Is Love Real or Is It Just a...

By SaruNightfall

100K 3.5K 811

To those who are beginning to read this, I am in the process of rewriting this, as to have more of an origina... More

Is Love Real or Is It Just a Fluke(Gaara love story)
leave or he dies
new village, name, and look
new buddy to have fun with
team 7 whoo hoo
finish or you dont pass
missions boring missions..........ooh a b rank mission goody goody
an old friend
chunnin exams
chunnin exams beggining
chunnin exams second exam
chunnin exams in the tower
chunnin exams finals
the truth all comes out part 1
the truth all comes out part 2
the second hardest choice in the world
saying good bye
what has happened
rise or die
rise or fall continued

chunnin exams the arena

3.4K 145 32
By SaruNightfall

the next day i jumped up put on the usual and went to the third exams to see who would make it to the finals. i looked at the list of who we were so post to fight and i sighed.

round 1 Sasuke vs Yoroi

round 2 Shino vs Abumi

round 3 Kunkuro vs Misumi

round 4 Sakura vs Ino

round 5 Temari vs Tenten

round 6 Shikamaru vs Tsuchi

round 7 Naruto vs Kiba

round 8 Neji vs Hinata

round 9 Gaara vs Lee

round 10 Kinuta vs Choji

round 11 Sonya vs winner of last match

i smirked at the last match ,"who will be my opponet" i wondered so i found the spot where i was so post to be and sat down. soon the matches began.


the first match Sasuke won.

second Shino.

third Kunkuro.

fourth none.

fith Temari.

sixth Shikamaru.

seventh Naruto.

eigth Neji.

ninth Gaara.

tenth Kinuta.

eleventh well you're about to find out. when i heard my name i jumped into the arena and saw Kinuta there. "this is going to be easy" i mumbled


Kinuta traveled at great speed and hit me in the side. soon i turned into the demon i was and charged at him. i managed to slice his leg and i disappeared. for a while there was silence until i appeared and kicked him in the back and he went flying.

he soon hit the wall and fell down holding his hurting sides and i brought him to the middle and smirked. i grabbed a kunai and put up against his throat and whispered.

"say i resign or i will kill you right now"


"well than i geuss this is good bye for you"

"fine i will do it"


i got off him and he charged at me and i punched him in the gut. but this was no ordinary punch, because my fist went right through him and was covered in blood. i bent down and said.

"you should of said i resign but now if they can get you to a hospital in time maybe they can still save you"

i raised my hand and the medic ninjas came over and ran him as fast as they could to the hospital. the person watching us fight grabbed my arm and shouted.


when i got back up to the stands the Hokage bekoned us closer and yelled.

"you all get to go to the finals. its in three months train and the person who wins gets to be a chunnin"

'hai" was all we said and walked out. i was so excited until i heard something.

"Gaara what are we gonna do about the red head"

"we leave her alone because something about her seems familiar"

"but Gaara she soon would know to much about us and then we might have to kill her"

i quietly gasped and listened some more

"no none of you will touch her or i will kill you got it"


"now lets get back to the apartment"

as they started to walk towards my spot i ran to the apartment and got in my room. soon i heard the door shut and footsteps coming closer and closer until i saw sand under my door. the sand went up and poked me and i calmly said.

"Gaara get your sand out of my room"

his sand retreated back and i fell down on my bed.

just a few months until i can confess to him. just a few more.

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