Second Chances

Von georgiapeach1012

2.2K 95 13

I am the author of this story on ff! My handle is KWE.1992 *there may be slight differences in this version v... Mehr

Chapter 1- Am I in Hell?
Chapter 2- Settling In
Chapter 3- Coming to Terms
Chapter 4- The Proposal
Chapter 6- Academy
Chapter 7- Baby Faxeman
Chapter 8- Baby FaxeMan Pt.2

Chapter 5- Say I Do!

187 11 1
Von georgiapeach1012

Chapter 5- Say I do

I'm getting married, Christ!

Fiona herself was shocked she even said yes. It took her a few moments to process this. It was all so sudden and unexpected, much like the news of her pregnancy. She was in a daze for a few moments as she stared at the diamond ring on her finger surfacing thoughts of her previous marriages and her long history with men.

When she stared at this ring though, it felt different. Something about the ring was different than the others. It was a crystal clear diamond. It was far bigger than any other ring her lovers had given her- only this time the size didn't matter. This ring meant more than she could put into words.

It was beautiful and elegant. Fiona wondered who he murdered to get a ring like that one. Joe gently grasped her hand in his and kissed each finger one by one taking in her fragrance as he held her close.

He saw her not taking her eyes off of the sizeable diamond on her hand and raised his brow slightly finally figuring out why she was starting so intently at the ring.

" It was my grandmother's ring. I've always carried it with me. I was never sure who'd I give it too- but I'm sure I made the right choice." he said, almost in a gruff whisper.

Fiona barely registered what he was saying, she slightly nodded her head. Her mind was far off until she felt a very strong kick bring her back to reality.

" Oohhh." She winced and grabbed for the side of her stomach.

" What's wrong?" Joe gently turned her face up to meet his. His deep brown eyes searching hers, worried something was wrong.

" The baby- the baby just kicked." She said turning her shocked expression into a smile. Her eyes light up brighter than the ring on her finger.

Joe gently put his hand on her stomach, and dropped his head down near her bump and softly whispered something to the baby, causing it to move and kick again.

" Hey- what are you telling her down there?" Fiona giggled as she felt the baby continuously move a mile a minute in her womb.

Joe looked up at his bride to me and moved a blonde piece of hair behind her ear and began to softly plant kisses across her jaw line.

" I just told our baby girl I loved her so much and her mommy too." he smirked.

" We love you so very much Joe." Fiona giggled as she threw her arms around his neck. He continued to kiss her, slowly moving his hand up her leg under the creamy black silk negligee she wore causing her to moan and fall week under his touch. " I love you babydoll..." he whispered hoarsely as Fiona grabbed for his belt.

Slowly, Joe moved them onto the ground laying down so Fiona was on top of him. He had worked his hands all the way up to her lacy underwear underneath while Fiona worked on carefully unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt, slowly undoing each and everyone.

It was sexy for them. They usually took things nice and slow, allowing time to stare each other down and enough time for Joe to kiss every inch of Fiona, driving her crazy in he best way possible.

" You must be rewarded..." Fiona mumbled as she went for his underwear.

They spent a few hours outside making love and collapsed side by side in sheer execstacy when they finished. It was a romantic moment between them, until Fiona complained of being hungry.

" I guess we did work up an appetite." He chuckled
as he helped her up and they managed to throw their clothes on and walk back up to the house.

Joe out of the two of them was still the better cook so he made some snacks for them to munch on.

Fiona quickly showered while her loverboy made them some lunch. She started thinking about what she was going to tell Papa when he returned. It made her uneasy, but she was sure she had made up her mind about what she wanted to do and how she wanted to live out the rest of her life, which did not include knotty pine.

After eating lunch, Joe could easily tell what was on Fiona's mind. He read her like an open book and began to delve inside the complicated mind and inner workings of Fiona Goode.

She was sitting in their small living room staring out the window watching some birds flying around. He gently came behind her and rubbed her shoulders gently. He felt her tense shoulders relax.

" It will be alright- cabin or no cabin, wherever you are my home is with you and our child. You're stuck with me forever." he laughed. The thought of being by her side forever was a comforting one. Joe loved her so much he had killed for her.

Fiona smiled softly. " A- are you sure this is what you want?" She finally turned to him, to inquire she was making the right choice for their future.

" I want whatever is going to make you happy, babydoll. Whether that is here in this cabin or back in Louisiana." he knelt next to her and cupped her worried face gently in his hands.

" Everything is going to be fine." He kissed her head.

Fiona silently held his hands tightly in hers as they waited for midnight to come quickly. Joe tried to keep her mind off of it by reading a novel and cuddling Fiona close.

............... Hours pass...................

It's now 10 minutes to midnight and Fiona anxiously stared out the window of their room, listening and watching the storm that was fiercely happening outside. She snuggled a bit closer into her Axeman as he snored like a freight train and gently rubbed her belly. She could tell their baby was asleep. She chuckled a bit, everything about this seemed so comforting.

