Chasing the perfect Ending

By Redneckpk

171K 5.9K 1.7K

This is the sequel to Chasing Skye. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

8.4K 349 79
By Redneckpk

Skyes POV

I like the idea of being able to drive in a car. Being able to g ok anywhere you want. Whenever you want. Being able to escape anything you're going through at the flip of an ignition.

Driving has been one of the only things in this world that could calm me down. To take my mind of things. At least for a little while.

I guess I'm just escaping from myself. And Megan. Even what I want to do to Evan. The hatred and anger I feel towards him right now, is overwhelming. Its controlling. I can barely even think at the moment. Let alone talk to anyone.

I miss Megan. Not being around her these past couple of days have been killing me. Not being able to tell her how sorry I am for snapping at her. For hurting her.

I'm just afraid that that's exactly what I'll do when I'm around her. I dont want to hurt her. I'm afraid I won't be able to control my anger if anything happens. I could never live with myself if I ever laid hands on her in the wrong way.

It's like there's this voice in my head. That only ever comes out when I'm angry. Or upset in any way. And I'm afraid that I'll lash out even worse if I dont get a handle on it.

No matter, I should be honest with her. She doesn't deserve to be treated this way.

Turning around, I sped my car up a little bit as I headed to my house. My mind is set to mend things between Megan and I. Because regardless the demons I have, she is my love, she deserves the world.

Turning into my neighborhood, I drove down my street, feeling optimistic.

Until I saw the police cars outside of my house.

Parking my car, I willed myself out of the driver's seat. Walking up to my house. Which was blocked off with, "do not enter, police crime scene" tape.

Turning around, my heart dropped as I saw the one thing I never wanted to see in my life.

I watched as the EMT's wheeled Megan out on a stretcher. Her head covered with a bandage, and her leg wrapped. Which didn't make a difference, it was stained with blood. And her bone lifted the bandage up. You could see the break. Even from the distance I was standing.

I saw the police questioning Mr. And Mrs. Sanders who lived across the street. Without thinking, my body strode over to where they were standing.

"What happened to her?" I heard myself asked. My body felt completely numb.

"Oh, dear." Mrs.Sanders said. "The poor girl jumped out of your house, got banged up pretty badly. Some crazy man came after her, so she ran over to our house, even with her broken leg, poor thing. And she started banging on our door. We brought her in, and slammed the door. We saw he was carrying some sort of weapon, so we slammed our door shut, and started piling things in front of it." Mr.Sanders came behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"And once we were sure he was gone, we tried to keep her conscious until the ambulance got here, but she was in and out." Mr.Sanders explained.

I turned and watched as the paramedics closed the doors, and drove off.

My body was calm, but my mind was racing. Was it Evan? There was a much bigger possibility of it being him than some random stranger.

Taking one last glance at the Sanders, I turned and walked back to my car. Starting the engine, I peeled out of the neighborhood. Probably not smart because of all the cops that were around. But getting pulled over right now would probably be a good thing. Because one thing I know for sure is, when I find that pink, hes dead.

Passing down the intersection next to my neighborhood, I knew I had to think smart. Where would I have gone if I were on the run. I wouldn't go to my house, because I'm not an idiot. But, Evan must be. Only an idiot would hurt my girl. Or my family.

Hes had too much time out on the streets free. The police have had too big of a chance to put him away. It's going to be different now. All of it.

Now, there will be no trial. No testimonies. No nothing.

Because now, I will be the judge, jury, and executioner.

The police better get to him first. Because if I do, they won't be able to identify him.

Driving around town, I tried thinkng of different places someone could hide. Thinking of all the books and crannies of this town. Then I figured it out. Stupid thing on his part, it was the same place I went when I needed to hide.

Picking up my phone, I called my sister.

"Hey, where are you at?" Sloan asked. I assumed she didnt know anything yet.

"You remember the old factory I would go to as a kid?" I asked.

"You mean, the place that mom and dad would have to go to in the middle of the night everytime you disappeared?" Sloan guessed.

"Yes. Call the police, tell them to go there. Tell them that that's where Evan is. Tell them they better get there before I do." I could hear Sloan's breath catch, but before she could say anything, I hung up, and tossed my phone in the passenger seat.

Evan was smart for thinking to hide out there. But also very stupid. That was the place I went to unleash everything I felt. A good thing, itll take about 15 minutes for officers to get there, due to it being so deep in the forest part of town. Bad thing is, that is the one place where my anger has no boundaries. The one place, I have no problem going berserk in.

I guess another good thing is that because of how many times I've gone there, I know every shortcut there is. And I basically know each and every part of the woods that surround it.

Poor, poor, Evan. Right as I parked my car next to the port of the factory, he was walking up to the entrance. Apparently whatever weapon he was carrying, he tossed. Because he was walking with his hands at his sides.

Slamming my door shut, he looked over to me.

"Well, I was actually hoping to come see you next." He called over to me. He took off his jacket and walked over , and stopped about ten feet away from me.

"You shouldn't have gone after Megan." Was all I said to him before I run over and tackled him.

Holding him down, my fist collided with his face multiple times before he used his legs to throw me off of him. Standing up, he dusted himself off. He swung his left fist at my face, I caught his arm by the wrist, and jabbed him in the face with my right hand. He stumbled backwards, wiping blood off of his face.

"You know, I actually thought that this was going to be easy. Like it was with Macy, or whatever her name is. Or even like Sloan. She was pretty easy. But, I guess it's not going to be the same with you, is it?"

He plunged at me. As I swept my body to one side, is stuck my foot out, and watched as he fell to the ground. In one swift sweep, I kicked his face so hard, his head flew to the other side, and blood spewed out of his mouth.

Coughing, he stood. Before a word left his mouth, my fist slammed into his nose. His head snapped back and he fell to the ground. As he turned over, and got on his hands and knees, I kicked him in the stomach with enough force he landed on his back.

"Get up." I said.

He coughed, and pushed himself back onto his knees. Grabbing his head, I kneed him in the face, satisfied with the loud snap of his nose. Standing back, I watching as blood poured out of his nose.

I stood back, allowing him to wobble to his feet. Wiping his nose, he looked at me again.

"So, what? You gonna kill me? Beat me to death?" He asked, spitting blood on the pavement.

"Only if the police dont get here before I do." I said, jarring my fist yet again in his face. This time landing his cheek.

He fell to his knees, glaring at me.

"Why dont you just kill me?" He asked.

Laughing, shook my head. Walking back up to him, I punched him, and kicked his arm out from underneath him. As soon as he landed on his back, I put my foot on his throat.

"Dont doubt me. I'd snap your neck in a heartbeat. But you see, the girl I love, the one you went after, doesn't have much of a liking to violence. Otherwise I'd have no problem to ending your life. But, for now, I can settle with  kicking your ass. Before letting the police take you away."

He tried pushing my foot off his throat, so I put more pressure. Ultimately suffocating him.

I didn't release it until I heard the sirens in the distance. Taking my foot off, I held my hands in the air, as Evan gasped for air. He tried standing, but there were officers forcing his hands behind his back before he got the chance.

"Keep your hands in the air!" I heard an officer order from behind me. "Get on your knees!"

Listening to what they said, I winced as the officer forced my hands down and behind my back.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you, do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?" The officer said, as she walked me back over to the squad car.


The officer opened the door, and helped me in. I watched out of the window as they sat Evan up, and began asking him questions. I could only assume what kind of trouble I'll be in as well. But I dont care. No one hurts the girl I love. Not ever.

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