Stuck in the Middle | Solby:...

By runsolbyrun

7.3K 179 56

Sam is a late bloomer and presents as an Omega in a house full of male Beta's and Alpha's (excluding Devyn wh... More

Ch. 1: Omega
Ch. 3: Protect
Ch. 4: Awake

Ch. 2: Heat

1.7K 40 16
By runsolbyrun

Sam slept the entire drive there. He was feeling a bit tired and achy, probably from lack of sleep because of how stressed out he's been lately, and decided to nap the whole way to San Diego. On Colby's shoulder...which, he strangely didn't feel embarrassed about when he woke up once they arrived.

It wasn't abnormal for either of them to nap next/onto each other either through since they used to share a bed in their old apartment...but, it felt different this time. 

He didn't have any nightmares about any of his roommates dying from doing something dumb, or any demons attacking him, or anything like that like he had been for the past few weeks.

It felt good. For once, Sam felt calm and like he just drank 6 red bulls. He by Colby. Protected from harm. Of course, he decided to ignore that last bit and figured he must've been really tired.

"Alright, so who is sleeping where? This place only has two rooms; a bed couch, a full, and a queen. And there's four of us." Elton said as they began piling into one of the most haunted houses in America.

Sam was suddenly hit with a strong energy that they were not welcome there. Like he wasn't welcome there. He shivered, not liking the energy this house had at all.

Next to him, he felt Colby's eyes on him for a second before he turned to Elton, "Sam and I are together. We'll take the room upstairs." He said instantly, and Sam felt a strange contentness in his gut when Colby said they were together.

He immediately pushed it to the back of his mind and voiced his agreement, forgetting about the bad energy he was hit with upon entering the house.

"O-kay. So, I'm not sharing a bed with Corey so I guess one of us is taking the couch, two, three...NOES GOES!" Elton shouted, touching his finger to his noes quickly and Corey followed suit just a second too late, groaning in despair when he was voted to take the stuffy bed couch.

"Come on, Elton! I have a fatter ass than you do, I need the bed!" Corey whined and the two started arguing. Sam suddenly felt a nudge and glanced to over to see Colby smiling down at him, motioning to go upstairs to get settled while the elders of the group argued.

Sam smiled, nodding and followed his younger friend up the stairs. He was still tired from the long drive, ready to take another nap or just go to bed despite it only being 6pm.

They weren't going to start filming until around midnight that night, so they had some time to kill to explore San Diego again or get some food and just hang out until midnight.

"Those guys argue like husband and wife, I swear!" Colby chuckled as they walked up the stairs to their room.

Sam laughed, agreeing, as he looked around the creepy looking house.

It definitely hasn't been updated in a few years. The steps were creaky, there were pictures from the original family that lived there all over the walls, the rooms smelled like moth balls and dust bunnies like it hasn't been cleaned since before it's become a tourist hot spot, and everything about the house just made Sam feel...unsafe and uncomfortable.

He didn't really believe in spirits as he's mentioned many times in his videos so he was still a bit apprehensive about the house being 'haunted'. But what happened the last time they were here last October - still have him chills to this day.

Last time they kept seeing weird shadow people all over the city, they heard kids screaming, adults talking, women screaming, the weird light thing that happened with Colby, and the camera not focusing on Sam when they arrived to the Whaley house...

It just gave him a bad vibe. Sam didn't like this at all.

"Hey, you okay?" Colby suddenly asked, startling Sam out of his thoughts.

They had just finished settling in, the creepy old children's bedroom they were in had their stuff all over the place as they chilled out on the full bed on their phones, scrolling through their social medias.

It was quiet downstairs, so that meant Uncle Elton and Corey must've come to an agreement.

Sam ran a hand through his fringe out of habit, glancing at Colby only to reel back slightly at the intense, concerned look his best friend was giving him. 

It wasn't unusual for Colby to be the more protective of them because he was an alpha (Sam might've been the mom friend, but when Colby wasn't messing around, he was definitely, the more protective one), bigger than Sam, and just had a protective nature for his friends in general, but this felt different than Colby just 'checking up on him' to make sure he was okay. 

This felt deeper than that.

Sam couldn't control the shiver that went down his spine as he stared into his friends deep, blue eyes. The blue just went on for miles. They were so interesting, so much deeper than his own icy blue eyes. 

Shaking his head, Sam opened his mouth to answer his friend but froze when he suddenly felt lightheaded and grabbed his head in surprise, startling Colby. 

"Shit! Sam, are you okay? What's wrong?!" Colby explained and Sam whined in response, beginning to feel achy and sore all over.

"I-I don't know...I d-don't feel s-so good," Sam groaned, wincing at the ache he was beginning to feel down his spine.

What was going on?! He's never felt this before! It was like...he was rapidly getting a fever in such a short time but that was impossible because he was feeling fine all day!

Fuck. Sam knew it. It was this stupid house that was affecting him!

There was a loud bang downstairs as Colby tried to console him and then the door bangs open, revealing two, angry alpha's with bright red eyes.

A wave of dizziness washed over Sam; something sticky and wet slid out of his hole, and the next thing he knew, Colby was on top of him, before everything went black.

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