
By 50shadesofblues

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Warlock and witches. A battle as old as time. In a sleepy town of Leaongatta, evil lurks in the strangest pla... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

128 7 1
By 50shadesofblues

Chapter 4

I called out, “I can hear you but where are you?”

“Down here!”

I looked down at the torn skin and shredded flesh and saw only blood and gore before me.

“Where?” I questioned weakly as reaction was starting to set in.

Then I saw it …the slightest ruffle of a blood drenched hair and around it came a miniature…woman?

I stared at the palm sized female wading through the pool of blood on the ground and bent over to pick her up.

“Ouch!” She called out angrily.

I shifted her onto my open palm, “Sorry, but you looked like you were about to drown in all that blood there. I’d have offered you a hand but…”  I fell silent then having realised that I had already done that she was to all intents and purpose perched on the palm of my hand.

“What are you?” I questioned in wonderment.

“I am a Matthews. Lisa Matthews. The third Matthews sister…,” she started to say before she fell to sobbing.

This was awkward. I didn’t do tears and from a half-foot long miniature… well, never before. I shifted uneasily.

“We need to get out of here,” I said turning to leave.

“Wait!” Lisa called out. “We can’t just leave here. I need to get back to size. I can’t go home like this.”

“How did this happen?”

“I told a lie. I was not a virgin,” she wailed out pitifully. Was this the effect of a backfired spell that the cult member incidentally released? It explained why my kills were so easy. The pelicans were not at full strength. They were short of the fifth purity.

I shook my head in bewilderment. This was a first for me.

“Father Jose’ will know what to do,” I said urgently needing her to stop her caterwauling. The tears dried up like magic and little… if I recollect correctly, eighteen year old Lisa turned up her tiny baby blues on me with such hope that had me shifting on my feet uncomfortably, again.

It felt odd carrying her on my palm so I shifted her onto my shoulders and told her to hang on. She caught hold of my shorn locks and held tight. Then I moved with my usual swiftness clearing the tear in the fabric of time and space to heal the fracture in earth that bled straight into hell. I drew on the pentagrams and ritual symbols and continuing with my chants I poured the elixir over the pelican stone ridding the world of its link into hell.

Then I walked out of the now ordinary looking but blood splattered little shack pausing only to mutter that one chant that blew it and everyone dead in it, all to smithereens. I had to head home first to wash off the muck I was covered in and to drop off a delicate baggage, one Lisa Matthews. I would need to get ready for school but I couldn’t be carting her off to school with me. The sooner Father Jose’ attended to this matter the better.

Buckling myself into my seat I put in a call to Father Jose’ then thrust the gear into drive and soon I was hurtling over the now even landscape only to careen wildly off the beaten path onto the highway as I raised my voice in ire and explicits to Father Jose’ obtuse comprehension of the problem I was now bringing to him.

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