The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...

By Blayze

855K 10.4K 4.1K


The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...and the Guys Who Find it Attractive
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...and the Guys Who Find it Attractive: Chapter 2
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 3
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 4
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 5
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 6
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 7
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 8
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 9
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 10
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 11
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 12
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 13
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 14
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...and the Guys Who Find it Attractive (Interview!!)
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 16
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 17
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 18
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 19
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 20
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 21
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 22
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 23
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 24
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...**Interveiw #2**
The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 25!

The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...Chapter 15

25.4K 323 82
By Blayze

Okeedokee artichokee!:) vote,Comment, Tweet and like:)


Chapter 15

~*Faiths POV*~

I woke up at 7:14am and got dressed. Everyone was still asleep, but we have school! And i need to find out who kissed me....

"Wakey wakey!" i yelled and Dave jumped up, glaring. Kane, Pete, Chase, Ryan, Mike and Dean groaned and stretched. Cameron sat up and Randa was just glaring at me.

"Wow Faith, really?" Kane grumbled and i smiled.

"School time." i said. Ryan and Mike stood up and went to the kitchen.

"Morning Fifi." Mike smiled.

"Good morning!" i chirped. Guess im still hyped from last night.

"Morning babes." Chase said, his eyes not open yet.

"Morning, Chase. Wakeeee uuuupp." i laughed. Dean sat up as well.

"Gooooodddd Morning, Princess!" he said, almost amused. I smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"Why the sudden burst of energy?"

"Im a morning person." Dean laughed.

"Yeah he is. The dork." Ryan groaned. Kane laughed.

"Thats good i guess...." he trailed and Mike poked his head in.

"Very good. Now enough talk and get ready." Cam, and Randa got up and dressed. I think she MAY have noticed my happiness because....

"Why are you so happy?" she asked me, as we walked to Main Lodge.

"I just am, its a Tuesday."

"You like Tuesdays? Now i know you're lying! What is it?" she asked and held my arm. I smiled at a chance to tell her. I leant in close to whisper.

"Promise you wont tell or freak out?"

"I promise the first part, i cant garantee the second." she said and i rolled my eyes. At least she's honest, right?

"Last night, when everyone was asleep, some guy came to me and kissed me." i said and Randa smiled.

"Chase?" she asked knowingly. I shocked her when i shook my head.

"No...not Chase. Or Cam. I felt FAST." i said and Randa squealed.

"OH MY GOD! OMG! OMG!" she freaked as i tried to calm her down.

"Shhh! Randa!" i yelled. She stopped squealing and looked at me.

"So not Chase or Cam...Mike? Eww. Dave or Kane? Maybe. Ryan? How perverted of him. Pete? Supposedly. Dean? Again, maybe....Oh why did we invite so many boys! Ugh!" she freaked again.

"Its ok Randa. I'll find out who it was."

"And keep me updated, dear. This is important!" she almost scolded as we entered the building.

Cam and i are on good terms. I dont like-like him, but he's a great friend. He teases, jokes around, makes me laugh, and is all-around pleasant.

"So you want my help..." Cam said.

"Yes." i answered.

"To find a guy..."


"Whom we know and was at our room last night..."

"Uh huh."

"Who kisses you and didnt tell you who he was?!"

"Pretty much! So you'll help?" i asked Cameron. He thought for a moment then smiled.

"Ok, but make brownies today. I'll talk to the guys and try to find out without giving anything away." he said and i smiled.

"Thanks Cam! I'll make you browines!" i said and we split for next class.

My next class had Alexis, and Ryan in it. Migbt as well question him. To describe all the boys:

Ryan: Tall, Asian-american, black hair, brown eyes, muscular, envious, and smart.

Kane: Big boned, red hair, silver eyes, full lips, very hormonal, fully Irish, toned, sneaky, and attitudinal.

Dave: American-Arab, speaks many languages (Like Dean), Brown hair, almost black eyes, funny, muscular as well, tall, concieted, and strategic.

