teared • hyungwon

By thebiasgotmedeceased

154K 10.9K 7.4K

in which a psychiatrist falls for a patient. ©thebiasgotmedeceased extra warnings: if you're sensitive to cer... More

i n t r o
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
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f o r t y s i x
f o r t y s e v e n
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f i f t y o n e
f i f t y t w o
f i f t y t h r e e
f i f t y f o u r
e p i l o g u e
n e w s !
s e q u e l

t w e n t y

2.8K 195 129
By thebiasgotmedeceased


kim inho.

the name got stuck on soon's head. for a second she thought it was a joke. all the previous behaviors she somehow witnessed led her to think it was all nam gun. all his fault.

but then, when she analyzed everything better, she realized there were some differences between the two. obviously nam gun seemed like a much violent character while kim inho seemed like cold bloded seducer, calculating and in occasions sarcastic.

she took notes of what she knew at the moment, the little information that his own character revealed and the name that escaped his lips the previous day, when he pinned her against the wall and revealed his identity to her, with pride and mischievousness.


patient: chae hyungwon

therapy session #89

start hour: 4:00 p.m.

unsure if primary or tertiary personality is present (unknown at the moment, supposedly to be nam gun (22) or chae hyungwon (26))

patient seems relaxed but stares very intensely. his hands are tied and he seems uncomfortable over this fact.

patient asked about the state of the nurse that he attacked and hurt fatally a few days ago.

doctor asks about personal stuff, patient grows uncomfortable. he doesn't refuse to answer but his answers are very vague.

patient states he is left handed. he doesn't seem to be proud about the fact that he is left handed.

doctor asked what else he can reveal about himself. patient answered that he liked women.

soon sighed.

"what are you doing babe?"

she turned around to find a pair of dark brown curious eyes staring at her.

"u-uh... i am finishing something." she said smiling and returning her eyes to the laptop that was resting on her lap.

kihyun slid a tshirt over his torso and walked towards the bed. soon noticed how he smelled like shampoo and bath gel mixed with the perfume he wore every night before going to bed. it was a delicious smell, a smell she loved.

"can i see?" he asked, managing to find some space in her lap to rest his head. she tensed in that moment since she knew he hated when she brought work from home. he always insisted she should rest whenever she came home.

and even though soon knew he was totally right, and in some cases she wished to do such thing, it was hard for her since she was completely immerse with her patients and she actually took them seriously.

"is that crazy patient again?" he asked with an annoyed tone and a roll of the eyes. soon sighed.

"he's not crazy kihyunnie."

"yeah... has how many personalities? 6? sounds crazy to me babe." he said laying on his back and looking up at her.

his freshly washed hair wetted slightly her exposed thighs since she was wearing a pair of night shorts. he looked at her with big eyes and a sweet smile. "aren't you tired?" he asked pushing away slowly the laptop down to the bed.

"kihyunnie..." she started.

"come on... we should watch a movie together eh? or a tv show? what about that one you wanted to watch about the-

"i need to finish this first alright?" she interrupted him, dragging the laptop back to her lap and pushing his head softly towards the next pillow.

he sat straight on the bed next to her and eyed her carefully. "your skin is starting to show the stress you live with."

soon rolled her eyes and sighed. since he was a dermatologist, he'd always point out if her skin looked less healthier or not and always blamed the amount of job and the stress around her. she turned to look at him. "i am not stressed? but i will be if you keep up this attitude."

his lips pressed together in a thin line. "i am just caring about you... why are you so harsh with me?"

soon closed the laptop with a loud bam and turned to look at him. "i am not being harsh you just don't understand."

"understand what? you're obsessed with these people... with this patient." his eyes widened slightly but his tone remained calmed.

he was never a violent person, he never yelled nor treated her wrong. it was one of the things soon loved about kihyun. he always remained calmed when in situations of stress or when he got angry about something.

but she remembered this as if it was a far away fact. she almost couldn't remember what else she loved about him, recently.

