
Autorstwa Fucking_Trevor

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Autorstwa Fucking_Trevor


Ten Years ago/

"Daddy? Daddy, put the knife down. You're s-scaring me. It's me, Sakura."

"For the love of God, Aurora! If you don't put Sakura back in her room I'll cut your fucking fingers off! She's not going to Korea god dammit! You know how many negros you'll find there? None, and it's like that for a reason Aurora. Now you put my daughter back in that damn house so help me God. Don't make me hurt you again!"

"Daddy! I'm not Mom! It's me Sakura. You're scaring me! Put the knife down!"

"You're not taking my daughter from me! I'll kill you!"

"D-Dad? Dad! Stop!—"


"Sakura? Are we going to keep repeating each other's names or was there a point to this conversation?"

"Ugh, you jerk! Do I ever ask for anything Nathaniel? Like ever?" Sakura ran her hands wildly through her hair, barking intensely into the mic of her phone.

"You owe me like three hundred dollars, that's on take out alone."

"I'm a girl, you're suppose to pay for stuff!" Sakura slammed her hand on her dining room table in frustration.

"It's funny how you play the feminist card only when it suits your situation Sakura."

"Nate, come on, you're my best friend. I need you to pick me up from work today, you don't even have to drop me home. Just get me at least three blocks away... It's just...I'm avoiding someone."

"Aura, what's happened? You've never needed an excuse to avoid someone before. You usually just leave shamelessly... Why is it difficult now? If you don't want someone to talk to you just show them your comic book collection."

"Hey! They're limited edition! Anyone would be lucky to see them."

He sighed rolling his eyes, "I digress. Why are you avoiding this person? There has to be a reasonable reason." Sakura huffed and thought about what happened to her that day outside the café.


He followed me out the cafe and I hadn't realized it was him till a bike almost knocked me over and I was in his arms...yet again.

It was becoming tiresome being the damsel in distress for the billionth time today.

"Watch where you're going-" The drivers curses were cut off when he saw Park's eyes. Even I was scared. His grip on me had me engulfed. His scent was everywhere. On his jacket he lent me, and obviously on him. It was intoxicating.

"Walk much? The cheap material of your shoes must make it hard to walk. It's a pity." he tsked. "Want me to buy you a new pair?" he patronized, reeking of false concern and a smug falsetto.

I scoffed and shoved him off of me. "How about you do the only thing that can bring me joy from you: leave!"

"Mr.Ahn...or Park-senpai, or sir-"

"Excuse me? We're not a work."

Parks straightened himself up smirking down at me. Who the fuck did he think he was? "I am both your elder and your superior. I am socially and economically above you. Even in American culture that elicits an abundance of respect from you to me."

I scoffed for what felt like the millionth time today. "The respect from me to you is me restraining myself from kicking you in the nuts, you sack of wine."

"Ah Sakura, that time of the month?"

"Ex-cuse me?"

"I've never seen a woman so rude for no reason unless you count your friend...Nike from inside-"

"I am nothing like that miserable wrench."

"How aren't you? She hates you cause you're poor and ugly. You hate me cause I'm rich and handsome, and smart, and gifted and-"

How dare he? If the street were less crowded I would've yelled out of frustration. Who was this guy and why was he on my case? What did he want?

"I'm leaving!" I barked, shoving my way past him.

"Want a ride?"

"I don't need anything from you, you jerk."

"You have my jacket." He smirked at me and I thought about being dramatic and throwing it at him but I was too cold to be petty.

"You'll get it when I see you again."

"People might get the wrong idea, you handing my jacket. It'll look like I left at your house after a comfortable and racy night." He raised his eyebrow, pulling me in. " Unless that's what you want them to think, that you've marked me. In that case we can make it the right idea-"

I don't know why I did it but the next thing I knew his coffee left the cup in my hand and was running down his Gucci shirt, down to his personally tailored pants, even further down to his gold studded doc martins.

He looked up at me, not even phased. In fact, he had a look of triumph.

"Oh Sakura." He patted her head with his mighty callused hand. "Today just isn't a lucky day for you now is it?"

I gulped. What did I just do?

"There's a camera, there, there, and oh, there," He pointed to three different cameras on the darkly casted street, all facing our direction. Now you can either do some time for aggravated assault, emotional distress-"

"No judge will grant that."

"You haven't seen my bank account." I gulped, my hand shaking against my leg. "Or we can make this a hush hush affair and you can owe me. It's either that, or you can owe me one of two things. 1 million yuan or 7 dates after work."

My mouth dropped. The outfit couldn't be-


"100,000 dollars." He took a step towards me.


"I'll see you later sweetheart."

He walked away from me. My hands shook harder and as did my heart. I didn't have 100,000 dollars and he knew that but I knew it wasn't the money he wanted. He wanted me to chose the dates. What I didn't know was why.


"You see, that doesn't explain why I have to pick you up from your new workplace Sakura. I have a job too, my restaurant isn't going to run itself."


"That's my name don't wear it out."

"He says I have to go on a date with him as consequence for messing up his clothes."

