Prince Charming 5 {Riker Lync...

By R5Smile

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Tweleve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Fortyone
Chapter Fortytwo
Chapter Fortythree
Chapter Fortyfour
Chapter Fortyfive
Chapter Fortysix
Chapter Fortyseven
Chapter Fortyeight
Chapter Fortynine
Chapter Fifty
Prince Charming 6

Chapter Twentyone

49 3 0
By R5Smile


"can you just please say something ?" I asked sitting down next to Riker on the sand, he complains that we never talk about things but when you do try to he either doesn't talk or his sarcastic and an asshole.

"I'm no saint and I'm not afraid to admit it but baby you ain't no angel either, I hurt you I know that and I am so so fucking sorry but there was a very fine fucking line and you crossed it. The fact is I had to find out through our 12 year old son, why do I always find things out about you through every other fucking person but never you ?" He asked.

Okay when I said say something I meant like hi or fuck you not a whole fucking mouth full, if that was a text it would be like opening a book and putting on reading glasses.

"Because I don't want to hurt you-"

"I'm gonna smash this bottle over your head if you keep talking bullshit, Lea I need the truth-"

"Fine ! I don't tell you things because I am terrified that you'll go out and do something stupid, I know that you bottle so many things up that it's like a time bomb and I don't want to set it off, I would rather not have you but have you around then have you and you never be around ever again, I never know what's going to set you off, you can go months being totally fine and then I'm getting a phone call saying you're in the hospital, you're unstable, Riker it's like you get possessed your eyes physically change color, your emotions take over your body and your mind and you're no longer in control which makes you mad but that's just like fighting fire with fire it'll only get hotter." I whispered.

He sighed and shook his head "what are we doing ? We're going around in circles, things aren't going to change, let's just call it quits before things get even more fucked." He said walking away from me.

There's a saying that I used to have as my lock screen when I was dating Liam and it said maybe it won't work out but maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever. I still love him I think we just need to try getting over this, we fell in love as adults again maybe we can just fall right back into it.

"Riker wait, please." I said standing up, he sighed and stopped turning around as I walked up to him "what ? You've got a line of guys waiting to get in your pants-"

"But you're the only guy I want, I know sleeping with you and Scotty was stupid but when you broke down and cut your hand open, we were laughing and joking, not two minutes before you were asking me if I wanted to get a divorce, not 10 minutes later I was undressing you while you had a bloody hand and a concussion, when I kissed your hand and you traced my lips everything around me slowed down and for a long time I felt like there was nothing in the universe that could go wrong, the timing was a little off." I said making him laugh "you think ? And you weren't complaining."

"I know it's surprisingly weird how good you are even when you're hurt, can you have like bad sex just one time just so I know that it's physically possible for you to be human-"

"Our wedding night ?" He asked.

"That wasn't bad we just, I don't know it just felt like we were having sex because we were supposed to and not because we wanted too, like it was good it just wasn't our good, it was normal people good." I said.

"So we're not normal people ?" Riker asked shaking his head "you get excited if someone plays the pirates of the Caribbean theme, you can fall asleep standing up in the weirdest of places, you can sleep in positions that should really damage you, you did run down the stairs with a box on your head because I dared you to, you peed on Dad when he was sleeping-"

"I was 5 !"

"You used to water down ketchup and drink it !" I said making him nod, that's just disgusting, like that's pregnancy cravings weird but with the whole pregnancy thing you're not allowed to comment on it because we will kill you.

"Okay I'm not a robot, but what is normal people sex ?"

"I'm gonna say Sue and Lee, he didn't understand what eating out was so I'm assuming his, he probably barely knows how to do missionary, we have fun sex and break shit every one else is just boring." I said making him laugh as he stroked my cheek, sighing I closed my eyes and kissed his wrist "we make a deal, tomorrow we write down every secret we haven't told each other and try to see if we can get over this but if we can't, we call it quits and we don't ever look back on a romantic relationship." Riker said making me gasp "it's a fair deal."

"Ugh ! Fine, if you don't really think Grayson is yours then we get Harry to do a test." I said, Riker sighed and nodded pulling down on my bottom with his thumb as he leaned in and kissed me.

"Mom ! Dad ! Mommy ! Daddy !" Greg shouted running down the beach, tripping making me laugh as I hid into Riker's chest, I'm a bad parent I know but have you ever seen someone running in sand and just trip, it's the best thing ever.

"You're horrible." Riker whispered.

"You're smiling I can hear it in your voice." I laughed wiping my eyes as Greg ran up to us catching his breath "You two ain't gonna help me ?"

"She's laughing." Riker said groaning, I gasped and covered my mouth "oh I don't want to be you right now." Greg whispered.

"I was only meant to pretend to knee you, I'm sorry ?"

"Now I know why my count is going down, whoo ! Holy fuck I can feel it in my stomach, just give me a minute, why did you come running down the beach like that ?" Riker asked taking in deep breaths.

"Liam's coming to the wedding and his part of the grooms men, which means-"

"Kick me in the balls again." Riker said looking at me, I mean if his telling me to do it then I guess I don't feel so bad about it "you do know it's dangerous right ?" I asked making him nod "it'll take away the fact that I will be what less then two feet away from that guy."

"Don't ! I still want a baby sister." Greg said standing in the way "I was only going to tap him jeez, wait we're the parents here." I said looking him up and down.

Greg shrugged sticking his tongue out as Riker fell to the floor "You good ?" Greg asked.

"I just need to chill a bit." Riker laughed groaning.

"I really want to say I'm sorry and that I feel guilty but a part of me is really enjoying this, we can sort out the Liam thing later, let's go get you some ice." I said holding my hand out, he groaned and pulled himself up, wrapping his arm over my shoulder "I bet I can pick you up." Greg said.

"Who me ?" Riker asked making Greg nod, he is very light for someone his age, sometimes Greg feels heavier, Riker can easily sit on my lap for like an hour nearly two hours before I even start to feel a little bit of his weight.

"You can try it." Riker laughed.

"Someone's gonna end up crying." I said as Greg hugged him "she didn't mean literally." Riker said rubbing his back "I'm trying to pick you up, you heavy ass." Greg groaned falling on his butt.

"His like a massive monkey." I said as Riker laughed resting his head on mine "how can you pick him up ?" Greg asked.

"His not heavy, plus you were trying to lift someone who's a lot taller than you from above half way, to pick someone up who's as tall as he is at your height go slightly below half way so you don't hurt yourself, I've got him the perfect height you wanna try holding him ?" I asked.

"I'm not a baby." Riker said hitting my face, says the guy clinging onto me like a toddler, his right his not a baby his a toddler.

"Okay." Greg laughed.

"What is going on out here ?" Mom laughed.

"Greg's gonna try holding me." Riker said as Greg wrapped his arms around Riker's waist.

Mom shook her head and walked up to us "Greg pretend his Grayson, you know how hold Grayson, hold him like that."

"I'll keep most of his weight." I said as Riker moved from me to the Greg "Mom let go of him." Greg said.

"I'm not touching him see." I said holding my hands up, Greg laughed and put Riker down "I'm so confused, I couldn't move you two seconds ago."

"His a weight shifter, that's why he was in so many dances." Mom laughed, Greg looked at her and shrugged "I know what a weight lifter is I don't know what that is."

"It means I can make myself a lot lighter then I actually am, I can shift my weight, you wouldn't really be able to hold me." Riker laughed messing up his hair "come on let's go get me some ice."

Mom looked at me and smirked "You two kiss and make up ?"

"We're experimenting at the moment." I said making her nod "well of you could just keep the body experimenting out of it, that would be good."

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