Evil-Natured Husband, Don't T...

By holibelle

813K 17.6K 1.1K

"Is this man not going to divorce me? Why does he still ask me to warm the bed every night?" A certain man sa... More

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*Updates from 336 Onwards*

106 - 110

14.2K 375 45
By holibelle

Chapter 106: Let Her Fall to Her Death

Song Wuyou stood firm in not riding a horse with Gu Yanhao and Gu Yanhao did not force her. Riding on Blackie, he roamed around the pasture by himself. His mood was bad after being rejected by Song Wuyou, thus he roamed as he liked, hoping his mood would improve.

On the other side, Song Wuyou picked a white horse. By the time Song Jiuyue reached the stables, Song Wuyou was already mounted on the horse's back, but she did not ride fast. She allowed the white horse to trot leisurely around the ranch, and this scene in Song Jiuyue's eyes was exactly the actions of a noob.

Song Wuyou of the past indeed was an expert in horse riding, however, this body was not hers. In short, the original owner was a fatuous person. Other than driving, she knew nothing else. Most of all, she was lazy and never bothered to exercise. Her physical ability was so bad that Song Wuyou could not help feeling contempt.

Riding with this body, it could not keep up with her agile, familiar mind. That was why she wanted to let the body get a little used to the sensation instead of galloping right off the bat.

Watching her clumsy and awkward movements, Song Jiuyue walked over to her.

"Song Wuyou, you don't know how to ride ah?" Song Jiuyue stood in front of the horse with a faint catty smile as she looked at Song Wuyou.

Song Wuyou pursed her lips, too lazy to bicker with her.

"What is it? Are you very disappointed that Young Master Gu did not bring you around?"

"I think the one who's disappointed is you, right?" Song Wuyou shot her a disdainful side look.

Song Jiuyue sneered, "Why would I feel disappointed? You have no idea how complacent I feel at this moment." She stepped closer and pulled at the horse's tail hair.

In fact, Song Wuyou could've nudged the horse away from this area, but she spotted not far away a black horse, coming in her direction. On second thought, she decided not to move.

What a horse hates most was someone pulling the hair on their tail so with that tiny action from Song Jiuyue, the initially gentle horse turned berserk. Raising its front two legs, it let out a shrill neigh and sped off.

"Ah!" Song Wuyou's body was thrown left and right out of balance. Her screams made the out-of-control horse worse, rampaging on the pasture like a mad fly without direction. Song Wuyou felt so afraid that she held onto the reins tightly as her body floundered on the horse's back. At one turn, her body slid to the side, nearly falling off.

Song Jiuyue stood in the same spot while watching with malicious eyes, wishing Song Wuyou would just fall to her death!

The horse was already out of control, and Song Wuyou's shrieks and bumping against its body made it angrier. It turned to dashing forward instead of running round in circles.

Gu Yanhao, who had just returned from roaming alone, looked over when he heard Song Wuyou's screams. When he looked, it was at the very instant that Song Wuyou was about to fall off. His heart tightened and he immediately nudged his horse to give chase.

Song Wuyou's white horse was running wildly. When it saw Gu Yanhao coming it quickly turned around and galloped off in the opposite direction. Gu Yanhao became the pursuer in the scene. The white horse increased its speed, pulling farther away from Gu Yanhao, making it even harder for him to catch up. From behind, he watched Song Wuyou's petite body being tossed up and falling again. If it weren't for her holding onto the reins with everything she had, she would've been flung far away and injured by now. Watching her in such a dangerous position, Gu Yanhao's heart was on the verge of jumping out from his body.

"Hyaah! Hyahh!" He rushed the horse faster and faster. If he could, he would have flown to her side and gathered the frightened little woman into his arms.

Song Wuyou already knew Gu Yanhao was catching up. Initially she wanted to try stopping the horse herself, but in a light bulb moment she let the reins drop from her hands. In that instant, her body went flying.

"No!" Watching her petite body thrown into the air in a peculiar arch, Gu Yanhao's face went ashen, and his eyes turned red.

Chapter 107: Beg You... Don't Punish My Nine Familial Connections

His scream resounded throughout the pasture. Mu Gu, who had just appeared, stumbled into this scene and was so startled that he forgot to think.

Song Wuyou's body made a sharp arch in the air and fell to the ground.

The curve that she made was aesthetically strange and beautiful. At first, Song Wuyou wanted to reduce the impact of the fall. After all, she was a martial arts practitioner in her past life. Things like qing gong [1], she could influence them easily. But why? Why can't she control her own body?

Her entire body crashed heavily onto the ground before Gu Yanhao could reach her. Although the pasture had a soft ground and grass everywhere, her rotten luck had her crashing into a sculpture.  It was a sculpture of a Carp Leaping Over Dragon's Gate[2]. It was made of steel and was painted exquisitely, looking quite vivid and lifelike.

