Football Boys

By NatureProductions

188K 5.8K 1.9K

| Novel | Version 1 ~ Published early 2018 ~ Burdened with undeniable romantic feelings for his best friend... More

Football Boys
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
End of book message
| Aftermath |

Chapter Seventeen

7K 199 86
By NatureProductions

In shock, blankly gazing over the bruise-like, perse love mark glued to my neck, a mix of perplexed thoughts and thrilling fear came over me at once.


Slowly letting my gaze dart about the space to gather my thoughts for better judgment, a distressed chuckle pushed past my lips as my cheeks burned a shade of red with realization.

Last night.

I vividly remembered my body being pressed against the mirror, my eyes darting over the reflective surface to see blurry dots that looked like finger prints, my finger prints.

Tightly closing my eyes as I relived the hot sensation of Tyler's lips against my neck, the feeling of ecstasy overwhelming me as he simultaneously caressed my body, I remorselessly yet remorsefully recalled the exact moment when he bit my skin.

Tyler was standing in the door frame now, eyeing my neck in the mirror with a helpless expression.

Walking in and closing the door behind him, he touched my waist and stared at me apologetically as I frowned at him through the mirror.

"Don't touch me, that's how this got here in the first place," I uttered, fighting against a flustered grin.

Not sure how to respond, Tyler simply laughed, making me fume even more.

"I... didn't mean to... well, I did but–"


"I'm sorry," he whined, clearly enjoying this more than as me.

"I've never... given anyone a hic–"

"Shh, lower your voice," I harshly whispered.

"I've never given anyone a hickey before... I don't know what to do," Tyler said a little lower than before.

"And I don't know what to do either," I chuckled helplessly.

"What is my mom going to think," I continued worriedly, looking over myself in the mirror.

Tyler repressed a laugh and immediately let his smile fade after catching my glare.

"Well for one, she's going to find out that you've had some guy–"

"Tyler, oh my gosh."

He smiled at me in the mirror and slowly wrapped his arms around my body from my back, running his hand over the deed.

"I couldn't help myself... I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear, making me bite my lip with a groan.

Feeling my knees go weak, I pushed Tyler away and huffed, watching him chuckle in response.

Adjusting my collar, I pulled at the fabric of my polo shirt as I packed my bag.

"Last night was fun," Ellie yawned as he limped over to get his crutches.

"Yea, the movie was actually pretty good, well, that's if you find humor in watching people fall over nothing to get brutally murdered," Genevieve added, neatly placing her folded pajamas into her travel bag.

"Oh please Gen, the good part about the movie was when the killer was exposed by lightening. The guy was buff as hell and you could see his veins bulging in his massive arms," Ellie described dramatically, placing his crutches underneath his arms. "It added an entirely new meaning to intimidating... and then the jump scares were actually pretty good."

Ellie smiled when I nodded, giggling to myself.

"Pff, the jump scares weren't that good," Genevieve smirked, zipping up her bag.

"Oh please Gen, don't pretend that you didn't get scared and basically jump into my arms."

Genevieve huffed and walked past me, grinning when I looked at her.

"How did the movie end anyway," Tyler asked, walking into the room fully dressed, drying his hair with a towel.

"The main characters died," Genevieve smirked, deadpanning.

"Of course, but how did they die?"

Humming, Genevieve eyed me momentarily before she shrugged.

"Well if you want specifics, then you should've stayed to watch until the end," She chided playfully, turning her attention back to her bag.

Meeting Tyler's eyes, I timidly smiled when he winked at me.

"Of course, I'm sure whatever you and Greyson had to talk about was more important though," Genevieve sang, locking eyes with me, prompting me to inconspicuously tug at my collar to hide Tyler's love mark.

Surprisingly, she didn't see the small gesture and went to zip up her bag.

Looking over to meet Ellie's eyes, I grinned as  he made kissy faces.

Tyler walked close beside me to my car and watched as I put my bag in the trunk, stuffing his hands in his pockets in the process.

He didn't say anything but only stood there with a smile, seeming too lost in his own thoughts to speak.

Not minding the silence, I felt that his presence was good enough as I found myself smiling in response.

"Don't drop me, the last thing I need is to fall on my money maker."

"Oh please, if I wanted you to fall, I would've tripped you coming down stairs."

I shut the trunk and watched in amusement as Genevieve tried helping Ellie to walk steady as he carried her bag in his free hand.

