Guardians of the elements

By anirrelevantwriter

30 6 0

its about kids who find out their element power (Shoutout to my best friend and cousin for giving me some ide... More

Chosen Ones
Realm of Azaroth
The Palace
Tag teams
Voting and other stuff

The chosen gems/ unexpected

5 1 0
By anirrelevantwriter

(6 years later) (ages and elements below)

Amari: 15, Air

Amara: 15, Earth

Hudson:14, Water

Aiden: 16, Fire 

Jayvyn: 16, Light

Zeref: 18, Darkness

Adara: 13, Darkness and Fire

                                                                        Nobodys's POV

"Rise and shine everyone, I have an important mission for all of you," Zora said, Everyone then got up, "What's the mission," Jayvyn asked, "You each have a monster to conquer when defeated, a crystal will take its place," Zora explained. "where do we find the monsters" Hudson asked, "I will hand, each one you a map when you guys get dressed" Zora explained. They all got dressed in their armor, grabbed there maps and weapons.

                                                                   Amara's POV

"Leilani" I shouted as my hawk came to me, I chanted to it and Leilani turned into a hawk, "Fly to Cavetown, Leilani," I said, We flew up into the sky and ended up in Cavetown in 1 hour. "Stay here Leilani," I told her as I entered the 3rd cave to the left. I looked around a while, "I don't see anything here, maybe it's the wrong cave" I thought. As I leaving the cave I felt the ground shake, "the rock golem is here" I said as I pulled two whips. The Rock Golem was about 13 feet fall, "Woah" I said as I dodged Its first hit, I used my two whips to hit it but it didnt budge, The Golem flung its arm and I went flying to the other side, "oww" I said. The Golem tried to hit me but it missed, "Think Amara" I said. I started to run out of the cave but the golem blocked the exit, Leilani tried distracting It and she nearly got hit by its arm. The Golem charged toward me, I ran towards it and slid under its legs. I got both of my whips and wrapped it around its leg and pulled, I saw Leilani help me pull the whips, The Golem fell. I focused on the ground and saw a giant rock, "what if I make it into a better golem " I focused my energy on it. The Golem got up and charged towards me, Leilani tried to distract it, but the Golem hit her leg. I saw and got angry, I turned the rock into another Monster, made of rocks, my rock monster charged at the Golem and broke its leg off, I ran towards Leilani, "When we get back to the palace, you'll be healed" I told her. I saw my rock monster slam the golem, the Golem soon crumbled into dust, including my rock monster. I saw a type of Gem, "Rose quartz" I said as I picked it up, The gem floated and stuck to the place when my mark was. "Let's go Leilani," I said as we took off.

                                                                   Amari's POV

"Ace," I yelled as my wolf ran toward me, "We need to go to the sky ruins," I said. Ace looked confused, "yeah I know it's in the sky but I have a way to get up there," I said Ace took off to the sky ruins. As we were on the way I saw a person that looked similar, "Ace stop," I said. "Emily," I said as I had a flashback, "Go after her" Ace chased her down but when we got to the spot she was gone. "Go back on the trail Ace," I told him, We continued our way to the sky ruins, I couldn't stop thinking about that girl we saw "Its probably just my imagination," I told myself. Ace came to a stop, I got off Ace and lead him to the portal. "here's the portal" I said, As ace and I stepped through the portal. "Woah," I said. I looked around for a while and couldn't find the monster, "Ace, look at that cloud, it looks different from the others" I said. I pulled out both of my daggers and the weird cloud came down, it turned into a weird demon-like creature. It charged at me but I managed to attack it. I then charged at it at full speed, it jumped up and summoned more demons. "What, How," I thought. The demons charged at me, I dodged two of the attacks and stabbed 2 of them, "You'll have to find the real one if you want to end this" The demons said. I didnt care at that point, I kept attacking each one. I ran and hid behind a large rock. "Find the real one," I thought. Ace crawled to me, "Ace, can you find the real one," I asked, He pointed his nose at the real one. "Good boy," I said as I gave him a huge stake. "Let's go," I said, I rode on ace towards the cloud demon, I summoned a small air orb in my hand, I jumped off of Ace's back towards the cloud demon, I hit it with the air orb and all the cloud demons disappeared and a gem took its place, The gem floated to here my mark was, "a ruby" I thought.

