Facebook! (A Percy Jackson Fa...

By KandyRush5

184K 5.1K 2.1K

I see a lot of people doing this so I decided to make my own. This is just a story filled with silliness and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2: Nico's a stalker
Chapter 3: Nico's Crush
Chapter 4: Thalico is Born
Chapter 5: Drunk In Love!!!
Chapter 6: Weird Pairings
Chapter 7: So Many Dumb Ways to Die!
Chapter 8: R.I.P. Percabeth :(
Chapter 10: Percabeth Forever!!!
Chapter 11: Would You Rather...
Chapter 12: Percy the Jackass
Chapter 13: The Hacker Strikes Again
Chapter 14: Damn You Auto Correct!!!
Chapter 15: Leo the Chef
Chapter 16: Leo's Stew
Chapter 17: Leo's Lasagna
Chapter 18: Leo's Plan
Chapter 19: Leo's Cake
Chapter 20: EMOTICONS!!! (ノ^_^)ノ
Chapter 21: I'm So Fancy!
Chapter 22: Percy's Angry (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Chapter 23: Love Quotes ♥
Chapter 24: More Emoticons! (=^ェ^=)
Chapter 25: Kindergarten Sucked
Chapter 26: Frozen is old.
Chapter 27: I Declare A Prank War!
Chapter 28: Awkward Moments
Chapter 29: Nico in a Dress
Chapter 30: Disney Movies
Chapter 31: More Pranks
Chapter 32: Silent Nico
Chapter 33: What We Think of Percy
Chapter 34: The Name Game
Chapter 35: I'm Bored
Chapter 36: Bieber Fever
Chapter 37: Love Songs (For Her) ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 38: Love Songs (For Him) ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 39: The Ultimate Prank
Chapter 40: Awkward Dates
Chapter 41: Pills N Potions
Chapter 42: Happy Birthday Percy!!!/ Happy Percabeth Anniversary!!!
Chapter 43: The Hacker Is Revealed
Chapter 44: Prank Calls
Chapter 45: One Less One Less Problem
Chapter 46: Kissing Annabeth
Chapter 47: Fun Things To Do At School
Chapter 48: Teenage Posts
Chapter 49: More Awkward Moments...
Chapter 50: Poseidon and Percy
Chapter 51: Poseidon and Percy (Part Two)
Chapter 52: Anonymous
Chapter 53: The Missing
Chapter 54: Anonymous is Revealed
Chapter 55: Mythomagic
Chapter 56: Jason's Diary
Chapter 57: Jasper! ♥
Chapter 58: So You Wanna Play With Magic
Chapter 59: KOOL AID!!!
Chapter 60: Young Nico
Chapter 61: Persassy!!!
Chapter 62: Persassy Jackson
Chapter 63: New Names
Chapter 64: Annabeth's Birthday
Chapter 65: Killing Octavian
Chapter 66: The Return of Luke
Chapter 67: YOU JINXED IT!!!!
Chapter 68: The Monster
Chapter 69: Don't Call Me Annie
Chapter 70: Little Siblings
Chapter 71: *Twitch Twitch*
Chapter 72: Apollo's Poem
Chapter 73: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Chapter 74: Bang Bang
Chapter 75: Creepy Clowns
Chapter 76: Damn Right, It's Better Than Yours
Chapter 77: Hypocrite
Chapter 78: ... I Can Explain.
Chapter 79: HELP ME DADDY!!!
Chapter 80: My Worst Nightmare
Chapter 81: Remember?
Chapter 82: Come Join the Candy Kingdom!!!
Chapter 83: I Shake It Off, I Shake It Off
Chapter 84: I'm A Black Widow Baby
Chapter 85: ABORT! ABORT!
Chapter 86: I. Hate. All. Of. You.
Chapter 87: WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!
Chapter 88: The Return of Bianca
Chapter 89: No! Go Away!
Chapter 90: Please Don't Leave Me
Chapter 91: Igpay Atinlay (Pig Latin)
Chapter 92: I Am So Hot
Chapter 93: What's 9 + 10?
Chapter 94: Is That Me?
Chapter 95: Are You Sure?
Chapter 96: Let It Snow!
Message From Me
I'm Done...
Chapter 97: Graduation Day!!! :D :D :D
Chapter 98: AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!
Chapter 99: At The Campfire
Chapter 100: THIS IS NOT OKAY!!!
Chapter 101: Come Here And Give Me A Kiss (ɔ˘з˘)ɔ
Chapter 102: Happy Halloween!!!
Chapter 103: We're Just Friends!
Chapter 104: This Boy Is On FIRE!!!
Chapter 105: Love Songs (Part Three)
Chapter 106: Love Songs (Part Four)
Chapter 107: It'll Suck More
Chapter 108: The Half-Blood Games!!!
Chapter 109: The Love Games
Chapter 110: The Poem Games
Chapter 111: The War Games
Chapter 112: The Clever Games
Author's Note
Chapter 113: Facebook Shut Down

