
By riversnicoletta

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Andrea, a simple girl, who has worked all her life to pay the bills and sustain her father's drinking problem... More

Chapter One: Proposal, decision, and the in laws? How this all happened?
Chapter Two: I have one word to describe my life right now: HELL!
Chapter Three: People change, do they?
Author's Note
Chap. 4: You're not playing the game, if you don't risk something while playing
Chapter Five: Changes
Chapter Six: Not all changes are for good
Chapter Seven: Everybody hates family reunions
A/N Story under revison
Chapter Eight: New family members & Family Feuds
Chapter Nine: Truth, come out, come out wherever you are.
Chapter 10: A little twist before the end
Chapter Twelve: Time to wrap it up

Chapter Eleven: Last Minute Revelations

4.8K 181 11
By riversnicoletta

Alexander sighs as we get in the car to comfortably and safely (Under Antonio's very insistent request) wait for Mr. Leonardo to return, so we can get to the cabin "When did I asked for more family drama than the one that I already have?" Alex asks as he loosens his tie "Secrets are not meant to be forever, they must be exposed, sooner or later" I say as I grab his hand "But that's not what worries you" I say and he sighs even harder "I have been living all my life thinking that my father is dead, I hated it my grandfather for it, because of her lie, but now it turns out that he is alive and Mother is having a relationship with him behind Robert's back, not only that, Amelia know our father, but I do not, she has a relationship with him, but I do not, and nobody bothered in to adding me to the family" Alex says "I am sure they had their reasons, I do not support what they did, but I am sure they have very logical reasons for the decisions they took" I say and he sighs "For the moment, I do not want to keep talking about it, I will just get angry, and..." "Shut everybody out, okay, what do you want to talk about?" I ask "Why did Joseph brought you here? I thought he was going to wait for the two weeks to end, just like we asked them" Alex answers and I sigh "You do not want to talk about your family drama, but you want to talk about mine?" I ask "He took you without consent, I do want to know about that drama" Alex answers as he looks at me.

"He wanted to keep me away from the evil world I live in" I say and Alex frowns "He wanted to remove the "parasite" I carry, because it has his blood" I go on, Alex looks at me like if I had gone crazy "That's what he said, I am repeating what he said" I say "Would speak in 21st century English" Alex says "He wanted to take me away from you, from my father's family, because he feels remorse for what he did to my mother, but not only that, since the baby I carry has my father's DNA, he wanted to force me into abortion, he thinks that my family was going to take me away like my father did with my mother, thank God Antonio was here, thank God your father arrived, because I do not want to think what would have happened if none of them were with me" I say "Andrea, none of that sounds normal" Alex says "I know, your father told me that Joseph has been into institutions, but he hasn't rehabilitated completely" I say "Okay, I am taking this to court, I do not want any wacko on the streets, specially when he wants to lock you up" Alex says "You father asked me to be understanding, that he would take care of everything" I say "No, I do not know the man enough to trust him, Andrea, you know I do not play with your safety, also Antonio is anxious, if I do not something about it, he will not leave you alone, and he will never be at peace, I am sorry, he has to go down, and no visits, I do not care what, he stays out" Alex says and I nod.

"Mr. Woods, Mr. Woods is here, we are ready to departure" Ryan says "Good, let's go, I want to be far away from this place as possible" Alex says as Antonio takes the front seat and Ryan starts the car.


"Leonardo, my love, I am sorry you met our son like this, you were right, I had to be more diligent about it" Mrs. Martha says as Mr. Leonardo enters to the cabin "Is alright, Martha, he knows, now we need to answer all his questions" Mr. Leonardo says "Alexander" Mrs. Martha calls as we enter the cabin "Mother" Alex answers, I detect that little ice cold voice tone of his, he is very displeased, I release a chuckle, when he is like this, sometimes he looks like a five year old "I am so sorry you had to find out like this, I was going to tell you, but the time was never right" Mrs. Martha says as she pulls Alex into a hug.

"Let's get this done" Alex says coldly as he walks out of her embrace and heads to the living room "Dad" Amelia calls as she runs to Mr. Leonardo, he opens his arms and gives her a huge Papa Bear hug "My little angel, I am so happy to see you, since you decided to skip the trip to Puerto Rico with me this year" Mr. Leonardo says "I am sorry, Alex did a huge birthday party for me and then he got married, I had to be here for those" Amelia says "I understand" Mr. Leonardo says as she pulls Amelia into another hug.

