I Don't Have a Choice, But I'...

بواسطة rierra4real

32.8K 732 110

It is 2018, "The Secret Garden" is coming back to Broadway and fans around the world are excited. The best fr... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 29

950 25 2
بواسطة rierra4real

A/N: Hi again! For those of you who are interested I have created a fan account on Instagram called "Rierra4real". There I'll post as often as I can and will also update when a new chapter is out here on Wattpad. Bye!


He did not want to go, not at all. But Sierra didn't like him, she had turned away when they were about to kiss after all. When he looked at her he couldn't feel anything more than love. The love he felt for her was greater than the world, he would die for her if he had to. But as you say, if you love someone you should let her go, so he slowly turned around.

- Bye Sie.

She didn't even answer. Why did he have to be so clingy on her when he knew she didn't like him? She probably hated him now. He slowly started to move towards the staircase when he suddenly felt a hand grab his shoulder which turned him around to face her. Her hands flew to his cheeks and before he knew what happened she pressed her lips against his. His body froze. Was this really happening or was it a dream? This felt so right, like they were made for each other. He had waited for this moment for a long time now, so why couldn't he move or show any sign that he appreciated the kiss. It probably felt like kissing a dead fish for Sierra, because he couldn't even answer the kiss properly. 

Suddenly, Sierra's grip of his face started to loosen, and he quickly opened his eyes to see Sierra's face. She looked terrified and embarrassed. Apparently, his body now worked again because in panic he threw his arms around her waist and drew her body to his and kissed her again. This time the kiss was more passionate. He had longed for this moment for so long and now when it finally happened his body ached for more. Even though it was early he wanted more. However, he knew that it wasn't a good time to go further and he didn't want to make things too much, so he slowly drew away from the kiss to make himself able to breath again.

As they parted their eyes met and he felt another urge to kiss her. She looked too cute to exist, blushing slightly with a big smile on her face.

- Sie; he smiled. I... I have longed to say this for a while now and I hope this is the right time; I love you.

Her cheeks were now very red, and he felt how he too blushed.

- Now I've seen an Iranian blush; she giggled and her eyes darted from his eyes to his lips and then up again.

She leaned in and kissed him again.

- And I love you too; her voice was muffled because of her lips were pressed to his.

A tingling feeling spread from the place Sierra's lips touched his through his whole body. Oh god how he loved her. In attempt to get even closer to her he tightened his grip around her. However, they already stood pressed against each other, so it didn't make a difference. After a minute they parted and Ramin felt how all his problems suddenly disappeared. Sierra loved him, and they had just kissed. His sons were in the US with him and he was playing his favorite role on Broadway. Everything was just perfect. Their eyes locked and Sie's beautiful green eyes sparkled with emotions. Then he remembered that he had to walk home to his sons.

- Sie...

- Yes; she answered.

- I... I have to go. My boys you know?

- It's okay, you pick me up tomorrow at..?

- Does 10 sound okay to you or do you want me to pick you up later?

- 10 is fine. But Ramin...

- Yes Sie?

- I know I've already said it once, but I want you to really understand that I l-love you very much.

She blushed furiously and Ramin's heart melted. The way she said it and the way she reacted was too adorable to be true. He loved her to the moon and back and all over again. Overwhelmed by her words and all his feelings he took a firmer grip around her waist, bent down and gave her another big kiss on her lips. He knew she probably had grown tired of all his kisses already, but he couldn't resist kissing her anymore. Then he let go of her and said:

- Good bye.

- I love you; she smiled.

- You know that you only make it harder for me to leave? he smirked.

- You'll get over it. Bye! She said and closed the door behind her.

His heart beat fast and the butterflies in his stomach flew around like crazy. He swallowed hard and started making his way down the stairs. What would he have done if she hadn't loved him? If she only liked him as a friend? A big smile was printed on his lips and whatever happened would never be able to wipe it away.


