Daddy's Little Girl

By Tranay21

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Victoria Gregorio is all grown up and determined to let the whole world know it. After shedding her good-girl... More

Happy Birthday Bitchzilla
Bitchzilla Meets Mr. Jones
Parental Guidance Needed
Operation: Break Down
The Forgotten Child
Bitchzilla's Not-So Perfect Life
The Funeral
A Day with Mr. Jones
Out with the Old, In with the New
Chicken Gumbo, Cars, and a Kiss
Her Knight in Shining Armor
The Talented Mr. Jones
Can I Trust You?
A Glimpse at the Past
A Door Marked Exit
A Dangerous Warning
Battle Lines
Let's Play House
The One Where it All Falls Apart
The Harder They Fall
Protect the Ones You Love (Part 1)
Protect the Ones You Love (Part 2)
Going Home
Deja Vu
When The Battle Is Over?
Battle Scars
The Prodigal Daughter Returns
The Pursuit of Mr. Jones
Extraordinary Love


9K 431 25
By Tranay21

Dante looked down at his watch as he stepped into the elevator to take up to Victoria's floor. It had taken him twenty minutes to take Gaby home and comeback, he was sure that he would have several tickets arriving shortly in the mail but he didn't care. He was on edge knowing that Victoria was alone even though her police detail had finally arrived, he needed to be by her side. After checking in with the police officers guarding Victoria's room he found Victoria sleeping peacefully, he sat in the couch across the bed and watched her sleep. The swelling in her face was starting to go down but it would be a while before she would look like her old self. Dante knew that if Victoria saw the damage done to her face she would go berserk.

Dante curled his large body up to fit on the tiny couch as his eyelids grew heavy with sleep. He closed his eyes for what seemed like only a few minutes until his alarm started to beep. He sat up as he shuffled with his phone to shut off the alarm before it woke Victoria up. The time read 4:30 it was the time he usually got up to go for his morning run. Standing up with a stretch, his shoulders and back aching from the uncomfortable position, he staggered over to Victoria who was asleep, her eyebrows set into a deep furrow. He kissed her forehead and the tension eased as he caressed her face. His stomach growled letting him know that it wasn't happy from the lack of food. Submitting to his hunger pains he stepped out of the room and found the two officers still alert but they looked drained.

"I'm heading out for something to eat, want me bring y'all back something?" Dante asked Damien.

"I could go for some coffee, black six sugars what about you Zach?"

"Nah I'm good,"

"Alright I'll be back soon, take care of my girl." Dante said before heading towards the elevator. He made it out of the hospital when he noticed flashing police lights. He watched as Detective Rooks walked up to him with her hands in her pockets.

"Mr. Jones I need for you to come with me."

"What for, I answered all of your questions?"

"I have a warrant for your arrest."

"What!" Dante exclaimed as Rooks signaled for the two male officers with her to handcuff Dante. In utter disbelief Dante just started into space as he was being handcuffed and was given his Miranda rights.


Victoria tossed her phone across the bed in frustration. She had been calling Dante all morning but the calls kept going unanswered.

"Where is that man?"

"I hear you're causing trouble," Director Fortune said as he walked into the room.

"What do you mean?"

"Why aren't you letting your family in to see you? Gaby is going insane right now."

"I need to keep some distance between them right now. It's the only way I can keep my family safe."

"That's real sweet Vic but if the man that attacked you was bold enough to attack you here, what's to stop him from going after your parents or siblings." He said holding her hand

"You need your family now more, than ever, you just let Uncle James worry about the protecting." he smiled down at her. "Are feeling strong enough to give me your statement?"

"Yeah, everything came back to me after the attack. I don't know the name of the man who attacked me but I can give a description and who he works for."


"He works for Jeffery Fox,"

"The man you're battling in court?"


"Why do you think he is trying to kill you?" 

"Because I know all of his dirty little secrets." She said with a sigh.