Pete: Bad boy. He had blond sideswept hair, a piercing in each ear, a tattoo of a dragon on his arm, lean and toned, talented, not a big eater, pleasant, and mysterious.

So, i walked over to Ryan and sat with him.

"Hey Ryan!" i smiled. Ryan looked at me with surprise, then smiled.

"Hey, Laney. Wassup?"

"Not much, you?"

"Same. Sorry about passing out on your room floor." he smiled and i grinned.

"No problem. I was just afraid id step on you guys. Or you snore."

"Haha, i do snore! And so does Chase and Dave! I guess you were too tired to notice". He laughed and i shrugged.

I doubt it was Ryan because of his lips. His lips are thin and the ones that kissed me were fuller. I could be wrong, but like i said, i dont think it was Ryan.

"Well, i was tired!" i smirked and he laughed.

"Sure. Whatever, Laney. So whats your favorite sport?"

"Volleyball. I play it."

"Figures. Its such a girly sport."

"What?! No its not! Dean plays it..." i said and Ryan snickered.

"I rest my case."

"From what ive heard, Dean is far from a girl." i smirked and Ryan glared for a second.

"What other tales from the lockeroom have you heard, Laney?" he asked and and i blushed.


"Are you sure? Maybe you know all our sizes or something?" he snickered and i rolled my eyes.

"No i dont."

"Haha, good." he said and class started.

So i can scratch Pete and Ryan off my list. Petes hair is so light and long, i wouldve seen or felt it. Ryans lips are too thin and his voice is higher than the one i heard last night. And the guy called me Faith. Not 'Laney' or 'Babes'.

During lunch, i whispered to Cam.

"Did you find out who it was? Or wasnt?"

"Nope. I played around with Dave and asked him whos the last girl he kissed, but he answered with changing the subject. So, nothing yet."

"Oh, ok. Thanks for trying." i said and Cameron smiled.

During lunch, none of the guys looked or treated me different then before. Chase smirked and flirted, Dean cracked jokes and kept the place alive, Mike was a mysterious stick in the mud, and the rest were their normal selves! Ugh!

"Whats wrong, Faith?" Dean asked me, worridly.

"Oh nothing, just thinking too hard." i chuckled. Dean nodded and smiled.

"Well stop thinking then! Youre smart enough." he laughed. I chuckled and went back to eating my cheeseburger.

"So, wheres the party tonight?" Mike asked. Dave smiled.

"My room." he said and i raised an eyebrow.

"I thought we cant have parties?" i asked.

"Thats why you arent going to tell, right Fifi?" Mike asked. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Ok." i said. Kane smiled.

"Good, so itll be us, Tatiana, Heather, Zoe, Kevin, Sasha, Veronica, Steve, Kenny, and Alexis." he said.

"How are we all going to fit in one room?" i asked. Chase smirked.

"Dave's room is bigger than usual. His older cousin owns Candridge. He gets perks. Like a private room with bigger space." Chase said. Dave smiled and winked at me.

"So we all bring something too. Faith, brownies." Cam smiled, "Room 402 brings food."

"Room 476 brings music." Kane called.

"Room 312 gets food as well." Pete smiled. In a few minutes the boys had the party planned and were ready to do it. How fortunate that Dave has connections with the schools owner!

When French class came, i groaned. The Barbies are gunna be here. I sat down and took out my books, waiting. Amethyst came in and smiled as she sat next to me.

"Hey Faith." she said.

"Hey, Am. Hows it going?"

"Slow day, and im nervous about our test. It sucks that we get a report card every month."

"Yeah, it does...but they want us to know exactly how well we're doing."

"And our parents. My dad wants me to have perfect grades!"

"Your smart, you'll do fine." i smiled. Amethyst smiled.

"Hey Am, where are you from?"

"Pakistan. Why?"

"Just wondering." i smiled. She nodded and smiled.

"Wondering why my dad is strict?" she asked.