                                                                         Jayvyn's POV

"Echo" I shouted, my horse came running to me, I told her the directions and we went there, "I wonder what this light theif looks like," I thought, In about 1 hour we were here, "this is a huge gateway, this theif looks richer than I imagined" I broke the lock and we went in, "Nobodys here" I thought, Suddenly a man who was 5'7 appeared, "Lights out" he said, All the light in the room, vanished into his hand, "I can't see" I said, Out of nowhere I felt cuts on my arm, I focused my energy and provided light he couldn't steal. I aimed 3 arrows at him, he dodged all but one, He charged at me with a knife, I jumped up and hit him with an arrow, I launched 3 arrows at a time but they missed him. "Arrows? is that all you have, useless" He said. He charges at me with a knife and I blocked it with an arrow. I saw some light outside, I ran towards the door, "Let's see how much light you can carry. The doors closed when I was about to exit, "Echo" I screamed, "Will he be okay outside on his own" I thought, I put my bow down and focused my energy on my bow, "purify" I thought, He came charging at me but I jumped and held my bow and kept, focusing, "Done" I thought. He threw 3 knives in my direction I dodged all but one, the one knife hit me in the leg, I grabbed my bow and prepared to aim, He was fast, I stood in one place, threw my bow to the side, holding one arrow. He charged at me when he was close enough, I stabbed him in the head, when a gem took his place, all light returned, I grabbed my bow and the gem, "Amethyst" I said, the gem floated where my mark was, I picked the lock and got on Echo, "To the Palace" I said 

                                                                         Hudson's POV

I walked towards the water and yelled "Ganora", my water horse came to me, I got on her and we traveled to find Aquira, "This took longer than expected" I thought, I used the water and made a water orb around my head that provided me air. We went into the ocean and saw a broken civilization, I swam near it and Aquira was there, She tried to stab me with a spear but missed, I grabbed my trident and stabbed her back, I missed. I tried attacking her again but she copied my move, "Copycat," I said. I tried a different move but that didnt work either, she controlled the seaweed and tried to make it grab me, One of the seaweed missed but the other grabbed my leg, I cut the seaweed with my trident, and she kicked me in the stomach, then my horse headbutted her. She flew back and I stabbed her in the arm with my trident, "Vital spots, Hudson" I told myself. Seaweed then grabbed me I broke two other with my trident, I swam to the surface as fast as I could, she followed, As I reached the surface I crawled as fast as I could to the sand, I had no use of the water orb on my head, so it vanished, I saw her on the sand, I used the last of my energy to use the water as chains, to chain her so she wouldn't go back to the water, she had no power in the land, I grabbed my trident, charged at her and stabbed her in the heart, a gem took her place, "Lapis lazuli" I said as it floating to where my mark was, I grabbed my trident went to the water and got on Ganora, "lets go home" I said to Ganora.

                                                                          Aiden's POV

"Ash" I called out, He came flying to me, I got him and said, We have a fire monster to stop. We flew at a slow pace at first, I loved looking at the ground from here, everything is so tiny. "Speed up a little ash," I told him. In 2 hours we arrived at the place, "Woah, this forest looks so burnt", I said. "Wait, how am I suppose to defeat my own element," I thought, I looked around and saw a fire monster, about 10 feet tall. I charged at it without thinking. The fire monster hit me and roared, It charged at me and I jumped and dodged it, it blew flame in my direction, I usually wouldn't get hurt by fire, but this fire feels different, It wasn't like fire you made from sticks, or on a stove, it was evil. I fell back, The fire monster tried to punch me but I rolled to the side and stabbed it in the side. I jumped up "Ash" I called out. I got on ash, "circle around it," I said after ash circled around I jumped off ash and on to the fire monster, the fire burnt me a little but I ignored the pain. I stabbed it in the head 5 times, the more I stabbed it, the littler the fire monster got. The Fire monster flung me off its back, I flew back and my sword was 4 feet away from me. The sword monster came at me, I used a flame of my own to consume the monster, The flame hurt but I needed to kill it. After a while, the flame disappeared and a gem took its place, "Woah" I said, "A Jasper gem" I said. The gem floated to where my mark was, "Let's go back, Ash" I said

