Football Boys

By NatureProductions

188K 5.8K 1.9K

| Novel | Version 1 ~ Published early 2018 ~ Burdened with undeniable romantic feelings for his best friend... More

Football Boys
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
End of book message
| Aftermath |

Chapter Ten

6.1K 264 84
By NatureProductions

Tyler |

Eagerly following Greyson off of the bus, I contently smiled as I watched his hair bounce with each step or stumble.

Not only was I happy that he wasn't at all mad at me, but I was elated that I'd get to share a room with him and catch up on lost time.

The best thing about this game tomorrow is that it made it so that we had to drive far away from home.

That means all of the problems that've been bothering me the past few days are basically temporarily gone.

Well... every problem except my feelings for Greyson.

As if nothing had changed, Greyson and I walked side by side, both marveling at the nice decor of the hotel as the entire team flooded the building.

The ruckus of the other guys laughing and jumping excitedly as we walked into the hotel made us all stick out like a sore thumb... aside from the sheer number of the group.

Coach Sunny ran up behind a group of noisy guys and smacked each of them with a quick flick of his wrist, glaring daggers at them as he walked up to the counter.

Coach came back looking a bit stressed as he handed us all a room number on a ripped sheet of paper with a key.


Walking past the dozens of rooms, I watched as a group of girls in bikinis ambled past Greyson and I.

They all smirked and grinned at us, but instead of returning the gesture, I shamefully averted my eyes.

Timidly staring at the floor, I noticed Greyson's feet leave my side as he began to walk faster, prompting me to speed up to catch up with him.

I laughed when I saw that he had red lipstick on his cheek, his face turning redder by the second.

"Shut up," he said firmly, his voice cracking in anger.

Laughing even more, I was hysterical watching him fight the urge to grin in response.

"I hate you so much," he mumbled, struggling to unlock our door.

Following him in, I was a bit wowed at spacious room; there was a comfy sectioned off living space with two couches and a large television that took up a large portion of the wall.

Finding my eyes on Greyson as he looked around curiously, heading over to the window to open the curtains, I closed the door behind me with a mischievous grin.

"Wow, look at how high we are," he said, unaware that I was slowly approaching him from behind.

"I think we could–"

Grabbing him by his waist, I picked him up and chuckled when he yelled in surprise.


Pinning him on the couch, I laughed when he frowned up at me, fighting against my hands.

He slapped at my hands each time I reached near his face, his aggravated expression making it even more amusing.

He started laughing when I tickled the only ticklish spot on his stomach, forcing his cheeks to turn red.

"Get... get off of me! Damn," he chuckled.

He pushed me off of him and stood to run.

I smirked as I stood to run after him, cornering him near the windows; he turned and eyed me with a worried expression.

Grabbing his back with both of my arms to pick him up, letting his legs wrap around my waist, I felt him struggle to loosen my grip as I pressed him against a wall.

Momentarily forgetting what I was doing as I stared into his eyes, I noticed a few moments after the fact that he took the opportunity to push against the wall and escape my grasp, tripping me with his leg.

Stumbling back, I smiled as he ran into the bedroom, glancing over his shoulder to grin as he saw me coming after him.

As he turned to face me, I pushed him onto his back, watching him scoot across the bed as I jumped on it with him to reach for his leg.

He did a back flip onto his knees and stood with his back to the wall.

Smirking, I glared at him as he caught his breath, his eyes growing wide when I jumped off of the bed to run after him again. 

"Tyler fuck off man!"

I grabbed at his tank top and heard a loud rip at the side.

Grabbing him by his pants now, I watched the tank top rip even more with his struggling, tearing off to reveal his hard upper body.

"That was my favorite tank," he whined.

"It was mine anyway," I chuckled.

He pushed away from me and stood with his hands outstretched in front of him, raising an eyebrow.

"Cool it. Coach said we couldn't do this... he'd lose his mind."

"Coach isn't here, no one can help you," I deadpanned with a grin.

"You're demented," he said seriously.

"You love it," I chuckled, advancing toward him.

"No," he screamed as he started to quickly back away.

Falling onto his back, he let his arms fall near his head as I straddled his hips.

Holding onto his wrists now, I smiled down at him as I caught my breath, watching him stare up at me with his cheeks progressively turning red.

Suddenly, I felt butterflies in my stomach in response.

As he ogled at me, his expression suddenly had an urgency about it, seeming to be frozen as I raised an eyebrow.

There was a knock at the door.

"You lost... again," I breathed before I jumped off of him to answer the door.

