League of Legends Fanfiction...

By Yorunacchi

10.6K 42 12

Here are some short stories of my favorite ships and ship requests from League Of Legends. I tried my best to... More

Lulu x Veigar Part 1
Lulu x Veigar Part 2 [LEMON]
Katarina x Talon
Xayah x Rakan
Ashe x Tryndamere
Annie x Amumu
Jinx x Sona
Lulu x Varus Part 1
Lulu x Varus Part 2
Lulu x Varus Part 3
Syndra x Zed
Zoe x Ezreal [LIGHT LEMON]

Draven x Sona

705 3 1
By Yorunacchi

Draven threw his axe. "Double kill!"
Another axe, and soon he was surrounded by the corpses of the enemy botlane and jungler. "Awh, crap!" he heard Xayah say. "Welcome to the League of Draven", was all that he replied. Sona, his support who had done the most damage rolled her eyes. "Why do I always have to get a stupid ADC or an egoistic one? I don't get it." She ignored Dravens self praising and recalled.
"Ey Sona, don't you think so too?", Draven turned around, left alone by his Support. "Hmpf! I will carry this game alone! Who needs a Support anyway, I'm Draveeeeeeeeen. I don't need a Support to carry an easy game like this."
He recalled as well, and went back to farming on the botlane until he reached the second tower. Sona just followed him to get XP, but once they were almost at the tower, and the enemy midlaner was gone, she pinged him to go back, already going to her tower. "It's not a good idea to push further, Draven", she texted him in the chat. But Draven ignored her. "Then go back if you think you are too weak to fight like a man!!"
Sona angrily ported back and sold all her items in exchange for Ludens and Lich Bane. Meanwhile Draven farmed further and noticed that Sona was gone later, pinging her with question marks.
"Wtf are you doing, Sona? You're my SUPPORT so don't buy AP items!! And stop telling me to go back, I play better than you, and as a better player I tell you to push the second tower!"
The anger came up inside Sona, all the flame and stupid calls her ADC was doing. She could not hold back, so she just stood there. "YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU FUCKING ANNOY ME WITH YOUR STUPID EGOISTIC ATTITUDE. I'M JUST HERE TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR DIRTY ASS AND I DID THE MOST DAMAGE THIS ENTIRE GAME SO JUST LISTEN TO ME ONE DAMN TIME!!!", Sona shouted as him, used her E and went back to her tower. Draven just laughed and continued farming. A few seconds later, he was hit by a Nami bubble. As stupid as he was, he started to fight her, not knowing that she was being joined by Xayah and Lee, who killed him easily. Meanwhile, Sona madly ported back and received a ton of flame in the chat and with pings. Draven instantly went afk, and the whole team sighed.
"Finally some silence. Are you ok, Sona? That ADC sounded like a 13 year old", the midlaner Veigar said. "Now that he's gone I feel better. But how are we gonna win without an adc?", Sona replied.
"We can do it if we fight", was all that Veigar said, and they grouped as 4 against their weak botlane. Dravens push was the only positive thing he had left before he went afk, and together with Sona protecting their mid and top, they won the game without a single mean word when someone died or made a mistake.
"GGWP team! And please report Draven for going afk and flaming harshly!"
The game ended, and Draven was banned from the game for 30 days, because apparently it was not the first time he had flamed in a game like that.

What do we learn from this fanfic? Don't let yourself down because you have a 13-year old wannabe adc. Even if you're a weak supporter, you'll be way better and more useful if you ignore those ppl.

~the end~

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