Her heart was racing, unsure of when Papa was going to show up, she was a little nervous, truthfully seeing him again. She wanted him out of her life for good after this.

" Fiona Goode..." she heard an eerie voice whisper as she started to drift off and fall asleep.

Her eyes shot open and her palms got sweaty as she gently rose up from the bed. She made her way into the sitting room where she found Papa sitting in a chair.

" Tell me, have you made a decision yet?" he asked grinning at her.

Fiona, keeping her distance from the man nodded, as she stared into her bedroom where she could make out Joe's figure as he slept. " I have..." she spoke softly, but confidently hoping he couldn't trace a hint of fear in her body.

Fiona wasn't used to being afraid as the Supreme, but now since she no longer held that title, she felt exposed in a way.

There was far more at risk since she didn't have any magic running through her veins anymore. This situation left her uneasy.

" Go ahead then, tell me what you want."  he said.

" You can have my child's powers,and we want to go back Louisiana. Back to New Orleans, to the way things...used to be, only, I want the terms we agreed upon." she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Papa laughed wildly at the blonde.

" As you drive a hard bargain, witch..." he whispered as he approached her. Reaching his hands out he grabbed for her stomach and began some sort of incantation, Fiona began to feel dizzy before her eyes rolled back and she hit the ground with a thud.


Fiona gasped, waking up trying to catch her breath. She studied her surroundings a minute as she laid on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and looked around- nothing looked familiar, but at the same time it did. She couldn't tell but it didn't seem like she was back in the cabin. It felt comforting. She rubbed her bump, as she baby kicked a little in protest at being woken up so early. Fiona sighed heavily and turned to see Joe rubbing his own eyes sitting up in bed.

" Fiona what's wrong- what? Where are we?" he asked pulling her close and looking around just as stunned as she was.

" We did it, Joe. We're free. I'm not sure where..." Fiona said, her eyes glimmering from the moonlight coming in from big bay windows.

Joe got up and he and Fiona examined their surroundings, and turned a lamp on trying to get a better view of exactly where they were.

Fiona looked out the huge windows expecting to see miles of open land and woods, but looking out she was surprised to see something comforting. Lights. Street lights and houses lined the road. She pursed her lips and settled her mouth into a soft smirk and beckoned for Joe to come see.

Joe Joined her at the windows. " I'll be damned." he chuckled slightly at the sight before him.

Fiona saw something very comforting on her nightstand, a phone. She quickly ran over and grabbed it. 4:45 AM. She was thankful she spotted it. She had a few emails pop up but nothing more. She smiled down at the little device that gave her communication and access to the outside world.

The light and sound of a car passing by shook Fiona from her thoughts.

She spotted a walk in closet where Joe was standing. It was mainly full of black or dark clothing. Fiona smiled as she spotted many of her favorite dresses and her rack of pumps. She had a closet most women would kill for. Joe stared at his suits and hats recognizing most of the belongings from before their trip to Hell at the cabin.

Connected to their room was also a pretty sizeable bathroom and then they opened the door to venture out towards the rest of the place.

The home clearly had the feeling of the former home that the Supreme lived in, Miss Robichaux's Academy. It was an older home- just by the architecture and the floors the way they created and the smell, it wasn't that hard to tell, however it was cozy and they would be just fine.Fiona felt a bit more relaxed as they walked down the hall.

Opening the door, she was thankful she didn't see any witches asleep, but she was excited to come across a nursery for their baby. " Look, babydoll." Joe smiled as he pulled Fiona to the crib. It was old and gorgeous and all they needed now was their baby to join them and buy a few more items to fill the nearly empty space.

" Well, what do you think?" Fiona and Joe's head popped up as they saw Papa Legba standing in the doorway. Joe grabbed for Fiona, trying to cover and protect her and their unborn baby.

" I'll say you kept up the end of your bargain..." Fiona said as a smirk played upon her lips.

" You are in New Orleans. Everything is as you wished. I have given you a grand home to live in. It's all here for you." he said grinning wickedly at the couple.

" So why did you come back?" Joe asked as he held Fiona a bit tighter to him. She was nervous as to what he wanted and hoped this wasn't some sick joke or hallucination.

Papa surprised her when he spoke...

" To say thank you. The powers your child possessed were even stronger than I thought. It was more than I thought it would be, so I was coming to tell you that after tonight, you will never see me again. You will live out your life in peace with your husband and child." he said.

Fiona raised a brow. She was surprised.

" Where's my- what about Cordelia and the other witches? Can I see her? Does she know I'm here? Are we still dead?" Fiona had so many questions.

Papa just laughed.

