Dance into love

By 1derful_louis_

9.8K 96 65

Chloe was spending the night at her best friend Paige's house while Paige's brother Josh is home. The whole... More

Dance into love
Part 2!
Part 3!

Part 4!

2.1K 43 49
By 1derful_louis_

Hey guys sorry I haven't upodated lately. I've been really busy! I'll post 2 parts today! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Josh's POV:

I couldn't believe that girl of my dreams liked me! I was so excited! Just then, Chloe asked me, "Josh, will you go out with me?" My heart skipped a beat. My one and only crush just asked me out! "Yes I would love to Chloe!" "I'll just leave you two alone." Paige said as she walked out of my room and closed the door.

"That was really weird!" Chloe said suspiciously."Thats Paige for you!" I said back saracasticly."So what do you wanna do?" She asked. "Well I was thinking..." I started to second guess myself but then it just spilled out, "Can we makeout?" I could see Chloe's facial expression change instantly. "Lets!" Chloe answered. I honestly thought she would say no but I guess I was wrong.

We sat down on my bed very close. I leaned in to kiss her and she leaned in to kiss me. When our lips connected I had the best feeling ever! That feeling when you think its all a dream but its actually reality. After a few minutes of making out with Chloe, I put my arm around her.  I could tell she loved it because she smiled when I did it. Ten minutes went by when all of sudden... "What are you two doing?!?!" Paige yelled. "Umm...I can explain!"  Chloe said. "I left you two alone for ten minutes and then you start making out?!" Paige said.

"Calm down Paige, we were just making out! Nothing more than that!" I said.  "Fine I believe you." Paige replied. "So can we still make out when you're not around? Chloe asked Paige. "Fine." Paige said back.

*****************Ten Minutes Later*****************

"I'm gonna invite Brooke to my room to play Truth or Dare. She's gonna invite 2 boys over, Nick and Brandon. Wanna play?" I thought to myself. What happens if Chloe had to kiss another guy? She'd never do that to me would she? "I wanna play!" Chloe screamed. "I'm playing too!" I said.

**********************Five Minutes Later**************************

"They're here!" Brooke yelled. I hope this goes well I thought to myself.

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