                                                                           Nobody's POV

They all arrived at the palace, exhausted but happy, "How were your missions" Zora asked, "Tiring", "painful", "hard", "boring", "terrible" They answered, "Get used to it, You all have a test on your battle skills next week" Zora said, "I will tell you more at dinner" Zora said, "but before that, I will tell you about your gems, each one helps you in a way, but if an opponent hits the gem with a weapon, you will be in the gem for 1 hour, and if the gem shatters while your in there, you have a high chance of death" Zora told them. They all headed for there rooms and changed. (At the dinner table), "So about this test thing, where will it be," Hudson asked, "It will take place in a forest full of monsters," Zora said, "Which one, there are like 100's of them," Jayvyn said. "The bloodwood grove," Zora said, "why that one, out of hundreds of them you choose that," Amara said, "because of its a challenge," Zora said. "What if we don't pass," Aiden asked, "You die," Zora said, "Seems fun," Amari said. "Thats probably cause you won't pass," Jayvyn said, "Shut up Jayvyn, the only test you could pass is a pregnancy test," Amari said. Everyone at the table laughed except Zora, "Enough arguing you two" Zora said. "There will be no partners, you must find each other and team up against a giant monster, make sure you get to the monster before it gets to you," Zora said. (after dinner) "For the rest of the week, you must rest, one wrong move on the test could lead all of you to failure," Zora said. "Can we bring our pets with us?" Amara asked, "of course, stronger bonds with your pets could improve your skills," Zora said

                                                       ~1 week later, Nobodies POV (Test day)~

"Rise and shine everyone, your test begins today" Zora yelled, everyone got up and ran to her, "Oh yeah, you could bring some food and water," just in case, everyone ran back to there rooms and to the kitchen to fill their backpacks of food and water, they walked back to where Zora was, "How long are we gonna stay there" Amara asked. "3 weeks," Zora said, "3 WEEKS," Everyone yelled, "yes 3 weeks, also your pets will be with you at your spawn point, cause they were already teleported there," Zora said. "Cool," Aiden said, "Step in the circle," Zora said as she started chanting a spell, they all stepped in the circle and teleported.

                                                                           Hudson's POV

I was teleported near the beach, there was a huge forest ahead of it, I took off the necklace my mom gave me and made it absorb 10 gallons of water in my necklace, it was amazing how much water could fit into the necklace, I used the water in my necklace to summon Ganora, "Lets go into the forest" I told her, we rode off into the forest, the forest was covered in trees, that made it so a certain amount of water could get in, "I need to find Jayvyn or Aiden to help me," I thought to myself. "Can you try to find Aiden or Jayvyn," I asked her, "You could usually communicate with each other right," I asked her, She shook her head, she pointed out the density of the forest, "So thats making it hard to communicate," I said. I heard footsteps near us, they sound similar to Amari's and Amara's footsteps, but Amari would be on her wolf and Amara would be flying on her griffin. I got off my horse and grabbed my trident, 3 monsters came out of the trees, they charged at me, I blocked two of there attacks with my trident while Ganora charged at the other one, kicked one and stabbed the other in the stomach, I then stabbed the second one and Ganora killed the third one. "Good job Ganora, " I said. The day was slowly turning into night, I looked around and found some sticks, I rubbed together and made a small fire, which slowly became bigger as I added more sticks on it, I sat down and slept.

