I Don't Have a Choice, But I'...

By rierra4real

32.8K 732 110

It is 2018, "The Secret Garden" is coming back to Broadway and fans around the world are excited. The best fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 27

802 22 0
By rierra4real


Sierra almost ran to the theatre that day, it was opening night and she had woken up with a smile on her face. The thrill of this was always so amazing, finally getting to show the world what you have worked on, what you have put your entire soul in. That was something Sierra always did. She felt like if she was supposed to do a role she needed to make it fullheartedly. Acting and singing was of course about having the right technic but also with how much passion you do it with. It's the passion one remembers when they go from the show. Because of her excitement  he almost forgot to go by Starbucks and when she actually remembered she said that her name really was Sierra instead of saying Sarah. Normally there would be all this, how do you spell it? And a couple of questions after. But it seemed that the whole universe was on her side today.

The rest of the day went by fast, one moment the entire cast was gathered and listened to Lucy Simon. The other, they did the last run through and without really noticing, it was time. Sierra was standing backstage with the rest of the cast. Everyone had their back to the wall in the hall. No one was saying anything, just let everyone be deep in their thoughts preparing for the show. Now was the time, they were finally going to do it. Sierra was not nervous, but there was something odd in her stomach. It was probably just excitement. She had confidence that this would go well. Still, there was something back in her mind telling her this could go wrong. Sierra was feeling a little conflicted when she felt someone take her hand. Looking up she saw that it was Ramin and it made everything a lot better. He had that little smile on his face, the smile that was telling her that this would be amazing, and she found herself believing him .

The instant moment the music stopped played Sierra threw her arms around Ramin, not thinking about if that was right or not. But everything had been so great lately and whatever happened between the two of them they were still the best of friends. Ramin did not seem surprised by Sierra's actions and just wrapped his arms around her. He had a huge smile on his face and he shone of happiness. That had truly been amazing, singing this music was like sitting back in a sofa, Sierra loved it. She hadn't been nervous at all through her performance, just enjoying herself, which felt amazing. After a long and well-deserved hug, they finally broke apart, still having their arms around each other. Normally Sierra would have felt a little shy facing Ramin and looking directly into his eyes, she did not know what have changed, but today she was not scared of it. His eyes were so warm, a thought that always popped into her head when she saw them. But it was nice being able to look into them without hesitation. 

Sierra hurried to her dressing room after all of the cast had been standing talking. It seemed that they had everything to talk about, what had went like expected and what hadn't. It was fun analyzing the show, especially when it had gone this well. As Sierra changed to the dress she was supposed to wear to the red carpet she thought that she honestly would be satisfied what she, Ramin and the rest of the cast had accomplished, no matter what the audience was going to say. Sierra had chosen the same dress that she wore as she did the secret garden concert last year. It was a simple very nice light pink dress; the straps were filled with small diamond like stones. She could say that it was pretty. When Sierra was done with her hair, just curling it, she went out of her dressing room to meet a very handsome man waiting for her. Ramin and she had decided to go together, since neither of them had anyone to go with and being together was a lot funnier than being alone. Something in Sierra was telling her that this meant something, but they had been going together on the red carpet before, and back then it hadn't been a single thought about this that occupied Sierra's head. But the point is that a gesture that did not mean anything to you before you realized you had feelings for the person can mean the world after.

- Are you ready? They are probably waiting for us outside; Ramin said from where he was standing casually with his back against the brick wall in the hall.

She felt herself smiling when she answered;

- Yes, we should get going.

It was thrilling to see all the people so excited for the show. It was amazing to see how happy they were, just seeing it made Sierra's smile grow bigger. She felt like she was going to smile a lot tonight, making her cheeks hurt. She saw Ramin looking at her from the corner of her eyes. She could not really read his face, which she usually could do easily, but the look he gave her made cheeks grow red. Sierra could feel them burning. There were a lot of people on the red carpet and a lot of interviewers, so they answered a lot of questions, which actually was fun. It was much easier doing it with Ramin. After talking a lot about how they felt about show, great performances and the really beautiful showtune were they arrived at a place at the red carpet where it seemed like it was a prop. Sierra saw that almost half of the cast members were standing there talking both to each other and the interviewers. Ramin placed a hand on her waist, for what was like the hundred time today, but Sierra still got this thrilling feeling in her stomach. They placed themselves beside Ali, who was walking on the red carpet with her friend from Aladdin. She was wearing a blue dress Sierra knew she had brought earlier this week and she decided to comment it, because that might be nice;

- I really like your dress today Ali, it fits you.

Her face lit up as she answered but quickly changed subject;

- Thank you so much! Are you guys going together, like a pair?

She immediately looked up to Ramin's face and they seemed to have a conversation with just looks. It was like Ali wanted to prove something, an uncomfortable lump started to grow in Sierra's stomach. There was an awkward silence were the two of them kept looking at each other. She did not know what to think about it, or what to do, Sierra was almost feeling like the third wheel. The fact that Ali's question was hanging unanswered in the air did not make this any easier. Ramin had been totally honest when Sierra asked about her fears for that Ramin would have feelings for Ali, she knows him good enough for that. But they seemed to have a relationship that Sierra did not know about, and she was really wondering what this was about. With no explanation to the question before, Ali asked Ramin for a moment and both of them disappeared, leaving Sierra alone on the red carpet.
What the... Wait what?!


