Mean Girls | Taylor Swift

By wunderstruck1313

14.2K 357 217

"Taylor Swift. Where do I begin to describe Taylor Swift?" (Inspired by Mean Girls) [Completed] More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.

Chapter 2.

1.3K 40 22
By wunderstruck1313

"The cafeteria is crucial

you have freshman,

JV jocks,

Asian nerds,

Cool Asians,

Varsity jocks,

Unfriendly black hotties,

Girls who eat their feelings,

Girls who don't eat anything,

Desperate wannabes,


Sexually active band geeks,

The greatest people you will ever meet,

And the worst the plastics. Beware of the plastics."

I see Lorde and Todrick on the other side of the cafeteria, they see me and wave my over.

As I'm making my way over a boy stops me,

"Hey we are doing a lunch time serve for the school. Can I ask you a few questions?" He asks.

"Okay." I said.

"Is your muffin butter?" He asks.

"What?" I ask him confused.

"Would you like me to butter your muffin?" He asks again.

"Is he bothering you? Justin why are you such a perv?" Taylor asks him.

"I'm just being friendly." Justin said to Taylor.

"You where supposed to call me last night." A girl next to Taylor speaks up.

"Justin, do not to go to a party at my house to bail on Selena and then pick on this poor innocent girl here two days later. She is not interested." Taylor said to the boy.

"Do you want to have sex with him?" Taylor asks me.

"No. Thank you." I said.

"Good it's settled. You can go shave the hair on your back now." Taylor said to Justin as he looks at her in shock.

"Bye Justin." Taylor said and he walks away.

I begin to go over to Ella and Todrick but Taylor stops me, "Wait sit down." she said to me.

I look back at Ella and Todrick looking at me intensely shaking their heads now.

What should I do?

"Seriously sit down." Taylor said again, I sit down in the chair slowly.

"Why don't I know you?" Taylor asks.

"I'm new. I just moved here from Florida." I said.

"What?" Taylor asks.

"I used to be home schooled." I said.

"Like what?" Taylor asks again.

"My mom taught me at home." I said.

"I know what home school is I'm not retarded. So you never been to California before?" Taylor asks.

I shake my head no, "Shut Up. Shut up!" Taylor says excitedly.

"I didn't say anything." I said.

"Homeschooled. That's really interesting." Taylor said.

"Thanks." I said.

"And your like really pretty." Taylor continued.

"Thank you." I said.

"So you agree?" Taylor asks.

"What?" I ask.

"You think you are really pretty." Taylor said.

"Oh um I don't know." I said nervously.

Taylor looks down at my wrist, "Oh my god. I love your bracelet! Where did you get it?" she asks looking up at me.

"Oh my mom made it for me." I said touching it.

"It's so cute!" Taylor said.

"So fetch." Selena said.

"What's fetch?" Taylor asks Selena.

"Oh it's like slang. From England." Selena said.

"So if your from Florida then why are you brown? I thought Florida was only for old broke millionaires?" Ariana asks.

"Oh my god Ariana you can't just ask people why they are brown!" Selena scowls Ariana. 

"Can you give us some privacy for like one second?" Taylor asks me.

"Sure." I said then Taylor starts whispering to them so I can't hear.

I look back over at Ella and Todrick and they are still looking over here, they mouth "What are you doing?" I shrug at them and look back at Taylor, Selena, and Ariana.

"Okay do you should know what what we are about to do doesn't happen a lot so think is a really big deal." Taylor said.

"We want you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the week." Selena said smiling at me.

I shake my head no, "No um it's okay-" I tried to make an excuse but Taylor cuts in,

"Coolness. So I'll see you tomorrow." Taylor said.

"On Wednesday's we where pink." Ariana said.

"Oh my God! You have to do it! You have to do it and tell me all the horrible things they say to you!" Ella says to me I'm the girls cafeteria bathroom.

"Taylor seems sweet." I said.

"Taylor Swift isn't sweet. She is a slithering snake! She ruined my life!!" Ella yells.

Todrick walks out of one of the stalls, "She looks fabulous but she is evil." He said.

"Hey get out of here!!" A girl yells at him.

"Oh my god! Hayley Williams! I love your work!!" Todrick shouts running up to the girl then she runs away from him.

"Why do you hate her?" I ask Ella.

"What do you mean?" Ella asks.

"Taylor. You seem to really hate her." I said.

"Yes. What is your question?" Ella asks.

"My question is why?" I ask.

"Taylor stared this rumor that Ella is like-" Todrick says then Ella yells at him.

"Todrick!! Shall we not?!" Ella shouts at him.

"Look this isn't about hating her. I just think we should have a fun little experiment where you tell us everything that they say." Ella said.

"What do we even talk about?" I ask.

"Hair products." Ella said. "Justin Timberlake." Todrick said.

"Is that an actor?" I ask Todrick.

"Just do it! Please." Ella says to me.

"Okay fine. Do you have anything pink?" I ask.

"Yes" Todrick shouts. "No!" Ella yells at the same time and look at each other.

School ends and I arrive back home.

I walk up the steps of my porch and my parents see me,

"Hey honey how was your second day of school?" My Dad asks.

"Good." I said lying.

"Did you make any friends?" My Mom asks.

"Yeah." I said and I walked into the house.

Author's Note

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