Chapter 9: Operation Save Percabeth!

2.2K 61 17
By KandyRush5

Percy Jackson has changed his status from 'in a relationship' to 'single'.

Annabeth Chase has chaned her status from 'in a relationship' to 'single'.


Annabeth Chase: It killed me to do that. :(

Percy Jackson: Me too. :(

Thalia Grace: We're still sorry.

Percy Jackson: Shut it Grace. >:(

Nico di Angelo: Hey! It wasn't just her!

Annabeth Chase: We're also blaming you too Nico.

Nico di Angelo: Why are you blaming us?! It was mostly our parents who caused it all!

Percy Jackson: Just shut up Nico.

Percy Jackson has logged off.   

Thalia Grace: I said we're sorry!

Annabeth Chase: If you can fix this, then I'll forgive you.

Annabeth Chase has logged off.

Thalia Grace: Hey Nico. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Nico di Angelo: Yup! Cheeseburgers later, right?

Thalia Grace: -_- Sometimes you can be a real idiot.

Nico di Angelo: What did I do?

Thalia Grace: We're gonna convince Poseidon and Athena to let Percy and Annabeth be together!

Nico di Angelo: Oooooh. Then I guess it's operation save Percabeth time!!!! 

Nico di Angelo has uploaded a video.


Poseidon: What's wrong with Percy?

Nico di Angelo: He's crying Lord Poseidon.

Poseidon: Why?

Nico di Angelo: Because he isn't with Annabeth.

Poseidon: So?

Nico di Angelo: He misses her! You need to let him be with her!

Poseidon: Percy is forbidden to ever see Annabeth! I will never allow him to be even near her!!!

Nico di Angelo: But he's miserable!!! So you like seeing your favorite son miserable?!

Poseidon: No...

Nico di Angelo: Then let Percy be with Annbeth!!!

Poseidon: I'll think about it.

Thalia Grace has uploaded a photo.

Athena: Who is this?

Thalia Grace: This is Annabeth, Lady Athena.

Athena: This is ANNABETH!??!?!?! But she looks so-

Thalia Grace: Miserable, sad, upset, a wreck. Yes she definitely does.

Athena: But why is she like this?

Thalia Grace: Well, lets not focus on why she is like this. Let's focus on how to fix her. Would you do anything to cheer her up?

Athena: Of course I would! 

Thalia Grace: Then let her see Percy.

Athena: Excuse me?

Thalia Grace: Let. Annabeth. See. Percy.

Athena: Annabeth is forbidden to see that Poseidon scum ever again!!!

Thalia Grace: Oh c'mon Athena!!! Don't you see Annabeth? She needs Percy!!

Athena: NO!

Thalia Grace: Do you like seeing her like this?!

Athena: No...

Thalia Grace: Then let her see Percy!!!!

Athena: I'll think about it.

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