Song Wuyou's body crashed against the sculpture, rolled down, and even rolled several meters on the grass. This series of tortures made Song Wuyou feel like she was about to report to the underworld.

Promptly reporting.

She actually wanted to devise a little fall from the horse so that Gu Yanhao would blame Song Jiuyue, but this pain... was she asking for it herself?

Another burst of pain came from her chest and in a sudden choked breath, blood flowed from her mouth. She was about to lose consciousness from the pain, and her thoughts became muddled. As Song Wuyou lay there, hasty sounds of hooves vaguely thudded in her ears. Turning her head feebly, she looked in the direction the sound was coming from.

Gu Yanhao charged the horse as he dashed towards her. It felt as if she'd caught a glimpse of panic and concern on his face. There was still some distance left – and the horse had yet to stop – but he'd already leaped down from the horse's back, running to her side.

"Song Wuyou!" As he made a mad dash, and he called out her name anxiously. The worry and concern on his face were no mere pretenses. Seeing his reaction pulled at Song Wuyou's heartstrings. Her vision blurred further and images overlapped. It was as if she saw someone wearing steel armor with a long spear rushing to her side, his face twisted, his armor blood-stained, his eyes―penetrating sharp eyes. Every single stab of the spear takes a life. As long as someone dared to approach him closely, they would lose their lives. He was just like a God of Slaughter, a high and mighty bearer of death.

"Song Wuyou!" He'd watched the entire scene from afar. She crashed into the sculpture, tumbled down, and rolled on the grass. The stabbing pain in Gu Yanhao's chest sucked out his breath.

He reached her side, gathered her in his arms, and held her tightly. "Don't be afraid!" The instant she was in his arms, he could feel her body quivering.

The blood stuck in her throat was squeezed out when he hugged her. With a tremble, she spat out dark red blood. Dark red blood trickled down her chin, coloring the front of her clothes red. Witnessing her like this, half of Gu Yanhao's heart flew out. "I'm sending you to the hospital!" Gu Yanhao moved to carry Song Wuyou.

Song Wuyou fought against her fading consciousness, refusing to black out. Her blurred vision did not lose sight of of Gu Yanhao's arms when she felt him draw her close. What filled her mind at this moment was events from her past.

"Dongfang Xuan... I beg you... do not punish my nine familial relations..."

Her younger brother had just gotten married, her parents were already old. How could Dongfang Xuan be so cruel as to take their lives? Has he forgotten? When he was little, he used to run to her house for meals and to play. Her parents treated him just like he was their own son.

Something deeply pierced Gu Yanhao upon hearing her words. He looked down at the fainting woman in his arms.

Dongfang Xuan?

Who is Dongfang Xuan?

"Song Wuyou, wake up!" Gu Yanhao gently patted her face. Unfortunately, Song Wuyou had slipped into oblivion.

[1] Qing gong – a light moving steps for martial artists.
[2] A fancy name for a jumping carp which said to bring prosperity.

Chapter 108: Song Wuyou Won't Have A Miscarriage, Right?

Gu Yanhao carried Song Wuyou up, and he only noticed Mu Gu standing in front of him when he turned around. Who knew how long he had been standing there?

Mu Gu's hands were tightly clenched into fists at his sides. His gaze stared intently at Song Wuyou's face. His usually clear and bright peach blossoms eyes were a raging storm. Watching him standing there unmoving, Gu Yanhao swept a cold look in his direction. Carrying Song Wuyou, he stormed over to Blackie with large strides. Carefully placing Song Wuyou on the horse's back, he leapt coolly onto the horse as well in swift accurate movements. With one hand holding her, he quickly left.

Mu Gu remained standing there, straight as a spear, as his peach blossom eyes gradually grew calmer. His sight fell onto the distant galloping horse as his eyes narrowed. Dongfang Xuan...

Song Jiuyue and Song Jiumei hastened over. Seemingly in a bad mood, Song Jiuyue asked Mu Gu, "How's Song Wuyou?"

Detecting the hidden tone of her voice, Mu Gu turned around and glowered coldly at her. Being glared at with such eyes without preparation caused Song Jiuyue's heart to miss a beat. Her eyes looked around furtively to avoid Mu Gu's direct gaze and inadvertently landed on the red blood on the grass. That was the same place where Song Wuyou was sprawled just now. Song Jiuyue frowned slightly; don't tell me that Song Wuyou really fell to her death?

"Dajie, so much blood..." Song Jiumei also noticed the blood on the grass and exclaimed aloud.

Song Jiuyue was annoyed inwardly. This Song Jiumei, exclaiming and screaming at every little thing, really irritating.

While Song Jiumei was thinking: This is grassland. Even if she fell from the horse onto the grass, her injuries shouldn't be too severe. How come there's so much blood on the ground?

She suddenly recalled the time she tried to drug Song Wuyou.