To my surprise, Genevieve was laughing and actually seemed to enjoy having Ellie be so dependent on her throughout the entire chaotic process.

"Look at those love birds," Tyler joked beside me.

Just as I was about to look away from them to eye Tyler, Ellie fell, pulling Genevieve down with him.

"Oh my gosh Ellie," she chuckled.

Hitting the ground, Ellie bursted out laughing and struggled to stand with Genevieve's help, the both of them not even aware of Tyler or I watching with amusement.

"You're such a mess," Gen grunted.

"You love my messy self," Ellie grinned.

"I'd love it if you'd actually walk and not–Ellie!"

Tyler and I chuckled as Ellie pretended that he was about to fall again, making Genevieve freak out.

I walked to my front door and unlocked the doors and opened one in the back so that Ellie could put Genevieve's bag in the seat.

"And it only took ten minutes of carrying around a rambunctious man child," she huffed.

"Well, Gen it was nice horse playing with you too," Ellie soothed, kissing Genevieve on her cheek.

She gasped in complete surprise, grinning moments later.

Finding my smirk, she cleared her throat and covered her fading smile with her fist as if she were about to cough.

"Well, I guess we should get going huh Greyson," she uttered more seriously.

I slowly nodded, mischievously smiling at her as she quickly walked to the passenger side of the car.

"Bye beautiful," Ellie joked toward Genevieve before he turned and hugged me, patting my back.

"I'll see you at school Grey," he whispered, pulling away with a wink before he turned to limp back into Tyler's house.

Jumping into the driver's seat, I noticed Tyler leaning over into the car window with a cheeky grin directed at Genevieve.

"I'll see you guys later," he whispered sadly, finding my gaze.

Quickly stealing a quick kiss from my cheek, Tyler hummed happily, never breaking his stare as he backed up to walk toward his house.

After he shut his front door, Genevieve and I both sat back in our seats and huffed.


Carefully and discreetly fixing the collar of my shirt for the fifth time, I snuck a glance at Genevieve out of the corner of my eye to see if she noticed.

Casually placing my hand back onto the steering wheel, I sighed in exhaustion. With knowing how observant Genevieve is, I was beginning to stress myself out more than needed, knowing that any more movement near my neck would most likely raise some suspicion.

Slightly jumping as Genevieve exhaled contently, I found my eyes quickly darting over at her to see a big smile on her face.

Smiling in relief, I cleared my throat to get her attention.

Seeming to come back down to earth, Genevieve snapped out of whatever trance she was in and found my gaze with doe eyes, tittering moments later.

"Oh, did you say something?"

"No, but the fact that you haven't said something in a while makes me curious."

"Mmm, there's nothing to be curious about," she shrugged, sparkling her eyes at me jovially.

"I was just... thinking about a romance novel."

"Oh really? Do tell, what happens in this novel," I smirked.

She slowly turned her gaze to the window, propping her chin up with her palm to ogle at the passing houses with an almost contagious, content grin.

"An enthralling tale of a typical attraction between a classy girl and bad boy with dad jokes... an unlikely pair but so alike in so many ways," she sang.

Raising my eyebrow, I nodded to myself, chuckling as I returned my gaze to the road.

"Sounds familiar, I think I might've read that one... what was it called, oh right... reality."

"Oh please Greyson, you have no idea–"

"I feel like I do."

She eyed me with a smirk and hummed.

"Funny, I think that I've read another story, quite similar in genre actually," she began whimsically. "Yes, an entrancing tale of two of the school's best football players... one so lovable and jocund, presumably a ladies man with his good looks and charm while the other–"


"A love struck boy with high hopes of finding love in his best friend... a couple of football boys," she chuckled.

I shook my head and found myself not being able to fight against a grin.

"Uh-huh," she mumbled, assuming that she won the argument.

I shook my head with a ceding attitude, thoughtlessly eyeing the passing cars and pedestrians.

Minutes passed and the silence let me easily reflect on that morning and how cutesy Ellie and Genevieve had been with each other.

Raising an eyebrow as I glimpsed at Genevieve's relaxed expression, curiosity grew within me and danced about my tongue, urging me to ask what was on my mind.

"So... are you and Ellie are a thing now?"

As if on cue, her eyes widened and suddenly averted from my gaze moments after eyeing me in surprise.  at me in surprise.

"What? I... never said that Ellie and I– um... but I never said it wasn't possible either," she mumbled.

