
By LexTheAuthor

1.6M 50.8K 107K

Aaron Turner had come to terms with his bisexuality at the age of fifteen. His first real relationship was wi... More

Chapter 1. Steal His Man Challenge.
Chapter 2. Love Lost.
Chapter 3. Best Thing I Never Had.
Chapter 4. Lonely.
Chapter 5. Differences.
Chapter 6. Trust.
Chapter 7. Family Affair.
Chapter 8. I Need You.
Chapter 9. Heart For Sale.
Chapter 10. The Boy Is Mine.
Chapter 11. Dilemma.
Chapter 12. Homies.
Chapter 13. Ex Factor.
Chapter 14. You Don't Know Me.
Chapter 15. Do The Right Thing.
Chapter 16. Wild Thoughts.
Chapter 17. Only You.
Chapter 18. Through It All.
Chapter 19. Always.
Chapter 20. XO
Chapter 21. Watch Your Back
Chapter 22. All The Wrong Things.
Chapter 23. Baby Daddy.
Chapter 24. Just The Two Of Us.
Chapter 25. Malik & Aaron.
Chapter 27. Hundred Reasons.
Chapter 28. In Too Deep
Chapter 29. Fake Love
Chapter 30. Consequences.
Chapter 31. Hard Truth
Trade Book 2 Out Now

Chapter 26. The Understanding

42.2K 1.1K 2.5K
By LexTheAuthor

Moses McKinley

Aaron slowly walked towards me seeming hesitant as he shoved his hands into his pants. It was early on a Thursday morning and I hadn't seen him or spoke to him in three days, right away I could see the exhaustion all over his face.

"I don't know if you're mad at me or not. I don't know if I should come closer" Aaron said as he lingered a few feet away.

I moved from my spot and immediately pulled him into a tight embrace. His body sunk into mine and he held me just as tight as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm not mad, I'm happy I still have you. Fuck everything else" I responded turning my head a little so I could kiss his lips.

We stood in an embrace for a little while before I let go and guided him to my car. I wasn't going to bring up Malik or any of that because I knew he didn't need that right at that moment.

I had been getting things in order these last few days and had so much to show him. Part of me was unsure if he was ready for the changes that were coming, I had my daughter full time now and I hadn't even told him that yet.

"I cried until I made myself throw up. It was terrible and now I want to eat about ten hamburgers with lots of cheese and bacon and fries" Aaron said as he took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck.

"That can be arranged. Anything for you" I said trying to help him into my car but he gently pulled out of my grasp and climbed into the car himself.

When he saw some of our clothes in the backseat he looked towards me while he buckled himself into the car.

"We moved" I said bluntly and he frowned and glanced back at the clothes again while I smiled and hopped into the car.

"What do you mean we moved? I've been away for a few days dealing with my issues and you decided to just make a big change without consulting me? I liked our place, I was use to it!" Aaron snapped. I got completely still and side eyed him while he placed a hand on his forehead and shut his eyes.

"We needed to move, you said so yourself. Why not now? You don't have to worry about anybody besides Saint doing pop ups at our place or disturbing your peace. Sienna has her own room and Rowan-" I trailed off causing Aaron's eyes to widen.

"What about her?" He questioned and I shrugged not trying to upset him. He was being erratic and I usually didn't hold my tongue but I really didn't know what to say to him right now.

"She's living with us temporarily. She doesn't want to be under her father's roof with everything going on and I got Camry to sign over her rights to me" I explained.

"What else? Did you go off and get married too? It's been three days, three fucking days" Aaron said as he took a few deep breaths.

"The hardest three fucking days of my life. I'm okay by the way, thanks for asking" I said with a fake chuckle as I started my car up.

Aaron placed his hands into his lap and looked down. He trembled a bit as he nodded his head like I'd said something to him.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been a good boyfriend, or a person in general. I'll pull myself together" He promised.

"I'm going to be patient but I need you to take what happened seriously. I'm going to continue to work with you but you need to get help, you promise to go to therapy and then you go once every few months and fall right back where you were. It's hard seeing you like this, I have a kid now Ron and I don't want her to see you like this either" I confess.

He sat silently while I watched his chest rise and fall like normal. Ron's hands gripped his knees and he nodded.

"I hear you" He responded. I reached over and opened my glove compartment where I fetched the blunt I'd rolled for him out.

Aaron took it from me and placed it between his lips before grabbing the lighter out and lit it up.

I made sure I took the lighter back from him before pulling out of the parking space.

"I feel like I have a different out look on life you know? I just feel so different, very creative. I wanna restart my comic books, I'm done talking about it and putting it off to the side. I'm going to finish off this semester in college and then take a break because my grades are starting to drop and that's not a good look" Aaron explained through puffs of his blunt.

