Von MuMu_LuLu

945K 42.6K 27.4K

"I'm friends with the monsters that's under my bed-" "Peek-a-boo~" And what's worst. Yoongi is mute. He can s... Mehr

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
face reveal!!!
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 46

Ch. 8

21.5K 1K 1.5K
Von MuMu_LuLu

Hoseok pulled Yoongi by the wrist and ran to the back door. Yoongi was already panting hard while Hoseok started to curse. Through his ear he can hear Jungkook's footsteps, and to get to Yoongi's room they'll have to pass by Jungkook's throne room.

"Fuck! I think he's seated on his throne already! Dammit! We shouldn't have taken the back door! But if we took the front door he's in there!"

Yoongi started to panic that he accidently fell. Hoseok's eyes widen and immediately went to Yoongi.

"H-hey.. Are you okay?"

Yoongi nodded but was panting. Hoseok snorted.

"Don't tell me you're tired already."

Hoseok teased. Yoongi glared and pinched Hoseok who just laughed but then stopped and suddenly took Yoongi in a bridal style while smiling widely. Yoongi blushed and looked away.

Hoseok started to run fast, he gulped as he see's the entrance to Jungkook's throne room. He breathed in and ran fast passing..


The male groaned. Yoongi gulped and looked at Hoseok helplessly.

"Okay, pretend you are asleep."

Yoongi nodded and closed his eyes, his arms fell to his side while he let his head hang. Hoseok tried ro act normal and cleared his throat while coming in with Yoongi in his arms.

Jungkook was in half of his form. His horns were out, his nails were sharp, his fangs were prominent, his eyes were gold. His body grew a little bigger in size same with his muscles. Even his viens were popped out, smoke oozing out of his body. The King demon raised his brow as he stared at Hoseok who was grinning innocently while carrying a sleeping Yoongi.

Hoseok smiled and stared at Jungkook's ripped, bloody attire. He was right.

"What the hell is going on in here."

Jungkook asked expressionless. Hoseok shifted uncomfortably and tightened his grip onto Yoongi.

"Uh.. He's dead!"

Hoseok exclaimed. It's not his fault. He's too nervous, and he can't really lie. So when he gets all nervous he spouts nonsense.


"I meant.. He fell down the stairs!"

"How the fuck did he fall down the stairs when the only stairs we have is the one in front of the entrance and going down to the dungeon?!"

"Wait no- kidding~ he.. Fainted.."


"Wait kidding again! Oh my gosh, your face looks funny-I meant.. Woah, handsome- what? No? Oh c'mon, you like being called handsome-"

"Hoseok! Shut that shit of a mouth and tell me what happened! I'm already fucking mad, don't get me more angry!"

"Okay.. I.."

"Hurry and tell me!"

Hoseok gulped and prayed to God even if he is a demon, he still is an angel. He won't mean what he will say.. But.. He swears to the real devil he will never say it again.. But..

"I harassed him! Yeah! I thought he looked very delicious!"

He shouted. Even the guards who were in front of the doorway looked inside and judged Hoseok. Yoongi wanted to punch Hoseok so bad right now. Jin had came in and heard what Hoseok said, he gasped and glared at him. Jungkook stood still in his spot as he eyes Yoongi who was just peacefully sleeping in Hoseok's arms.

"What did you just say?"

Jungkook asked with venom in his tone. Hoseok composed himself and stood still. He honestly was nervous at first, but now he wants to test Jungkook with his future soulmate.

"You see, Yoongi here was bored. I too was bored, so I played with him. It was fun~"

Hoseok said with a cocky smirk. Jin huffed and was about to scream at Hoseok until...

Yoongi opened his eyes and cutely(not intentionally)punched Hoseok. The said male whined as he let Yoongi go, his balance fell and so did Yoongi. The little human kept hitting the demon, embarassed. He was so embarassed about what Hoseok said. But Hoseok should thank Yoongi, if he didn't wake up, Jungkook would have.. Hurt Hoseok. Brutally.

Even though Yoongi kept hitting the demon, all he did was laugh and be tickled by the hits. Which made Yoongi more embarassed, he was straddling Hoseok and kept hitting his chest with a pout.

"Aww~ you're so cute Yoongi! S-stop! It tickles!"

Yoongi pouted more and slapped Hoseok's chest. The demon just giggled and made fun of Yoongi. Jin also cooed but then snapped out of his thoughts. Jungkook just annoyingly stared at Yoongi's position on Hoseok's body, his form lessened while he approached Yoongi. He doesn't even know why he felt more pissed just by seeing Yoongi with another male.