"Why my wife had to be kidnap by a maniac in order for me to find out that my father still lives?" Alex asks as he sits down, I sit right next to him "After your grandfather shot Leonardo, he had a nervous breakdown, your grandfather had never shot anyone, not accidentally, much less intentionally, and there was no way he could shake this off as an accident, he got scared, there  was my chance to save your father" Mrs. Martha says "Go on" Alexander says "Your grandfather  did not noticed that he didn't actually murdered him, he just shot him the shoulder, I took my father out of the room, telling him that I was going to take care of everything, that nobody was going to know what happened, much less that he killed a man, Father was too nervous to care or listen to what I was saying completely, he just knew that I was going to take care of the matter and he was going to be okay" Mrs. Martha says "How did you saved him and managed to keep the secret for so long?" Alex asks "I took your father to his apartment at the time, I called a friend of mine who is a doctor, he check on him, when my friend secured me your father was going to be fine, I asked your father to lay low for a while" Mrs. Martha says "Then she was forced to marry Robert before you were born, at first it was hard to keep a relationship, but we managed to do it, Amelia came a few years later" Mr. Leonardo says "How you managed to keep a relationship with my mother is not what I care about, I care about how she kept you away Why not telling me?" Alex asks "I did not knew how" Mrs. Martha answers "And you let your father die with the remorse of killing a man?" Alex snaps at her, I grab his hand.

Alex looks at me "I believe what Alex is trying to say is that you should sum everything and tell him why he is finding about his father now, when it is clear the three of you have been close for a while, please do not get away from this line, because Alex is getting angrier with time" I say as we look at his parents "Martha, it is time, we need to stop beating around the bush and tell him" Mr. Leonardo says, Mrs.Warren sighs "Robert is the reason why I had to hide truth from you" Mrs. Warren says "Go on" Alex says "When your father's safety was secured, I told my father that he was not dead and I was going to keep my distance, keep you away from him, if he promised to not look for him and he looked after you, but Robert had to mess my deal" Mrs. Warren says "When Robert heard that he was kind of been bought of the deal he was offered, he convinced my father that if I managed to lie to him about your father's dead, I could lie to him about not seeing Leonardo again, about keep you away from him, that's how he came up with the clauses on his will, you having to get married before your 28th birthday and Robert getting a small portion of my father's portion if you did, but if Robert managed to prove that I was still seeing Leonardo and you did not full filled your clause, he would get everything" Mrs. Warren explains "At first we did not saw each other, not until you were born, Alex, I held you in my arms for a few minutes, then your mother took you away, and we did not saw each other for almost 8 years, we got back in contact when her father got sick" Mr. Leonardo says "Amelia is the result of that encounter" I say and both, Mrs. Warren and Mr. Leonardo nod.

"I bet covering that up was hard" Alex says "It was, but it helped us to keep our affair, because with Robert believing Amelia was his he lowered his guard, and we could keep seeing each other and..." "Lying to me for all this years" Alex says "I was not okay with that, I always asked your mother to tell you, to bring you into our relationship, but she feared that you were going to hate her, after all part of the agreement for you to be included on the will was that you had to believe that I was dead" Mr. Leonardo says "Also Robert is a dangerous man, he was and is a complete stranger to us, when he came to my life he was a man that my father found to forced me into marrying, I do not a thing about him" Mrs. Warren says "But I do, I did a background check on him and found very alarming things, in conclusion, I did not wanted him around you, Amelia, or your mother" Mr. Leonardo says "But with more reason I had to keep you away from your father, I did not wanted to risk your life" Mrs. Warren says "And you had all the reason to fear me, my dear Martha" a familiar voice says, forcing us all our heads to turn towards it's direction.

"Somehow I knew you two were still together, if I just had put my head through it, and I did not allowed you to fool me with Amelia, I would have catch you in the act, and everything would be mine right now" Robert says as he enters to the cabin "What are you doing here?" Alex asks as he gets me behind him, Mr. Leonard does the same with Amelia and Martha "I am here to negotiate the terms of how are you going to give me everything or your wife gets it" Robert answers and we are frown.

"I do not know if you notice, but you are outnumbered" Alex says "True, but I am the only one who can save your wife" Robert says "From what?" I ask "The poison that was administered to you when you were kidnapped, you always need contingency plan" Robert answers "But I feel fine" I say "That's the trick when you know what poison to use, now the poison you have in your system is one that is killing you slowly and you will not know until it is too late, but if your husband willingly agrees to hand over my fortune and company, I will give you the antidote, we take our separate ways and you never see me again" Robert says "How will I know it works?" Alex asks "That's the fun fact, dear Alex, you do not, so you have to trust me, is that or she dies" Robert says, Alex looks at me "I feel fine, the doctors would have found it, he is bluffing" I say "I might be bluffing, but I might not, is that a risk you are willing to take, Alexander?" Robert asks "He is not bluffing" Mr. Leonardo says and we looks at him "Robert has had partners before, but mysteriously, they all died and Robert got all their business, how do you think that happened?" Mr. Leonardo explains "Smart man, I would listen to him" Robert says "If he wants grandfather's fortune and company, I will give it to him, I just Andrea to be safe" Alex says "No, my dear, Alex, I do not want only his fortune and business, I want your business and fortune too, because you own me" Robert says "Alexander...." "My wife health is worth it, but I will only sign when I can secure that you are not lying to me, tell me what it is on her system and when she receives the antidote, I'll sign" Alex says "How do I know you are not fulling me?" Robert asks "I am a man of my word, I do not back way when I give my word, and you know that" Alex answers "I guess that's true, fine" Robert says as he takes a black back from his pocket "Telling you what she has on her system would be revealing my secret weapon, but here I have the dosage that it is going to save her, sign the paper, and it is yours" Robert says "Give me the papers" Alex says as he extends his hand.

