loving danger • henry danger

Oleh yaniraavilaa

23.3K 377 154

she loved danger, and that's exactly what he was. Lebih Banyak

never forget you .
sledgehammer .

good for you .

4.9K 91 50
Oleh yaniraavilaa

"Let me show you how proud I am to be yours
Leave this dress a mess on the floor
And still look great for you
Great for you."


3 months later...

It's been little over three months since I arrived to Swellview. And it's been amazing! I became friends with Jasper and best friends with Charlotte.

I've also gotten very close to Henry too, I've met his parents and have gotten very close to his mother. My brother still wants to date her but that is in no shape or form happening.

Anyways, Jasper and I were taking care of Henry while he was sick. Very sick.

I sat on his bed feeling his head as he had a thermometer in his nose. Weird right?!

"Scarlett" he groaned.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked.

"Can you please take this thermometer out of my nose hole" he said.

Jasper shot up and walked over to us. "Alight then, let's check that temperature!" He says.


"Ughhh!" Henry groaned as Jasper removed it.

Jasper gave it to me and let me check for myself.

"So?" Henry asks.

I frown and look up at him, Jasper looks at it and has one of his crazy ideas.

"I think it needs to go in deeper" Jasper declares.

"What?!" Henry and I shout.

"W-Well I've never used a nasil thermometer before" Jasper exclaims.

"Well maybe you should learn how to use a nasil thermometer before you stick it up your friends noses" Henry says frantically.

Jasper sighs. "Here let's just try it again" he says.

My eyes grow wide as I start waving my arms frantically. "No no Jasper you don't have to do that!"

Henry argues with me as Jasper sticks it in again, but deeper. Way deeper...

"Ahhh. It's back in me" Henry groans.

I cringed and grabbed his hand which he held back. I'm probably going to get sick...

But who cares!

Jasper walks back to his station where he was making some type of medicine or something for Henry's cold.

"Hey Jasper?" I said tilting my head.

He lifts his head up and smiles at me. "What's up?" He asks.

"What are you making?" I question him. I get up from the bed and walk over to Jasper to see what he was doing. Henry groaned as I left.

Aw cute.

I walk over beside Jasper and observe the liquid of some sort.

"It's a cure for Henry's cold, of course" Jasper says in a 'duh' tone.

"Can't cure a cold" Henry points out. He sits up and leans on the head bored as he stared at us in constipation.

"You can with this cleanse I'm making" Jasper says putting an arm around my shoulders.

Henry stares at Jaspers hands and clenched his jaw before asking. "What's in it?"

"Combination of goat spit, cow tongue, orange juice, butter milk, fish oil, tomato press, mermaid salt, bee powder, and liquid parm" he lists.

I stare up at his with this confused and dumbfounded look on my face.

He stares back at me with the same confused face. "What?"

I shake my head and begin to walk over to Henry's bed. I sit down and put my knees up to my chest.

"Wow... I am not drinking that" Henry said.

Jasper gets a confused look on his face. "Drink it? He asked. "Why would you drink it?

"You said it was a cleanse" Henry replied.

"Yeah but you don't swallow it! You bath in it" Jasper explains. "I use this to bath you!"


"Come on, you don't want to be a baby!" Jasper says coming over to us.

Henry gets up and takes me with him. "No I'm happy being sick"

"Henry" Jasper taunts.

Suddenly Me and Henry's watches start beeping. Henry opens his and brings me next to him.

"Ah" Jasper continues to taunt.

"Oooh, sorry but we gotta take this" Henry says in a face disappointed tone.

"So..." I say smiling nervously at Jasper.

Henry opens the watch and there pops up Ray.

"Hey, Ray" Henry greets rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, Henry, Scarlett" Ray greets angrily.

"How ya doing?" Henry asks him.

"Hungry. Handsom and hungry" He replied dramatically. I roll my eyes and sigh at the cockiness of my brother.

"Hey Scar!" Charlotte greets me excitedly. I grin and gave back.

"Hey Charlotte! I miss you" I said frowning.

Henry looked down at me questionably. "You guys saw each other yesterday" He said.

"Shut up!" Charlotte and I said in unison.

"We want breakfast" Ray says sternly. "So both of you on your way to work stop by castle waffles and pick up 9 waffles, ugh, dozen biscuits, ugh-"

"Fresh fruit" Charlotte adds.

"Pfff, fresh fruit!" Ray exclaims. "I'm Charlotte and I want fresh fruit!"

Henry and I watch in amusement as Ray mimics Charlotte's choice of food.

Ray can be so dumb some times...