"Seven years ago I was working on a big lawsuit with my firm; a motor vehicle company had neglected to recall their cars after the discovery of a defect in the breaking system. This neglect led to causing the death of two people and the injuring and disabling of over seventy people and at the time Jeffery was the CEO.  While we were preparing the case a woman came to the firm claiming that she had evidence that the company knew about the defect but did nothing about it. Our whole case rested on her testimony.  Our witness backed out last minute but she told me that Jeffery was also embezzling money from the company. Then a few days later she committed suicide." Victoria paused to take a sip at her water before she continued. "I found out that my roommate who worked at the firm with me was selling information to Jeffery about the case. Next thing I knew I was under investigation for tampering with evidence. I would have lost my job if it wasn't for Owen. He struck a deal with Jeffery that we would settle the case we wouldn't bring up the embezzling. He agreed and it seemed as if overnight everything went back to normal.  Had I known all of this would happen I would have just said something back then" She ended with a sigh.

James stared down at Victoria as he processed all of the information she had given him and he couldn't help but wonder how she went through all of the by herself.

"This is a lot deeper than I thought, it's a good thing I'm taking over this case I don't trust the detective on your case."

"You think Rooks is dirty?"

"Yeah and I don't think she's the only one, how else can you explain the sudden disappearance of your detail, and how your attacker knew that you were alone?"

Victoria chewed at her bottom lip as she realized just how far Jeffery's reach was.

"I'm posting four agents on this floor and several around the hospital. You're safety is top priority"

"You haven't heard from Dante have you? I called him but his phone is off."

"No, I thought he was supposed to stay with you last night?"

"I made him take mom home and I haven't seen him since. I'm starting to get worried."

"Maybe he went home and just crashed. I will stop by his place on my way to meet my team."

"Thanks Uncle James."

"No problem Vic you just worry about getting better."

After James left Victoria  called Gaby and apologized for putting her through so much strife. She promised not to pull her visitation rights anymore. She was about to ask Gaby if had heard from Dante when there was knock at her door.

"Come in," she yelled. "Mom I'll see you later, "she said ending the call as a female agent walked into the room.

"Ms. Gregorio there is an Owen Lawson here to see you." She said and Victoria rolled her eyes, she was wondering when the jerk would show up.

"You can let him in,"  

As soon as Owen walked in her eyes narrowed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, Jesus Vic who did this to you?" Owen said his shock expressed clearly on his face.

"Who do you think?"

Owen let out a sigh as he set the flowers he had brought down.

"I told you to let this case go, all of this could have been avoided if-"

"-if you did your damn job and put that bastard in jail seven years ago like you were supposed to."

Owen couldn't say anything.

"I trusted you to protect me, had I known you were a spineless asshole I would have never agreed to keep my mouth shut."

"Vic I,"

"Tell me the truth, did Natasha really commit suicide?"

Owen fell silent as he avoided making eye contact.

"I'm not sure we-"

"-tell me the truth Owen, did she really commit suicide?"

"No, she didn't,"


"There wasn't enough evidence to make the charges stick anyway. It made no sense to even try especially after the coroner ruled it a suicide."

"Are you serious? An innocent girl died Owen how is it not worth trying. You knew he was violent and yet you didn't do anything. Did you think he just magically changed his ways?"

"Victoria you don't understand"

"I don't understand? I understand it all perfectly; you're nothing but a coward."

"Don't act like your innocent in all of this, you could have gone to the DA back then, but you didn't. You were just like me, willing to do anything to survive."

"You're right; I made a mistake trusting you back then. Now I'm going to make up for it even if it kills me. I owe Natasha and her family that much, and so do you."

Victoria's words stayed with Owen during his long ride home. What she said was the truth instead of doing what was right at the time he was too busy trying to keep his name clean, and now the woman he loved suffered because of his mistake. He knew that somehow he had to make things right.


"What do you mean you're in jail!" Elijah yelled into his phone as he slammed his car door shut.

"I mean just what I said; they got me on some bogus attempted murder charge."


"Look man if all you're going to say is what, then hang up the phone." Dante snapped his patience wearing thin.

"I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time processing all of this. How the hell did you end up in jail for attempted murder?"

"It's a long story but I need you to make up something to tell Vic and get me a lawyer."

"I don't know what I can come up with that she won't be pissed off at. I'm pretty sure she's been looking for you, plus she is probably still pissed off at me for..."

"For what?"

"Never mind, I'll see what I can do."

After ending the call Elijah made his way up to see Victoria. Once he was cleared to see Victoria the second he stepped into her room, he could feel her killer glare. He tossed a white napkin in the air in an attempt to form a truce.