Sierra woke up around 8 by her alarm. Not knowing why, she felt very happy and excited for something. As always, she went up from the bed, put on exercising clothes and started her daily morning yoga. Usually, she had a teacher coming to her apartment instructing her what to do, but she was on a long vacation and that's why Sierra had had to either go to yoga classes or doing yoga by herself. Even if she was wide awake when she woke up her brain hadn't started working yet. But as she started her yoga she started recalling what had happened last night. She remembered how she and Ramin stayed in the local until late, like 12 pm but then Ramin had to go home to his sons and they went together. When he left her at the door something happened that she never would have guessed, which made that night the best in her life. Somehow, she lost all boundaries and kissed him, and now they were a couple, she guessed. At least they were something more than friends. And this day they were going to go to a water park with his children.

She finished her yoga and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower she put on a turquoise bikini, shorts and a tank top on top of it. Not knowing if they were going to do something else she packed a bag with clothes to switch to after bathing. It was no point to do her make up since it was all going to be washed away so instead she went into the kitchen to feed her cats before leaving the house. They were very thankful for the food of course, they loved food. She smiled to herself and walked into the living room to sit down and wait for Ramin to pick her up.

As she sat and waited a growing lump was forming in the pit of her stomach. How was she supposed to act around him? Were they a couple, they only kissed? Did that mean anything? Should they kiss or what? She became more and more nervous as the minutes ticked by and she wondered if it really was wise to follow Ramin and his kids to the water park. Was it maybe too soon?

When the doorbell rang she jumped, the sound making her wake up from her thoughts. She walked over to the door and opened it. She was surprised by two arms wrapped around her waist and Ramin's lips pressed against her which made the lump in her stomach melt away. Answering the kiss, she put her arms around his neck and closed her eyes. How she had longed and ached for kisses like this for the last months. Her heart rate increased, and she wanted this moment to last forever, but knowing that the kids probably waited in the car she drew back.

- Ready? he smirked.

- Always; she answered with a wink and put on her shoes.

- Sie...

- Yes?

- Do you know for how long I've waited for this moment to come?

- For me to put my shoes on? she asked playing dumb.

- Yeah; he sarcastically answered. No, to be able to kiss you and you not drawing back.

- Oh, well, me too.

All her inside melted when he said this. She, too, had waited for this for too long and now when she actually knew that he loved her back all her problems were gone.

She closed the door behind her and they walked down the staircase hand in hand. Just his touch made her inside tingle. Why? This was not the first time she held hands with him, but this was different. Now this meant something which it hadn't done before, and it was a weird feeling. Sure, she was probably over thinking everything again, but she couldn't stop it. They came out to the car and Ramin opened the door to her. Giggling, she sat down in her seat and greeted the boys. They said hello to her too and they started driving towards the water park.

When they arrived, they parted their ways and Sierra went to the girl's changing rooms to put her things in a locker and to change clothes. She took off her tank top and shorts and gathered all her stuff and put it into a locker. Her stomach started twisting again, what would Ramin think of her? Would he think that she was too fat or too skinny? She didn't like thinking about what other people thought about her, but Ramin was another thing. He looked like a god in his abs and overall very muscular body, so he had nothing to care about. But she was not that muscular and good looking. Knowing that it was completely unnecessary to panic about whether Ramin would care or not she couldn't help it. As she walked out of the changing rooms panic started to build in her chest and she had to force herself to walk out to Ramin. It was weird because in one way she felt all this unwillingness, but on the other hand she wanted to show as much of herself to him as possible.


Ramin and his sons stood a bit outside the girl's changing rooms, right by a pool and waited for Sierra. It was quite warm in the air and the sun was warming his back. Why did Sierra take so much time? Was she changing or what? His body ached to hold her in his arms and all he wanted was to be with her. However, he loved to be with his boys too and he had promised to do this. Luckily, they had agreed that it would be fun to bring Sierra, they liked her, and it was a great relief for him. But right now, all he wanted was to be home and just spend time alone with her, though this day was going to be fun too.