                                                                        Aiden's POV

I was in the middle of a dense forest, Ash was also right next to me, "Can you try to find anyone" I asked, He shook his head, "Thats okay" I said, I got on ash and flew high into the sky, we flew for while then we got to land, the moment we landed was the moment monsters tried to attack us, 3 of them I dodged one of there attacks, threw my sword at one and punched the other one, I then grabbed my sword from the dead monsters. I killed the other monster and Ash killed the third monster. I continued walking forward, "We have to find someone," I told ash, I was about to scream their names but, it might attract more monsters, We kept walking for about 2 miles, It started to get darker, "That was fast, it was just morning a few hours ago" I thought, I climbed a huge tree to see if I could find anyone or any monsters, I looked around for a few minutes but saw nothing, But about 20 miles away, there was a small volcano, I climbed down the tree after 5 minutes of looking around, "Maybe I should make a small fire, its getting cold" I thought. I focused on the ground and made a fire, "the fire is bigger than expected" I thought, I heard more footsteps ahead, I grabbed a stick and used the fire to see, it was another monster, I threw the stick that was on fire at the monster and watched it burn, like how I watched my life burn, but that wasn't relevant for now. I watched it burn into ashes and soon absorbed the fire. I looked around the ground and gathered sticks so I could burn monsters, But I was getting tired so I just slept.

                                                                            Jayvyn's POV

I ended up in front of the forest, "I hate hearing about this forest" I said. My horse Echo appeared next to me, I got on him and rode toward the forest. After walking 1 mile, I saw monsters running towards us, "Run forward Echo," I told him, I shot 3 arrows at a time until they were dead. "Keep running Echo, it gets dark fast here," I told him. We kept running for 5 miles, "Stop here echo" I told him, I got off him and climbed a tree, I saw a beach about 30 miles from here. "In while we run again, we have to find someone quickly," I told echo. We rest for 15 minutes and traveled 7 miles towards the beach, I saw more of the monsters and shot them with arrows. It got a little dark but the trees made it darker than it already was. I focused my energy and made light, "Hudson is probably near the water, but if we keep traveling, we will run into more monsters" I thought. I sat down and thought, If I remove some trees I will be able to have more light, but there are monsters everywhere" I told myself. I walked around not too far from where echo was, I found footprints similar to the monsters I just killed. "They look like they have just been there, and recently," I said, I looked around and saw tracks from those monsters in every direction I walked back to where echo and thought "We will go find more tracks in the morning, its too dark out now" I said as I closed my eyes and slept.

                                                                    Amara's POV

I looked around the forest and saw how many trees there were, "Leilani" I said, "We should fly for a while" I said. I got on her and we started flying, I looked down to see anyone I knew. "Can you communicate with them from here?" I asked she shook her head, "huh, why we aren't even blocked by the tr-," I realized how dumb I sounded, they were maybe blocked by the trees. After traveling about 6 miles in the sky we landed, "we could try to find extra food, in case" I said, I looked up and saw a few mangos from the tree. As I was about to climb the mango tree, 6 monsters surrounded us, I pulled out my whips and killed two while Leilani killed 2 as well, the rest threw swords and aimed arrows at us. I lifted part of the ground to create a wall of rock and protected us, I jumped over the wall and hit both of them with my whips. They died, I got the 3 mangos and gave Leilani 2 mangos and I kept the last one and we continued to walk for a while, Leilani turned back into a hawk. I looked up and realized it was getting dark. I looked around the area for any monsters or people. "Its almost nighttime, we should sleep here, I gathered about 8 small sticks and tried to make a fire, I messed up 3 times but on the last try I finally made a small fire, I look around and found bigger sticks to throw in the fire to make it bigger. After 5 more minutes, I finally went to sleep.

                                                                      Amari's POV

I ended up near a volcano, Ace teleported near me. 4 monsters came at us, Ace killed one and killed the other 3. 6 more monsters came, I used controlled the air and suffocated them, "We should go Ace, there are more monsters coming," I said. I got on Ace and we ran 7 miles before stopping, "Good boy" I said as I gave him a steak, we continued to walk another 2 miles before taking another break. I grabbed my daggers and cut down 4 trees that were ahead of us, I saw a few fruits from the trees and kept them in my backpack. The sky looked so nice from here, it reminded of Amara in someway. It quickly got darker, I took branches from the trees that I cut down and made a fire, I added 3 more sticks and made the fire bigger. I heard footsteps coming my way, there were more monsters, I shot 3 air orbs and they died. "and we have to stay here for 3 weeks" I said, "This place is huge and we still have to find each other, that seems impossible and with monsters at every corner trying to kill us, and then we have to kill a huge monster before it kills us, are you kidding me" I ranted. "I wonder if anyone found each other yet," I thought, "I hope it doesn't get dark that fast every day," I said. I sighed the fell asleep.