Song Jiumei turned pale. Quickly turning to Song Jiuyue, one hand shaking her arm, "Dajie, did Song Wuyou miscarry again?"

Catching her words, Mu Gu's eyes sank.

A shiver ran down Song Jiuyue's spine, and she stared dazedly at Song Jiumei, "Miscarriage?"

In a private hospital room, Gu Yanhao sat close to the bed, keeping vigil on the yet to awaken person in it.  Resting on the bed, her complexion left little to be desired. Gu Yanhao's indifferent eyes stared at her face sharply.

Dongfang Xuan?

The Dongfang Xuan she mentioned before fainting was which bastard? Why did his heart ache so terribly when he heard that name being called out?

As if he was that Dongfang Xuan bastard himself.

Ah De walked into the room. Standing behind Gu Yanhao, he called out respectfully, "Young Master."

"Speak." Gu Yanhao's face was frosty.

Ah De passed the envelop to the front. Taking it, Gu Yanhao did not open it to inspect the contents. He wanted to hear Ah De's report.

"I've checked every person in M City with the surname of Dongfang. There is no one called Dongfang Xuan. People with Dongfang as a surname are very few. Not only wasn't there a person called Dongfang Xuan, there was not a single person with Dongfang surname that knows the Young Madame. Most of them are from small families of ordinary background."

They cannot possibly have the power to exterminate someone else's nine familial connections.

"Any declined Dongfang family?" Gu Yanhao asked.

Ah De shook his head, "No."

Gu Yanhao's sharpened, "What else?"

Ah De: "Young Madame's mother is not that singer-dancer Yang Xiaolan. Yang Xiaolan had good relation with Mrs. Jier. Before Mrs. Jier was married to General Cheng, she had a period of ambiguous relationship with the previous President."

Gu Yanhao looked up upon hearing this, eyes sharp as eagles looking at Ah De, "You are saying Song Wuyou could be Mrs. Jier and the late President's daughter?"

"It is just my assumption."

"Figure it out. Get their DNAs."

Chapter 109: Which Son of a Gun is this Dongfang Xuan?

"Figure it out. Get their DNA," Gu Yanhao's icy voice sounded. There was nothing more convincing than DNA to prove their relationship.

Ah De nodded: "Yes."

Gu Yanhao gave the envelope back to Ah De, "Bring it back to the villa. Dig out this Dongfang Xuan as soon as possible."


After Ah De left, Gu Yanhao reached out to gently caress Song Wuyou's small face. "Did you know that you're not Song Nan's biological daughter?" His low voice whispered. Was knowing this the reason she begged Dongfang Xuan not to harm her family before she fainted?

Gu Yanhao might be a businessman, but he understood politics, maybe more than anyone. Obviously, the current President couldn't rise to his position without stepping on a lot of bodies along the way. The late President was assassinated. His eldest son died by electrocution in the army, and his youngest son was reduced to living as a mental ward patient. The second son had been kidnapped when he was still very young. To this very day there were no clues as to his whereabouts. The details of his abduction remained a mystery.

In short, the prosperous life of the incumbent President was a mirror reflection of how miserably things ended for the former President.

A strong feeling of unease sprouted in Gu Yanhao's heart. If Song Wuyou was really Mrs. Jier and the former President's daughter, then her circumstances were precariously dangerous. Mrs. Jier's husband was the current President's big brother...

"Ah Hao?" Mu Gu had been in the patient's room for quite some time. Seeing that Gu Yanhao was looking dazedly at Song Wuyou's face, he did not disturb him, but quite some time had passed and Mu Gu could no longer be patient. He called out to pull Gu Yanhao out of his trance.

Hearing Mu Gu's voice, Gu Yanhao raised his head. His cold gaze fell on Mu Gu's face.  On the receiving end of such frigid gaze, Mu Gu squeezed an awkward smile, "Don't use this kind of gaze where you're-saying-you're-going-to-kill-me to look at me."

"Don't you deserve to be killed?" Gu Yanhao's icy voice rebuked.

"Why would I deserved that? I was not the one that hurt your wife." Mu Gu claimed innocence and wronged.

"It was your horse that harmed her."

Mu Gu reluctantly replied, "Then you go and kill my horse." Gu Yanhao could only purse his lips coldly at Mu Gu's answer.

Mu Gu took a quick glance at Song Wuyou and asked in a low voice, "What did the doctor say?"

"Her injuries are not that serious." It was just that it hadn't been that long since her car accident. Getting hurt again in such a short time with such a weak body, even if the injuries weren't serious, they could still risk claiming her life.

Mu Gu's finally exhaled in relief after hearing that. Pulling out a chair, Mu Gu sat down. There was a trace of complex emotions as he stared at Song Wuyou.