" Everything was as it was before. Even your man here is alive. You may visit your daughter- she doesn't know of your return... oh before I leave, don't get too friendly with your neighbors, they're very nosey..." he laughed before disappearing just as quickly as he came.

Fiona rested her head against Joe breathing a sigh of relief, so thankful their nightmare was all over. Joe himself couldn't believe it either. " Let's go back to sleep, I think the three of us have had quite a bit of excitement already." Joe whispered to his fiance.

Fiona nodded and he gently picked her up and carried her back to bed to sleep.

A few hours later, Fiona woke up to the sun shining through her windows. Her phone was buzzing. " Hello?" She said, trying to stifle a yawn.

" Mrs. Goode, this is your OB/GYN calling. I was calling to remind you, you have an appointment with us this afternoon and you never confirmed." the nurse said.

" OH- okay. Yes I will be there." Fiona said as she rubbed her eyes.

The nurse made more small talk with her and giving her directions before Fiona hung up. She had yet to see their baby and was so excited to get the first glimpse at her child making sure she could take in it's 10 fingers and 10 toes and make sure things were alright.

She saw Axeman staring in the doorway, admiring her, staring loving at her while shining up his musical axe. "Who was that?" he asked smiling.

" Doctor. We have an appointment to see the baby this afternoon, one I didn't know I made." She chuckled slightly.

Joe approached the bed, Fiona could tell he had just showered and he smelled captivating. He kissed her lips deeply, pushing her back into her pillows as he did so.

" Well baby doll, I've got breakfast waiting downstairs for us. Why don't we uh, eat a little something first, and then I can help you get ready." he winked.

After a hearty breakfast, exploring the rest of their home, and getting ready, they set off in a black BMW sitting in their driveway for the doctors. Fiona had on a looser black wrap dress and lower Jimmy Choo pumps, and had her hair in loose waves. That look drove Joe crazy.

He kept a knee on her leg as he drove them through the streets of NOLA trying to find the doctor's office, which they eventually found themselves at with nearly 10 minutes to spare.

They signed in and took a seat away from everyone else. Joe found it weird in a way, taking in the sites and sounds of being around people again. Fiona on the other hand found it relaxing and welcoming. " Goode!" a nurse shouted.

Fiona eased herself out of the chair, with Joe hot on her heels. He followed Fiona as she stopped to check her vitals and things before they were sent to a room to wait even more for the doctor.

The nurse helped Fiona onto the table to be checked and handed her a warm sheet and made her pull up her dress, exposing her creamy colored skin. Joe smiled and grabbed her hand, as the two admired her bump.

The nurse left them be for a bit.

" Hello in there, little one." Fiona said softly as she watched the baby move around and stretch.

Joe sat in admiration. He was so in love with Fiona and nothing more in this moment could make him love her more than he did now.

The doctor came in and did an ultrasound and checked everything out.

" For your ages, everything seems to be progressing well. She is healthy and you seem to be doing great yourself. Just make sure you're resting and getting plenty of food. She is on the smaller side, but this isn't uncommon for older mothers to be." their doctor said smiling at the couple.

Fiona nodded. Joe had his eyes glued to the ultrasound as he watched his baby girl moving around, in awe. It was amazing to him. But to actually be able to finally see her after months of waiting and wondering they now got to see baby Faxeman. She was beautiful.

They left the office nearly an hour later, hand in hand.

Joe had a huge grin on his face as he helped Fiona to the car. Once he was in he stopped at a little cafe Fiona had told him about, it was located near the heart of the city near their favorite bar they met in, where Joe played many a concerts with his little band and his axe.

They slowly walked past the bar, memories of their first meeting flashed through their minds; memories of dances, heated nights of passion, murder...sweet sweet memories.  Each of them smiling as they headed into the cafe.

The cafe wasn't thankfully very crowded. They easily got seated by the window- giving them a view of the streets outside. After ordering, Fiona played with her hands in her lap and stared out the window into the streets, taking in the sights. It was all so familiar. The tourist laden streets were comforting to her, but it was easy to tell what was on her mind.

Joe was good at reading her like an open book.

" I know what you're thinking babydoll." Joe said as he grasped her hands. His voice in a low, but sultry whisper.

" I hope she wants to see me Joe. Maybe she wants nothing more to do with me, but I- I just want to hug her and tell her I'm sorry for being a shitty mother and an even more shitty supreme, and tell her how amazing she is and how I want her to know that I love her..." Fiona's voice was small and trailed off. She had tears in her eyes, but quickly wiped them away.

Joe gently swiped her cheek with his thumb to catch the escaped tear. Fiona kissed his hand gently.

" After we've eaten- we can certainly head over to the school and see if she is around. I'll go in with you and be by your side every step of the way because I love you. I love you so much." Joe said as he smiled at her.

They ate their food and then headed back for their car. Fiona took a breath as Joe headed past the busy streets on towards the direction of the school...



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