Living Not Knowing

By esmith1122

147 1 0


October Morning
Not Knowing
The Unexpected
I Hope You Dance
My Saving Grace
All Things Change
Everything That Could Change, Did
The Memory
The Broken Pieces Coming Together
The Perfect Date

Stay With Me

7 0 0
By esmith1122

Kaleb's POV

It was almost 2:30 in the morning and I was still lying awake on the couch trying to process all that had happened in the past 48 hours. Tasha finding me alone on my porch , me deciding to get in her truck and follow her and willingly be her partner for the dance shit. Just everything was flowing through my head and I was trying to understand my last thought as I dropped Tashsa off, "I'm falling in love with this girl". I wasn't sure if it was because of how she opened up with me even with the year of time between us or how when she dances her emotions just all lets out and when she doesn't she just seems to hide behind this mask that everyone believes except for me. 

The next thing I knew was that it was 3:30 and Tasha slammed the door of the home. I don't know weather or not it was out of frustration, anger or worse. My eyes snapped open as soon as she stepped into the room and looked at her. I then came to realize I was the one who had taken her to work and the only way she had gotten home was by walking or calling anyone. I looked at my phone realizing soon enough it had died at some point during the night and I ran to plug it in. When it finally lit up it showed 10 missed calls from Tasha. I quickly turned and looked at her and ran up to her. I put both hands on her cheeks and was relieved that they were warm. She quickly brushed me off and crossed her arms closing herself off from me. 

I take a step back shocked at first that she would close herself off from me but then relaxed ever so slightly because I knew that she was pissed at me for not being there to get her after her shift and for me not having my phone charged so I'd hear her call. She was trying to act all tough when I knew she wasn't, hopefully, going to be for long and drop the whole tough act. I tried and took a step closer but she took a step back. I look her in the eyes searching them as I do. 

"Tasha who brought you home?" I asked her hoping me breaking the ice would help her to relax. She looked at me with her green eyes and I was still dumbfounded by her beauty even with her pissed features. "Oliver brought me home and then left. Unlike you he actually answered his phone and didn't leave me to freeze my ass off." With that she left in a huff and went to shower and changed. I went and laid in her bed as I heard the shower turn on in the eerie silence of the house. I came to realize that I had truly fucked up in this situation. I think back to all the what if's that had happened. What if my phone had been charged, what if I would've just stuck around till her shift was over. All these things were still going through my mind when she walked in the room wearing a pair of black athletic shorts that showed off her long legs and a emoji t-shirt. I couldn't help but stare for a beat almost too long. I quickly turned away so she wouldn't notice she stood there arms folded. 

"Are you really going to sleep there again tonight?" she asked as she crossed her arms rubbing her hands up and down her arms like she was cold. I turned and grabbed the hoodie I had stored in her room the night before after she had fallen asleep the night before. I gave her a small smirk and raised my eyebrows asking her silently to come over here. She seemed to have known what I meant and came over taking the hoodie in the process. Now that her and I had both calmed down for the time being I turned to her and asked "Why Oliver? You know how much of a douche he is and a major flirt. Why him?" 

She turned away from me not meeting my eyes anymore. After a few moments she spoke, "You ask me why him its because after you left I had no one and it hurt. I didn't know then how much you truly meant to me. You were my best friend besides Ryan, but with you and I it was different. Everything was different, we held glances longer then other friends, we were comfortable enough to not hold emotions in and show the fakeness that we both know we did to everyone else. We were just us and it didn't matter who was around or not we were just us. After you left I had no one I was the fake version of myself I couldn't drop the act. But once you showed up on my porch I have been more myself then I've ever been." Her voice cracked and she fully met my eyes and she had a tear rolling down her cheek and I reached up and wiped the tear with my thumb. As I did this she nuzzled her cheek into my hand. With this motion I realized that I was truly falling for her and this wasn't just a lust from my best friend and a friendly kind of love, no this was something more then that. 

Tahsa's POV

Once Kaleb dropped his hand from my cheek I felt cold, as his warmth left me. He just kept looking at me lost in thought, oh what I'd give to just be able to get a look around in his head and see what was going on. but there is one thing I do know is that even with a year apart he still understands me,he still gets me. I also knew the moment he offered his hoodie to me he wasn't going anywhere, he's sticking around. I may not know for how long but I know it's for a long while. I stood to move to plug in my phone and to get his from the living room. Looking at it I realized that it was the same old phone he had a year ago and it looked just the same. 

I walked back into the rom and saw that he had gotten comfortable under the blankets and had already gone back to sleep. I plugged in his phone and made sure that there was an alarm set for him for the morning and plugged my phone in on my side and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth as well as to braid my hair so it would be easier for the next day. Once she was finished she walked back into the room and watched Kaleb silently for a minute before crawling under her singular red blanket making sure an alarm was set for the morning. With one last look at him before falling asleep she realized that she was slowly falling for him but she had been for a year now and it all hit her that she was in love with her best friend but was afraid to tell him.

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