Gu Yanhao noticed his gaze falling straight onto his wife's face. An eyebrow cocked up in dissatisfaction as he looked at Mu Gu, "What did you come here for?"

Mu Gu answered naturally, "See Wuyou."

"Now you've seen her, you can go back."

Mu Gu had a hurt expression on his face, "Ah Hao, I just arrived and you're shooing me away? You're so unfeeling."

"You're sitting so close to the bed while staring at my wife like that. How could I not be unfeeling?" Gu Yanhao rebuffed sharply.

Mu Gu was taken aback. Blinking his peach blossom eyes at Gu Yanhao: Had he? Had he stared unblinkingly at his wife?

Mu Gu looked at Gu Yanhao, "Ah Hao, have you fallen deeply in love with Song Wuyou?"

Gu Yanhao looked at Mu Gu as if he was looking at an idiot, "Do you think a woman that I don't love could become my wife?"

"No, that ain't right. Didn't you want to divorce her before this?"

This remark made Gu Yanhao's eyes narrow dangerously, "You were waiting for us to divorce?"

Mu Gu scratched his head with an awkward smile, "No."

Standing outside the door, Song Jiuyue and Song Jiumei exchanged a look in silence: Young Master Gu said a woman that he doesn't love has no possibility of becoming his wife.

Chapter 110: Past and Present Life

Does this mean he loves Song Wuyou? From the very beginning, from getting to know Song Wuyou until they were married, all was because of love? Song Jiuyue's delicate face paled to a sickly white.

The person he likes was not her?

After she graduated from University, she told him she wanted to enter Gu Group and he readily agreed, whereas Song Wuyou was rejected on the spot when she requested the same thing. Every time she won the fashion design competition for Gu Group he would have dinner with her, just the two of them.

Married for three years, he had never brought Song Wuyou out to any functions.

She thought he'd never loved Song Wuyou. She thought the only reason he'd married Song Wuyou was because of Old Grandfather Gu's arrangement. In hindsight, according to Gu Yanhao's personality, if it really was someone he didn't like, neither Old Grandfather Gu nor a deity could make Gu Yanhao marry someone he found to be annoying.

Song Jiuyue gritted her teeth vehemently. At this precise moment, how she wished Song Wuyou would never wake up again! She excelled in everything! She was much better than Song Wuyou! Why would Young Master Gu love Song Wuyou and not her?!

It must be because he slept with her, so he was thinking he must be responsible. They'd known each other since they were small, she was well aware of Gu Yanhao's character. He practically had an obsessive compulsive disorder, and he loved himself too much to casually have sexual relations. Song Wuyou was his first woman, so he must have felt a higher sense of responsibility.

If he could have a taste of another woman, he would not be obsessed with Song Wuyou's body like this.

Thinking of this, Song Jiuyue stared daggers at Song Jiumei. In a restrained voice she cursed, "It's all your fault!" Song Jiuyue turned around and left, leaving that accusation lingering in the air.

Song Jiumei continued to stand there in a cloud of confusion.

What happened? Why was she blamed?

Song Wuyou getting thrown off the horse had nothing to do with her ah.

Suddenly blamed and wronged, the usually proud Song Jiumei felt extremely depressed. She ran after Song Jiuyue, wanting to explain that Song Wuyou's injury had nothing to do with her! Her Dajie cannot wrongly accuse her like this.

If Young Master Gu misunderstood, she would probably lose her small life.

Mu Gu's heart ached looking at Song Wuyou's pale face, but facing Gu Yanhao's predatory like glare as if he was about to swallow him, Mu Gu dared not show too much on his face.

He stood up and said to Gu Yanhao, "I'll go back and prepare some nutritious meals. Once Wuyou wakes up, we'll make some soup for her to supplement her body."

"Get lost quickly." Gu Yanhao's mind was in a mess right now.

Mu Gu looked at him deeply for a second before leaving.

Gu Yanhao kept vigil by Song Wuyou's bed, neither drinking water nor eating anything. He had never been so anxious and concerned about a woman before in his entire life. The first time a woman's departure made hurt him and cry was his mother's. When he saw her thrown off the horse, at that moment, it was as if someone was crushing his heart into pieces in their hand.

Pain, and the inability to draw a breath.

This kind of pain was the same as when he got the news that year, saying his parent's flight met with a mishap. It was an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Fear took over.

Gu Yanhao grasped Song Wuyou's small hands. Watching her, muttering in a low voice, "Song Wuyou, do you know why I married you? Did you really think that single glass of spiked wine could make marry you? When I got the news that my parents died, I locked myself in my room for three days. And you sat right outside my door, accompanying me for three days." Gu Yanhao smiled wryly, "That time my fever wouldn't go down, you heard someone say that boiled old lotus root could reduce my fever. Someone like you that didn't know how to swim actually jumped into the lotus pond to look for old lotus root without any hesitation."

Translator: Woodear Editor: Ocelot

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