When Ramin and Ali reached a place at the red carpet that was a little off with basically no people passing by, Ali placed herself before him with her hands at her sides. When Ramin lifted his head and meet her gaze he was almost feeling a little scared of her, because the young Asian eyebrows were tight together, and if looks could kill, then Ramin would be dead by now. Those dark brown, almost black eyes were filled with anger. Ramin tried his best to build a wall to defend himself but he knew that it would not work, she was pissed off.

- I've been angry at you before... at least try not to look that scared.

Ramin swallowed two times, but his thought still felt harsh. He did not know what to say, so the little woman in front of him continued;

- Do you remember what we talked about last time?

He did, and he agreed with her. It was, under no circumstances right to treat Sierra this way, either as a cast member, friend, best friend or a beloved. He knew that he had past the point where it was time to act a long time ago. If not to tell her about his feelings, just trying to treat her as she deserved. Well, he had to tell her about his feelings, if not, he didn't know what to do. But how to tell her without risking their friendship?

- Ramin, do you remember what we talked about?

- Ali, you know the answer to that.

She drilled her eyes into Ramin forcing him to replay.

- Yes, yes, I do. And I've tried...

- Well, obviously you haven't done enough.

Ramin wanted to stop her from talking, but he knew that it probably was better to let her go on.

- I was really angry with you last time, but God Ramin I'm straight down pissed. Are you expecting Sierra to make the first move?

Before he could answer she continued;

- You really can't, you've been married, for a long time actually. You just divorced for Gods sake, she is probably beating herself up for liking a not so long ago married man and now a mourning man. She has all the rights to back off, thinking about your history.

The two of them had been standing for a quite long time know. Ramin knew this conversation was important but, just as they were talking, Sierra was going around alone and confused on the red carpet. Ramin did not like that at all, he had told her about Ali, but even though he knew that she believed him he knew that things like this could hurt, really bad. So Ramin tried to stop Ali in the middle of her talk;

- Ali, don't you think its time to go back to Sierra?

- Don't you dare to escape this conversation.

Ramin took a step forward so he was standing above Ali looking down at her.

- The conversation is basically over anyway.

- No, it's not!

- It is if I say so!

Ali and Ramin just stared at each other, Ramin feeling really sorry for yelling at her, but he knew it wouldn't make it better. Ali's dark brown eyes seemed really frustrated as she dared even one step closer, there was basically just an inch between them know. Just before Ali walked away as fast as she could without leaving a word to him, she did and unimpressed noise.
It was time to listen to her for what seemed like the first time. He forced his legs to move towards Sierra and drew a deep breath. Sierra stood there in front of him and gave him a questioning look. Obviously, he couldn't tell her what he and Ali had talked about, so he just gave her a smile, laid his arm around her waist and lead her forward on the red carpet. When he had talked to Ali it really felt as if Sierra liked him and that the only problem was that he didn't dare to tell her, but now when he stood here with her the feeling that she liked him back disappeared. Why would this be so hard?

- What did Ali and you talk about? she asked after walking for a bit.

- Nothing really, she...

What was he supposed to tell her? He had to come up with something quickly but what? His brain worked hard as he tried to save the situation.

- She... well, we talked about... she just... just asked me if I was satisfied with the show, and then told me to say to you that your dress is beautiful but she that she didn't have time to tell you that before.

- Okay.

She didn't sound convinced and his stomach twisted a bit. Trying to make it better he hardened his grip around her waist and gave her an ensuring smile.

After they finished walking the red carpet and met their families they sat down around long tables and started to eat dinner. Ramin sat next to his children and Sierra sat right across him. Sierra's sisters Allegra and Summer sat next to her and around them both of their families sat. He had a hard time not staring at Sierra, she looked astonishing. She didn't wear much make up, but that didn't matter because she always looked beautiful. Her dress was also very nice, it was the same dress she wore when they did the 25th anniversary of The Secret Garden some years ago and he loved it even then and still did.

- So, I've thought about one thing; Ramin's mother suddenly said. When are you two moving together?

He felt his face grow extremely hot and trying to calm him fast beating heart he was just about to say something when Sierra's mother said:

- I agree. When are you moving together? Mike and I have already found nice couches for you and everything.

- Great! Mrs. Karimloo exclaimed. We have looked at kitchen chairs.

Ramin was just about to tell her that Sierra and he wasn't a couple, but she waved her finger in front of his face and continued:

- Yes, yes. I know you can buy those things by yourself, but we haven't given you any gift for becoming a couple yet.

He looked over at Sierra and saw that she too was blushing furiously. She didn't want to get eye contact with him, she just stared down into her plate and was quiet.

- Mom; he said trying to make his face less red. Sierra and I are not a couple, we are just friends.

- Don't lie to us, it's obvious that you are dating; Sierra's dad said.

- No, we are not dating; he answered slowly feeling awful.

Both their parents were just about to argue further when they noticed how Sierra looked. She was really red in the face and looked just about to cry. All Ramin wanted to do was to run around the table, pick her up, hug her tightly and protect her from everything that made her sad. They went quiet and an awkward silence laid around the table. Not even his sons said a word. After a long and awkward pause everyone acted as if the earlier conversation never had happened and talked about other things. They even laughed a little.

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