"You were much happier when you were working on that shit. I'm happy to hear you talking about it again" I responded continuing to watch the road.

"If one day you feel like you can't handle this or handle me, just let me know. You have to put Sienna first and I'd be okay if you chose to leave for her" Aaron said slowly.

My grip on the steering wheel loosened a bit as I made a turn and tried to avoid letting my frustration show.

"Nobody is fucking leaving! You're going to get help and we're going to be a fucking family wether you want to or not!" I snapped.

"So I don't have a choice in the matter?" Aaron questioned and I could feel his eyes on me.

"No nigga you don't. This is fate, it is what it is man, so please just get help. You must want to see me cry, yeah?" I asked glancing at him briefly before looking back at the road.

But even though my glance was quick I could see the corners of his mouth turn up almost into a smile before he realized he was about to smile and played it off.

"How did you get Camry to sign over her rights to Sienna?" Ron questioned.

"I paid her, you know hoes can't resist money" I said attempting to avoid saying how much I paid her.

"Yeah but how much did it take?" Aaron questioned as I stopped at a red light.

"Ten million" I muttered looking over at him. His eyes widened and he looked over at me in shock.

"Are we broke now? What are we gonna do?" He stressed.

"I'm not a broke boy Ron. We have money just not a lot right now, but enough to live comfortable for a little while, I told Angelo I'd take on being his right hand if he helped me out a little bit. You know he's been stressed because he feels like he can't trust anybody in the drug world, so I figured I'd return the favor and have his back like he always has mine" I explained.

I was shocked when Aaron placed his hand on my cheek and gently rubbed on it before I kissed the back of his hand.

"Just please be careful" He begged. I nodded and he dropped his hand back down onto his lap.

We stopped by a restaurant and ordered some meals to go. It took almost an hour to get back to the new spot and Aaron watched the roads very closely to try and figure out where we were.

"It's been awhile since I lived in a brownstone. I'm kinda happy to be out of the apartment" he admitted.

After I parked and grabbed the food he followed me out of the car. Saint who'd been waiting rushed out of the brownstone and ran towards Aaron pulling him into a tight hug.

"You scared me, don't do shit like that again!" Saint complained as he let go of the hug and gave him a slight shove.

"I won't" Aaron replied as Saint draped his arm around him and led him into the place. I followed behind them still carrying the food that they acted like they couldn't offer to help me with.

I closed the door behind myself and Rowan appeared holding Sienna on her hip. She looked me over before turning and marching away with an attitude like I'd done something to her.

"You know you don't even need to be here. Saint offered to watch Sienna while I picked up Aaron!" I called after her.

I walked into the empty kitchen and sat the bags down before grabbing Aaron and showing him around the semi empty place. He seemed overwhelmed and slightly confused but I could tell he wasn't going to question it.

"Think of it like this, we have new rooms to fuck in and a bigger shower" I said and he laughed as we walked up the stairs.

I opened up the bedroom door and he looked around before nodding his head in approval.

"We can fuck in that corner and that corner over there. Maybe even the closet" He suggested.

I smirked as he pushed open the bathroom door and stepped inside while I walked over and sat on the bed.

"I figured today we can just relax and enjoy each others company. Tomorrow I have some stuff I need to handle but it shouldn't take long" I said with a shrug.

"As long as we don't have sex, I'm not in the mood for sex on this particular day" Aaron called from the bathroom.

He eventually came out and walked over to me. I licked my lips as he leaned down and kissed my lips allowing me to grab his ass.

"You doing a lot right now" he laughed as I continued to kiss him before bringing him down to the bed where he sat next to me.

"Love you for life" I said kissing his shoulder and he smiled small.

"Love you forever" He said and I went to kiss him again when Saint barged into the room.

"Can I eat? I'm hungry as fuck, you had me moving furniture all day and don't have no food in the house" Saint complained.

"Nigga, I don't care just shut the door on your way out" I complained.

Saint closed the door back and I kissed Aaron again before getting up from the bed.

"I want you to see something, it's gonna have you shook as hell" I said trying to hide my laughter as I walked over to the dressed and picked up an old iPhone that sat on it.

I didn't even think I could get it to charge but it came on and when I went through the shit it was like a blast from the past.

Aaron took the phone from me and I sat back next to him on the bed watching him click on the iMessage icon.

It took him awhile to register what he was even looking at but eventually his eyes widened in realization.

"Yo this is our old text conversation, I don't even remember sending you half of this shit. You use to ask for a lot of nudes and my dumbass kept sending them" Aaron said.

"I still be asking for nudes and you still send them shits too, fuck you mean?" I questioned.

He clicked out of the messages and went to my camera roll that was filled with so many pictures of us.