There was a silence between them.
Jealousy ran through Nate's body.

"I'll be there at four."


She looked at herself in front of the bathroom mirror. Her dreads were let down falling carelessly on her shoulders. Parks jacket was underneath hers, she wasn't planning on taking it off, the building almost unbearably cold.

"Stop stalling Sakura," she scolded herself. She raised her pointer finger and started wagging it at her reflection. "You're job is to help build the new site, not to worry about stupid cute Ahn- Min whose made it his mission to torture you! You won't fall into his clutches Sakura!" She barked at herself making a fist, "You will fight, no matter how hot he is, defeat isn't an opinion." She war cried and she stopped when she heard a toilet flush behind her.

"Crap." She stood there. The person inside didn't come out. There was mutual understanding that no one wanted to suffer through the awkwardness that would come if whoever was inside came out. She was out the bathroom before she could let the kind woman change her mind and spared herself the embarrassment.

"Time to stop fucking around." she whispered to herself leaning on the bathroom door. Footsteps approached from inside.

"Nope," She made her way to the physical development department running and was surprised how mostly everyone was very inviting. Aside from a few hurt guys not wanting to take orders from a tiny women, and a few girls that seemed to be jealous that Sakura was going to come into contact a lot with Park, most of them were comforting.

Past the introductions and Sakura's gift of donuts for the department, her introduction and run through the basics was very helpful, specifically the man who was brought out to help her.

"My name is Niko Bass by the way."

Sakura smiled up at him. He was decent looking. He had bright bleach blonde hair and your cliche bright blue eyes. He wore an olive green sweater vest over his grey shirt that matched his grey slacks. He was pretty tall, six feet more or less. He had thick lips which surprised her, as well as thick but well kept brows. However, somehow Sakura was comparing his features to Parks.

Park's black eyes were more intriguing and enthralling than Niko's blue eyes.

"So Sakura, it seems we're building your design. I was surprised to find out it came from you," a voice from behind her said. Sakura couldn't tell if it was a compliment or an insult, or just surprise.

Sakura turned slowly. "Do I know you?"

She looked at the small middle eastern looking girl. She faintly reminded her of Kelly from The Office, not overall in looks but in attitude.

"We went to high school together."

Sakura tilted her head, she didn't didn't recognize this girl at all.

"My name is Kelli."

Sakura stifled a laugh but dared not to share why to the curious eyes.

"Speaking of my work, where are we on that?" Sakura asked the group of people who seemed to be packing up for the day even though it wasn't near the end of the work day yet.

Nike scratched the back of his neck nervously feeling slightly bad, "We're actually going to the construction site to start analyzing the ground structure to see if it's dense enough and take note on the groove that can be a potential hazard. After, we're going to hang out. We'd invite you but—"

"You don't have the clearance for going on site yet. There's a physical aptitude test you need to take first to avoid injures on site. Also, you don't have a badge so if you get stopped it'll be an ethics and security issue for" Kelli explained placing her hand on her hips.

"I see." Sakura hid her frown.

"We were actually leaving now but we thought it'd be nice to meet you first so you didn't enter an empty office on your first day." Niko smiled and others added they're 'yeah's and sympathies.

"It's fine, I have to move in to my work quarters anyway, there's no time to waste. Where do I move my stuff?"

"I'll walk you to your desk—"

"Why am I not with my department?" Sakura frowned, "I'm part of the team, what type of set up is that?"

Niko was back to scratching his neck, "Well you're more than just part of the team, you're leader. Mr.Ahn said it would be best and I quote 'She needs to be close to me in case I need to yell at her. Or if I need coffee. So far those are her best assets as of right now.'"

Sakura scrunched her face, "Exsqueeze me? I'm an architect not a secretary! If that jerk wants coffee he can find one with my foot up his ass! Who does he think he is—"


"I'd agree with him in saying I should be close but then we'd both be wrong. Damn prick... 'in case I need to yell at her'. Is he my father? Did he make a mistake and take a stupid pill instead of his meds this morning—"


"Fucking tall piece of sh—"


"What?!" she barked, fuming on about Park.

Sakura looked at everyone's shocked faces and she realized how dramatic she must've seemed but they didn't know what Park put her through.

"Fine! I'll go speak to him myself!" She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before stomping towards the door.

Then she was on the floor. Her butt and elbows hit the ground with a loud thud and she starting hissing at the pain. Niko wanted to help her up but the figure in front of her rendered him immobile.

Sakura looked up and at first she didn't know why everyone was still in awe and fear or what the strong cement like object in front of her was. Then she saw the eyes, those black orbs. Seductive, dark, like the blood of a Morningstar.

Oh no...


Park pulled her up by her forearm and lifted her face to face with him with one arm. Her feet were dangling easily off the floor.

"Fuck indeed Ms.Nüwa."

She gulped deeply with big eyes instantly regretting her previous lashing out, but he wasn't going to let her go that easy.

"Ah, this is going to be fun."

Not that you know much about her, but how do you feel about Sakura.

Don't forget to vote.

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