Sightless Silence (Free De La...

By BlueAblaze

28.5K 831 256

(Y/n), loved nothing more than to sit beside her window listening to the sound of nature around her. Her whol... More

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Divisions(Prologue) 1

5K 77 28
By BlueAblaze

"(Y/n), are you still listening?"

(Y/n)'s hands wandered reaching out for a notepad but decided against using it.

"(S/n), what is the word that describes the cascading snow during Winter?" (S/n) stared but said nothing before she reached out for (Y/n)'s hands writing turning them so it was if (Y/n) was about to give her something before writing in the centers of the two palms, two separate words.

'Snow.' 'Fall.'

"Snowfall." (Y/n) said becoming silent yet again.

A strong but sightless silence.


I stare out the glass window hearing the sound of birds and animals scurrying around salvaging food through fall storing it for the harsh winter.

(S/n), had a bey competition today but luckily a family friend of the (L/n)'s decision to watch how I was doing. I lift up my notepad and made a note to him.

'Can we go outside. I want to swing and walk around the garden.'

I then crumpled the note up and threw it in any direction off the second floor of our house. I started down the stairs grabbing the handrail close so I wouldn't fall down. Once I got down I bumped into someone's chest, I wrote another note.


The Murasaki's usually aren't at their home. So their son Wakiya was always free to do what he wished. And today he wanted to watch over me. I wasn't complaining, Wakiya always took great care of me. We were about the same age I was only one year younger. Wakiya was my only friend. It was as if he knew what I wanted before I was to ask him.

If the coast was clear without my parents and sister I would speak out to Wakiya like I did when I had my eyesight.

"Don't worry (N/n), the coast is clear." I hear him say as he gently took my hand and helped me up. "Wakiya, tell me about your friends?" I asked. The boy started talking about how his friends loved Beyblade. Whatever that was. But as he started getting into it I saw it again.

Tiny specks of light fused together and a silhouette walked out of it. Scared at first, the world around me started to crumble and become ash at my feet. The figure started toward me in a slow and sauntering manner. As if saying it was okay that it wasn't there to hurt me. It stopped above me and opened its hand out but not before mouthing something to me. I watched as the silhouette looked behind itself, in the light that I couldn't see made the silhouette frown as it reached for me again this time urging me to follow him. I shook my head and the silhouette smiled sadly at me.

Before it could disappear I yelled out to him. "Please, return soon," I yelled at it. The silhouette turned back to me and then smiled before it voiced. "I'm not going anywhere." And with that, the silhouette disappeared. Disappeared under a fresh coat of sparkling snow.


"What?" Wakiya asked. "Nothing." I retorted, thinking of the silhouetted figure. Wakiya took my hand and led me to the front door. "Do you still want to go outside?"I shook my head 'No' and we retreated to the couch again.

I sat down. First absorbing my surroundings. The space around me pooled with a white light, the ash at my feet lifted and turned into tiny goldfish that swam around the infinite space that was my mind.

I watched as the goldfish swarmed in a perfect sphere before swimming away to who knows where. As they swam the goldfish trailed small inky bubbles that grouped up and formed the shadowy figure that I met not long ago inside my mind.

I reached out for the silhouettes figure as if testing its vulgarity. As my hands reached out to touch it the silhouettes hands grasped mine. The silhouette smiled my way.

"Are you curious?" It asked. The figure led us away from the goldfish. I watched closely as not to miss a single movement of the strange silhouette. The silence started slowly as an imaginary blanket appeared on the ground below us. "You could say that." The hands that held mine slipped away leaving a fleeting warm presence behind.

It stood up and the white infinite background turned into a blurry version of a quiet valley just outside the confines of the city. I watched the background turn into the vision of a flowing ocean. I smiled, ran up to the waves and splashed around as the small goldfish swarmed around me.

I grabbed the silhouettes hand and dragged him into the water. I then imagined a frozen pond and the water below us froze and we slid on the icy surface before the silhouette left under the curtain of snow, light, and glass goldfish that brought him into my world. Smiling.

It was smiling.

I reached out for Wakiya's hands and gently circled his palms tracing the course they skated in. I smiled and then writing 'Snow' on his hands. I pointed to myself. Wakiya turned my hands over and asked me. "You want to see. Snow?" I nodded. I knew it was impossible due to my condition but none the less I wanted to play in it.

I wanted badly to see the summer sun again to play with other kids without being babied because of my eyesight. I wanted to be normal. But my eyes, they scared other kids telling me that they were so dull or that it made them uncomfortable just looking at me. I just wished I had my (E/c) eyes back. But I wasn't willing to go through surgery just yet for them to get fixed.

