I Don't Have a Choice, But I'...

By rierra4real

32.8K 732 110

It is 2018, "The Secret Garden" is coming back to Broadway and fans around the world are excited. The best fr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 22

805 20 6
By rierra4real


Ramin woke up by the sunlight streaming into his bedroom. He did not want to go up, so he turned around in his bed and looked at the clock to see if he could sleep just two minutes more. Realising that rehearsals had already started ten minutes ago, he literary jumped out of his bed, running around in his flat like crazy to find all things that he needed. Of course he didn't find anything so after ten minutes of searching for clothes to wear he just decided to wear another pair of khaki shorts and a black t-shirt. Then he ran around searching for his keys, which were gone too.

At last he was outside his flat and started walking the road to the theatre. He didn't even have the time to pass by Starbucks to buy coffee, he was already 40 minutes late and he didn't want to miss any more of the rehearsals. A bit further down on the road he saw a familiar figure walking very fast. The figure had red hair put up in a messy bun, wore yoga pants and a grey hoodie that he recognised, and held a water bottle in her hand. She was kind of short and thin and even though he only saw her from behind, her whole appearance made his stomach fill with butterflies and made his heart beat faster. Why was she late? He ran up to her and when he was right behind her, he pocked her on the shoulder. She turned around and a big smile appeared on her lips.

- Ramin! she said and threw herself into his arms.

He hugged her back and felt his knees become weak just by her touch.

- Sierra! he said equally enthusiastically.

- Why are you late? she asked as she drew back from his embrace.

- I guess I slept too long; he gave her a goofy smile. Why are you late?

- Same reason.

They continued walking hand in hand and during the walk Ramin totally forgot that Sierra wore his hoodie. She probably forgot it too since she didn't mention it. Even if they mostly walked in silence it wasn't awkward. In fact, the silence was felt very comfortable. Ramin had to remind himself to breath once in a while because just the sight of Sierra's beautiful appearance made him breathless. Also, the fact that they held hands made his mind and heart race. Each time they looked at each other he had to tell himself to not kiss her, she looked so sweet and beautiful. There was no other way to describe her.

- Ramin; Sierra said as she checked her phone.

- Yes?

- We started like an hour and ten minutes ago, so we should maybe run.

- Oh, that sounds like a plan; he said, and they started running, not letting go of their entwined hands.

Ramin held up the door to Sierra so she could walk in. They entered the theatre and was met by the whole cast sitting in a semi-circle, staring directly at them with suspicious looks. He looked at Sierra and realised what the cast may have thought because Sierra still wore his hoodie. His stomach dropped, people would think that something happened during the night. It's not like it wasn't suspicious that the two of them were coming in late, holding hands and Sierra wearing his shirt. Sierra probably realised that too because she blushed furiously and marched over to a chair and sat down as far away from Ramin as she could. Sure, nothing had happened, but even if he didn't want to admit it he was disappointed that nothing had happened. Of course, his cheeks too became uncomfortably hot and he walked over to Ali sitting down beside her.

- Now, what have you two done this night then? Ali whispered with a big smirk on her face.

His suspicions were correct. Why did everyone think there was something between him and Sierra when nothing ever happened? Sure, he wished that they would be a couple and that something actually would have happened that night.

- Nothing; he answered quickly in a low voice.

- Don't tell me that nothing happened. You come in here late, you were holding hands AND Sierra is wearing your hoodie.

He internally cursed himself for sleeping too long, if he wouldn't nothing of this would ever happen.

- She probably wanted to hand it back but forgot. I promise you, nothing happened.

- So, you haven't told her yet? she asked quietly, sounding very disappointed.

- No, I can't. She's my best friend and nothing more, sadly.

Why did they have to talk about this now? There were people around and she only sat some feet away.

- If we wouldn't be in public I would have beaten you up and yelled at you. I'm SO mad at you right now. Don't you understand that you just hurt her and yourself more if you don't tell her; she whispered and that was the end of the discussion.


Today was an exciting day, at first, they had a rehearsal, with costume and everything. Ramin liked the part of actually getting into your dresses and costumes and feeling that the character comes to life. Secret Garden is not known for the most beautiful dresses and stuff, but it still sets the mood. It fits right into that time and place, feeling like Yorkshire in the beginning of 1900. Since Sierra played Lily, she got to have some nice dresses after all. She had been a little nervous about it, thinking it would be kind of boring stuff. Ramin found it so cute how exited she was about the fact about nice dresses. The four-year-old little girl might never leave because he knew Sierra always seemed thrilled when the costume designers showed her a nice dress.

This made Ramin think about all the times she had dome phantom. No matter how many times they've had done it, the dresses Maria Björnson made were, well, are phenomenal. They were so beautiful, from everyone's favourite, the blue dress to the white wedding dress or the star fairy masquerade dress. It was just the perfect thing. Sierra had texted Ramin each time, equally exited for it and showed him the dresses. Ramin also recalled phantom 25th remembering Sierras face seeing all the costumes then, and that had only been her second time in Phantom. The fact that Sierra was going to be happy today made him happy. But it wasn't all, today after the rehearsals he and Sierra were supposed to go to #LiveAtFive with Paul for Broadway.com. Doing interviews could be hard at times and boring. Ramin did not like talking that much about himself and was quite pleased with short small things. But doing it with Sierra, well that's a completely different story. She always seemed to know what to say or what to ask, which Ramin felt he did not.