"You have... like hundreds of times."

"I know," she began enthusiastically. "But strangely, I'm starting to like him... and it's so weird," she whispered thoughtfully.

I nodded.

"It's like... one moment I hate the sound of his voice, and the next, I can't stop smiling with him around. I'm so..."

"Confused," we both said at the same time.

"Yea," she whispered.

She sat back in her seat and shook her head.

I frowned as the collar of my shirt flopped again, prompting me to quickly adjust it.

"You know, I just..."

I quickly looked over at Genevieve to see her narrowing her eyes.

"What," I asked, pretending to be clueless.

She grabbed at my shirt and gasped with an amazed expression as her eyes scanned over Tyler's love mark.

"Greyson," she grinned.

"Please don't–"

"Oh my gosh Greyson! Wow... and I thought you were some innocent little cuddle bear," she laughed.

"I am! I mean–"

"You're totally not," she giggled.

"I wasn't even thinking when he gave it to me, I... I couldn't think," I mumbled, flustered.

Genevieve shook her and smirked.

"Well at least now I know exactly what two did when you left the roo–"

"Oh my gosh," I moaned.

Pinching my cheek, Genevieve puckered her lips.

"Awe, your face is all red now."


"I'll hush, I'm sorry," she soothed, amused.

"Well hey, this trip is coming up soon, and since we both have someone to impress now..."

"Where is this going?"

"How about we go shopping?"

I raised an eyebrow and stared at her with apprehensiveness as she smiled widely at me.

"Come on, it'll be fun. I get to help you pick out things that Tyler might like and you the same with me and Ellie. Please, for me... my birthday?"

Ceding, I rolled my eyes with a deep sigh.


Genevieve made an excited noise and reached into my glove compartment to pull out one of her smaller books to read.


Tyler |

"So, I'm guessing everything went as planned from the looks you guys were giving each other this morning," Ellie suddenly uttered cheerfully as he looked up at me from me bed, rubbing his leg attentively.

Turning to throw a rubber ball at the wall to catch it, I grinned.

"I mean... it went... better than I thought."


"So, he likes me back," I easily admitted , beginning to smile.

"I knew it," he silently cheered.

"And we kissed again," I began excitedly, looking at Ellie now, catching the rubber ball without looking. "But Ellie, this time, it was magical. It felt like I was kissing an angel. I mean, his lips were so–"

"Spare the details, I saw the hickey on his neck," Ellie smirked.

"How... when," I asked incredulously, letting the ball hit my side.

"I saw it when he hugged me before he left, it was so obvious," he chuckled.

I smiled uncontrollably and blushed.

"Yea, like I said before... freaks," he joked.

"Ellie," I laughed.

"I'm just saying."

"Well, do you want to explain what that little kiss with Genevieve was?"

"Pff, it was just a kiss on her cheek, unfortunately not more than what you and Greyson did."

"Leave us alone," I chuckled.

"I wish you'd leave Genevieve and I alone then."

"Listen, I just want to know... are you guys together?"

"I wish. But hey, seems like my chances are getting better huh?"

"Yea, I'd say."

Picking up the ball to throw it against the wall again, I miscalculated and watched as Ellie caught it instead as it flew over to him.


Greyson |

"Come on Greyson! I know you can run faster than that, you're a wide receiver for goodness sakes!"

I huffed and abruptly stopped running, tiredly watching Genevieve as she excitedly skipped to the entrance of the mall, looking back at me with a cheesy smile.

"Gen... don't you think we've been to enough stores," I yelled out.

"What, would you rather go to a book store... I actually need a new series to re–"

"I'm coming," I yelled, interrupting her.

She smiled and put out her arm for me to take into mine as I approached.


Shopping montage

Not even six seconds after walking into the mall, gasping, Genevieve tightened her grip on my arm and excitedly jumped up and down before pulling me into a nearby clothing store.

Gaining the attraction of many as we ran through the aisle of clothes like headless chickens, Genevieve drug me to the women's section and stacked high a pile on clothes on my arms.

Even with my trained endurance, I struggled under the weight of it all, almost falling with the toppling mountain of fabrics.

I could barely see past the lavender blouse that somehow got placed over my head as if it were a veil.

Pulling me toward the dressing rooms, Genevieve pushed me onto a chair after making me put all of her outfits in the changing room and lifted her pointing finger for me to wait.

She came out minutes later with a big floppy hat, a lime green sundress and neutral colored sandals.