Correction: all the time

"Hey listen guys, I'm sorry, I'm still sick and can't make it to work. I don't know about Scarlett though?" Henry explains.

"I'm going to stay here and take care of him" I piped in.

"Oh. It's been three days" Ray says. "Maybe wanna see a doctor?"

"Ehh, it's just a cold but I still feel really bad" Henry said. "I've got a fever and-"

"Hey kid, I totally get it. Just stay home, rest, and take care of yourself." Ray explains. "And Scarlett keep taking care of him, keep making him feel better"

Me and Henry look at each other with surpired looks on our faces. "Cool" We say in unison.

"Sure thing" He replies.

"Later" Henry says.

"Yeah okay."

Henry shut it off and yawned loudly. "You tired?" I asked ruffling his hair.

"Yeah, can you sleep with me though" He asks cutley.

"Of course!" I say.

We walk over to his bed and flop ourselves on it. I lift the cover over our bodies and turn my body to face him. I burry my head head into his chest while he wraps his arms found me.

"Sleep tight, hen"

45 min later


We hear something get pushed around inside the room.

We slowly start waking up.

I open my eyes groaning and digging myself deeper into Henry's chest that smelt like strong beautiful peppermint.

Henry lifts his head his head to see who had gone inside the room while we were sleeping.

"What? Schuaz?" Henry questions sleeply.

At the name of one of my friends, I lift my head slowly to see what Henry had said.

I squint my eyes trying to see clearly. "Is that you, Schuaz?"

"No. I'm just a dream." I think Schuaz says.

"Yes... A dream about a nice Italian Plummer so you go back to sleep and you just dream about-"

Schuaz falls out of the window and intob the trees next to Henry's room. "Ahh"

We look at each other sleepily and go back to the position we were in before getting woken up.

I think...

20 minutes later

I woke a couple of minutes ago after dream Schuaz snuck into Henry's room.

I was currently making Henry some brown soup since he said that it always make him feel better when he was sick.

But the weird this was that I felt like I was being watched but I didn't know by what.

I shrugged it off and made my way up the stairs and into Henry's room to wake him up.

"Henry" I whisper.

He groans in response and puts a pillow over his head.

"Henry come on you have to eat your brown soup" I say shaking his softly.

He groans as he gets up and leans on the head board. "You made brown soup?"

"Yeah, you said it helps you feel better when you're sick so I made some downstairs" I explained.

He look the bowl out of my hands and set it on the tray I had also brought for him.

"Thanks for taking care of me today Scarlett" Henry says smiling weakly.

"No problem, I'll always be here when you need me." I said reassuringly.

He nodds and pats the seat next to him. I chuckle and plop next to him.

We just talked and had loads of fun as he ate the soup I made him.

I couldn't stop smiling with him, I guess it's just become a habit of mine when I'm with him.

Night time

Jasper had texted Henry and I to go to a restaurant to hang out since we had been cooped up in the room all day.

How nice of Jasper, right!?

Henry turns to me and smiles as he sees me. "Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yup. Let's go!" I say brightly.

Henry grabs my hand and intertwined our fingers.

We're just friends.

We're just friends

We're just friends


I blushed at the contact of our hands and looked up to his beautiful face and sighed.

We're just friends...

We walked through the living room to see Piper and Henry's dad arguing as usual. It's funny how that's just normal to me now.

We walk onto the porch and suddenly Henry gets a call from Charlotte.

Henry answers the watch and there pops up a distressed Charlotte.

"Hey Char, what's up?" I greet brightly.

"Bad. Bad things are up!" She says.

"Why? What's wrong?" Henry asked.

"Ray didn't believe you were really sick. He thought that you just made that excuse because you and Scarlett wanted to spend time together" She explains. "So he sent Schuaz to your house dressed as an Italian Plummer so he could install cameras and microphones in your house!"

"In my house?" Henry questioned shocked.

"Yeah! And Ray and Schuaz have been spying on you and Scarlett all day watching everything! Including your really cute cuddle session" She continues.

Henry's mouths flops open in shock. "But that was our private cuddle time"

"It was nice" I piped in.

"It was" Henry agrees.

"Aww" Charlotte gushes.

"Back to the point!" I say

"Okay and now Ray is making Jasper wear a microphone to meet you at the Park Way diner so he can try and trick you into admitting that you're not really sick" Charlotte contined.

"But I really am sick. I can see why he thinks I'm not but..."

I tilt my head slightly. "Wait, Jasper's going to be wearing a wire?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah! And Ray is going to be there listening to every word you guys say"

Henry smirked at me and Charlotte. "Ohh okay. Well if Ray wants to listen to what I have to tell Jasper, then I'm going to say something goood" Henry said.