"i am not obsessed... kihyunnie... - she looked at him with tired eyes letting out a deep sigh – i am just worried, that's all." she finally said with a sweeter tone.

kihyun swallowed hard and looked away. "we have dinner tomorrow with my parents... are you coming or is your schedule too tight to put me in for only a night?"

the tone on his voice clearly proved he was hurt. and soon being a psychiatrist knew exactly what was bothering him and she knew sometimes she had done things that have hurt him in ways she didn't expect, like tonight.

she closed her eyes and sighed. "of course i have time for you and your parents... - she wanted to say something else but couldn't.

kihyun just nodded and got under the sheets, giving his back to her and reaching for the nearest lamp that was on top of his nightstand. "good night." he said with a sad voice.

soon left her laptop on top of her nightstand and turned off the light. "good night kihyunnie." she said getting under the bed sheets as well.

she rested her head on the soft pillows. the pillows that he insisted so much to buy since they had a innovating system to help you rest better at night.

soon remembered how that day he picked her up at the clinic and he took her to the mall that was nearby their house. "pick whatever you like." he had said when they stopped in the quilts section. she turned to look at him with confused eyes.

"what?" she asked.

he shrugged. "we're moving in... together! so we should buy new sheets and all so pick." he said with a wide smile. he always would do things like these.

soon turned to look at the big variety of quilts and sheets. "i like that one." she said pointing at a set of dark navy blue sheets. kihyun smiled, he love the color blue but so did she.

"and the quilt?" he asked. she narrowed her eyes.

"i like that one." she said pointing at the one that was cream with an abstract texturized pattern. kihyun smiled again, he genuinely liked her pickings.

"great, let's buy them." he said grabbing the two packages and putting them on the shopping cart. "we only need pillows now."

he grabbed soon's hand and led her to the pillow hall. she giggled next to him as they stared at the diverse variety of pillows. kihyun kept walking ahead of her as she stared at a pair of cute pillows heart shaped.

she felt as if someone was watching her so she turned and she thought she saw a shadow of someone passing by.

she frowned as she walked in that direction, to see who it was but soon kihyun's voice calling her name made her stop on her tracks. she turned around and found him hugging two big pillows, a wide smile plastered on his face. "babe i found them!" he exclaimed.

she smiled. "alright." she said walking towards him and locking her arms with his. "these are new, they have a new system that helps you rest better at night." soon's eyes widened after she saw the price tag.

"isn't that too expensive for pillows?" she asked shocked, but he only laughed. of course he posessed that amount of money and of course he was the type of man who would spend over $500 in just one pillow.

"you can never spent enough if it's about resting well." he said patting one of the pillows. soon laughed and shook her head.

"alright. let's buy them." she finally said.

it had been around 2 years since that and she felt as if it had been over 10. she turned around and stared at the back of his head and sighed. "mianhae."

"i love that dress." she heard his sweet voice coming from behind. it was finally saturday and it was her resting day, well part of the weekend. and it was time for that dinner with her future in laws.

she glanced at his handsome features through the glass. he was wearing a dark navy blue suit with a black tie and matching shoes. soon smiled at him.

"really? i didn't know." she said playfully since he always would say the same thing, after all, it had been the dress he bought for her last year.

a black long sleeved short dress that he pointed out would "look extremely delightful on her" and after he returned home with the dress perfectly wrapped up in that gucci bag, she tried it on and she realized her future husband was nothing but an actual medium. it looked extremely delightful on her, even if she hated to admit it herself.

he smiled at her. "thank you." she simply said.

the way to the yoo's mansion was mostly quiet. soon wanted to say something to him, maybe about what happened the previous night but he seemed calmed and she didn't want to ruin that calmness.

but she couldn't help but feel deep in her bones, these quietness was weird. it felt as if it was that quiet moments before the storm.

she spotted the big mansion in the distance, standing tall in that hill and she couldn't help but remember that time his parents had told her parents during that engagement reunion, how that house would belong to the young couple once they get married.

her parents have pointed out how great deal it was, since they were themselves gifting them with another house, but this time in the south coast of the country. a big beach house with stunning views to the ocean.

soon couldn't help but get desperate at the thought of having so many houses and so little people to habit them, since after all it was only the two of them and that's how it was going to be for a long time since she wasn't planning on having babies any time soon.

kihyun parked the car and opened the door for her. soon held onto his arm and she couldn't help but smile fondly. he smelled delicious and his touch was always comforting, even if she had been mad at him the previous night. being with kihyun always felt comforting.

the door opened and the pair received them with bright smiles. "oh my dear kids, you're looking like show-stopping." the extravagant mother said, kissing them on their cheeks and hugging them.

