift but hey EJ thanks for not creeping me out today
E- (laughs) No problem ma

Jasmine looked at them sideways before her eyes landed on mine and Hadiya's plates. She said.....

Jasmine- Wow sis, that's a lot on your plate
J- Oh that reminds me, you tryna share them chili cheese fries?
H- Hell nah and yeah Katana inspired me to eat more than my usual chicken salad and water

As she was talking, I grabbed my fork and reached over, taking a bunch of her fries and stuffing them in my mouth. She glared at me, saying......

H- Bitch now why would you think you could take some when I just told Jacob big headed ass no
K- I'm me hoe duh
H- (laughs) Yeah ight
K- (winks) You know it's true (blows kiss)
J- Y'all a trip but really Hadiya? I got a big head now?
H- Been had one
J- Now we both know my head ain't the part of my body you usually call big....unless you need a reminder of last night?
H- Really nigga? Gotta bring up our business?
J- I mean since you wanna get slick
H-Man, take the damn fries

He smiled wide as I said......

K- Oh wow, um, Jake, sweetie, don't make me throw up all this good ass food I'm eating right now
J- (laughs) My bad Kat

I took up my pizza, threw some Parmesan cheese on it, folded it, dipped it in honey mustard, and ate it. They all watched me in awe. I said.....

K- Didn't we just talk about the staring?
R- Sorry, just never seen someone eat pizza like that
K- Well they're missing out cause it tastes good as fuck. Here try some

I took my pizza and broke it up, giving the boys and Hadiya a piece each. I said.....

K- Now throw some Parmesan on it, fold it, and dip it

They did as I said and ate it. I said.....

K- What y'all think?

All- Damn that's good

K- Yup, I know

I smiled and continued to eat. As I was eating, I noticed Jasmine's "boyfriend" still watching me. I finished up all my food and wiped my hands and mouth. I said.....

K- Damn, that was good
R- I can't believe this little female put all that food
K- Don't let my size fool y'all
P- We obviously underestimated you
K- Yes, yes you did
Jasmine- You clearly aren't worried about getting fat or well......fatter than you already are obviously
K- Sweetie, only things fat about me are my brain, these titties, this ass, this pussy, and this ego

Everyone looked at me and I continued.....

K- Just keeping it real (shrugs)
Jasmine- That was definitely too much information
K- If you'd stop tryna come at me, I wouldn't have to say shit. I get it, you're man has had his eyes on me since I got here but don't take your insecurities out on me cause trust me babygirl you don't want these problems and I've already warned you
Jasmine- (scoffs) I'm over this. I'm leaving, come on baby it's getting a bit crowded

She glared at me and got up, grabbing her stuff. Her boyfriend just watched me and didn't move. She said......

Jasmine- Hellooooo, did you hear me?
??- I'm good Jasmine, I'll stay here
Jasmine- Seriously!?

A few eyes shifted to us as Jasmine groaned in frustration and stormed off. Her boyfriend said.....

??- That was bold of you
K- (shrugs) Sorry, I don't know what a filter is
H- We can see that

I laughed and we all talked until the bell rang. I exchanged numbers with all of them and made my way to my last couple classes of the day which I happened to share with my new friends.

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