"Hi twin," he said as he cautiously walked over to her.

"Relax I'm practically in traction do you really think I can hurt you right now?"

"With you there is always a possibility." He said before leaning over and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you for staying alive, I don't know what I would have done if I lost you."

"Suffer with intense guilt for the rest of your life." She said rolling her eyes.

"True, I'm sorry Vic I don't know what got into me. Dante isn't that type of guy, he really does love you." 

"I know he does, speaking of the devil, have you heard from him today?"

"No, I thought he was here with you." Elijah said hoping that his face didn't give him away. Victoria narrowed her eyes as she studied her brother, she could usually tell when he was lying and there was something about the way his left eye started to twitch that told her something was up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be sure? "He said moving away from her and towards the sofa where he plopped down.

"Are you eating solids yet, do you want me to get you anything?"

"No I'm fine," she said never taking her eyes off of him. "What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing, there's nothing to tell." He says defensively.

"Why are you getting all defensive, now I know you're hiding something. Spill it before I throw this cell phone at your head."

"You're annoying." He grumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure you'll find out anyway once you turn the TV on so I'll spare you the shock... Dante was arrested."

"For what!" Victoria yelled as her heart dropped.

"Attempted murder, Jeffery claimed that Dante shot him" he said and Victoria inhaled sharply.

"You're joking right?"

"No, I'm not. He told me that the detective who's investigating your attack arrested him this morning."

Victoria fell silent as she stared into space. Elijah could tell that she was in deep thought, when she finally blinked, she picked up her cell phone and made a call.

"Martina call me back once you get all of the details." She said before ending the call.

"Who was that?"

"A friend of mine, who will take care of Dante for me,"

"He didn't want me to tell you, he knows you will worry."

"I was more worried when I didn't know where the hell he was. "She mumbled.

Not only was her life and body was a mess but now the people she loved was being affected, which was the main thing she wanted to avoid seven years ago.


"I can't believe you made me do that." Melissa hissed as she propped Jeffery up with a pillow. He was lapping up the attention even though he only received a flesh wound. "We're going to get caught."

"Not if you keep your mouth shut." He gritted as he grabbed her hand.

"You're losing it Jeffery how the hell did I let you convince me to shoot you." She said as she rubbed her hand across her face.

"Because we're in this together," He said as he pulled her onto the bed.

"Now shut the hell up I need to get some rest. When Detective Rooks comes to question you tomorrow just tell her what we rehearsed. Nothing more and no less, understand?"

Melissa shook her head as she rest her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his free arm around her.

How can I get out of this?


"I should punch you in the face when I see you." Victoria fussed and Gaby silently chided her.

"Be nice," she mouthed and Victoria rolled her eyes.

"They weren't supposed to tell you."

"I'm glad they did, I would rather hear it from my family than from the television. Gosh I can't stand you sometimes." She said even though she wished he was by her side. "You're bail hearing is tomorrow, worst case scenario the prosecution will convince the judge that you are a threat and no bail will be posted. Given your lack of a record I don't think that will happen, just sit tight we'll get you out soon."

"Don't worry about me Victoria; I just want you to focus on getting better."

"How can I get better when my hot nurse isn't here to pester me?" she said with a pout.

"Why haven't you asked me if I did it or not yet?"

"Because I know you Dante, you're annoying, bossy, and a little hot headed at times but you're no killer."

"Thank you," he said with a sigh of relief, Dante was trying his best not to sound as dejected as he was feeling but he wasn't doing a good job at it.

"For what?"

"Believing in me,"

"We all believe in you Dante, just hang in there and you'll be home before you know it. Someone's gotta rub my feet." She said with a soft laugh.

"We'll talk after your hearing, get some sleep... I love you." Victoria ended the call before Dante could respond as she burst into tears. Gaby rushed over to Victoria and cradled her in her arms.

"This is all my fault, I got him into this mess and I'm stuck here."

"None of this is your fault Victoria, you can't blame yourself for doing what's right and Dante knows that. Everything will be fine."

"I hope so mom I really do. I can't take much more of this." She said hoping that when everything was finally over that she and Dante would be on the winning side.

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