The one person who was still my friend after the trauma of the accident was.


He refused to leave my side even willing to pay for my eye surgery for me. But I didn't accept, after a while, you get used to not having any sight so that was how I lived on for the two years I had with sightless eyes. Sometimes Wakiya says he still sees the trauma on my face when I am thinking. But he hasn't said that since I got out of the hospital.

I still remembered the day when I awoke only to find the world had no color, then a few months later I became fully blind, I was devastated.

I moved my hand up to Wakiya's face. Stroking his spiky hair. "Do my eyes even scare you one bit?" I asked. I trained my eyes in front of me even though the only color I could see was the darkness around me.

"Don't say stuff like that. You and I both know that even without the (E/c) irises your eyes hold their own special color," He said. "The color of my life." I finished for him. Below my palms, I felt his face, lift up in a smile. I couldn't help but smile as well. As my lucid thoughts soon returning to my mind I filled the empty space with tiny snowflakes that melted before they hit the ground around me. I didn't know what to do next.

"I imagine a giant pile of snow, I imagine that I could run around, ice skate even!" I said to Wakiya. "But without eyesight, I don't know where I'm going or if I might fall into the freezing waters of the pond."

"In other words, you want to be able to see again?" Wakiya asked me. I nodded and smiled then frowned. "But I don't want to go to a hospital after the accident. After I found out how many machines that they hooked me up too." I shivered at the thought.

I didn't expect him to understand how I felt. But the terror to know that you weren't able to move much less tell people that you were fine.

In those times Wakiya took time off his 'busy' schedule to come to the hospital every day to talk and care for me. He and I were close ever since. Almost inseparable. That was until he decided to join the bey tournaments in the city. But he was always there for me

Through the surgeries, the check-ups, the needles, Wakiya never left my side, telling me about his bey Wyvron and how he wished I could see it. Through the pain and sorrow that stretched for months, and no matter how many friends I lost throughout the two years of being sightless.

I laid my head on the closest object, which happened to be Wakiya's empty shoulder.

"Don't forget me." I said bringing my hands to my chest, "And give me a call once in a while."

Wakiya only ruffled my (H/c) hair in assurance.

That night, when (S/n) and my mother and father returned home. (S/n) announced that she was scouted by SB Rios in Rio. I was envious of her, I couldn't tell what my eyes looked like but I'd imagine that they looked pretty dull and or if not full of envy for my sister.

In the middle of the conversation, I asked my parents if I could join Wakiya saying that he too was scouted. The silence grew weary and I tilted my head as if looking at my feet. I somehow could tell that my parents were exchanging glances.

I felt guilty using Wakiya as an excuse to get out of the house, but if I know him, he wouldn't mind, he would actually understand.

After dinner my sister rushed upstairs to get packed, SB Rios wanted her on the soonest flight to Rio as possible.

I just sat at the table as my parents talked to one another about letting me go with Wakiya.

I heard my mother clear her throat before she spoke to me in a sad voice.

"(Y/n) sweety, you know it is hard for us to say 'yes'. We are just worried that because of your eyes." My mother gripped my face, then resumed talking, "Your eyes now worry us enough but once you're out there who knows what might happen to them, but none the less your father and I have come to an agreement."

I acknowledged by tilting my head to the side. This time my father spoke. " Even though we don't want you to go, we don't want to see you so bored and upset more, so your mother and I are going to let you go with the Murasaki child."

I could have sworn I had never been that happy in my whole life!

I ran towards the steps my hands wandering and searching for the handrail but instead scrambling to get up the mountain of stairs I still had to climb up. I heard my parents chuckle from the kitchen.

As my sister helped me pack my bags I couldn't help but forget about the silhouette that waited patiently under a tree in a foreign memory.

As I tossed and tuned in my sleep I just couldn't escape the feeling of longing. As if someone was still waiting for me to clear my mind, to pay attention to them. But nothing came to mind when I really thought about it.

But in a tiny corner of my mind, I was fast asleep, the silhouette cradled my head on its arm as it too drifted off into a peaceful rest. But not before whispering softly.

"Good Night." And "Sweet dreams."

My visionless eyes bore into the ceiling as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up with an abrupt start.

Outside my window, Wakiya threw a rock at my window.

Smiling I sweatdropped.

Today's going to be one heck of a day.

A/N: Thank you for reading the first chapter of Sightless Silence (Free De La Hoya X Reader) I really do appreciate it. I do not own any Beyblade characters of the sort. But I do own the story. Thank you!

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