Modeling the outfit adorably, she frowned when I slowly shook my head with a grin.

She threw the hat at me, almost hitting me in the eye, and ran back into the dressing rooms.

Coming out once more, she had on a modest maroon bustier halter top with a white skater skirt and nude and white sandals.

Dramatically fanning herself, she placed her hands on her hips and plastered on a serious face as she walked down the small space like a fierce model, expertly turning on her heels to glance back at me with a smize.

I laughed and nodded, watching her happily skip back into the rooms.

Coming out minutes later, she had on a pair of hipster glasses, a blue jean jacket with a striped halter top and red heels.

I waved my hand, giving it a maybe.

She posed again, really trying to sell it as I laughed hysterically.

Giving up, I gave it a thumbs up.

I laughed hysterically watching her walk back into the dressing rooms, noticing how much she glowed with joy.

She never was the type to buy a bunch of clothes for the heck of it, but something was different in her as she modeled her next outfit.

Her usual predetermined, purposeful movements and mannerisms were different in a sense that she was always more reserved when in public; but now... even with hundreds of eyes on her, she didn't care.

She was smiling more than she had in weeks and seemed... happy.

After paying, she drug me into many other stores, buying swim suits and other things of that nature, making me carry about five huge bags as she walked ahead of me with one small bag.

"Genevieve," I moaned as I got on all fours.

She turned and smiled, coming back to help me carry a few of her bags.

Kneeling down, she winked.

"Okay... how about we go put up these bags and find you something," she soothed.


"Yea, come on," she said cheerfully, pulling me up.


I exhaustedly rubbed my arms as I followed Genevieve into the men's section of a clothing store.

Looking around, I timidly watched as a multitude of people walked in and out of the front doors with loud chatter and laughter.

"First off, we need something that you wouldn't normally wear, something new and eye catching, maybe a new type of shirt, pants... underwear?"

With my eyes widening, I stopped in my tracks and nervously laughed.


She turned and stopped walking after seeing that I was standing still.

"Uh... yea," she nodded seriously.

"Come on Grey, if you're worried about me seeing you try them on or anything, I'm really just going to just go off of what you say–"

"No, no it's not that, but..."

I began to blush as Genevieve tilted her head at me with a curious raised eyebrow.

"I just... I don't know if I'll even be comfortable knowing that I'm intentionally buying underwear just for an unlikely scenario where Tyler would see me half naked or something," I said quietly. "It makes you think like, what's the point."

Genevieve huffed.

"Well, trust me, it's better for him to have to chance at seeing you half naked in nice looking underwear than having him catch a glance at some old and saggy–"

"Okay, okay–b-but just for the record, my underwear isn't saggy."

She rolled her eyes and reached out to grab my hand, tugging me forward.

"Sure Greyson," she mumbled, making me nervously frown at her.

I was more than embarrassed as Genevieve held up different types of revealing varieties of underwear, each one making me even more self conscious with picturing myself in them.

"Oh come on Greyson, you have to help me here... speak to me, does this make you say 'ooh la la,' or does this one make you say 'I'm classy but I'm up for a good swing'–"

"Nope, nope, nope," I quickly say, feeling my cheeks burning.

Genevieve sighed and put down the thong-like pair along with a red speedo-like fabric underwear.

I reluctantly followed Genevieve to another section of underwear, the more modest of them all.

Sighing in relief, I watched a bit more willingly as Genevieve narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing each pair of different colored underwear before her.

"Tyler's favorite color is blue right," Genevieve asked out of nowhere.

"Um... yea."

Without saying anything, she pulled up a pair of baby blue boxer briefs a few sizes smaller than in used to.

Tilting my head with a frown, I glanced between the pair of under and Genevieve's gradually widening smile.

"Please don't smile at me like that," I pleaded.

"Oh come on Grey, you didn't like the pink thong; this is so much more modest, and you wear boxer briefs."

Huffing, I snatched the underwear from her with a grunt.

She smirked and watched me with a pleased look in her eyes as I turned to go into the dressing room.

Taking off all of my clothes, I refused to look at myself in the wall mirror to see myself actually trying on underwear.

Mumbling and griping to myself the entire time, I stopped at the band of my underwear and took in a deep breath, glancing at the pair of baby blue boxer briefs on the seat behind me.

"It's better for him to have to chance at seeing you half naked in nice looking underwear than some old saggy ones."

