The Baby Project

By shootingstarlight13

156K 3.2K 263

This is a bit of the book. Please do not copy. Hope you enjoy x. *******************************************... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fithteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chaper Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Tewnty -One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty- Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Tewnety-Eight
Thank youuuu!!!!
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty -One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Author Notes
Chapter Tewnty-Five
Chpater Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty- Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Authors Notes
Chapter -Twenty Nine
My Wattpad Readers
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty-Four

1.3K 29 4
By shootingstarlight13

When I got home yesterday, I went straight to my room. I just needed to think. Doing my homework, seemed like great way to do it, But, it only left me even more frustrated. Ended up having to go back to it later. I had change Melissa nappy and gave her a change of clothes since the baby wouldn't stop crying. Figured she must have been cold. I had feed her and made her sleep wrapped up in a blanket. I didn't have much of a appetite ether so I just struck with some jam on toast.

I ended up regretting it the next day, not eating much last night. My stomach was rumbling due to the fact I was indeed really Hungry.

Kyle and I hadn't spoken all day. We had took turns to look after the baby. Other then that only the words, hi and bye escaped our lips. The tension between us was building each time we saw each other. We didn't even have lunch together or even with others. Stacy seemed pretty happy that we had been avoiding each other. She mentioned something about 'coming to our senses.' If she had to move away. I really wouldn't care.

"Hey Logan, I'm going to bring a dog I know round. You free to met it this week?" I ask him trying to Hide the smirk on my face.

" Yeah sure. I need check a few things first." Not making eye contract with me.

"That's fine. Just let Christina know. Get back to me about it okay?." I say still trying to hide my smirk. I knew he was scared and was probably praying I had forgotten all it.

"Sure Leigh. No Problem." Logan says looking around the place anyway but me.

"What's going with you and kyle?" Logan questioned with his hands in pocket looking down at the floor.

"complicated." I speak bluntly. It truly kind of was. I just didn't know what to say around him. What do to around him. We hadn't even drawn a line under what previously happened.

"Okay."Christina says not questioning it more. She took another look at Logan and chuckle to her self. "This is going to be fun." Christina mutters to herself.

I also had dentition today because I didn't do the homework. I was tired and my mind going at 360 degrees. Lucky, I got some sleep.

The day had ended. I hurried towards Kyle's last lesson. I had dentition to get too. I was not  looking forward to stay and extra 10mins for every five minutes I was late. I father just be early and let the silence fly by.

One of Stacy minions handed Kyle a note. He took it form her and walk off. He stop half-way and looked at it. His face showed irration and he ripped it up drop it in the bin. Kyle drop it the bin as if he was pouring water down the drain. Effortless, not a care in world. As if the note had no other place to go like water. As if it's place belong in the bin no second thought about.

I call Kyle name as I head towards him.

"I have dentition so here you go. The baby gets cold. I have packed an extra blanket." I speak handing the baby other to him.

"Keep that in mind" He forced a quick smile on his face.

"Well I have to go." I say pointing my thumbs in the direction I was going starting to walk backwards. Wanting to get away from the awkward silence.

"Okay." Kyle says standing rooted to the spot as still countine to walk back wards.

I wave good bye as turn around and shoot of towards where I needed to head to. I didn't allow Kyle to even good bye.

I like him. He likes me but why is it so complicate and frustrating. Maybe I am stubborn and I don't make things easy. Argh I don't know.

I was sitting in the classroom wondering about what hell I'm suppose to do. I also got a text form my boss telling me I have to start work. No surprise there. Besides I need the money.

I hear someone hissing behind me to get my attention. I ignored them. After a couple of seconds they try again.

"Yes?" I ask turning around. Trying my best not to sound rude.

"Your working with that dude?" He asks. Not being helpful about who he is talking about. The boy looked as if he could be Asian. He was wearing a red checker shirt which was in unbutton. Underneath his red checker was just a plain black t-shit.

"What dude?" I say raising my eyebrow at him.

"The dude, Kyle" He speaks as if I should know who he is talking about. 

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask.

"Well, rumour has it kyle called the bet off. Everyone wonders why? Do you know why?."

"No. I didn't even know that happened." I say shocked. However I think I do know why. I don't tell him that.

"Oh, well thought you wanna know. Maybe the dude isn't a bad guy after all according to some girls. Yeah, he had sex with them but he didn't play them. It's just sex nothing more nothin less."

"Thank you for letting me know." I say forcing a smile upon my face.

"Ay, no problem. Besides I met him once when I was a kid. He was pretty cool."

I nod thanking him again. 

"Don't mention it." I quickly turn back in my seat. That was weird. I didn't even wait for anybody else to get up from their seats. I took off out the class when my time was done. I'm not staying any longer he can buy a bar chocolate if he wants.

I quickly head home and then head to work. I drive to the diner because I be working late. My car is my ticket home. I pull on my aporn and sign in. I  quickly get to work.

Wednesday, such joy. Not really. I had a call from Christina saying that she wasn't coming into today. So, I decided to see if Logan was going to come round to see her. I could then surprise him with the dog. Hehe going to be great. Just thinking about it. Making me excited. 

I walking down the corridor when a girl comes and walks beside me. I didn't know who girl was until she turn to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Hey" She says shyly.

"Hey" I reply.

"Remember me?" She says bleaming at me.

"Yes, Lauren right?" I ask I wasn't sure. If it was Lauren because she looked different from last time. First time I met Lauren she had black straight hair with make up. Her appearance had a change slightly.

"Yep! That's me." She laughs.

"I like your hair. You look different but it amazing it suites you." I smile taking in her looks. She had no make up on now on just some mascara that brighten up her eyes. Her hair was now in waves and had streaks of a dark blue Ombré colour.

"Thank you. I wanted something different and not simple." Lauren says like looking ahead. "You were all alone and you haven't been eating with us like normal."

"Me and Kyle-"

"It's okay I get it. I've noticed.."Lauren says cutting me off.

"What lesson do you have?."

"I have art." Lauren replied.

Throughout the rest of day me and Lauren had been hanging out and it's fun. She's a lovely girl and I learn that's she's into science and historical stuff. She doesn't mind romance and more into horror and action movies. Oh and she adores art.

Lauren is not the type of girl I thought she would be. Chantelle was another story. But that's for another day. I had asked Lauren to come over with me to Christina house. She said yes so we are going meet up and head there together.

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