"I remember when I was DL and my worst fear was somebody hacking my iCloud and exposing all this shit, use to think that'd be the end of the world" I mumbled.

"That was when I realized I loved dick, I was so obsessed and clingy. That's probably why you use to always need space" Aaron laughed as I rested my chin on his shoulder continuing to watch him go through the pictures.

"Nah I knew I was always a lil fruity, I just tested it out on you to see if you was down with it cause I liked you. I just use to deny that shit and look for reasons to break up because I thought about what other people would think more than I should have" I finally admitted.

Aaron eventually sat the phone to the side and laid back on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down as well.

My lips pressed into his a few times each kiss more powerful than the last. He grew still once I broke the kiss and just looked down at him.

"You know what you have to do now right?" Aaron asked as I stood up from the bed and pulled him up as well.

"Make up with your brother. I know what you're planning because I'm not stupid, but you're going to need more than just Amaru and Josh. Michael would help in a heartbeat if you asked" Aaron suggested and I smacked my teeth.

"Fuck Michael, he fucked my wife and thought he fathered my child. I'd rather di-" I began before I stopped myself.

"That's what I thought. What is that?" Aaron questioned changing the subject.

I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was looking at when I noticed I'd left the ring box out.

"It's not for you, you don't want to get married right now anyway. You know how I like to wear rings sometimes" I rambled as I walked over and snatched it off the dresser.

"Whatever you say. I'm going to go and eat, before I pass out" he laughed playfully bumping passed me as he walked out of the room.

I looked at the ring that really wasn't meant for him and wondered if he was still against marrying me, part of me wanted that commitment but the other part of me felt like things were fine how it was and there was no need to rush it.


"I probably shouldn't even say nothing, but since you my right hand I figured you should know" I admit watching Carlos stop what he was doing and join me at the bar of the strip club we were at.

"You always playing, just tell me" He said grabbing his drink and taking a few sips. I sighed and looked away before scratching the back of my neck.

"It's Deejay. I overheard a conversation he was having about how he was going to take you out before you could come for him, I confronted him about it and you know he lied to my face. Just watch your back is all I'm saying" I said watching Carlos' demeanor change.

"Why haven't we killed him off yet?" Carlos questioned through clenched teeth and I sighed again and looked away for dramatic effect.

"I'm being watched by the Feds. Why you think I have so many burner phones? Killing Deejay is to much of a risk for me right now, but if it came down to it you know I'd have your back" I inform Carlos.

He looked down in deep thought and waved off a dancer that had begun to approach us before he turned back to me.

"The Feds aren't after me, let me take one for the team. I know you'd do it if you could" Carlos said.

"That's not your responsibility, we handle shit together" I inform him but Carlos finished off the rest of his drink before clearing his throat.

"I'm a handle this. You got a lot of shit to worry about" Carlos reminded as he playfully hit my shoulder. I nodded slowly and watched him get up from his spot to go and enjoy himself for the evening.

I smiled small but was caught off guard when Skye slid into the spot on the other side of me. I cursed under my breath wondering what the fuck my old friend wanted.

"I see much hasn't changed. You're still a manipulative person, why would you send him after Deejay when you know he's going to see him coming and kill him first?" She questioned.

"Why wouldn't I? They both have to die, I like Carlos he was cool but Angelo would never agree to have him work with us. He knows too much about me to live so I gotta do this" I explained.

"You'd rather have them kill each other than get your hands dirty" She said lowly and I shrugged.

"You might think it's wrong but it's what I do best. It'll be quick and then I'll kill Deejay and move on to James. I've played around long enough" I admit.

"I'm use to you, you usually throw away people once you're done playing with them. It's part of the Gemini charm" she teased.

I didn't get what people had against Gemini, we were misunderstood. If anything Aquarius were way worse, that was Aaron's sign.

"You know what I think? I think you need me" Skye teased and I tried to keep my eyes on her face to stop them from roaming down to her breasts.

"I don't need anybody" I responded watching her playfully pucker her lips up. It'd been years since I'd dealt with Skye, it was always her and Deejay and I.

"Deejay got me pregnant and abandoned our daughter. I want him dead just as bad as you do" Skye said growing serious. I could see the fire in her eyes and feel the anger she had with each word she spoke.

"Every man for himself. You know how it is" I warned and she smiled small and shrugged.

"You miss me. It'll be like old times, back before Deejay turned into a lil bitch"  She said and I nodded.

"Before or after you admitted your feelings for me?" I questioned watching her eyes get big.

"Look I didn't mean anything by that. We should've never mixed casual sex with our friendship, but it's been years and I'm over it. I promise I won't let it get in the way of everything going on" Skye said growing flustered.

I licked my lips still being able to taste the liquor on them before getting up.