"Alex..." "I rather have nothing, but have you than having everything, but not having you" Alex says as he grabs the pen "I know what is in her system" Mr. Leonard says and we all look at him "Robert might never had clear who I was, but I did had clear who he was, because he made business with a friend of mine, someone I loved as a brother, that's why I did a background check, the guy was already ruining my child's life and here he was trying to ruin my friend's life, I tries to warn my friend, he did not listened, trusting Robert got him to the grave with poison and Robert to walk out with all his fortune, he has the poison, but not the antidote, he makes his victims believe he does, but he doesn't, so they finish dying, in the other hand, I always feared he would try to use it on any of you, so I pulled some strings and got an antidote made, I'll have Andrea take some, but do not sign anything, do not give this murder anything" Mr. Leonard says "I hope that you are correct" Alex says as he places the paper down.

Robert sighs "Why do you keep meddling on my business?" Robert asks as he pulls a gun out "You should have stayed dead" Robert says as he points the gun at Mr. Leonardo, Antonio and Ryan sprint into action, by taking their guns out and pointing them at Robert, Mr. Leonardo's security guards do the same "Outnumbered" Alex says "Fine, fine, but did I forgot to mention that Andre has exactly, 10 minutes of life remaining" Robert says and everybody looks at me "I feel..." suddenly everything turns black.


"Andrea" I call as I prevent her from touching the floor "Leonardo" I call "She is going to be fine" Leonardo says as he kneels next to me "The baby? She has had the poison in her around the same time she has been pregnant" I say "Once she has the antidote, we take her into the hospital, make sure the baby is fine, now all it matters is that she gets the antidote" Leonardo says and I sigh, will I ever get some happiness?

"Antonio..." "The car is ready, the police has been called" Antonio says before I can finish my order "Place him in handcuffs, wait for the police to arrive get him into jail, and meet me at the hospital" I order "Yes, Sir" Antonio answers as Leonardo administrates the antidote "Gaston, Frank, help Antonio and Ryan, once this man is in police custody meet me at the hospital" Leonardo orders as he places the cap back on the needle "Let's go" Leonardo says as I pick Andrea bridal style and head out of the cabin.

I am truly tired of everybody trying to kill my poor wife, at this rate I will have to buy her a membership at the hospital.


"And?" I ask the doctor as he exits Andrea's room "The baby is fine, Mrs. Woods is fine, the antidote worked" the doctor answers "So she was poisoned?" I ask "We revised all her previous reports and yes, we found traces of the poison in her blood stream, low doses, but it was there, poisoning her, slowly, luckily, the poison was before the baby, so it was going to take time to get to the baby, so we are going to keep her for observation, routine check, once we have made sure the poison is gone, she goes home" the doctor answers and I sigh in relief "Thank you, doctor" I say as we shake hands.

"And?" Mother asks as I join them at the waiting room "She is fine, the baby is fine, and they are going to be watched for the next 24 hours, if everything goes fine, we go home" I answer and everybody sighs "I am so sorry, son, I should have figured that he might not aim at your sister or mother, that he was going to go for someone closer to you" Leonardo says "She is okay, that's what matters, and I own you that, Leonardo" I say "Alex..." "Leave him to call me like that, I truly have not done anything that would get him to call me Dad, so leave it" Leonardo says as he stops my mother "Did Robert got arrested?" I ask "He is in police custody, my lawyer is handing in all the evidence needed to place him in jail, he is not going to get away, not this time" Leonardo answers "Good, because I would like to have a moment of peace for once" I say "And you will, Alexander, now that both Allyson and Robert are out of our lives, you will, we all will" Mother says and I sigh, I truly hope so.

Andrea has been through a hell for me, she got kidnapped, she got herself sick, she got shot and thrown out of a van, and now, she was poisoned, and still she is here, she loves me, I hope she still wants to be with me, and if she wants, I will make sure nothing like this happens again, I'll make sure she is happy and never has to worry for things like this to happen, because I protect those I love.

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