                                                                       ~Day 2~

                                                                     Hudson's POV

I woke up on a sunny day, now I'm glad the trees were there to cover me, I had a little snack before continuing my quest to find someone, anyone. I saw 8 monsters coming our way, they didnt see us for now, I got on Ganora and ran off, "Where are these monsters coming from" I thought, I saw more monsters coming from the side. I just woke up and had no interest in fighting "run faster Ganora" I told her, Ganora ran faster. "I hate this place already, I can't wait until 3 weeks," I said. We finally lost them, I got off Ganora and unsummoned her. I walked for about 2 miles, I heard loud footsteps coming from all directions. I saw a clan of those monsters, "I have to find somebody" I thought. I ran as fast as I could for about a mile. I summoned Ganora and got on her. We ran forward, "It's happening on the second day, not even the last day or 5 days but the second day," I thought.

                                                                   Aiden's POV

I woke up to the sound of stomping, I climbed a tree and saw monsters summoning something, "I can't fight this thing by myself" I said. I woke up Ash and told him we needed to get out of here quickly, "We have to find someone now, no matter who it is" I said. We took off flying and looked for our friends. "You have to communicate with them, or try to Ash," I said in worry. Ash nodded his head and closed his eyes. "Zora wouldn't summon that many monsters if she knew it would kill us, she cares for us," I thought. Ash didnt find anyone yet.

                                                                 Amari's POV

I woke up the loud stomping and the ground shaking, I would think Amara would do that with her powers but, it felt different, I climbed a tree to see what it was. A saw a monster slowly getting out of a portal, "Ash, let's go, find someone" I told him, Ash ran as fast as he could to find someone, Ash seemed more worried than me. I took a few deep breaths to calm me down a little. "slow down a little Ash, don't waste all your energy now, you will need it for later" I told him, Ash stopped, looked up and howled, We saw Aiden, "AIDEN" I screamed, he didnt hear me, I shot an air orb in front of Ash to  get his attention, He flew down to where we were. "We have to find the others," He told me, I nodded and we went to find the others,

                                                                             Amara's POV

I woke up to loud roars and stomping, "Leilani, what's going on" I asked, Leilani looked terrified, I climb a tree and saw a summoning going on. "What, how, why," I thought. I climbed down and got on Leilani. "Find the others, I know a place we could go, to keep us safe," I said. "I've overheard Zora talking about this," I said. "If we were responsible for protecting Azaroth why would she kill us off," I thought. Leilani screeched and I saw Hudson. "Hudson" I yelled. I went down to where he was. He looked back in relief "Do you have a clue where the others are" I asked him, "I may have an Idea where Hudson might be" He said, "Where" I asked, "The volcano, it seems likely" He replied. We went over there

                                                               Jayvyn's POV

I woke up and saw a summoning in front of me, to be accurate, 12 feet away. They didnt notice me until I broke a tree branch on accident. "Shoot" I whispered. The monsters chased after me, I got on Echo and he started running as fast he could. I grabbed my bow and shoot 4 arrows at a time for 2 minutes, I killed about 10 of them, but there were about 30 more of them. I shoot light orbs at them and it killed some, suddenly the monsters stopped chasing me only for a bigger monster to chase me. Echo stopped out of nowhere, I got off him and shot arrows at the monster, the arrows didnt hurt it, I shoot orbs of light, and explosions of light and that slowed it down, until it roared, blowing me and echo back a little. It charged at us, I closed my eyes and hoped for the worst, A wall of air blocked the monster from attacking, "Amari" I thought, "C'mon, we found all the others" She told me, We followed them.