After another two minutes he saw the most gorgeous person alive. Wow. Wow was the only word he could think. She wore a turquoise bikini which made her look even thinner than usual. Her body was perfectly curved, and her red hair was put into a bun on the top of her head. He had to hold himself back to not jump on her. Feeling stupid and not very responsible he tried to give her a smirk.

- Finally, you're here. It took long; he said to Sie.

- Well, yes. But Ramin; she said.

- Yes?

An evil grin spread on her lips as her eyes darted quickly over his body and bathing trunks.

- Are you freezing?

He blushed furiously and pushed her into the pool.

- It's not my fault you're so beautiful; he said to her but immediately regretted it.

His boys were standing right beside him, and he hoped with all his heart that they didn't understand what they talked about. However, he couldn't ignore the fact that it was Sierra's turn to blush. After helping Sierra up from the pool, he turned towards his sons and asked:

- What do you wanna do now?

Jaiden looked suspiciously at him, but Hadley happily answered:

- I wanna go to that big pool over there!

After having a funny water fight in the big pool, they decided to try the water slides. His sons, of course, wanted to try the biggest one first and he felt how a knot of nervousness formed in his stomach. Without realising it his hand reached out for Sierra's and she grabbed it. Well, he wasn't scared of riding it, he just hadn't ridden a water slide for years and this one was really big. They walked towards the slide and his heart began to race. Why was he this nervous? Sure, it wasn't a scared nervous but an exited nervous, but still. He wasn't used to feeling like this. Maybe it was because Sierra was there, and he wanted to seem confident in her presence. Why though? She loved him and wouldn't like him less if he wasn't confident. Stupid feelings!

When they finally came up the stairs, carrying two big, donut formed, air mattresses they apparently had to use, they were instructed to sit two and two on them. The boys took one mattress and sat down on it, starting the ride. He saw Sierra's nervous face, she probably felt the same way he felt.

- Nervous Sie?

- A bit. You look confident?

- Maybe, but on the inside I'm sick.

At this she laughed, and he felt like he made her less nervous. Oh god, how he loved her laugh. He wanted to kiss her just there and then and he almost did, but on second thought he realised that it maybe was a bit too much. Even if he knew what she felt for him he didn't know how she felt about them being public with it. Thinking about this he made an internal note to ask her about this later. 

They sat down on the mattress, he first and Sierra in his lap. Not ready for it the ride started, and they went into the big black pipe. The feeling of her bare skin on his made him want more, but knowing that they were in public he only placed his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. Since she had her back against his stomach she couldn't hug him back but instead she leant back to rest her head on his shoulder and gave him a peck on the cheek. Luckily it was dark in the tunnel, so Sierra couldn't see his burning face. Why did he blush? Well, she usually didn't kiss him since they confessed their feelings the day before, but still. It was weird to blush by just that little gesture. He quickly turned his head and connected their lips. Her lips tasted, well he didn't really know what they tasted like, just that they tasted Sierra and that it was the best taste in the whole world. Seeing that the slide soon ended he ended the kiss, his lips still tingling.

They flew out from the slide and both landed in the water, the donut shaped air mattress a bit away from them. He landed under water and quickly stood up to be able to breathe. Standing up he saw Sierra still laying in the water and he picked her up bridal style and laughed at her reaction. She threw her arms around him laughing and he almost kissed her again, but ignored the urge since other people could see. Even though he didn't want to he put her back down into the water again and just looked at her. He didn't understand how a human being could be so beautiful.

- Sie, how can you be so damn beautiful?

She blushed slightly, but didn't look away from his gaze.

- Well, it takes a lot of practice; she giggled a little and added: how can you be so freaking hot?

- I don't know, I guess I was born like this; he smirked but was still very aware of his warm cheeks.

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