Ache (Zim/Pogo <3 Story)

By mechanicalanimals

2.1K 102 30

Timothy and Stephen have yet to know the outcome of their love. As it could be broken soon, they both wouldn'... More

Omelets and Chinese apparel
Bleached out
Does that make me crazy?


852 32 8
By mechanicalanimals

"Shut up!" My sweet Zim spoke, his gleaming eyes glowed at me. Making my shoulders twitch upward slightly, how I ever so wanted just hug the crap out of him.

"Common Zimmy," I giggled at him, poking his knee with my boot.

"No!" He stubbornly yelled, having a faint over dramatic frown upon his face. I yawned loudly, stretching out my limbs. Being fresh from the shower, feels nice after a long day being in a concert.

Scooting over to Zim, I wrapped my arms around his torso, "Timothy." My lips brushed agaist his earlobe very gentle. I knew he loved it when I called him by his real name, his face crinkled up. Pulling him even closer, his thigh began to ride up my lap.

"God dammit," his face turned towards mine, with our noses barely touching. His eyes closed quickly, then skillfully his velvet soft lips pressed up against mine. He pulled away before I could even shut my eyelids. Zim's arms still crossed with his shoulders hunched over slightly. His clasps that held his stockings up taunted me, my pointer finger slowly felt the clip. Poor Zim got yelled at, Brian was being extremely harsh to him today. I stood up for Zim several times, of course getting shot down quickly.

"Zim," still holding onto his torso, I set my forehead on his shoulder. I just wish he could get over it and feel better. Slowly picking my head back up, I didn't want to make very harsh moves for the possibility of him being more uncomfortable.

Planting soft kisses upon his jawline, Zim's spine loosened up a bit. But his features seemed so clay and kneaded like, like those words physically abused him. "Sorry," his voice sheepishly sounded, I shook my head quickly pulling away.

"Don't be sorry it was Marilyn, not your fault at all." But I knew that he thought it was his fault, even though it hardly even is ever. He keeps content, he knows how not to be in the way. And he helps come up with ideas easily, Marilyn should be more appreciative. The hotel room we both occupied, was beginning to finally gain warmth. It's been freezing, well for me anyways. Luckly Zim hasn't shivered once, he's still in his work clothes.

But it isn't much, "Can you shower with me?" His innocent eyes stared at me, they had a faint layer of gloss. He quickly added in before I finished nodding, "I mean, you really don't have to."

Pleading forward I smiled softly, "I would love to." Hoping he didn't think of me anymore on the edge of being too sexual, I honestly wanted just to be with him in genral. I vaguely care of what we are going to do, or are doing. I just want to be with him. . .

Zim stood up, turning towards me holding his hands out for my fingers to latch on. As I did so, he tugged me forward slightly. Being gentle yet quick, to my notice he had a slight bounce to his walk as he turned away. He most likely knew how badly I wanted him at the moment, well in anyway I want him.

But he must be feeling somewhat better, "Two showers in one night." I groaned playfully, quickly cutting him off to dash forward. Opening the bathroom door for him, as unnecessary as that was I felt compelled to do it anyway.

Zim just makes me feel like a total fool, "Stephen's world record!" Zim laughed nudging my ribs slightly with his fingers as he passes by me.

"Fuck yes!" I high fived myself closing the bathroom door behind us. Zim smiled softly, tugging away at his clothes like he's never took his clothes off before. Knowing what he's doing I mumbled, "More fuck yes." Smiling up at him, as I got down at my knees.

Landing on the floor with a bone clashing thud, Zim questioned, "You okay?"

Grinning once more at the person I wish I had the right to call my lover, "I'm very peachy." He snickered.

Plucking his latches off, then peeling away the right stocking with my teeth. Looking up at him, with a slight smirk. He covered his mouth quickly with his palm, "Really?" He laughed, taking away his hand to show his beautiful toothy grin. Throwing the stocking across the bathroom didn't really work, my drastic arm movement didn't help it either, in fact it made me look like an idiot. Making a loud grunt not caring that it failed, I reached up to the next stocking. Quickly repeating the steps I did for the other stocking, yet only used my finger tips instead of my teeth. Setting the stocking to the side with the other one, I walked my fingers up his thighs playfully for those tight shorts. He clearly had a slight erection, and I could feel his legs slightly tremble.

I rubbed my hands the rest of the way to the band of the black shorts. As I did so, I made sure I glide my thumb across his very big boner. Being so suddle, and gentle; I now pulled the tight fabric off of Zim. Lifting up slightly for his erection to get a free pass outward. Zim didn't have any of his makeup on either, so his cheeks have a slight tint of red. I stopped, frozen, staring up at him waiting for further instructions. Even though I still had his long sleeve shirt to get off as well. Including his garter belt, then his underwear. My clothes change for him wasn't very sussessful, not yet. But I wanted Zim to beg, although it would be a whole lot easier just to rip his clothes off and tackle him.