His hands made it under Yoongi's arms, he swiftly picked him up like a baby. Yoongi kept kicking and hitting the air as Jungkook took him away. Hoseok wiped his tears and stood up.

Yoongi crossed his arms and glared at nothing. Jin chuckled and cooed at Yoongi, why? Because Jungkook is carrying him by the armpits while Yoongi's legs were dangling, and he had a cute pout on.

Jungkook changed the way he was carrying Yoongi and placed him on his shoulder. Yoongi still had his arms crossed with a pout. Hoseok and Jin kept laughing at Yoongi as he got taken away by Jungkook.

"Why were you even with him."

Yoongi stayed silent, still crossing his arms. Yoongi noticed that the way Jungkook was waking from looked, unfamiliar. He sees a huge door, probably the front door, he then sees a huge stairs. Jungkook climbs up with Yoongi on his shoulders.

Jungkook frowned thinking why Yoongi was light as a huge stuffed teddy bear. Yoongi looked around and noticed a lot of doors upstairs, but where was Jungkook taking him?

"I'm taking you to my room."


Yoongi thought when Jungkook said he'll take him to his room, he'll get tortured and brutally killed. But right now, he is in the most comfortable place yet.

Yoongi was tucked under the warm blanket as he listened to Jungkook who was behind him. Yes, Yoongi was sitting between Jungkook's legs while his head rests on the broad chest. Yoongi forgave Jungkook already, and the demon King have said he took out all the dead bodies and promised to never do such things again.

Yoongi told Jungkook it's okay to kill because that's what he does, he kills and he has to. It's part of Jungkook, he's a King and tortures people who deserves to die. Yoongi just said to never have dead bodies near his castle.

Yoongi looked at the book in front, which was being held by Jungkook, he looked at all the weird writings that got him so interested.

He pointed at the writings and looked up at Jungkook who stopped reading. Jungkook just looked at him confused, though Yoongi's eyes were so sparkly he was drawn to it.

"That word? It means sex-"

Yoongi poked the book hard. Jungkook was still confused, until a light bulb came inside his head. He made an 'ahh' sound and gave a proud smile at Yoongi.

"You want to learn?"

Yoongi nodded, his hair tickling Jungkook's chest and chin. The King chuckled and closed the book.

"It might not be easy though."

Yoongi shook his head side to side, meaning, he doesn't mind.

"It'll take some time."

Yoongi moved to the bottom of the bed in all fours. Not knowing his ass was literally on show for Jungkook. The demon King licked his lips and had enough time to stare at the sugar ass. Yoongi sat back in between his legs after taking some papers.

Will I even be alive when you say 'it'll take some time'?

Yoongi questions. Jungkook was speechless, he forgot about killing Yoongi. He really wasn't going to kill Yoongi, he didn't mean it, he was just mad. Jungkook had gone super soft for Yoongi, and he won't even be afraid to admit it.

"Yoongi, I didn't mean that. I think.. You're a nice person to have as company. We have alot in common, which is pretty fun."

Yoongi looked up at Jungkook and stared directly in the demon's King's eyes. Jungkook was a little taken aback.

You mean that?


Really? I'm not boring? Or my smile isn't ugly? You won't lock me in a room? You won't let me starve? You won't tell me to kill myself?

Jungkook was bewildered. Why was Yoongi suddenly asking him these questions. But still, Jungkook decided to answer.

"No, you aren't boring, you are very fun to be around with. Why would I lock you in a room? I'd rather have you in my bed- I meant, I would never do that. I won't let you starve, I'd let you eat a whole buffet. And no, that's a very disgusting thing to say to a person, I would never ask you to kill yourself. And finally.."

Yoongi waited expectant. He was in the verge of tears, no, he already was tearing up because of Jungkook. A demon King.

"Your smile isn't ugly. It's beautiful and cute. It's my first time seeing a smile like yours, and I'm glad I was the first one to see your sincere smile."

Yoongi nodded and hid his face in the crook of Jungkook's neck. Yoongi should be scared, but he has this sort of attachment to Jungkook. He wants to stay beside him, all day, all night, everyday. Forever.

Yoongi didn't even notice that he was straddling Jungkook. The said male caressed Yoongi's sides and hummed.

"Now, why would you suddenly ask me these questions?"

Jungkook asked. Yoongi pulled away, his eyes were shiny as his lashes were more visible, his nose were pink along with his cheeks. His lips became a darker shade of red and became more plump.

Yoongi took his papers and placed them on Jungkook's chest as he starts writing. The demon King chuckled and let Yoongi do what he wants.