We walked over to the Diner and looked at each other with conformation looks.



We enter the Diner and we get hit by the sweet smell of pancakes and other delicious breakfast foods. Mmhh.

We see Jasper sitting at one of the booths and he quickly sees us and waves us over.

"Hi." I greet Jasper brightly.

"Hey Scarlett, Henry" he greets back smiling. Fake smile.

Henry puts his arm around my shoulder. "Sup." He says.

I then see a corn being thrown across the room hitting wall and breaking a vase.

The whole diner looks at the a man sitting at the bar chairs.

"Wasn't meant for her!" He shouts.

It's Ray...

"So ugh, umm. H-How are you feeling?" Jasper stutters to Henry.

"Um well-"

"You can tell me. We've been friends for so long" Jasper cuts him chuckling nervously.

Henry fake chuckles. "So?"

"So, even if you have a secret. I'm the perfect person for you to tell" Jasper continues. "And even you Scarlett, we have a strong and special relationship you could tell me anything too"

"What relationship?" Henry asks coldly.

"What" Jasper asks not sure what Henry had said.

"What? I didn't say anything" Henry said chuckling nervously.

I bite my lip and stare at Jasper as I wait for him to confess.

Henry leans closer to Jasper. "We'll ugh, great, 'cause you know how we've been calling in sick to work?" He asks.


"Well we we're faking" I whisper.

Jasper gasps and I almost start giggling at his stupidity.

"Why'd you tell Ray you were sick?" Asked Jasper.

"Swear that you won't tell and we can trust you?" I question.

"Sure, I would never betray a friend" Jasper said.

He quickly looked at his chest and back at us nervously.

"Well..." I lean forward.

"Come here" Henry tells Jasper.

He leans closer to us.

"Scarletr and I are secretly dating"

"WHAT?!" Jasper whispers/yells.

"Yeah we've called in sick so we could have time together" I explained.

"H-How? I mean it's obvious you guys love each other but-"

"We've done lots of stuff in my room that you guys haven't seen," I say smirking at Henry.

Jasper gets this shocked and disgusted expression on his face. "Oh my god!"

"Once Rays out of the picture. We're going to do so much more and maybe invite you to our wedding" Henry explains.

"Come on! Rays our friend, w-we can't just..."

Henry and I give Jasper a look that convinces him quick.

"Okay I'm in!"

We hear clapping from behind us and see Ray in his black costume.

"Alright Henry and Scarlett, how'd you know Jasper was wearing a wire?" He asked.

"Cause we're not idiots" I replied in a obvious tone.

"Ray! I didn't know you also came to this restaurant!" Jasper said obviously faking it.

Ray shakes his head. "Give it up, son" He says to Jaser

Henry and I got up and faced Ray in disappointment.

"I can't believe you spied on us" I said.

"Yeah well, I wouldn't have had to do all this if you hadn't lied to me about being sick for three days just so you two could spend time together" Ray explained.

"We weren't lying dude, I had a cold and she was taking care of me" Henry says.

"Yeah, cause eveyone with a cold loves to sit around eat chilli and cuddle with my sister" Ray explains madly.

We look at him strangely.

"Yeah I saw it. Both of it." He shakes his head.

"It was brown soup" I correct.

"Brown s-pff soup, okay" Ray mocks.

"I knew it was brown soup!" Jasper shouts.

"Look, just admit that you weren't sick and were just using that to spend time with one another. And apologize so we could forget this whole day" Ray suggests.

"He is sick, and he still is" I said rolling my eyes.

Ray shakes his head in disbelief. "Oh my god! You guys are such fakers"


"How could we fake this?"

"Cause you guys don't want to go to work and just stay home and cuddle"

We continue to argue causing some of the people in the Diner to turn their attention to our argument.

"Wait wait!!" I shout.

Henry leans on the booth as he looks like he's about throw up.

Ray rolls his eyes. "What? Another part of your little show?" He said. "Oh I'm so sc-"

He gets cut off my Henry puking on Ray. Everyone stared in shock.

I cringed and went to grab a napkin from the table to wipe the throw up from Henry's mouth.

He groans as I turn his around. I wipe the remains from his plump lips and place the used napkin on the table.

"NOOOOO! MY JACKET" Ray yells.

Henry and I chuckle and hug each other as we enjoy Rays pain.

Life's great right about now...

Authors note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
It's 3 am where I am and I'm still writing...

It's a little rushed because most of the episode was in Rays Point of view so didn't have much of Henry!

Anyways, love you my little book worms and new update coming Wednesday or Thursday.

Byeeeeee :)

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