"Is that all? I should be going" I said and Skye grabbed my arm to stop me before moving her hand.

"I dropped by your apartment yesterday and nobody answered. Were you and Aaron not home?" She asked.

"I was probably out handling business and you know how Aaron is" I lied and she narrowed her eyes at me like she could sense I wasn't being fully honest.

"Well, don't be a stranger. I'm serious about what we just talked about" Skye assured and I nodded.

I looked her over one last time before I left out of the strip club and headed to my car. I did the usual circle around my car to check it out before I left and headed home.

I called Aaron once to see him he wanted me to pick him up something but after getting no response my anxiety began to rise.

The lights in the brownstone were cut off and Saint's car was no longer outside. I parked and hopped out of the car jogging up the steps and headed inside.

I nearly tripped over a box as I looked around my dark home. I shut the front door behind me and followed the only light downstairs which took me into the living room where a TV was on but Rowan or Aaron were nowhere to be found.

"Is this about to be my karma?" I questioned out loud before heading up the stairs.

I checked Sienna's nursery that only had a crib set up but it was empty.

"Ron?" I called before walking down the hallway and pushing open the master bedroom that was already cracked.

I flicked the lights on and Aaron lay completely still on the bed half asleep while my daughter slept on his chest peacefully.

"You're here by yourself?" I questioned dimming the lights so it wouldn't be as bright. I wasn't sure what I was expecting to find but in the back of my mind I prayed this would be it and not him and Rowan.

"Saint went to the movies and Rowan wanted to tag along with him. I told them you'd be back so it was fine if she stayed with me. She wasn't any trouble, she's a sweet baby" He said sleepily.

I carefully moved Sienna from Aaron's chest making sure she was still asleep and moved her out of the room and into her crib.

She fidgeted a bit but for the most part she stayed asleep.

When I came back into the room Aaron was sitting up in bed and rubbing his eyes.

I undressed before going into the bathroom and cutting the shower on. Aaron eventually climbed out of the bed and followed me, but instead of joining me in the shower he leaned against the sink and watched me as the glass grew foggy.

"You just gonna watch or you gonna join me?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"I already showered a couple hours ago. Seems kinda pointless to do it again right now, I like the show though" he said as I began lathering my body up with soap.

"You can never be to clean, let me help you this time" I said attempting to talk him into it.

"I don't know, Sienna could wake up at any minute and I just really don't think it's a good idea" Aaron said as I opened the shower door and looked out at him.

"Come here" I flirted extending my hand to him. He hesitated before he awkwardly came towards me and I grabbed onto his arm pulling him closer.

"Wait, I just bandaged my arm up again. Let's not" Aaron said pulling out of my grasp.

"Ron!" I called as he walked out of the bathroom in a hurry. I sighed and shut the door back before continuing my usual nightly fifteen minute shower, except this time it lasted thirty minutes.

I cut the water off and used my towel to dry off before wrapping the towel around my waist and walking into the bedroom.

Aaron lay on his side scrolling through his phone and he looked up when he saw me looking down at him.

Instead of saying anything he rolled over on his other side so he wouldn't see me staring at him.

"Pussy" I mumbled grabbing deodorant from out of my drawer and applying it under my arms.

"Sorry I'm not always in the mood to fuck when you want it. Why can't we just talk for once?" Aaron questioned as I dropped my towel and pulled on a pair of briefs.

"We talk all the time. Where is this coming from?" I questioned grabbing the lotion and sitting on the bed.

Aaron sat up and looked at me as I moisturized my skin, still giving him my full attention.

"How much do you love me? Can you say it without trying to show me through sex?" Aaron asked.

"Ron I tell you I love you all of the time. You act like I'm the only one who enjoys the sex, you want it just as bad as I do" I remind.

"Explain how much you love me. I want to hear it in words, nobody ever explains it" He demanded.

"You know I love you, not just that but I'm in love and I still don't even understand what it means fully. All I know is, we could be completely bad for each other and I'd still try and make it work because I want this to work so bad. You the only person I'd take back if you cheated, but then I'd kill you" I explained and he took a deep breath.

The room got quiet and all I could hear was the fan noise in the background, almost like Aaron was holding his breath.

Eventually, he fell back on to the bed and blinked a few times.

"Was that what you wanted to hear?" I questioned shaking him a bit.

"I guess so" He replied. I put the lotion back and pushed him over in bed, before climbing in behind him.

I kissed Aaron's shoulder and pulled him close and he didn't attempt to fight it as I rested my head on him.

"I missed you" he said as he looked down at my arm that was covered in tattoos and laid across him.

"Missed you too" I responded and he turned to look at me and got this weird smirk on his face.

"Am I the only male crush you've ever had? You never talk about finding male celebs cute" he said randomly.

