By NoOneToCare

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I am Forth, reincarnated for one purpose; to find the man who destroyed my pack. Yes, the powerful pack was s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ( Part 1)
Chapter 2 (part 2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Update
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

560 20 6
By NoOneToCare

Hello guys, Thanks for dropping by again. Thanks for those people who give time reading this story. I know this is gonna be long and full of emotional roller coaster 😅. Please excuse any grammatical errors ahead. Thanks you again.

I also have another story entitled "Please be mine". Have a nice day.


Ming P.O.V

"Tee is here" I ended up the call without listening to his response. I don't want to hear his voice because it feels like someone is squeezing my heart.

The pack house is in commotion when Tae came home last night bringing the person we've been searching for ages. I am torn between happiness and sadness. My lovely mate went away from home as soon as Tee was gone.

It was that time when I can't sort things out. When he decided to moved away without coming back home I felt betrayed. But I couldn't blame him though he believes that it was his fault that Tee was gone and no matter how hard I persuade him to stay he wont. The fact that Tae is still alive motivates him to search for more jumping from one place to another. He was going far from us.

Loneliness is what I feel inside and Kim wouldn't even let me shift. I silently cry at night since I couldn't do anything. My wolf loves him so much. Yet unlike me it was long time since I chose to unlove him.

Am I so cruel? Maybe I am. I am stubborn as hell.

I walked to the room silently not to disturb the love birds who are sleeping peacefully in their beds. Tee grown up as a young man. He has mark on his right neck with an initial F&T.

'F&T?' F? Why F?' I crease my brows in perplexity. My thoughts wanders when I took a glimpse on his wrist.

"What's that?" a code like a tattoo written 1919SI can be seen while his left right arm and also has a tattoo of a wolf appears looking to a moon above. It's so beautiful. I never thought Tee will be a bad ass. He is so sweet before. I miss him. I miss those days.

I sigh as I turned my back to my Alpha. How did you find him tae? After all these years, I wanted to be mad at you for hurting tee that drove my mate to leave me. The anger I have inside rises once again but then it's my mates choice of leaving me.

Yeah, I don't want to hear his name or speak his name anymore. I studied my Alpha's condition considering that he looks to vulnerable on this state. The Tae I know suddenly change for someone I haven't been with. It's like his personality switched.

I shrugged my shoulder looking on the wound that's already healed. Werewolves blood is amazing in some ways.

'Wait' I stopped my self from turning back again when I saw the the same tattoo on his right arm. 'What the fuck?' I murmur. But what's with the initials? I hate being too curious about stuffs but I cant just overlook this.

The heavy footsteps coming from behind stopped me on my thought as I hear a squeak. 'Tee' he rushed to him without batting a glance on me. It's just everything in front of me is in slow motion until I feel this kind of feelings I felt before.

'He is here in front paying attention to the only person important to him. Not only that, it's funny that he also bring someone with him who is beside him. He already found someone new already. So pathetic.

"Ming" I hastily moved towards the door when a voice calling me to cease my steps. 'Don't call me by my name' I thought. I didn't answer.

"Ming, Can we talk?" he asked. I pressed my lips together suppresing my voice to come out. What for? He already has him. I took a step when he said 'Please'.

"No." I sternly said then left. When Tae said that my mate will be coming back home that day I was surprise. He didn't send me messages or call me once when he left. I was hesitant to call him while ago but if there's one person who should know first it's him.

In those past years, I always thought that he was in love with Tee because they're so close. But he denied it saying they're just bestfriends. I let it go. It was always been Tee.

When Tae said he will be bringing someone important when he comes home I didn't expect this. 'Haha' I laughed loudly making them bewildered. All of them smile since I haven't laugh for a long time.

What does he want to say? Will he introduced the man he just bring? Fuck them. I wish them a happiness. I walked pass to them and go to the cabin I've been living. I am not staying in the pack house but my father who is the current beta lives there.

"Why are you here? " I asked.

"Ming. Are you okay?" Yo worriedly hugged me. .

"Of course. Why would I not?" I untangle his arms wrapping around me tightly. He is such a baby.

"Are you sure?" I nod. I grabbed his hand pulling him into the cabin.

"I already gave you a spare of my key why you didn't come in?"

"Did you guys meet?" he directly asked me.

"Who?" I sit on my couch feigning ignorance.

"You know who."

"Yeah" He is such a worry-wart. Yo and Tae are my bestfriends. Yet, I am closer to Yo than Tae after what happened. Unfortunately, Tae couldn't remember everything. So Yo always stick to me like leech when I started opening up between myself and my mate. He knew everything.

The kid has a heartbreaking past that his mother left them for another man. When he was young he was sent to his mother custody but he went back home to find his father. However his father was gone. He wasn't there in their house anymore.

Alpha and Luna wlecomed Yo to our pack. They found him near the pack house when a rogue ready to attack him again. Yet they're to late since he is already bitten on his right leg. The blood of the rogue wolf made him transform to our kind.

"Ming" he call for my attention and it snapped me on my thought

"What? Anyway, did you find your mate?" changing the topic. He shakes his head. I see.

He was so excited going to school because he's thinking of finding his mate there. If only mate isn't pre destined then maybe we can choose whom to love and not. Then maybe, Kim won't hibernate. I won't be the useless beta they have right now.

Yo put his head on my lap looking up above slowly closing his eyes. "Yo if you want to sleep, go home" I shake his shoulder.

"Let me sleep here Ming" he grumbled.

"I'm spoiling you too much, am I ?" I chuckled.

"You love me" he agreed. I play with the strand of his hair twirling on my finger.

"I do."

"Sounds like you're proposing. haha" he jokingly say. I pinch his cheeks as he grabbed my wrist pulling then away. I pinned him down ticking him as he giggles beneath me twisting his body. He was kicking me out of the couch then I press my arms on his shoulder.

It stops as we looked both gaze at each other. In a flash, I am pulled away from Yo and Yo was hugged by someone growling on me. Those eyes are purple fixated on me with anger as his canine extended.

'Purple?' he has the same eyes with Kit when they got mad.

Yo was shaking shocked and trembling on fear. I free myself from someone encaging me behind. 'Ming' he whispered. I refuse to take notice.

'Ming' Yo cried out pleading.

"Don't touch him" I roared in fury watching Yo shaking with teary eyes.

"He is my mate" he belowed. I forget that werewolves tends to be jealous in terms of mate. I calm my self first.

"I know just let him go. He is afraid, cant you see?" I explained. I remove the arms of the man embracing me ignoring him.

The man whom I saw in pack house was the same man behind Yo. I was thinking too much. I sigh in relief. 'Wait why I am happy?' I sigh again.

"Please" Yo pleaded on his mate. He calmed down slowly and let Yo go.

'I'm sorry. I frightened you.' he apologizes. But Yo move towards me burrying his face on my chest. I put his arms on my neck and carry him away from the two. The man whine at Yo's action and my mate saddened by my action. He is looking down clenching those fists on his lap.

'Just give him time' I told the man. He nodded.

"MING!!!!!" a booming voice of my mate reaches my ears.

"Who is he?" he desperately asked. I didn't answer waiting for more.

"I am your mate not him" he continue. "Do i have to reiterate?" he demanded.

"I was once your mate" I stated then I left carrying Yo who is in my arms.

"Let's go okay? I'm here. No one will hurt you. " I assure Yo pampering him.

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