                                                                Nobody's POV 

Amara lead them into a cave after she leads them to cave, she put a wall of rock on the entrance. "What was that thing," Aiden asked, "Why would Zora summon that thing for us to defeat," Hudson asked. "It doesn't look like Zora summoned that," Amari said. "How," Jayvyn said, "When Zora summons something there is a gem or a least a mark, but this thing has neither," I said. "Seems logical," Jayvyn said, "but there are multiple of them, and they are going to each other" Amara said, "How many are there,"  Jayvyn asked, "4 of them," Aiden said. "But why are they going to each other" Hudson asked, "Probably to get stronger, using each other's energy," Jayvyn said. "Like, fusion," Amari said, "Zora hates fusion, she wouldn't make that thing," Aiden said. We peeped outside and the monsters were slowly summoning, 3 of has been summoned for now, "What if we stop one at a time" Hudson suggested, "We can't battle them in the middle of fusing," Jayvyn said. "stop the ritual" Aiden said. "It won't be that easy, there are tons of monsters, golems, and others. "The suns going down, we might as well sleep," Jayvyn said, Aiden started a fire and they all (Including there pets) fell asleep

                                                                ~day 3, nobodies POV~ 

"Guys wake up," Amara and Aiden said. They got up, yawned and complained. "Look outside," Amara said. They did and saw the fourth monster summoned, "We have to find Zora and tell her what's happening" Hudson said, "Amari and Amara, go to tell her" Aiden said. "Okay," they said. Amara made an exit in the cave and they took their pets near the entrance, "We have to hurry," Amara said, "speed up Ace" Amari said, "The exit is about 3 miles away" Amara said. They soon got to the exit, "Amara wait" Amari yelled, Amara ignored her and went threw, little did she know there was a forcefield blocking the way out, she and Leilani fell from the sky. I used my air power to stop them from falling in mid-air, Amara turned into her crystal and Leilani turned back into a hawk, I held her crystal and Leilani and took her back to the cave. Everyone had shocked looks on there face, "How did this happen" Jayvyn asked, "there was a forcefield and Amara tried to go through it but didnt succeed," I said, "we have no hope, we need a lot of help to defeat a giant monster," Hudson said. "Or," Amari said "We can just wait out the days we are here, stay safe, and not die, or get injured, plus we are tired of this, and wasted our time planning and panicking," Amari said, "There is no time for jokes Amari," Aiden said. "I'm not joking," Amari said, "you can't sit through your problems," Hudson said, "Watch me," Amari said. Suddenly Amara's gem started to glow and she came back, "AMARA," everyone said. "We are never gonna make it out of here," Amara said. We heard loud footsteps outside, "There fusing, we're hopeless,"  Hudson said. "There's something we can do, but we need to do it after it fuses," Jayvyn said, "What do we need to do," Amara asked, "Burn a book, cause that book, is the reason these things have life," Jayvyn said. "We have to wait tomorrow, thats when the fusion ends," Jayvyn said. They all went in there backpacks and ate a lot of food.

