(COMPLETED)The Storm is Here...

By MicMalHamilton

262K 3.4K 1.4K

(Y/N) of House (L/N) is one of the most powerful beings in the world. However, after the death of Ned, (Y/N)... More

Bio & Harem.
Prolouge: part one
Prolouge: part two.
Chapter Two: A Heartfelt Reunion
Chapter Three: Wildfire
Chapter Four: Seeing the Queen
Chapter Five: Dragonglass (short)
Chapter Six: White Walkers
Chapter Seven: King's Landing
Chapter Eight: Back at Winterfell
Chapter Nine: Knighted
Chapter Ten: The Night King
Chapter Eleven: A Proper Farewell
Chapter Twelve: Burn them all
Chapter Thirteen: Throne of gold

Chapter one: Snow and Sweat

21.6K 269 88
By MicMalHamilton

(Y/N)'s eyes shot open and he gasped at how cold it was. It felt like knives piercing his skin. Shakily he stood to see that mountains covered his vision. Snow was everywhere. However, once he turned around he realized that he was...under a weirwood tree. Ten sharp rocks surrounded him and the tree. His attire was different as well. He now wore a white button up with black pants and brown boots. He looked down to see that his boots wit weird engravings on them. Once he looked back up he nearly fainted. Ten figures stood behind the rocks as if he was their main focus. The ten figures were some he knew very well and some he didn't.

They were Rhaegar Targaryen. Lyanna Stark a few feet at his side. Ned stood with a fierce gaze on him and the couple. Catelyn stared at (Y/N) and blushed a little again. Robert gave (Y/N) a glare as well as the couple. Robb Stark was there as well though he looked like he didn't want to be. Khal Drago was there as well holding hands with a toddler who had tanned skin and white hair. Finally, two of the most important people in (Y/N)'s life stood holding hands. His parents.

"F-Father Mother...am i dead ?"

"No my child...but everyone else is i am afraid," his mother responded.

(Y/N) looked around to recognise some of the faces. When he saw Ned and Catelyn's he broke. Briskly walking towards them he crashed them into a hug and his legs gave out from beneath him.

"Ned...i'm sorry i couldn't protect you i-"

"Was not given that duty...you were also not given the duty to satisfy my wife in bed...before tou try to apologize let me say something...i forgive you just like i forgave Catelyn as well...that does not mean however that it was ok."

(Y/N) cried.

"I can't live without you guys i'm nothing but a worthless-"


(Y/N)'s mother slapped him with a tearful gaze.

"Don't you ever say that about yourself you hear me!!! You are Lord (Y/N) (L/N) King of the lost lands and their armies. As well as one hell of a swordsman. Now get out of this...funk and rise off the ground."

(Y/N) nodded and wiped his eyes. He stood up to see Catelyn suddenly jump up and hug him.

"We are here...for you have to choose," Catelyn said.

"Choose what necessarily ?" (Y/N) asked.

"Your Path!! Either rejoin us up here and meet the gods...or return to Westeros and complete your destiny," Robert yelled.

"What is my destiny ?," (Y/N) questioned.

"Your destiny...is to kill the white walkers with the help of Jon Snow our son," Lyanna stated.

"To bring your lands out of light or shall they forever live in fright," Rhaegar continued.

"To unite the brides once and for all or may their souls truly begin to fall," Mother said.

"...who are my brides ?"

"Daenerys Targaryen", boomed Khal and Rhaegar.

"Sansa Stark", said Catelyn.

"Arya Stark", Said Robb and Ned.

"Cersei Lannister," Robert cried.

"Missandei", stated Mother and Father

"Melisandre", said Lyanna.

"Margaery Tyrell", said the little boy.

(Y/N)'s parents walked up to him and hugged him from both ends.

"Son...what is your decision ?"

(Y/N) thought long and hard. Should he go be with his one true family ? Should he go back and fight until his soul gives out ? He couldn't just leave them there. Then again he couldn't sit and live with their deaths either. Finally he made his decision.

"I choose...to go back and destroy the forces of evil upon my land."

"Then go my son and take your place as the one true king....Now.....WAKE!!!"


(Y/N) shot out of his bed gasping for air. He tried to step off the bed but his legs wobbled and he fell. Instantly, a guard opened the door and gasped. The guard ran outside leaving (Y/N) on the ground hopelessly. Finally, the door opened again and in strolled one of (Y/N)'s Ten true friends his butler Colin. Colin was fifty-seven namedays with brown hair and six feet tall, He never wore to much or too little armor. Colin instantly went to the ground and lifted (Y/N) up.

"Sire what should i do ?", the guard asked speaking to Colin.

"...tell every man woman and child. Every one no matter how rich or poor. Anyone in the lost lands...our king is back."

The guard smiled and ran out of the room screaming at the top of his lungs how their king is awake. As the door closed (Y/N) was sat onto the bed .

"...how long was i out ?"
"Five...Six years maybe."

The answer shocked him. He spent five maybe six minutes in the dream now he spends the exact amount of time only in a matter of years ? This was...extraordinary to say the least. How could this have happened ?


"My King you must rest!!!", cried Colin.

"Absolutely not...i need to complete my destiny i need to go to Winterfell."

"Why is that Lord (L/N) you just came back ?!?!"

(Y/N) currently stood in front of the entire lands. They were a mix of ecstatic and dissapointed. Ecstatic because this man was their king and he finally returned from his deep sleep. Dissapointed because the man was milking himself dry. It's been a month and all he did was work out, read meditate and train. He needed rest. Now he needed to do the rituals of kings but...it was hopeless. He was going to lose if he kept it up like this. What they didn't understand was that a battle was going on at the moment. The battle of the bastards. (Y/N) intended to be there 100%.