Zim's emotion towards Marilyn was hopefully pushed aside, really the only thing I don't want right now. Timothy sighed, taking his shirt off, then yanking my hands upward. I am taller than him, but that didn't matter at the moment. Since my legs were slightly croutched down to his level, but not very drastic, but it brought us eye level. 

With as much innocence as possible that you could get at the moment. Zim Koala bear hugged me, his legs wrapped around my hips. And somehow, he gripped on with his arms around my neck. "You're trapped." He smiled wider, supporting his ass I brought my hands and cradled him. Like a little child, he still gripped on. Being careful not to squeeze my neck too tightly, although he did wrap his legs harder around. Of course of support, but his erection kept rubbing against mine as I kept adjusting my hands.

His eyes grew wide, we've never had sex before. Nor, have been in this position. But first things are always fun for us, and this is good healthy friendship. . . Of course I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend one day, but not yet. Besides, if he said no I wouldn't have to face the awkward situation later. Yet I'd actually would love to take the risk.

Zim kept intense eye contact, as his body then loosened. He slid down me like a poll, his nails digging into my hips. Catching my underwear on the way down. I was now fully naked, with my underwear around my ankles. Like a tard, I as well had a slight erection. But it was slightly harder, than Zim's. Feeling sheepish, I bit my lip, Zim stood on his knees now. Crawling closer to my legs, his tongue teasingly traced the tip. Making me hurt, I groaned slightly, "Tim, fuck me. . ."

His eyes grew wider, not knowing It was possible to make him that happy. He nodded slightly, "With pleasure sir." Zim's child like expression, grew to being playful with his hands. Grabbing me up, he seemed as if he's never held another mans penis before.

But he then shook that off, as he stroked. His right hand acted the roll of being the surface. As his left, ran a tunnel around me, giving up on whatever he was attempting. His mouth quickly brought to the tip again, slowly passing me inside his throat. He however didn't gag like most the hookers do, he seemed unaffected. Other than the exception of his dick growing harder, and little Zim standing taller of course. His gaze looked up at me again, pumping away quickly I growled softly. "Sit darling," fallowing his commands, I sat on the edge of the bathtub ledge. Fixing his position once more, his figure crawled in place between my legs. His finger tips rested with his palms on my hips gently, his tongue dragged along the sides. Making me gasp more, I brushed his hair out of his face.

Tucking away the short black hair behind his ears, "You feel better now? I feel kinda guilty since I-"

He quickly cut me off, "No this is perfect." Sitting on his feet, he smiled at me again; that damn smile. He said this is perfect. Making me even more excited, my shoulders dropped down. He made me feel like magma, burnt and melted.

I softly brushed his hair, his beautiful hair. The touch made my fingers slightly sweaty, in which they gently stuck. I kept at his hair, tugging sometimes, being calm with my light tugs. My body soon the scooted under him, leaving his hands propped up on the bathtub ledge. Me being between his arms, are faces are so close. Feeling his breath slightly drift and hit my face, his breath smelt like sweet mint. Not loosing the beautiful sight of his face, I finally pulled all his clothes off, with the exception of his garter. Where he reached one arm backward and unlatched it himself, all very slow movements. We both blushed at one another, being speechless that it's possible a man could share so much beautifulness. My legs pulled him down,  with his erection now against mine. He slid to me closer, my legs being under his. His arms then wrapped around me again, making me melt even more. I pulled him even closer, not knowing it was possible to be that close to him. 

A sudden knock on the door made me jump up slightly, "POGO?!" Jeordie's voice screeched, oh fuck... Did we forget to lock the hotel room door? Zim quickly jumped up off of me, like a startled cat. Reading my mind he checked the crack between the door and the ground. Of course, he sounded too close to be out in the hallway, Zim nodded mouthing the words, 'I'm not here.' Swiftly, Zim got up and hid behind the shower curtains.

"Yes Jeordie?" Jeordie's hand knocked on the door again.

"Whatcha doin?" Dammit Jeordie. . .

I sighed, "I'm taking a shit," quickly throwing a random clothing item in the shower. And hiding the rest of Zim's clothes in the cabinet under the sink.

Disappointed, I sit on the closed toilet lid, my heart sunk. Hoping Jeordie would go soon "Where's Zim?" Jeordie questioned, making me ponder if it was really Jeordie who wanted to see him. Maybe Marilyn decided to say something back? But I doubt that, highly.

Groaning, I looked up to see Zim peeking threw the curtains. He stuck his tongue out at me playfully and hid behind the curtain again. "Haha, Jeordie I don't know where he is."