"It's not something I ever think about, but I kinda knew I was a lil fruity the first time I watched Belly. DMX in his prime during the rough riders era was probably the only nigga I would risk it all for, besides you of course" I admitted and he smiled.

"I feel the same way about Tupac. I dead ass only liked Amaru at first because his name was Tupac's middle name" Aaron said and I sat up on my elbow.

"Yeah? I can't name anybody else. He was it for me as far as male celebs go" I said and Aaron continued to smile.

"Wee-Bey from The Wire is another one for me" He continued and I raised an eyebrow.

"I feel you" I sighed as I eventually laid on my back and looked up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" Ron questioned as he watched my chest rise and fall.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking" I said as he leaned down and kissed my chest.

"Well hopefully it's nothing bad. We can get through it all" he said as he kissed my chest again before he moved to my lips.

He kissed me for awhile before I placed my hand on the back of his neck wanting him to come as close as he possibly could while I kissed him harder.

Aaron Turner

I woke up the next morning in bed alone like I knew I would. I didn't get up right away, instead I just stared at the ceiling in the unfamiliar bedroom.

Something in me just didn't feel the same anymore, throughout everything I always felt like deep down I was still nerdy Ron who watched anime all day and was excited to just be included, but I didn't feel like that same person anymore.

I pushed the covers off of half my body and looked up at my arm that was laying under the covers and noticed the bandaged that was on it remind me of the night I lost my shit.

Eventually I climbed out of bed and stood up on the cold tile floor. I walked passed the fully body length mirror revealing I was only in a pair of briefs and shook my head.

I used the bathroom and took care of the usual morning hygiene before drying my face with a towel sitting on the counter.

I could hear Sienna's cries echo throughout the brownstone as I pulled on a pair of shorts and opened the bedroom door.

Saint was sitting on the stairs leading downstairs and when he saw me he stood up and smiled.

"You don't have class? You don't have to hang around, I'm good" I try to assure as I walked down the stairs passed him.

"You aren't good and that's okay. You will be eventually but I just want to make sure you're straight, you'd do the same for me" Saint said following me.

We went into the kitchen where Moses was struggling to calm his crying daughter.

That was my future and it scared the hell out of me, the thought of being responsible for a small infant and I didn't think I was ready.

"I cooked breakfast, you can think me later" Moses said with a wink. I looked at the eggs, sausage, bacon and biscuits with gravy that covered the stove.

What was even more shocking was the fact that I didn't think I would die by eating this like usual.

"I don't believe you" I responded picking up a piece of bacon and biting into it with ease.

I opened the drawer in the kitchen in search of a fork and noticed the drawer was locked.

"She's not even walking yet, we don't need to do this yet do we?" I questioned Moses who shared a look with Saint and they both grew awkward.

"It's not for her" Moses responded causing my chewing to slow down.

"So I can't use a spoon because you think I'm going to spoon myself to death?" I questioned.

"You know why I did this, when your therapist says it's okay to leave it unlocked I will. You can get mad all you want" Moses said.

I stared at him for awhile before we both heard a doorbell ring. Saint offered to get it but I stopped him and practically rushed out of the kitchen, if I was lucky it was someone to get me out of here.

I smiled when I opened the door only to drop that shit immediately when I made eye contact with Amaru.

I could've sworn Moses said we moved so that people wouldn't know where we stayed, but clearly he should've just listed the people that didn't know where we stayed.

"You look like shit" Amaru commented as he used crutches to make his way inside with the help of Josh, his fuck buddy.

"Kiss my ass!" I snapped bumping passed him on my way out causing him to nearly tumble over.

"Pimp down!" I heard Amaru yell as I sat on the front steps outside and placed my head in my hands.

Josh came outside and sat down next to me and mocked the way I was sitting with my head resting on my knees.

"You good? We heard what happened, Amaru was just teasing, you know how he is" Josh said trying to defend him.

"I know, I'm just going through a lot right now and it has nothing to do with him or anyone in general. I hate that I'm so angry but I just am and I can't control it" I explained.

"Everybody just wants to help you, I don't know what caused you to do what you did and I won't speak on or act like I know how you feel. Just don't act like it's you against the world, I know we aren't really friends but I fuck with you Ron" Josh said as I rubbed at my eyes.

"When I was in the hospital everything that was bottled up came out of me and I just talked about a lot of stuff. It was hard, my mom really hurt me deep" I said through tears.

"And you feel like she's the only person that should hear what you have to say?" Josh questioned.

"Yeah, but she died a few years ago and left my brothers and I with burdens that wasn't ours to carry. I don't want to be emotional or come across as sensitive, these aren't tears of sadness just tears of anger and frustration. I don't think I can be the old me that people are waiting for to come back, I just can't" I stressed.

