Powerless (BbRae)

By BrokeBeyondRepair

30.9K 664 274

Raven loses her powers and is assigned a bodyguard. When she finds out that certain bodyguard is the green ch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Authors Note
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

1.7K 38 10
By BrokeBeyondRepair

Ravens POV:

I opened my door to find beastboy looking at me, his eyes begging for help. I gasped as he collapsed in front of me and quickly caught him. I put him on my bed to rest and sighed. We just couldn't stop getting hurt could we. I put two fingers on his wrist, checking his pulse. Luckily it was still going. I rest my hand on his cheek as I looked at his face. He showed no emotion but his aura screamed pain. His skin was a pale green, rather than his normal shade of green. After looking at his face for a bit, I noticed the tiny hole on his neck, as if he had gotten a shot in his neck. I quickly put my hands on his chest and used my magic to check for any poisons in his bloodstream. I sighed in relief when I didn't sense any.  He just needed rest

I left to the common room to make some tea. The tower was awkwardly silent. Normally the other Titans are making at least a bit of noise. Cyborgs tools could usually be heard throughout the tower. Robin was usually in the gym training, with Star being his personal cheerleader. I got to the common room and stopped when I noticed all three of them were standing up, staring at me as I walked in. Robin stepped forward.

"What's going on?"

I looked at him and fake smiled.

"What do you mean Robin?"

He shook his head and stepped closer, anger shining bright in his eyes.

"Cut the shit Raven. Your father is after Beastboy and he just suddenly goes out on the town for a night? What. Is. Going. On."

I sighed.

"He's in my room. He went out and got himself hurt. I don't know what happened but he came home and just collapsed. He was shot with a needle in his neck but I checked his bloodstream and I couldn't sense any poison or anything."

The Titans looked at me, mouths open from shock. Robin shook his head.

"Anything else I need to know?"

I looked down, ashamed.

"My father gave me a time limit of one month to dispose of beastboy or he's going to do it himself."

I looked up and saw the wheels turning in Robin's brain. He had a plan for everything. I just hope he has a plan for this situation...

"We can't avoid it. I hate to say this but we're just to weak to face your father again. We will deal with it when the time comes. For the next month everyone is to train twice as hard. We need to be prepared for when he comes."

We all nodded in agreement. He sighed and went to the gym to blow off some stress from the idea that one of his teammates was in danger.

I went back to my room to see beastboy sitting up, wondering where he was at. I quickly ran to him and tackled him on my bed in an embrace. I shoved my head in the crook of his neck and let tears that I didn't realize I was holding back finally fall. He hesitated at first, but eventually wrapped his arms around me and held me.

"Hey Rae." He whispered weakly. I looked up at him and smiled before crashing my lips against his. Our lips moved in perfect sync. I put all my feelings, all my love, and all my desires into this one kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed, not wanting to let go of him and watch another disaster happen.

We finally pulled away, both breathing heavily as I smiled at him. 

"It wasn't a mistake. None of this was a mistake. I love you Gar."

Once again we both leaned forward and shared yet another passionate kiss as I felt all my stress and worries slowly fade away as our lips touched.

Beastboys POV:

I was smiling ear to ear. I was currently laying in my bed replaying all the events that's happened lately. I found out that I have to run and workout more and that sucks, but if it means protecting Raven from guilt them I'm all for it. I smiled even bigger at the thought of her name. Damn she's perfect. I jumped up and went to the common room. 

Everyone was sitting around doing their own thing. Cy was playing video games, Raven was reading, Robin was looking for crime alerts, and Star was trying, key word TRYING, to cook us dinner. I smiled at the sight of all my friends. Everything I need is in this room. I transformed into a cat and crawled onto Ravens lap as she read. She huffed, slightly annoyed that I was disturbing her reading time, but she eventually started petting me as she read. I purred loudly at the contact of her hand. Life was good.

If only it would stay good.

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