Hearing a huge sigh, "Why don't you know where he is?" Of course I know Jeordie's trying to be funny, or just being Twiggy. But at the moment, this boner killer moment, I have yet to wonder when I want to see him again. Very hastily my hands quavered slightly when Zim peeked out again, blushing at the adorable face. I hid my face in my hands, trying my hardest to restrain my laugh.

"What are ya doin' now Pogo?" I groaned, taking my hands away from my face. Quickly snatching up my underwear, slipping them on swiftly.

Marched over to the door and opened, "What?" Ginger stood next to him, crossing his arms. Kenneth's hair was a mess, under his eyes bags gathered.

His eyes squinted, "Stephen now be honest." The way he put his words, made me know, he knows. . .

Conscious my wide smile had now clearly vanished, I shrugged at him. "I am," Ginger's mouth curved slightly upward, making me almost want to burst out in laughter. Zim just made me this really happy person, I mean I am now. But I can't control it knowing he's in that bathroom hoping they wouldn't see him. But the main reason was what just happened a few seconds ago, I felt like a pathetic school girl. 

Ginger's smirk grew, his pointy finger stabbed my shoulder. "Common," he kept pressing again and again, as he did so Jeordie snuck past me quickly. I tried sticking my arm out to block him, but the sneaky bastard succeeded. I bounced backward, now standing in front of the bathtub/shower. Tension in the room grew, Jeordie's hands now on his hips. "Stephen Jr. you naughty huh?" Ginger laughed, stepping in the somewhat small bathroom.

"What's behind there?" Jeordie's fragile arm reached for the red curtains, I shoved it back to his small and coincidentally Twiggy like features.

"This can be easy or this can be hard, you choose." Ginger stood on the other side of me, slightly inching forward on his toes. I didn't say anything, didn't want either of the options. My arms reached out, finger tips barely touching either side of the walls.

Then with one quick spring of the two glancing at one another, they lurched forward. Turning all my attention to Ginger, gripping his body to stop.

Jeordie made it.

He yanked the curtain open, I let go of Ginger with a frustration groan. "Zim!" Jeordie tapped his foot on the tiles, shaking his head. I stared back at Zim, in complete shock. His small tight shorts gathered in a ball, hiding his penis and barely covering his balls.

Very wide eyed, Ginger examined us both, "What were you guys doing anyways?" He laughed, I have him a death glare.

His eyes shifted to Zim quickly after that, "I was going into the shower, and he had to go to the bathroom." He simply stated, shrugged his shoulders. With his cheeks redder than before, Kenneth gave a simple hum. Like one of those, 'Yeah right' ones.

As the stand off between us got more and more awkward, they kept asking questions. Mostly just asking what and why we were here together, but in different forms of statement. But me and Zim came up with excuses together perfectly, brushing them off easily one question at a time.

I'd hope they'd be done soon, "Why do you guys care so much?" I asked, glancing over at Zim quickly expressionless. We have both discussed this before, we didn't really want them to know what was going on between us. Nor, did we care for the comments that would sure be rolling in by them, if they did know anyways. But it's still a touchy subject at the moment, since we don't know what we are to each other. Don't know if were, cuddle friends, fuck friends, or just horny friends wanting to touch one another. But I knew I didn't really want any of those, I actually kinda wanted to be his. Just his, with all those branches in our relationship. And thinking about this now makes me feel pathetic, I shook my head quickly trying to shake the thoughts. Ginger spoke before Jeordie, Jeordie looked like he was about to say something.

But now Ginger spoke, "We're going to the beach tomorrow." He nodded kinda at a loss of words with either ends of this.

Zim shifted on his feet, adjusting the now looking smaller shorts slightly. Tried not looking at him too closely, but I couldn't help myself. I looked back at the others, glaring me down. "Well we're gonna go,"

Jeordie cut in quickly, "But-"

Ginger stomped his foot on Jeordie's. "We're Gonna go I guess!" Jeordienow spoke, shoving Ginger over. Ginger's shoulder hit to edge of the door. But he didn't slam into it like his boot slammed into Jeordie's. As the two strange men left the bathroom, then the hotel room.

I quickly locked the hotel room door, "Forgot they had our spare." I rolled my eyes, Zim threw his shorts into the sink.

Turning the shower on, "Come back." He simply states, smiling relieved.

My heart fluttered again once more, but it didn't feel as in the moment as before. Dammit, those guys need to know when to just leave. I shook my head, closing the bathroom door then joining Zim again. "Hello again!" Zim laughed adorably as usual.

"That was special?" I tilted my head, raising my eyebrows, Zim's hand soothed my chest. He rubbed slowly in circles, hair now wet from the water. 

He is absolutely stunning. Everything about him just makes my mind scribble, makes everything so foggy. He makes me not think straight, he makes me ache.

Please comment! Love to know peoples thoughts! Thank you for ready! I wrote this in the car, but anyways I hope you like it! 

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