I Don't Have a Choice, But I'...

By rierra4real

32.8K 732 110

It is 2018, "The Secret Garden" is coming back to Broadway and fans around the world are excited. The best fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 23

770 21 6
By rierra4real


After a successful day of rehearsals with everyone Sierra was on her way to find Ramin. He had asked her earlier this day if she wanted to go with him to get his children from the airport later that day. Sierra had been a little shocked by this but said yes, of course. Ramin had looked like he wanted to say some more but had stopped himself, and looked somehow sad, but Sierra thought it was just her own imagination, she wanting him to say something to her. But since he had no feelings for her Sierra's pray would't come true, right? She wasn't even sure anymore. Today they had done a run through of the entire musical because opening night was almost there. Thinking about it made Sierra all excited, opening a new show or even having a revival was something special. The crowds were always the best on opening, almost equally hyped as the actors. The people visiting and watching the shows always seemed to think it was the best day of their lives, that was exactly how Sierra felt like every time she did a concert or musical. Ramin said it was just her being super excited for everything but, yeah.

Right now, Sierra was sitting outside of Ramin's interview #LiveAtFive. She had only done this herself once, even though Sierra loved doing stuff. She had done vlogs and random interviews so many times but this for no reason had just come through once. Just last year when Ramin was doing this for Anastasia, he had called her so many times and wanted her to photo bomb his interview. She had thought about it but decided not to since people would freak out. And she had more important things to do, it was not like she just could stop her concerts. It would have been fun and since Sierra was here now she decided she just could walk by. It would be so extremely thrilling to see Paul, the typical Broadway host's, reaction. Considering that he did not know Sierra was here, she was equally worried that he would freak out just like the public. Paul was a huge "Love never dies" fan, and Sierra remember that time when he posted a picture of them and tagged Rierra. That fact made Sierra feel both delighted and a little freaked out and she had no clue what was right.

So, by the middle of the interview, when Paul and Ramin was starting to get a little boring Sierra took it as her cue to make her entrance. She just set of with determined steps and walked right behind the table, ignoring both men sitting at the table and all the cameras. In the corner of her eye could she see Ramin putting his head in his hand and seemed to try so hard to not guffaw loud, smiling like crazy. That made Sierra feel like this was the best action she had ever made. Paul on the other hand was just pointing at her looking surprised, like he was having a hard time believing this was happening. Then he burst out, just as Sierra reached the end of the room starting to open the door to walk out;

- Have you been here the entire time? Has she been here the entire time?!

Ramin just laughed, he seemed like he couldn't do anything else. He was almost crying because of his laughter.

- Get back here Sierra; Paul exclaimed.

Sierra had waited for that and sat herself down with a huge smile on her face beside Ramin as Paul got a camera's attention.

- Okay, It seems like we have a change of plans, this is no longer just a #LiveAtFive with Ramin Karimloo, but also with no other than Sierra Boggess.

Paul switched his attention to Sierra, but before he started he did some very excited movements, something in his body language reminded Sierra of a fan girl, not that she ever would say that, but still. She did not think a grown-up man would like to be compared to a typical teenage fan girl.

- So, Sierra tell me what are you doing here?

- Well, I was waiting for Ramin and you guys were being boring.

Beside her Ramin that just had somehow retrained his laughter put his head in one of his hand again, just giving up about life.

- So, your implying that I'm doing my job badly?

Sierra smiled and tried to find the right camera, was it the one with the red light? They had talked about this last time, but she could not remember.

- Well, not on purpose anyway, but I going to tell you that this man here is hopeless, can't stop himself from laughing in his own intervi...

Paul stopped her dead in her tracks.

- Whatever, why was you waiting for Ramin, are you guys going to watch a movie or a musical later?

A lump formed in Sierras stomach, did Ramin want her to answer that one truly? Sierra got the answer just a second later when he said;

- We are going to pick up the kids from the airport.

For a split second after he said it Ramin seemed to understand what that might have sounded like. Sierra felt her checks turning bright red. It was one thing that it happened among the cast at theatre but if it was to be recorded she could not come away with it. Sierra knew that the cast already suspected something, but she did not want the entire world to believe things, even though Sierra really wanted that something to be true. She blacked out a bit after Ramin said that, not really listening to how he made it sound better, or if he even did. Her thoughts spun around in her head. What was about to happen, now was not the time to think about it, but it seemed like Sierra had no control on when the thoughts plopped up. There must be something in that Ramin wanted her to go get his kids with him, there must be some truth in Sierras hopes. Good Lord let it be.

The rest of the interview was fun, they kept on blabbing because of "Love Never Dies". Funny backstage moments and it made Sierra recall all the fun, good times then. She loved her life then, just as she was doing now, but that Sierra ten years ago wasn't sure on who she was supposed to be. Not because of the pressure, just because she hadn't found herself yet. Changing isn't anything bad, that's the way it is, and Sierra was proud of who she had become. More confident and not afraid to be very, ehumm, extrovert. But of course, she was still trying every day to become the best version of herself. All the talking about Andrews Lloyd Webbers sequel to phantom made Paul get some pictures of Ramin and Sierra's first meeting back in 2008. They had been so young, it was fun to see. Sierra had said it many times, but she told them again how it was like chemistry right away when they had met, even Andrew had told them it was almost unbelievable at times. Ramin just agreed before Sierra burst out;

- Doesn't your hair look a little like Harry Potter's in this picture?