Back in my world, I was hated. I really didn't know why, I tried my best but I was called ugly and a retarded mute man. It wasn't actually bad when I was a little, well, until my parents died, then my grandparents. Then I became unwanted from my other family members.

I was sent to the orphanage at age eight, and then adopted at age ten. My adopted parents treated me like a dirty pest. They locked me in my room without feeding me, the only time I can eat was when I went to my university.

People called my smile ugly, so I stopped smiling. I got harassed, sometimes sexually but I managed to run away. I was bullied, stolen from, lied to.. And many more.

What triggered me the most, was when they told me to die. They said I was just worthless living on Earth. I did listen to them..

Yoongi stopped writing since his hands started to hurt. He showed Jungkook the paper and waited for Jungkook to reply. His hands were resting onto Jungkook's chest while his legs were on both sides of Jungkook's hips.

Jungkook on the other hand was furious. For some reason. He can't even believe Yoongi has been suffering from hate. He just thought Yoongi was just a very calm and conservative person. Mostly because Yoongi didn't show much emotion when taking to a demon and all that.

"You were sexually.. Harassed.. You were told to kill yourself.. These People are more worst than my people in this world."

Yoongi nodded and continued writing again. He put the paper on Jungkook's chest again, the demon just shook his head and let him be.

I did try to kill myself,  but I couldn't even bare to put a knife near my skin. Or have the courage to jump of the bridge, or even try to overdose.

Then I noticed that, I never wanted to die. My parents wouldn't want me to die. They would have wanted me to live, and so I did. I ignored everyone and just cared for myself.

And now, I'm in a demon world, which I like because it's better than my world.

"You think our world is better than your world? But why?"

Yoongi just shrugged and threw his paper away. He got off Jungkook's lap, which disappointed the King. Yoongi fixed himself between Jungkook's legs while his back against Jungkook's chest and took the book. He handed it to Jungkook and smiled.

"You want me to read it, huh."

Yoongi nodded and rested his head onto Jungkook's shoulder.

"Look at you, being all spoiled by me."

Jungkook said with a chuckle after. The demon King started to read again, Yoongi yawned and closed his eyes. Jungkook didn't notice Yoongi falling asleep until he felt Yoongi's head slowly slipped off his shoulders.

Jungkook closed the book and gently change Yoongi's position into a more comfortable one. He let Yoongi sleep on his chest, his hands hugging Yoongi's small body. A pillow rests behind Jungkook which made it more comfortable for him.

He smiles when he heard breathy snores. He pulled the blanket over Yoongi's body and let the small human sleep in peace. Jungkook also started to feel sleepy and just closed his eyes, he was already warm by Yoongi's body heat.

As the two fell asleep, two people were watching them through the door that was half opened. They kept giggling and giggling.

"I think this is the first time I've seen Jungkook soft for any human."

One whispered to the other. The other just hummed and nodded in agreement, eyes directly on the two.

"True. Its also my first time seeing Jungkook looking like he enjoyed something."

"The fuck, Jin. So Jungkook enjoys it when someone lays between his legs, where his dick lives."

Jin rolled his eyes. Hoseok kept snickering towards the older.

"Oh my god, Hoseok. But look at them! So cute!"

"I know, even he didn't do this with Jimin."

"True, it's more like Jimin didn't want it. I felt so bad for our King, he showed his love to Jimin yet it was never accepted."

"Meh, we told Jungkook many times that Jimin wasn't for him and that he should wait until his soulmate shows up."

"I mean, his soulmate is here now. In his arms."

"I know, they're so cute."

"I'm jealous.. How come I never got my soulmate! I've already passed one hundred and nineteen a long time ago! You have your mate!"

(A/N:Hoseok's mate will be a secret but will be revaled in the next coming chapters. Guess who~)

"Its okay, maybe yours is still a little baby."

Hoseok said while crossing his arms. Jin scrunched his face in disgusts and shooked his head.

"Ew, I ain't a pedophile."

"Maybe you are~. Then is Jungkook considered a pedophile? He literally is going to have someone way younger than him. Like, literally."

"No. Wait, I don't know."

"Oh my god! He is a pedophile! Yoongi is going to marry someone older than his grandparents!"

"Hoseok stop laugh-"

"Shut up you two! Stop disturbing Yoongi's and my sleep!"

Jungkook's voice was heard. Jin and Hoseok quickly scrambled away like little kids who stole a cookie from the kitchen. Jungkook sighed and magically closed the door. He closed his eyes again and hugged Yoongi tighter.



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