See the culture of the lost lands can be explained in one word. Destiny. They thrive on what they truly believe is their destiny in the universe. However, they also have a secret weapon. The Destiny diaries. They are scriptures magically engraved days before or after it happens. Once (Y/N) awoke he read on every house he could think of. It was sad how dissapointed and angry (Y/N) became. The red wedding made (Y/N) fall to his knees especially. Sansa being raped had his palms bloody from clutching them so hard. Daenerys and Arya though, made him proud. This is when he made his decision. To appear at the battle of the bastards. First, he had to complete the ritual.

The ritual was to create your weapon of choice from the star of the lost lands. As well as added blood magic. If he successfully held the burning levers for as long as he could his weapon would be made and he would become the one true king. If he were to fail he couldn't retry until the next 100 years. They loved (Y/N) like a father, brother or son. If he were to fail it could crush him and they dont want that. Now he plans to leave after the ritual. Something had to be done.

"Listen !!!.....i have to do this....it is my destiny.....but mark my words once i return i will have something in hand....a gift for taking care of me and staying a loyal citizenship...in the meantime i will complete the ritual"

Much to protests he walked up the steps and walked to the levers. One on his right one on his left. He stood in front of the entire lost lands as if he were some type of sign.

"Are you ready ?" (Y/N) asked Colin.

Colin nodded as he had his hands on the joystick. (Y/N) gripped the levers tightly.

"Now !!!"

Colin pulled his joystick as (Y/N) pulled the levers with each of his arms. Slowly the gates opened and a beam of energy blasted out hitting (Y/N) instsntly. It burned severely however he didn't give up. Instead he clutched the levers tighter and pulled harder. Screaming out in adrenaline filled pain.

Colin saw the energy hit the marked target and lava started to melt down. It was beautiful. However, no time needed to be wasted on beauty. Once just enough time was spent in the making of the weapon Colin screamed for (Y/N) to stop.

(Y/N) fell forward with the awed  crowd catching him.

Now the blacksmith grabbed the pot of melting energy and went to work forging (Y/N)'s perfect weapon.

"Give me the blood!!!"
Colin hurriedly gave the blacksmith the blood as he did his work.

Once it was molded Colin looked at the weapon in astonishment. This weapon was huge with a wooden handle and valerian steel. Suddenly, the weapon flew out of the blacksmiths hands and intot the fingers of a standing (Y/N). The crowd cheered as if it were a gladiator tournament. They hugged and danced about. Finally having their one true king.

"Now my people...i shall go into westeros and return with good fortune for you all to bear!!!" The crowd cheered more and he smiled at the newfound excitement. How was he going to travel ?

Colin cleared his throat from behind (Y/N) causing him to whip around at the man. Beside Colin wasd the Blacksmith holding a sword in one hand while Colin had a mace.

"I think i know a way of transportation."

"Thanks Colin you read my mind."

(Y/N) was going to walk past until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Not so fast (Y/N)...i will show it to you on one condition....we get to attend as well."

(Y/N) looked back at the two with a fierce gaze. Althought to his kingdom he seemed fine. Emotionally, he fwlt broken. Five or six years have gone by with some of his friends still being dead. (Y/N) wanted to tell them no but something Ned said all those years ago changed his mind.

Do you know why i let my family fight in battles ? Because deep down they want to fight beside their friends and family till the end. There is no greater honor than dying in that manner. Among your men....among your family.

Slowly, (Y/N) nodded his head.

"Yes...we shall fight as family. To Winterfell...i heard that everything's gone to shit...that wasn't apart of their destiny. Let's show these fuckers what their destiny is for messing with a family friend."

The Vale charged towards the circle of huddled bodies. Sansa sat on her horse with Little Finger by her side. She had a stone cold face while looking at their for sure victory.  Jon Snow looked at the Vale with hope. This was their tale of how they won Winterfell. How they won their home.


A giant ray of light and energy hit the space between the vale and the battle before them. Everyone alive turned to watch as suddenly an axe flew out of the light and hit members of Boltons armies. The ones hit were instantly killed upon impact. Either their heads were ripped from their bodies or the axe went through their flesh. Finally, the axe flew back into the light as it faded away revealing three men. One was Colin twirling his mace into his hand with little to no armor. Another was the blacksmith who was covered head to toe in armor and had his sword at the ready. Finally, (Y/N) stood tall holding the blood covered axe with pride and anger. His muscles rippled shined with sweat. Only three people know who they are. Jon Snow , Lord Baelish and Sansa Stark. Jon looked at (Y/N) in hope and recognition. He remembered seeing this man around the castle for a couple days before everything went to shit. Jon knew that now...they were winning. Baelish looked at (Y/N) with malice. Sansa already told him about her first kiss and that he was Lord of House (L/N) one of the most powerful houses in the world. He needed to be careful with him.

Sansa looked at (Y/N) in shock. This was the man that was her first ever kiss. The man that made her feel special and have some confidence in herself. Until he was never seen again. Sansa just thought that the Lannisters got to him. Now seeing a friend of her fathers stand there heroicly. She slowly cried not in sadness but in happiness. Deep down she knew the true man she loved....was here. To keep her safe from Ramsey.

(Y/N) looked straight into Ramseys soul with accusing eyes.


(Y/N) charged straight at the circle of men, with his family behind him. (Y/N) ran at the armies of Bolton however they were cocky. Thinking that this man was easily killable with only an axe and two buddies. They charged straight at him but what he did shocked all armies. (Y/N) jumped into the air and slammed his axe into the ground causing an explosion. Killing every enemy in sight.

That was when everyone knew....the odds were in his favor

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