And then lastly, since it was officially summer now his boys had the summer break. Which meant that they and Mandy were coming here today. Ramin had not seen his boys in a very long time and it would be nice too finally see them again. He had texted with them almost every day, to make sure they understood that he always was there. But nothing would be the same as meeting them, seeing them. It was sad not seeing them grow up, it had been like that forever, since Ramin had that kind of job. But Ramin and Amanda knew that all along, and as long as he did something in London he got to see them every day. But Ramin was not even sure he wanted to move back there. London was his home, or had been for so many years, but it did not feel the same anymore. This was not the time to think about it anyway.

In the middle of rehearsals in the morning his phone rang. He had it on if the boys or Amanda needed to tell him something during their flight. Before he answered he walked away a bit, apologising for it he heard Sierra mumble something about him always answering his phone as it was important. Some of the cast members laughed, but Ramin knew she was making a joke to back in the day during "Love Never Dies" when his phone rang twice during interviews. Ramin felt himself smile at her as he picked up the phone and looking at the caller ID he noticed it was from Mandy.

- Hello; he heard her say from the other side of the phone

- Good moooooorning; he answered.

She laughed a little bit, Ramin and Mandy had been sure to stay on good terms after the divorce, for the children but as much for themselves. They needed this, even though Ramin was not in love with her anymore she had been in his life for so long. It would not feel good to cut her off completely, it would feel so entirely wrong.

- Well, it's not morning for me Ramin.

- Oh, right, maybe good afternoon then.

Ramin could almost see Mandy shake her head as she always did when he did something odd, but yet funny. Mandy took a breath before continuing.

- I'm calling you to tell you that my boss needed me for the weekend, so I could not get free. The boys are on their own to USA right know. Sorry I did not call earlier, I was held up.

Ramin started to put things together in his mind, not only the practical stuff. Like that he needed to pick them up and find things for them to do during his rehearsal, but also the fact that they had been alone on a plane the entire night. Probably not slept nearly enough, they would be over-tired when they got here. Ramin just hoped they hadn't been able to eat far too much candy. The rest of their conversation had been about what they had been doing since they last talked, telling each other a little about life. Mandy told him about some things that boys had done that Ramin already had heard from them, but it was different from a grownups eyes. Including that time Jaiden got an enormous fish, Hadley starting to write a dairy and Mandy suspecting that Jaiden had a crush on a girl in his class. It was nice hearing all this. But his mind eventually drifted off to Sierra all the time. Ali just kept on telling him that he needed to tell Sierra about his feelings. The fact that she might not like him back had been one main thing, the fact about everything that could go so wrong, her being uncomfortable or becoming sad. But there was a thing Ramin had not realised held him back, that had been holding him back the entire time; Amanda. Talking to her know, in phone not by text made him realise that. His feelings for her were gone but he could not stop thinking about what she would think about him if he moved on with a new relationship so fast. She might believe that he had been in love with Sierra all the time, and that had not been the case. He had done one of the best choices of his life when he chose to marry Amanda, but people fall out of love, that's sad, but that's how it is.

- Mandy, can I tell you something?

There was a confused pause and then;

- Yes, of course.

Ramin took a deep breath before continuing, here we go;

- I think that I maybe, I mean I...

- Spit it out Karimloo!

- I think I'm in love with Sierra.

There was a short silence and then Mandy answered with a sarcastic voice.

- Really?

- What?

- That took you some time to realise.

Ramin had absolutely no clue what was talking about.

- What do you mean?

- Look, Ramin, I think you have been in love with her for a while. But you have seemed to have a hard time understanding that. For everyone else, it's been so clear all along. That's why I was so, well so jealous. But just now afterwards I've realised that it wasn't her I was jealous on, it was the fact that I still wanted things to be like they used to between us, but they were not. Don't worry, I'm not angry. I think it's amazing that you have moved on and that you two finally get toghether.

Now Ramin had absolutely no clue on what was going on, that was certainly not the answer he had expected. It was nice though, hearing it from her. Not only to confirm that his feelings for Sierra was okay but also wanting to move on. But Mandy seemed to think that he and Sierra were a couple already. Ramin only wished it was like that.

- I haven't asked her out yet...

- Oh God, Ramin Karimloo, get your life together. Look, now you do as I say. You and Sierra go get the kids from the plane today and you ask her out. It's not fair to anyone if you keep it to yourself anymore, certainly not to her. Do you understand?

This was the Amanda Ramin got to know from the beginning, confident and sure of herself. It was the Mandy he fell in love with.

- I will do my best.

- I'm counting on you.

With that Amanda hung the phone of and left Ramin with his thoughts, this was it. Both Ali and Amanda had almost gotten mad at him by know. But Ramin did not have a clue of how he was supposed to get the confidence to ask Sierra out or to tell her. 

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