"it's good to see you together again, we've missed you soonie-yah." the father, reserved and always holding a glass of wine said to her with a wide smile.

it was true, they were amazing parents to kihyun, after all he was only child and their only pride and love. and they've welcomed soon into the family as another daughter, treating her with the same love and respect as they did with their son.

"i am happy to see you two again." she said walking in after leaving her shoes at the door.

the mansion looked exactly as she always remembered. even all of those times when she visited as a kid and it smelled the same. like pine.

"i prepared something delicious for you two tonight." the mother said.

"omma... you shouldn't have-

"non-sense! you're my son who is soon getting married with this lovely young woman, of course i had to make something more delicious than a simple bbq." she said almost offended.

"how's been work soonie-yah?" the father asked as he served two cups of wine to the couple, she took one.

"it's been okay... actually, that's the reason why i've been so missing in action, i've been having a hard time with a few patients – she said glancing at kihyun, who took the wine completely in a single shot after he heard her talking about the patients again, she cleared her throat – and that keeps me worried sometimes, but we're managing." she said nodding, taking a sip of the sweet wine.

the parents looked at each other for a second. "soonie-yah... too much work can affect adversely to your health." the mother said worried. the father nodded in agreement and she soon felt the piercing eyes of her fiancé, stuck on her.

she knew they all were right. they all were doctors, the three of them just as her and her parents. she had grew up in a family of doctors. always surrounded by clinics and strict instructions. "i know, i know." she said nodding with a reassuring smile.

kihyun remained silent since he obviously agreed with his parents. he'd always say these things to her every night. "perhaps i'll listen from now on and i'll try to rest more- she stopped when she noticed her phone beeped.

she swallowed hard and looked at them with an embarrassed expression. "excuse me." she said looking for her phone inside her purse.

the parents looked at each other but then turned to look at kihyun. "how is your work my love?"

soon focused on her phone, when she unlocked it she saw 5 missed calls and 2 texts. she rushed to open the texts after noticing the missed calls where from the clinic.

nurse hoseok: dr. park i am deeply sorry to be disturbing you on a weekend but patient chae had a mental breakdown and he's now in insensitive care, if it's not too much bother could you please come to check him? thanks

lee sajangnim: soonie-ssi... i've been informed there had been a situation in the clinic with patient chae, you took full responsibility for him so please i am asking you to go and control the situation.

she swallowed hard and put the phone down. she found the three people staring at her and she soon felt her knees shaking even if she was sitting.

"i-i am... so s-sorry but there have been a situation at the clinic – she stared and turned to look at kihyun. he seemed incredulous.

"what?" he asked.

"i have to go there right now." she finally added. the parent's eyes widened as they all stood at the same time when she did.

"oh dear, are you sure? what happened?"the mother asked.

"soohyun, the health of the patients always comes first, you should go soonie-yah." the father said with a reassuring nod. kihyun turned to look at him almost shotting daggers.

soon nodded and bowed deeply. "i am deeply sorry, i promise i'll make it up to you." she said with a shy tone.

"no dear, don't worry, we understand." the mother said as they followed her around. kihyun grabbed her arm softly to stop her.

"is it really necessary?" he said widening his eyes, motioning at his parents who looked at each other awkwardly and soon disappeared through the kitchen's door.

"it is, one of my patients is in intensive care, i need to go- she said trying to free herself from his hands but kihyun tightened his grip.

"can't someone else cover you? we're here now. it's around an hour and a half to the clinic and it's late, it's dangerous soon." he said but soon stared into his eyes.

"i need to go. i am sorry." her eyes were big and begged him to let her go. kihyun hesitated for a second but then he sighed and freed her.

"alright. but i am coming with you. let's go." 


a/n: hey guys! i'll be updating this fanfic today and in a few i'll be posting my new story so if you're interested in reading it, please look forward! i hope you enjoy. 

the new story is called "snare" 


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