Ramin pretended to look offended before he said;

- Are you implying that my hair looked bad? Sierra is implying a lot today.

- No, I'm just saying that umm, have you ever considered a career in sorcery?

- Are you quoting Wicked on me?

- No...

After that conversation Paul made them talk a lot about "The Secret Garden" which he almost seemed a little too thrilled on, telling them repeatedly how he had seen them in the concert two years ago and how amazing it had been. Singing "The Secret Garden" was really something Sierra loved doing, the notes and melodies were just amazing. She also knew that Ramin loved playing in this one. He had been so thrilled when he had called her some months ago to tell her the fact that he got the part. After a long discussion Paul stopped them;

- I'm so sorry to say this but we going to stop the interview now; he said, looking so honesty sad about it.

- Thank you for letting me stay; Sierra said cheerfully.

- No, I'm the one who are supposed to thank you. The people looking at this live have totally freaked out. And so will everyone who sees this.

When the cameras were of, they talked with Paul for a bit. Ramin was a little stressed because he knew they needed to get going soon so the boys wouldn't arrive to an empty airport. Sierra just went to the bathroom and later found Ramin already by the door with a huge smile on his face. She could not blame him though, after that long time not seeing his sons. She returned his smile as she walked up to his side which only made his smile even bigger. Seeing that made the butterflies in her stomach fly happily. She found herself smiling bigger before she stared blushing, come on Sierra, don't overreact. But it was hard when it was adorable Ramin.

Once they were both settled in his car he looked at her when he made the first turn to the streets in New York and said;

- I have a lot of CDs just in the locker if you want to listen to anything.

- Who even uses CDs nowadays? Sierra answered but eventually opened the locker to see what he got.

When Sierra saw his range, she understood why he wanted her to see all of that. He had a lot of country and blue grass there of course, but also some musical theatre CDs. It was a long time ago Sierra listened active to showtunes but recalling her time in college and high school, it had been too long. Her friends, especially in high school, must had a lot of opinions about her because of that reason. After a while Sierra saw a CD which surprised her, The little mermaid. That show meant so much for her, being her Broadway debut and all. She felt a huge smile on her face when she picked it up and showed Ramin.

- I did not know you had this.

- Of course, why wouldn't I have that one.

That made Sierra feel all fussy inside.

- We did not even know each other back then, we met but I was just that girl you were supposed to get to know.

- You were never any kind of "just that girl".

The rest of the car ride was fun. It was Ramin and Sierra being childish. Sierra often called Ramin one of those people in the world which you can play with. He surly was and it meant so much to her. After she found the CD, he had insisted on putting it on and they had been singing along to the mermaids and princes the entire way. Sierra found herself knowing most of the lyrics, still after ten whole years. She could not believe it was that long ago, but it was. Ramin had a hard time singing along, so he just made up word he seemed to think would fit in, which was extremely fun to hear. It made Sierra laugh uncontrollably a lot of times. He seemed pleased by it and they did not stop the CD on the entire way, but Ramin let Sierra sing the theme song all by herself. Just sitting beside her looking confident where he was. When they drove up to the airport Sierra could not help to feel a little sad that their nice moment was over. It had been a moment to let go of all problems for a while, not thinking about stupid feelings and maybe not returned ones and so on. Just having plane fun, and to Sierra did it feel like that was some time ago.

Later the same day Sierra could not help but smile when the two not-so-small-figures-anymore jumped into their fathers' arms of excitement when they saw him. Just leaving their luggage behind to have a family reunion. It was so pure and so beautiful, but Sierra felt a little off. Right now she had no clue why Ramin wanted her to go along. Sure, he had asked so she had said yes, but why? He needed a family day. Not Sierra there being in the way. Something in Sierra told her that there was a reason for her being there, but she shoved it down in her mind. Getting hopes up would not help anyone. Certainly not her or him, nor his kids. So, Sierra picked up Jaiden and Hadley's luggage a little awkwardly before once again standing herself with some little distance aside until she saw Ramin look up at her. There was something in his gaze, something telling her that she should not stand there but go and join the now on-going hug. Sierra hesitated but then again looked into Ramins warm brown eyes and decided. It made a nice feeling in Sierra's stomach appear, in her whole body. She closed her eyes and hugged the boys even closer, not wanting to let go, ever.

- What a nice reunion of a family; said a voice from behind.

Both Ramin and Sierra looking up seeing that it was a little old lady with a pink knitted blouse and a red small hat. She must have been over eighty years old, with water filled eyes and a little white hair sticking down of her cute kind of Eponine-hat thing.

- My husband and I did also have times long away from our children sometimes, that's just how it is; the little Madame told them.

Sierra was stunned by the fact that she had just called them a family and by the fact that Ramin had not protested, not said anything to explain. This did not make Sierra sure if she was supposed to feel more confident or more out of place. Somehow it was both. She wanted to think that it meant something, but in real life she knew that he was just polite. 

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