Answering it, I was met with the face of one of my teammates.

"Hey Rabbit, the guys and I are going to the pool and wanted to see if you guys were interested?"

I nodded.

"Sure... pool sounds nice."

He curiously stared at me for a moment before he smirked.

"What were you just doing to have to catch your breath so bad," he asked with slight amusement.

"Oh ya know, nothing," I uttered, watching him shrug in response, raising an eyebrow as he glanced into my room before he turned to leave.

Greyson |

Stop thinking about it, stop thinking about it.

Naked old ladies, naked old ladies.

I was in the bathroom, biting my fist as I leaned against the door.

I ran to hide after Tyler jumped up to answer the door.

My heart beating fast as I caught my breath with closed eyes, I couldn't fight the persistent thoughts of having Tyler touching me.

He literally ripped my... his tank top from my body and was so rough yet... so gentle.

That's exactly like what happened in one of my... my fantasies.

I'm surprised I even lasted that long without getting this excited.

And then each time he looked into my eyes as if he'd kiss me... I almost lost it.

Why didn't I lose it?

I had to push him away or else I'd seem like I was into it.

I was so close to getting caught too.

I'm glad someone knocked.

But... gosh, can he be any more attractive?

I groaned against the door as I was still... throbbing, my pants so uncomfortable with the unwanted pressure.

Tyler |

I noticed Greyson wasn't in the room after shutting the door, and I walked into the bedroom to find that he wasn't there either.

I almost lost control of myself playing with him.

Luckily, someone knocked or else... I don't know what I would've done; and I... got a bit excited.

I shouldn't have touched him to begin with, knowing how I feel about him right now.

But it's been so long since I've had fun like that... especially with him.

Without thinking, I opened the bathroom door to see Greyson stand to look at me with florid cheeks.

"Did I hear something about a pool? Sounds like a plan, why don't we go," he said quickly, walking past me.

Frowning at him in confusion, I followed him to look into my bag for my trunks.


Greyson |

Following Tyler to the pool, I secretly watched him, noticing how his confident stride was back, his back muscles hypnotic to watch as I followed him... almost as hypnotic as his eyes.

His eyes are so bright... wait....

Tyler was turned around and had caught me staring; and coming into realization, I averted my eyes and pretended that there was a fly in my face.

"Damn flies," I mumbled, swatting the air around me.

"What flies," one of our teammates said as he walked beside me now.

"Oh, they... flew away."

"Mmm," he said, narrowing his eyes.

"Well let's go guys, the pool is lit I heard. There's a bunch of hot chicks there too," he yelled excitedly before he ran ahead of us.

"Oh... lovely," I mumbled.


Walking into the large room with an extremely long and wide pool in the center, I was met with loud laughter and giggling girls which gave me an immediate nervous feeling in my stomach.

I eyed Ace and a few other guys talking to some of the girls near the far side of the pool, a few random guests swimming near the deep end and... water.

Everything else around me vanished as I went face first into the water, all of the chatter and girlish screams becoming muffled.

Hitting the water's surface, I felt as if I were floating as a couple of strong arms wrapped around my chest.

I felt Tyler's hand grope at my waist as he pulled me up to the surface, his face becoming a bit blurry as I wiped my eyes.

I heard him laughing hysterically, making me frown as I blinked a few times to see him smiling.

Angrily splashing him, I glared at him as he tried to shield his face.

"That was fun huh?"

"No Tyler, I almost freaking passed out."

He smirked.

"I was there to save you, you wouldn't have had to worry about that," he grinned.

I pushed some hair out of my face and felt my cheeks burn.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"Hey... bet I can dunk you?"

"What–don't do that... Tyler, I swear if you–"

I watched in horror as Tyler slowly went under water, prompting me to frantically try to swim away.

I felt his hands glide up my stomach, making me smile uncontrollably as I determinedly worked to get away from him.

"Oh my fu–"

Without a warning, his grasp halted me from swimming any further, and he sent me on a wild trip, picking me up into the air.

Closing my eyes, I was met with the cold water again, my body devoured by its depth.

Tyler never let go of me as I struggled to regain my balance under the water, pulling me back up to the surface and laughing hysterically once again.

I reluctantly swam away from him, frowning.

Coming to a stop to glare at him, I smirked and watched his smile fade into a worried look as I began to swim after him.


He frantically swam away from me, but I was able to catch him, tugging him back to hold him to my chest.

Kicking against the water, he laughed and grabbed my hands as they ran over his torso to find a good grip.