My underwear isn't saggy.

I rolled my eyes and pulled off my underwear to tug at the baby blue briefs, sliding them up my thighs.

Hugging my inner thighs and backside tightly, the underwear fit like a glove, making me feel... compacted.

Forcing myself to look at the wall mirror, I looked my body up and down and saw how fitting the underwear looked on me.

The blue contrasted well against my sand colored skin and felt smooth and fresh to the touch. Running my fingers along the white band, that hugged at my waist, I hummed thoughtfully.

Daring to turn to the side, I was a bit shocked at how shapely my butt looked under the smooth fabric.

Turning my body to face the mirror again, I looked over myself once more, scanning over the prominent love mark that made its presence known with contrasting greatly on my skin.

Sighing as I hugged torso, I noticed that my cheeks were growing redder by the second at the thought of how Tyler would react if he actually were to see me in the baby blue fabric.

Genevieve's eyes lit up as I walked out of the dressing rooms and never left me as I approached.

"They fit okay?"

I quietly nodded, averting my eyes.

"Mmm hmm... good. Oh and while you were in there, I looked around some more for clothes. I think this shirt and a pair of chino shorts would make a good pair," she said, holding them up.

She held out a royal blue t-shirt with the words, move, I'm gay written in bold pink letters on the front.


She started laughing and put the shirt back.

"I was kidding, maybe this shirt with the pink words that say drill master–"

"No," I interrupted.


She put the shirt in a pile and nodded toward another set of shirts hanging up further behind me.

"Oh, now these shirts are funny," she continued, leading me over to the shirts, holding one up for me that read tickle my pickle.

"Oh gosh..."

"And what about this?"

She held up a shirt that had a slice of watermelon with the words, trust me, you can swallow my seed.

"What kind of store are we in," I mumbled, looking around with a frown.

Genevieve shrugged and rummaged around in more shirts and left me to eye a few in front of me.

Hearing loud chatter, I looked up to see a familiar malicious smirk.

Ace and a couple of his friends had walked into the store and met my eyes moments later.

"Or maybe a t-shirt with the words, I'm a farmer here to harvest your peaches..."

Genevieve stood beside me to hold up the shirt with a wide smile, slowly following my eyes as I stared at the group.

Ace glared daggers at me, nudging his friends to look over at us as well, making me feel the need to leave the store.

"How about we just go," Genevieve whispered with concern, noticing my anxiety beginning to build.


Walking into my house, I was a bit skittish knowing that my mom was somewhere around.

I pulled my collar up to my chin and ran up the stairs after quickly scanning the living room.

Sighing as I reached the top of the stairs, I tightly closed my eyes and slowly walked to my room.

Upon entering, I was shocked to see my mom folding some of my clothes near my dresser.

"Oh hey Grey."

"Uh... hey mom, h-how are you?"

"Uh... I'm good," she responded a bit unsure as she narrowed her eyes at me.

Gosh, her stare could burn a hole into the Great Wall of China.

She stood to fold her arms, seeming to immediately understand what I was doing with my collar.

"Why that's quite an unstylish way to wear your collar," she said quietly, raising her eyebrow.

"Oh... well ya know, us teens are always trying to... invent new fashion statements and all. I-I'm just expressing myself," I stuttered helplessly.

"Expressing yourself huh?"

I quickly nodded.

"Funny, you've never been the one to jump on bandwagons with other teens and the current sort of fashion trends."

"Well, people change mom."

"Yea," she began, taking a step closer making me take a step back.

"Just as much as your hormonal teen," she yelled, snatching my hands away from my collar.

Her eyed widened, and she was instantly made speechless.

"Greyson... a hickey?"

"Um.... no?"

"My sweet, sweet Greyson," she said shaking her head.

"And here I thought the talk was going to be difficult... man, well now at least I won't have to touch the basis."

I frowned.

"You're not mad?"

"Well... to an extent, but I'm ultimately just too tired to come up with an elaborate punishment... especially being that you never get into trouble," she shrugged.

Averting my eyes in confusion, I fidgeted.

"So... who was it?"

Swallowing nervously, I met her curious, smirking eyes as she sat on my bed.

"Or should I say, was it the right person?"

"Um... it... was Tyler."

She gasped.

"Your little schoolboy crush, awe," she whined dramatically, making me blush and groan.

