teared • hyungwon

By thebiasgotmedeceased

154K 10.9K 7.4K

in which a psychiatrist falls for a patient. ©thebiasgotmedeceased extra warnings: if you're sensitive to cer... More

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f i f t y t h r e e
f i f t y f o u r
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n e w s !
s e q u e l

e i g h t e e n

2.3K 209 85
By thebiasgotmedeceased


"it was you... it was your name. park soon."

hyunwoo's words echoed inside her mind like a constant melody. a melody of torture.

soon couldn't find a reason why hyungwon would call her name in the middle of night, even if she was his doctor. why?

"i... i don't know why he was calling your name, at first i couldn't remember, but now – he seemed honest and also surprised – now everything seems to clearing in my mind, i heard it...crystal clear." somehow hyunwoo's eyes seemed worried.

the thought of hyungwon calling her name meant something much more and hyunwoo remembered as a desperate yell.

soon swallowed hard. "did he say something else? can you remember?" she asked, longing for more information.

but soon a door was closed and soon heard chaeyeong's steps. "soon-ssi... i think you should leave now." her voice was serious and it seemed as if she was demanding her to leave.

hyunwoo gave a cautious look but the woman avoid the eye contact. she remained staring at the doctor with a defiant look. "please." she finally added.

soon glanced at the injured man and nodded at him. a reassurance nod that he returned.

"i hope you get better hyunwoo-ssi... chaeyeong-ssi." she said bowing and finally leaving the room. hyunwoo's confession had left her both confused and slightly worried.

on her way to the police station, she stopped for a second to think about what hyunwoo said.

he practically confessed he knew it hadn't been hyungwon's intention, so she was right since the beginning. but she also acknowledged that one of hyungwon's identities was actually dangerous.

but never as much as to be locked away in jail. not even after what it did to hyunwoo. she was still a firm believer that with therapy he could get better.

she didn't realize when she arrived the police station since she seemed to be lost at thought.

"excuse me? i'd like to talk with detective kim?" she asked at the police station entrance. a man behind a desk who was wearing a dark blue uniform nodded and quickly dialed a number.

"he'll be here in any minute." he said with an annoyed look.

she checked one more all the documents she had signed to help on hyungwon's release. she also had been warned by her brother about the posible questions they might asked and he had offered to help if given the case, he was needed.

"everything seems... fine." the detective said after checking the documents. he seemed slightly upset though.

"so do you think we can finish all of this without a trial?" she asked. somehow she hated the idea of putting hyungwon through all the stress of being in a trial.

the detective kim glanced at her. "i mean... the victim didn't press charges so... i guess yes. this is it." he stood from the small wooden table, soon followed him.

a smile was drawn to her lips, the first time in the past three days. "that's great news, can i take him with me?"

the detective turned to look at her with widened eyes. "are you?"

"what?" she asked confused.

"taking him... with you? alone...?" it seemed that he was somehow scared of the thought.

soon frowned. "of course... he's my patient." she stated.

the man sighed. "i can have him taken by one of our patrols-

"i don't think that'd be necessary detective kim. i don't want this situation to be more traumatic to my patient."

the man pondered about it and sighed as he took out his personal card and handed it to her. "in case... you know - he shrugged – you need us." he narrowed his eyes as he tried to motion to each side.

soon understood his sign as an offer for help, given the case hyungwon loses his mind and temper again. "thanks... but i don't think that'd be necessary." she said putting the card inside the pocket of her coat.

"alright – he lifted his hands in defeat – but still there's a fine to pay." he added, assuming she'd know.

"a fine...? how much?" she asked confused.

"$20.000" he said handing a paper that stated exactly what she said. soon's eyes widened as she read and re-read the document.

after a few minutes, she nodded. "alright. where can i pay it?"

the doors opened and a pair of guards walked out of the already long familiar hall. hyungwon was right between them, looking tired, desperate and confused.

he had dark circles around his eyes but then they fixed on the doctor he sighed in relief. "we only need him to sign this." the detective added. soon nodded.

"hyungwon-ssi... please sign this."

without hesitation and not even glancing at the paper, he did what was told, in a second.

soon felt her cheeks slightly burning at the gesture. apparently he trusted her enough to sign a paper without even looking. "well... i guess that's it. you're free to go. please behave in the future." detective kim said, motioning with his head for the guards to remove the handcuffs.

hyungwon stared at the scene with incredulity. his desperate eyes looked for the doctor's as if he was asking if that was really happening. she just gave him a reassuring smile.

"let's go." she simply said pointing with her head towards the way. hyungwon glanced around, still confused but quickly followed the doctor.

"are you alright?" she asked on their way towards the entrance. he blinked twice.