"Greyson please," he pleaded before I dunked him into the water.

I surveyed from afar as Tyler dunked a few of our surprised teammates, his bright smile so contagious.

I was drying myself off with a towel when a hand glided over my shoulder.

"Hey cutie."

Rolling my eyes to the moon and back, I reluctantly turned to see a girl with red hair and green eyes smirking down at me.

"Hey," I said half heartedly.

Catching me by surprise, she sat on my lap and smiled at my bemused expression.

I couldn't do anything but awkwardly hold her so she wouldn't fall as she started giggling like a weirdo.

Tyler |

"Looks like Grey found himself a chick huh?"

Someone nudged my shoulder, making me look over at Greyson.

Some girl was on his lap, and he seemed a bit uncomfortable, yet he was still holding her.

My mind went blank for a moment as I stared, realizing moments later that I hadn't said anything and chuckled.

"Yea... looks like he has," I responded sadly.


Greyson |

A few hours later

Tyler sat in front of me, intently watching me as I ate, making me a tiny bit uncomfortable yet curious.

I only noticed when I just happened to look up a bit after taking a bite of my chicken.

I slowly chewed now, grinning when he smirked.

I tried to ignore him and kept eating, but couldn't think about anything else now as I felt his gaze burn a hole into my skull.

Is he trying to make me uncomfortable?

Wiping a bead of sweat from my forehead, I cringed.

Am I really sweating right now?

I wiped my forehead again and glanced at him once more to see him leaning forward now, eyeing me with a small grin.

Raising an eyebrow in bemusement, I slowly ate now as he watched me, seeming as if he wanted to say something but was intentionally keeping quiet to mess with me.

Just spit out already!

Is there something on my face?

Can I not eat in peace?

Gosh... I can't even focus...

And there goes my pants again.

I groaned, propping up my forehead now.

All he does is look at you, and you get like this... you're disgusting Greyson.

You're gross and disgusting.

He bit into a leg and chewed loudly, making me look up at him to see him smiling.

I frowned, averting my eyes when he winked at me.

I'm about to lose every ounce of dignity for myself and jump across this table.

If Tyler keeps provoking my sexual urges, I'm going to fulfill them in front of everyone and won't stop no matter how weird it gets.

He needs to stop playing with me, because I know that's what he's doing.

But he doesn't know that he's really just making me want him even more.

Tyler |

Without intent of anything specific, I playfully ogled at Greyson, resisting the urge to look away when he caught me looking.

His adorable reactions made it all the more amusing now as he kept glancing at me to see if I was still staring.

I was surprised at myself for letting myself go so far with him, but a small break from home was what I needed to feel more free to have fun.

Greyson looked away from me with a small grin, making me smile in response.

The smile faded when I stared down at my plate of food.

I felt an undeniable sort of sorrow or regret in the pit of my stomach, knowing that what I was doing was ultimately my feelings displaying themselves.

At first, I was playing, but... staring at him, seeing how flustered he got just from my attention, I felt an undeniable warm sensation in response.

Noticing how his reactions made my heart skip with excitement, watching his hands shake and his cheeks turned so red... I felt an urge to grab him and kiss him in front of everyone.

I sighed as I stuck my fork into my food.

A part of me is glad that I want to kiss him, while another part of me is... scared.

I should just calm down and stop playing with him the way that I have.

I still need time to think about everything.


Treading back to the hotel room, I was quiet as Greyson talked with another one of our teammates.

His smile made it harder to ignore what I was feeling, making me lock my jaw in frustration.

We stopped at the door, and I walked in after Greyson said bye to the guy and walked in to stretch.

The curtains were still open, letting in the light of the moon's light, illuminating the room.

The thick silence of the room made my quick and heavy breaths more apparent, Greyson's light footsteps becoming like the tick of the bomb within me.

I watched Greyson yawn and place his hands on hips as he turned around to face me with a big goofy grin.

Slowly walking from the door to stand in front of him, I stared him in his eyes, searching them with an exhausted sigh.

His smile faded into a confused doe eyed stare, and consequently, I couldn't make myself say something or look away to change the subject.

The tension in the room grew palpable as neither of us made a sound, gazing at each other for what seemed like hours.

Suddenly, he tilted his head to the right, shining his extremely mesmerizing eyes at me as if he were a sad puppy.

Staring at his lips, I lost it.

Forget it.

Grabbing him by his waist to pull him closer, I briefly watched as his eyes widened as I cupped his cheek to press my lips against his.

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