                                                                          ~Day 3, nobodies POV~

"Are you guys ready?" Jayvyn asked, "Yeah," They all said. They all got on their animals and traveled there. "So what's the plan," Hudson asked, "We don't have one," Amara said, "our plan is to not die and burn a book," Amari said. "We will have to create one while we are fighting," Aiden said, "How far are we from the monster," Jayvyn asked, "7 miles," Amara said, We saw the monster roar and remove trees from the ground, it killed some animals native to this forest. We arrived and were about 12 feet from the monster, Aiden distracted the monster, Amara summoned a rock monster, Amari and Jayvyn, shot giant air and light orbs at it, Hudson chained it down with water and made a fist with water to stop it from attacking, "Aiden, fireball" Hudson said. Aiden shot a huge fireball at it. Amari's, Amara's, and Jayvyn's pets tried to find the book. Amari used the air to try and suffocate it, The rock monster Amara summoned and water fist Hudson summoned punched the giant monster, The monster roared and broke free from Hudson's water chains, "Oh no you don't" Amari made chains out of air to stop it and Aiden shot 3 giant fireballs at it, "Keep fighting" Jayvyn said. The monster roared at them and broke free from Amari's chain, broke off Amara's rock monsters arm off. The monster punched the ground and hit Aidens pet, Amari made the air, lift Aiden gently to the ground, The punch of the monster made everyone fly back."It's so strong" Jayvyn said, Amari, made an air fist of own, the air fist repeatedly punch the monster, but it didnt budge. Ash, Leilani, and Echo came back with the book, the monster tried to punch them but Aiden and Amara made a wall of fire and earth to block it, We ran at it and tried to hit it up front but it swung at us and made us fall back again, The monster started running at us, "Jayvyn, destroy the book" Amara said, "You have powers to purify things of darkness, we will give you time" Amara said. The monster was about to punch them but Hudson made chains around the monster, Amari did the same, "Attack it with all you got, Aiden and Amara" Hudson said, Aiden charged at it with 2 huge fireballs and Amara made huge spears with rocks and threw it at the monster, The monster had one huge wound, but that didnt seem to affect it as much, the monster tried to punch Amara but Amari made a wall of air, that blocked it. "The Chains are gonna break soon," Hudson and Amari said, The monster broke the chains again and roared making them fall back, Jayvyn's book fell back a few feet, The monster ran to Jayvyn nearly stomping on Amara and Aiden, Amara made a wall of rock, it wasn't as strong, Amari ran over to Amara and helped her, Hudson made a water monster and held back the monster while Hudson made a huge fireball and Amari and Amara pushed the shield upward, and all together they made the giant monster fall. "Jayvyn, did you destroy the book yet-" Amara asked, Jayyvns eyes turned black like she was possessed, Hudson and Aiden ran to help her destroy the book, But the monster got back up slowly, Amara was completely exhausted, and starting turning into slowly again, "Amara, you have to keep it together, just a little longer, it's almost done, please" Amari said, Amara, resisted from turning into a gem, Amara held Amari's hand. Suddenly, the impossible happened, they fused, Amora (Amari+Amara) Amora had 3 eyes, four hands, and bigger weapons, Hudson and Aiden looked at them in shock, The monster roared at them, Amora was 2x as tall as she was, (9'7) There weapons were 3x as big as they were before, They jumped up and stabbed the monster in the eye. They jumped up again and created a giant fist that punched the monster down again, they combined their power and were able to make steel, and somewhat ice, They used that to chain down the monster, Amora ran to the others and helped destroy the book, they managed to destroy the book but the monster was still there, "Why isn't it dying" Aiden said. "it takes a while" Jayvyn said, Amara and Amari unfused, "Woah, that was cool" Amari said, "Nobody tells Zora about this" Amara said, Everyone agreed not to tell Zora, "Everyone attack the monster with everything you have left" Jayvyn said, Everyone ran at the monster, Jayvyn shoot missiles of light, Aiden shot 7 huge fireballs, Hudson used the water to punch it repeatedly, Amara made huge earth spears, and Amara summoned a giant hurricane and a tornado at the monster. It all struck the monster, and it slowly disappeared, "It's working, Jayvyn said. Everyone sat down in relief, their pets ran to them and comforted them, They all let out a tired sigh, "How did you guys fuse" Hudson asked, "I have no idea, it just happened, We heard giant footsteps from a distance, it was another monster, that was 3x smaller than the one we conquered, "We have to kill this one now" Amara said. "How we barely have the strength to get up," Hudson said, "Run," Jayvyn said, They got on their pets and ran, The monster chased them all, "Split up," Jayvyn said, after 2 minutes, they split up, Aiden, Hudson, and Jayvyn went one direction while Amara and Amari went another direction. The monster went for  Jayvyn, Hudson, and Aiden, "Jayvyn, aimed 3 arrows at the monster's eyes, Aiden aimed small fireballs at the monster eyes and Hudson just stared, he was so tired from the fight, suddenly, they came to a connected path, (Amari, Amara, Hudson, Jayvyn, and Aiden), "Amari, Amara, you two have to fuse, like you did against the other monster" Jayvyn said, "We can't, that fusion was an accident" Amari and Amara said, They were trapped near a cliff as the monster ran closer. Zora teleported out of nowhere and killed the monster, "Are you guys alright, I'm so sorry for that, if I knew this would happen I wouldn't have sent you on this test" Zora said, "Its alright, at least we know how to take down huge monsters" They said, They all laughed and returned to the palace

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