"No, you just looked like you were from Pakistan or India."

"Mmk. Well my parents are Pakistani, but i was born in New York."

"Oh, cool! Im from Detroit." i smiled and Amethyst grinned. Then the barbies came in. Tatiana and her clones walked by and smirked at me.

"So, i guess you'll be lonely tonight Faith."

"Why would you say that?" i asked.

"I hear Cam and Dean are going to be at a party...with us." she smiled with fake sympathy and i laughed.

"Oh, ill be there. Along with Randa, Sasha, Alexis and Am." i smiled, setting a hand on Amethysts arm. Amethyst smiled at me, and looked away, almost embarrased.

"Ugh, you're invited?" Zoe asked. I nodded and decided to play around.

"Of course! Dean said he could never go without his princess, AKA me. Chase said and i quote 'If Babes doesnt go, it wont be fun'. Cam and Mike said they wished it were only me and them. All the guys wanted me there, so i decided to go." i sighed. Heather, Tatiana and Zoe glared at me, while Amethyst snickered.

"Oh did they? Well maybe theyll change their minds tonight when we're done with them." Tatiana smirked and i glared. If she touched my mystery guy, i will rip her head off!

"Well perhaps the boys are smarter than to risk an STD." i smiled.

"Then they should stear clear from you." Zoe snorted and i raised an eyebrow. Im not sure how to respond to that... Im not a skank like them.

"Now Tatty, we all know about your issue last year." Amethyst smiled. Tatiana glared at her.

"Shuttup, Am. It wasnt anyones business, but mine." she said and Amethyst smirked.

"So? I think maybe you should back off of people, if you know they have dirt on you." She said, and Tatiana smirked.

"I will do whatever i want to Budha-Ghandi girl. Leave me and my girls." she said and walked away. I smiled at Am, and she rolled her eyes.

"Tatiana is a beeyotch. Ignore her and life is 69% easier." she winked and class began. I invited Am to join us tonight, and she accepted. Amethyst is very pretty, to me. She's petite, kind, and elegant all at once. Like a queen.

After school, nearing the time of the party, Randa and i were in our room discussing what to wear.

"Black, blue or pink?" Randa asked, holding up three dresses. I studied them closely.

"Blue. Itll work nicer with your hair than black or pink." i smiled. Randa smirked and handed me the pink one.

"Here, you wear this one. It matches you better than on me. I have some makeup as well." she smiled and i looked at the dress. It was tight, went up to my mid-thigh, but didnt show alot of chest, thank god.

Randa saw me staring at the dress and smirked.

"Faith, if Mr. Mystery sees you in this, no doubt he'll kiss you again. Then itll be solved! So no nervousness or shyness today. Tonight, you are my doll. I will dress, primp and prettify you to my liking." she said and we got to work.

Dresses, heels, jewelry, and hair. Gelling, ironing, curling, straightening, swirling, knotting, braiding, washing, drying, oiling and brushing.

Eyeshadow, lip gloss, concealer, blush, eyeliner, foundation, mascara, lip liner, and nail polish.

Earrings, braclets, necklaces, belts, stilletos, and sparkles.

"Is this all necissary?" i asked. "Its just us and our classmates."

"Absolutly! Trust me, the guys will dress up more than usual, the girls will look amazing, and you might be underdressed!"

"Oh god." i said, nervously. Ive been to many parties, but none that i had to really dress up in.

"Ok, you can look now!" Randa squealed and let me go to the mirror. When i saw myself, i gasped and admired the reflection.

It was obvious i was still me, but the eyeliner and gloss really popped! My eyes never looked sparklier and my hair was in big wavy curls that framed my face. My figure was held nicely by the pink dress and my heels matched the silver jewelry.

"Wow Randa! Its amazing! Youre amazing!" i freaked.

"i know, i am. Now get some perfume and let me get ready. Then we'll go!" she smiled and pushed me out of the bathroom, as i got the finishing touches done on my outfit.


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