"People grow and change, but you gotta let all the people you care about grow and change with you" Josh said as the door opened.

Rowan stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at us with this weird look on her face like she had something to say but knew it was rude.

"So let me get this straight, Aaron dated Moses and then dated Amaru but then left him for Moses and then Amaru is now dating you but you want to be friendly with Aaron?" She asked Josh who laughed.

"I'm a chill dude, it is what it is" he said with a shrug as he stood up. I got up as well and went to follow Josh into the house when Rowan stopped me and handed me a napkin that she was holding in her hand.

"For your face" She said with an eye roll. I wiped my face off and got under my eyes while she watched me and eventually gave a thumbs up signaling all was well.

"Hopefully our kids aren't crybabies" Rowan teased and I did a double take to make sure I heard her right.

"Our kids?!" I questioned as she slapped my ass and walked ahead of me being sure to swish her hips.

"You heard right nigga, you just don't realize it" She said with a shrug.

I shivered at the thought of that, I'd been in lots of women but something was telling me Rowan probably had teeth in her pussy.

"Did you come back to assault me some more? I deserve better than this" Amaru said as he mugged me.

"Bite me you lil bitch" I responded and Moses and Saint looked at me in shock while Amaru smiled to himself.

Moses fixed me a plate and sat it down in front of me. I sat down and picked up my fork while Moses continued to gently bounce Sienna and watch me like I would freak out about anything.

I ate my breakfast silently and occasionally tried to pretend like everyone in the kitchen wasn't watching me.

Saint's phone rung which got some attention. I bit into a piece of bacon and looked up at him as he nervously eyed his phone before showing Moses the caller ID.

Moses said something lowly to him before Saint nodded and hit ignore on the call. Amaru leaned over and nudged me with his shoulder and I frowned and eyed him wondering what he wanted.

"I was just kidding earlier when I said you looked like shit, you still look like a a whole meal. Just a crazy one" he whispered as he wet his lips.

I smirked and shook my head as he did his usual laugh and focused back on his plate in front of us.

"I just noticed you aren't wearing braces anymore, look at you" I complimented and he winked at me.

I glanced at Moses who looked me over before walking out of the kitchen with his daughter like I'd done something wrong. He'd done worse, I wasn't even flirting but he was the type of nigga to flirt with ten chicks in your face and say you were crazy.

"You aren't going to follow him? He's trying so hard to help you" Rowan said placing her hand on her hip.

I ate some fruit in the bowl in front of me before getting up to find Moses.

He had gone into the living room and was placing Sienna in her bouncer when I walked up on him.

"I wasn't flirting or anything like that, Amaru and I have always just had that type of relationship. I don't have feeling for him anymore and I apologize if it came across that way" I said truthfully.

Moses stood up straight and looked over his shoulder at me like he was confused.

"Nigga, I'm not worried about Amaru. I don't even care" He shrugged but I could tell he was trying to play off his feeling like usual.

I turned him towards me before resting my head on his chest. He didn't wrap his arms around me and I ended up having to grab them and place them around me myself while he chuckled.

"We good, right?" He questioned and I looked down at Sienna in the bouncer seeing she was starting to doze off.

"Yeah, we're good. It's just this is going to take some adjusting" I admitted.

Moses grabbed my chin before he leaned down and kissed my lips a few times before we both fell back onto the soft carpet where a nice soft rug was under us.

I wrapped my arms around him continuing to kiss him. His tongue slid across my bottom lip before sliding into my mouth.

"W-wait" I stuttered breathless after breaking the kiss. Moses continued to kiss all over my neck and chest while I tried to pry him off of me.

"We have company over and your daughter is right there, not now" I laughed.

"She's sleep and won't even remember this" He laughed as he got up. There was a small travel bottle of jack Daniels sitting on the table that Moses grabbed and unscrewed the top.

I got off the ground on my own and watched him pour the entire thing into his mouth like it was smart to get drunk early in the morning.

"I see you're back to drinking early again" I commented and he shrugged.

"It's not enough to get drunk, I just miss the taste sometime, you know?" He said and I have a simple nod even though I didn't.

"Well I think if she's here we need to get rid of all the alcohol and be normal adults, no more clubbing and that threesome we were thinking about is out of question" I said and Moses grabbed his chest.

"Hold up a second, what threesome did we think about? I said no and we not throwing shit out" he complained.

I returned back into the kitchen and opened the pantry up seeing two bottles of tequila and some vodka, along with an assortment of other alcohol and wine.

"We need to do this, for healing. This is my home to right?" I questioned grabbing two bottles off the shelf.

Moses watched in horror as I began pouring a full bottle of vodka down the drain.

For a second I assumed he was going to cry but he held it together because everyone was watching.