"Don't do this–"

"Oh my gosh, this is too rich. Your best friend that you have a weird, obsessive crush on gave you a hickey–"

"It's not obsessive! And... yea, he did," I said with a growing grin.

"Well, go you eh? But listen," she began, standing. "Although I'm glad you're exploring the wonderful world of love and sexuality, just always remember that you always have a choice... no means no and yes means yes."

I nodded.

She smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Well follow me," she gestured as she walked to the door.

"And... what for? You're not about to show me some human anatomy book or something right?"

"Heavens no, I'm about to lend you some of my makeup, you're not going to school with that on your neck Grey," she chuckled.

I slowly smiled in response to her smirking gaze and followed her out of my room.

Tyler |


I sat in class, thoughtlessly gazing upon the desk in front of me as Genevieve turned a page in her book beside me.

Ellie sat down in front of her after turning in his permission slip to Mr. Jamison.

Sitting forward, he put his finger on the page that Genevieve was reading and pushed the book down to the desk, grinning when Genevieve's glare softened.

"You look beautiful today and everyday before today, today being the day of many days... day extravaganza," he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"What," Genevieve asked, amused. "Tyler, can you translate stupidity for me," she chuckled.

I grinned, watching Ellie smile.

A familiar pace of footsteps made me glance from the group toward the teacher's desk, and I saw Greyson handing Mr. Jamison his permission slip, slowly turning to meet my eyes.

He sat down in front of me moments later and quickly sucked his bottom lip nonchalantly, finding my eyes again.

I noticed that my love marks were gone and it brought a frown to my face.

Greyson noticed and mouthed, "makeup" and grinned when I nodded in disappointment.

"Alright... and I think that was the last permission slip."

We all looked at Mr. Jamison as he stood to clear his throat.

"So first and foremost, I'd like to congratulate all of the ones that've successfully turned in their permission slips before all of the spots were taken under this short period of time. For those that didn't make it, that's unfortunate, but there will be other senior events. Anyway, this trip... is tomorrow morning, be here or get left."


The bell for lunch rang as the four of us walked toward the cafeteria.

Greyson by my side, I felt my hand graze against his, sparking the urge to grab and hold it.

Apprehensively tugging at his hand with my fingers, I watched him glance at me with a gradual grin, his eyes suddenly more interesting than anything else.

Genevieve and Ellie walked closer now, Genevieve with her lunch bag close to her chest and Ellie's crutches touching the floor ahead of him before each step.

The constant sound of chatter and random yelling from immature freshmen rang through the cafeteria as we all sat down to eat.

As always, Genevieve began to take out her usual combination of fruits and vegetables while Ellie ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I made for him before leaving that morning.

Greyson's warmth exuded from his body as he sat close to me, eating as if he were starving.

I nudged him in the shoulder and watched him look up at me with spaghetti sauce on his lips.

Smirking, I quickly kissed him, tasting the salty sauce as I licked my lips.

He giggled uncontrollably and timidly looked up at Genevieve, who was smirking at us.

"Hey Gen, I think I have a little peanut butter on my lips," Ellie grinned.

"Sounds like a personal problem... fix it yourself," she said plainly, looking away from me to genuinely laugh as Ellie grunted with frustration.

Rubbing my hand along Greyson's waist under the table, I couldn't help be enjoy his flustered reaction.

Letting my hand linger near his stomach, I chuckled as Greyson hummed nervously, blushing now as he grabbed at my hand to hold it.

Kissing him on the cheek, I smiled when he started giggling uncontrollably.

"Get a room," Ellie said finally, smiling at me.

"They will soon," Genevieve shrugged.

Hearing a familiar feminine laugh, I watched Genevieve roll her eyes all the way back into her head, taking me off guard as she avoided looking past me.

Greyson turned and then eyed me a second later, indirectly telling me who it was.

Reluctantly turning, I saw Natalie hanging on Ace's arm as they walked past us.

Ace glared at Greyson and then and me as if we were a disease, tickling Natalie's chin as he turned away from us to kiss her cheek.

"Disgusting," Genevieve said loudly, making us all look at her to laugh.

"Funny how the straight couple is disgusting now," Ellie added, smirking with a nod of agreement.


Greyson |

Watching my converses hit the floor with each step, I carelessly ambled with my hands in my pockets.

Walking up to the restroom entrance, I was a bit apprehensive as I stopped in my tracks at the sight of Ace washing his hands.

"Well look who it is," Ace said aloud, amused as he looked up to smirk at me.

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