"are they really freeing me dr. park?" his voice was almost like a whisper. as if he was trying not to be heard.

she chuckled. "of course. you have nothing to do in here." she said smiling, leading him out of the police station.

the sun hit his eyes without warning and he quickly covered his eyes. soon looked for her sunglasses inside her purse and handed them to him. "here. cover your eyes and trust me, car is this way." she said grabbing his arm and leading him downstairs.

hyungwon walked slowly, next to soon as she took him to the car. he looked around marveled, as if he hadn't been out in a long time.

even if the patients were allowed to go out to the clinic's garden, some of them weren't allowed to go out of the clinic. especially patients who were interns there, patients like hyungwon.

somehow he couldn't remember when was the last time he was out, in the streets, free.

soon opened the passenger's door for him and waited until he finally got inside. she buckled him up and rushed towards the drivers seat.

being alone with hyungwon supposed a great fear since he could easily escape, if he wanted to. she didn't have any of the other male nurses with her and even if it was true she could have brought one with her, she didn't want hyungwon's experience to be traumatic.

she turned on the engine and glanced at a marveled hyugnwon. his eyes grew two sizes, looking like a little kid in a fair. only that he'd stare at normal things like people walking by or other cars and buildings.

soon couldn't help but wonder how he must be feeling right now. "are you okay?" she spoke her thoughts.

hyungwon blinked twice as if he was awakened from a daydream and turned to look at her. "that building is new." he said.

clearly he had been locked up for a few years, so naturally he missed all the new things around town. soon just nodded.

"yeah... it's been there only a few months." she said, returning her eyes to the road.

hyungwon nodded and turned to the window. she tried to make small conversation, but apparently he was more interested in seeing the outside world.

"do you remember where you used to live?" it was the question that really got his attention. he turned to look at her and sighed.

"i do. of course." he nodded.

"are we... close?" she didn't know why she was asking such thing. it's not like she could drive him there. to do what, exactly?

he was a patient, from a mental institute. not only that, he was a dangerous patient, said by the rest of the clinic's staff and now the police. and truth was, he was, even if she denied it.

"i don't think so." he said to her relief.

there was a red light and soon stopped the car, moving her feet anxiously as she stared cautiously at him.

he seemed calmed and even distracted. he didn't look exactly like he'd go out and run away. but just then soon realized she had forgotten to lock the doors and now the car was silent and she didn't want to do it and have him noticed since he could feel as if she didn't trust him enough.

"oh... mc'donald's." she said pointing at a mc'donald's that was nearby. hyungwon followed her with his eyes as he nodded.

she swallowed hard as she tried to think twice before opening her mouth. "want a burger?" she couldn't stop herself at the moment.

she knew it was wrong. she shouldn't suggest that to her patient. but looking at him right then, made her heart shrink.

he looked around with such nostalgia and a glimpse of endearment. "uh... am i... allowed?" he asked, scratching the back of his head.

soon opened her mouth but then closed it, holding onto the wheel. the lights changed to green and she started the car again.

maybe he was right. he wasn't exactly not allowed but going to mc'donald's wasn't exactly part of the plan.

but her hands automatically took the turn when it was time and soon they were on the auto mac section.

his eyes sparkled at the bright menu in front of them as soon glanced at him with an awkward smile. "please don't tell anyone we did this." she said but hyungwon smiled with complicity.

for the first time, she saw the actual hyungwon smile. it was a mix of both charming and sweetness all over. "i promise dr. park." he nodded eagerly as he tried to figure out what he'd have.

after they received the food, soon kept driving as they ate in silence inside the car. there was still a long way to the clinic and it was the perfect time for him to finish his meal before going back inside the clinic again.

"do you miss it?" she found herself asking.

hyungwon stopped eating a fried and glanced at her. "what thing?"

"you know... your life? your old life?"

it seemed he was hesitating but he finally shrugged. "i don't know."

it surely seemed like an odd answer but everything about him was odd. soon wasn't sure if in a good or a bad way. maybe it was a neutral way.

"i... didn't have much friends, in fact... i had zero friends – he chuckled bitterly – and i was just... alone." he shrugged, a hint of sadness crossed his eyes.

soon swallowed hard the piece of burger as she tried to picture a life like that and the result was pretty sad.

"i see... what about a pet? did you have any?" of course she died to ask about his family, but it had been a subject he had avoided since the beginning and she didn't want to trigger anything right now, while they were outside of the clinic and in a driving car.

he smiled. "i guess i always wanted one but... i am not good with people so i assume i am not good with pets either."

it seemed like not a reasonable nor logical thought but soon imagined he must find some sense in it. "alright... well, pets can be adorable and make a great company, maybe in the future, when you're better and you go out... you can try and have a pet."

hyungwon smiled at her, a smile crowded with sadness as if he knew that'd never happen. "sure." he simply said.

"what kind of pet you'd wish to have?"

he drank a sip of his coke. "i guess... a turtle would be cool." soon couldn't help but smile at his choosing.

"a turtle? wow... you must be the first person i've ever met that has chosen a turtle as their pet." she said with a wide smile.

he swallowed hard. "is it weird?" he asked worriedly, but soon shook her head repeatedly.

"no no... of course not." she rushed to say, he relaxed. "in fact... it's perfect."

for the first time she saw something in him, something that she had never seen before, not since she met him.

there was something about him... something special and unique. something she was starting to like. 


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