"You said I needed to get it together when you picked me up yesterday and I think you should too" I muttered.

If I couldn't go into drawers to get basic utensils than his punk ass wasn't drinking any alcohol, he was going to suffer along with me.

"You could just give the alcohol to us" Amaru suggested and Josh nodded in agreement.

"Nah, until James is dead nobody is doing any stupid shit. I'm ready to live my life normal again, no more looking over my shoulder. So until this shit gets resolved nobody needs to be at a club or getting drunk in the middle of the day" I said cutting my eyes at Moses as he cleared his throat.

"I work at a strip club, so does that count or?" Josh questioned.

"And why do I have to suffer? I'm not the crazy friend" Saint muttered.

"No but you're the broke one so you'll deal" I shot back and he looked me over.

"Touché" He said before he picked up his fork and began to shovel food into his mouth.

Moses moved behind me after I retook my seat in front of my plate and grabbed my head putting me into a headlock.

Everyone turned the other way while I remained calm and looked up at him.

"You lucky I'm in a good mood" He whispered letting go and I rubbed my neck.

"Your punk ass wouldn't do shit, sissy" I muttered.

Moses smirked and left out of the kitchen to check on his daughter while I tried to shake off the sudden sexual tension I felt.

Malik Turner

I knocked twice on my brothers door before taking a step back and waiting. After a few minutes with no answer I began to ring the doorbell over and over again before I heard footsteps.

"Who is it?!" I heard my nephew Knox yell and I tried to regain my composure. I was hoping it was going to be Kaine so I could punch his ass in the face before dragging him outside to be curb stomped.

"Uncle Malik" I said. I heard the locks on the door turn before the door opened and Knox looked up at me.

"Where are your parents?" I questioned stepping inside and shutting the door behind me.

"My mom is sleeping, my dad is with the baby" he said and I shut my eyes.

I'd been so mad at the situation with Aaron and Kaine telling him that I didn't even think about the possibility that the baby had been born already.

Knox led me to the living room where my brother was fawning over his newborn daughter.

"Look at you" I said gesturing to him and Kaine looked up at me before he smirked.

"She's beautiful right? Her name is Korri, not that you cared to know" He said nonchalantly.

"Our brother had a mental breakdown because of you and I'm over her sick to my stomach" I said.

Kaine looked up at me before he motioned for Knox to come over to him. I watched him whisper something in his sons ear before Knox left us alone.

"That's what you came about? It needed to happen, now he can grieve. I'm tired of the lies and holding it in hurt. It needed to come out and you weren't going to do it, so I did. Now what?" Kaine questioned.

His wife's mother came into the living room and took her granddaughter from Kaine before leaving out as my brother stood up.

"You fucked everything up. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't because I knew I couldn't be what he needed me to be and I didn't want to see that look on his face. I crushed his spirt and I feel like this shit just sent me steps backward" I stressed.

"That's crazy" Kaine said as he stared off into space and I shook my head.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at his bitch ass to get his attention and he looked me over.

"We been treating Aaron with kid gloves since he was a child. He makes a mistake and we run to fix it, this shit doesn't just affect you or him, I'm here too which you seem to always forget. I was better off not even knowing, if you wanted it to stay a secret until you were ready you shouldn't of dragged me into it and kept that shit to yourself" Kaine said as he turned and walked out of the living room.

"Who else was I suppose to talk to? My coworkers?" I questioned following behind him.

"Your damn therapist!" He snapped causing his son Kieran who was walking down the hallway eating a cheese puff to jump.

I rubbed my jaw and Kaine shook his head before he looked from me to his son.

"It was wrong of me to tell you something like that and expect you to keep it a secret. My bad for feeling like I could trust you" I said leaning against the wall.

Kaine directed his son up the stairs and waited until he was gone before looking back at me.

"He's out of the hospital now, I talked to him briefly this morning. He's going to come over tomorrow and I can talk to him if you want and maybe the three of us could do something" Kaine offered.

"He already said he doesn't want to see me. How the fuck is that suppose to make shit right?" I questioned as I shook my head and headed back into his living room.

I noticed a blueberry pop tart sitting on the table and picked it up as Kaine followed me.

I bit into the pop tart and went to chew when I realized how wet it was.

"That's Anari's she licks all over her pop tarts until their soggy and then eats it. She's her mother's child" Kaine said as I looked at the poptart.

"I don't even care, I feel like shit anyway" I muttered taking another bite where it hadn't been licked.

"I really came here to kill you, but then I thought about your kids" I said and Kaine chuckled.

"Like you'd get away with that, you'd be dead five minutes later, just don't know if it'll be Angelo, Moriah or Ajani that kills you first" he responded.

