The Wolf Princess

By Janie_13

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"True Love is the best antidote for a wicked heart." -The Wolf Princess(Janie) A... More

The Wolf Princess
Chapter 1: She's Back
Chapter 2: The Woods
Chapter 3: The Stranger
Chapter 4: The Book of Ancient Wolves
Chapter 5: Responsibilities
Chapter 6: The Monster Within Me
Chapter 7: My Savior
Chapter 8: The Journey Begins
Chapter 9: A Battle With The Key Holders
Chapter 11: My Savior or My Enemy?
Chapter 12: Hidden Paradise
Chapter 13: My Love From The Past
Chapter 14: He's a Monster
Chapter 15: A Sudden Confession
Chapter 16: Learning to Love You
Chapter 17: Dating My Bestfriend
Chapter 18: Can't Escape The Truth
Chapter 19: The Prince of Black Wolves
Chapter 20: The Last Dark Prince

Chapter 10: My Bestfriend and Me as an Antidote

1.6K 89 14
By Janie_13


I was dumbfounded the moment I saw his face, like I froze from the sudden freezing of the ground that causes to fill the empty hole whom I closely fell in.

He pull me harder and in a moment I fell into his arms and we both landed on the icy ground.

"Are you okay Princess?" he asked with his eyes pinned on me.

I mentally slapped my face and pull myself from his grip.

Oh well, I didn't notice we're on this awkward position. Me on the top of him. Ugh!

"Se-Sehun!! Is that you?" I asked him, unsure if this is really him coz his hair color has changed. From dark brown, ut turned into silver one. Well, all of them have their hair colored silver.

He nodded and smile. That smile I used to love before. As a best friend, nothing more than that, he's a little brother to me.

"No you're not! How could you...." I pause and reach for his face then cup his cheek.

"Are you for real Sehun? You mean you're a wolf too?" I asked him.

My hands were shaking as I grazed my thumb on his cheek. He nodded and smile again.

I suddenly punch him hard on his chest causing him to whimp in pain.

"Ugh! Mira! Are you trying to kill me!" he yelled in pain.

"Yah! How could you hide it from me! You! You're such a---Grrrr! I hate you!" I attempted to slap him but their master cut me.

"Princess! Stop it!" he shouted.

He's lying on the ground with his hand cupping his side preventing the blood from spilling out due to the wound I cause him earlier.

"Oh my god!I forgot!Sorry Master Suho!" I said and run through him in panic.

I forgot I almost killed him. I was so attached to my lying best friend that I didn't notice the trouble I've done.

I was near to reach him when suddenly I lost my balance and slipped.

Shocks! What a clumsy girl I am. I forgot the ground is freezing.

"Yah! Xiumin! Melt those ice you've made before I drowned you into the sea!" Suho shouted.

The latter shook his head and puff his cheeks.

"I only know how to freeze surroundings but I dunno how to melt it remember?" he said in a matter of fact and rolled his eyes.

Ugh! This bun-faced kid really! I thought then Lay, Baekhyun and Chen help me up. Suho took a deep sigh and slump on the ground.

"Aish!" he cursed under his breath then shot his eyes due to unbearable pain.

"You're a princess right? You're more powerful than us so why don't you show us your powers and melt those icy ground and please, for god damn sake, heal our master suho!!" the guy with rounded eyes whom I knew is Dyo and the one who almost killed me seriously uttered as he shot me with his death glare.

How rude! Aish!

I glared back and set my palms on the ground to touch the ice that covers it.

Well, honestly I don't know what to do since I never knew how to use my powers till now.

I shut my eyes and sighed deeply. I didn't notice that the three guys were staring at me with 'what-do-you-think-you-are-doing' look on their faces.

"Mira! You can do it!" Sehun shouted from behind.

"Shut up you lying bastard!" I shot back.

He just rolled his eyes and stood still in his spot. Well, he cant walk since the ground almost engulf our feets with the continuous freezing.

I look down and saw my palms getting froze. I close my eyes and suddenly I feel a warm power within me arouse and my palms heat up causing the ice to melt slowly then vanished to the ground.

"Woah! You're an antidote to my freezing powers princess!" Xiumin said in surprise.

"Yeah! Me too. She manage to see me even I turned the surroundings dark like I almost blinded everything." Baekhyun shot back in agreement.

"Guys enough with that! Master Suho needs to be healed! Lay! come over!" Dyo yelled while helping Suho get up.

We ran through him and Lay lean froward to touch the wound but Suho grab his arm.

"No Lay. Let the princess heal me. Let her prove that her powers is more stronger that ours." he said and averted its gaze to me. I eyed them and averted my gaze to Suho.

"Aish! Stop being so dramatic master! Wanna let me blew you with my air! Seems like you're hallucinating again." Sehun said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Stop that Sehun or else I'll drown you in the ocean!" he mocked. The latter just rolled his eyes.

I focus myself on Master Suho's wound and carefully touch it with my right hand.

Like what happened earlier I feel a gentle feeling within me suddenly arouse causing my palms to glow and in an instant Master Suho's wound disappear. Everyone gape in surprise.

"Wow! She's amazing! How could she do that in an instant? It usually takes more minutes for Lay to heal a simple wound but for her it only take seconds and it's a deep wound. Amazing!" Baekhyun praised. I give him a shy smile.

Suho held my hand and kissed my knuckles causing me to bolt in surprise.

"Thanks for saving my life princess." he uttered sweetly then wink at me.

"Psh! Stop hitting on her master! You look like those perverts in human world." Sehun said in a pissed tone.

Suho glared at him then smile shyly when he averts his gaze at me.

"Aish!" he cursed under his breath.

He stood up and compose himself to look formally. He cleared his throat and said.

"Well, I think the battle proves enough that she is the real princess. And with that I'm glad all of you show her a real battle except for those who just show up and hailed himself as a savior." he paused and averted it's gaze to Sehun.

The latter just rolled his eyes and wrap his arms on my shoulder sending the Master a teasing grin.

The Master cleared his throat again and continued.

"Well I think this time we should let her enter our kingdom and prepare for her mission or rather our mission. So, our wolf's a great honor for us to welcome you to our kingdom. The Kingdom of EXO." he said with a smile plastered on his face.

The moment after a tornado drifted us into the other world and I gape in surprise as I saw this huge white with golden accent gate.

"So this is it! The EXO Kingdom." I mumbled in amazement.


Thanks for reading (*^﹏^*)

Janie (*^﹏^*)

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