I finished off the pop tart before sitting the plate it was on back on the table and leaned back on the couch.

My pregnant girlfriend, Journey kept calling my phone and I had to eventually mute my ringer.

She wanted to talk about baby names and I still wanted to kill somebody. It'd been awhile and I felt myself start to slip back into my old ways when I shut everyone out.

I looked up once I heard footsteps and in walked Angelo in lounging clothes.

He fell back into Kaine's recliner and put his feet up like he lived there.

"Every time I see you I feel like you look even more tired" Kaine commented.

"I am tired, tired of Moses being a lil punk ass bitch, tired of Aaron getting in my way and tired of that annoying ass druggy that does everything but his job. I've never seen a nigga beat death so many times" Angelo complained referring to Amaru.

"I told Aaron about being careful with the company he keeps. He never listens and now people want him dead by association" I said staring at the painting that hung on the wall.

"Well maybe that'll be good for his ass" Angelo muttered before he rubbed his forehead. "I don't mean that, I'm just going through stuff right now, I'm trying not to get involved with Moses' situation because I though he could handle it himself but clearly I got to. Anyone want to help me out, or is killing beneath you now that you both went legit?" Angelo questioned.

"I can't, I'm being followed and-" Kaine began saying what he was use to always saying every time we asked him to do something.

I watched him shakes his head and stare up at the ceiling growing disappointed with himself.

"You know Moriah came to Aaron's aid and told him and Amaru exactly what to do and Aaron did the complete opposite? I had to help Moses get a low key place out of the city to lay low because he's a rookie and thinks because he nutted in a bitch she's exempt from death" Angelo said.

Maybe Ron was really suicidal, how do you fuck up when someone has already told you what to do? An ex hit man at that.

Kaine picked up his phone and Angelo and I watched him dial a number and put it on speaker.

"Moses, where are you at?" Kaine questioned into the phone after awhile

"In my damn bed" He responded and Kaine smiled and hung the phone up before he stood up.

"Let's go" he said stepping out of his house shoes and Angelo and I watched him like he was stupid.

"The fuck you mean lets go? Go where?" Angelo questioned growing confused and Kaine sighed.

"It's obvious I gotta do everything around here. We about to go and pull that nigga out of bed and beat some sense into him" Kaine responded.

"I'd rather shoot him but his death would just leave me with a bigger mess to clean up" Angelo said hopping up from the recliner.

Just as we prepared to leave Ajani was struggling to come down the stairs and Kaime quickly ran to his wife.

"Where's my baby?" She questioned as Kaine guided her over to the couch and helped her sit down.

"You mom has her, I'm about to step out for a little while, you need something?" He questioned before kissing her forehead.

"Yes, my husband not to do anything stupid" She said as she closed her eyes. Kaine looked up at us seeming conflicted and Angelo smacked his teeth.

"I told you he was soft now Malik. We not going anywhere" Angelo mumbled as he retook a seat in the couch and shook his head.

"Fuck you, my wife just gave birth. I can't be the brains all the time dumbass" Kaine muttered.

"Aaron is going to get himself killed Ajani" I said and she sighed.

"Aaron can be a bit of an airhead at times and maybe you feel like he isn't listening to you but he's not stupid. He knows how to survive, he's just never been put in a situation that's triggered him. If you have to check on him then go in the morning, he's been through a lot and doesn't need you pulling up on him, it'll only make him confrontational" She responded.

"Like he wants to talk to Malik aka his brother daddy" Angelo said and I chuckled.

"You got jokes I see, but if I bring up that struggling marriage of yours I'd be wrong" I replied and Angelo gritted his teeth.

"I'm out, when I start feeling shitty I tend to hit below the belt and this shit right here can go deep" Angelo said rising from the chair.

I shook it off and watched him grab his keys from the coffee table.

Kaine seemed to sigh in relief when Ajani's mother brought their newborn daughter back to them.

He took the baby before his wife could and cradled the sleeping infant in his arms protectively.

"Crazy that's the only thing you're good at, making cute kids. Other than that you're worthless" I said as I got up and he looked me over.

"It's crazy you want Ron to keep living a lie to make yourself feel better by wanting to pretend to be brothers, yet you would never say some shit like that to him. But I'm good, i'll keep being the family punching bag like always because you niggas are miserable. I'm also good for money, I don't see you calling me worthless when you or Ron need help financially" Kaine responded as I held up my middle finger and left out.

This is why none of us could stand being around each other, we'd get along for a little while and then the resentment would come.

I use to think it was just Aaron who avoided us like the plague but we all distanced ourselves from each other, which is why most of the time Kaine can't even be reached.

Shit was sad and we'd probably never get it together.

Authors Note -

Lots of violence and death coming soon lol prepare yourself 😭
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