Freaks and Geeks: Season 2

By GnomeDriveChippewaMI

12.4K 230 126


Freaks and Geeks: Season 2
Consequences Part 1 (S02E01)
Consequences: Part 2 (S02E02)

Bionic Bill (S02E03)

1.3K 41 45
By GnomeDriveChippewaMI

Bionic Bill S02E03


Bill lays on the ground, doing sit ups. He breathes heavily. He struggles to sit up.



He falls back on to the ground, tired and out of breath. He turns his head toward his TV set. An episode of The Facts of Life with Lisa Whelchel plays on the screen. He focuses on her.


                                                              You're on your way, Bill.



Cindy stands on stage with Gordon. Cindy wears a long medieval styled dress. Gordon wears a long brown priest robe.

Ms. Yevich stands off the stage and looks impatient.

                                                                          MS. YEVICH

                                                                Sam come on out! We need to get started.

Sam walks on stage in a very uncomfortable manner. He wears an oversized medieval costume. He pulls it up as he walks to center stage.

Cindy giggles at Sam.


                                                              Ms. Yevich, this costume is way too big.

Ms. Yevich shakes her head in disapproval. She reaches up to Sam and tugs and pulls at the costume to make it fit him as best as possible.

                                                                      MS. YEVICH


                                           I swear these kids just get smaller and smaller every year.

Ms. Yevich looks at Sam.

                                                                     MS. YEVICH

                   You're just going to have to make it work, Sam. We are on a very tight schedule.

Ms. Yevich lets go of the material she was holding. Sam's pants start to fall down. He grabs them as he looks panicked. He pulls the pants up so they don't fall down.

Cindy looks at Gordon and giggles.

Ms. Yevich walks away from the stage.

                                                                     MS. YEVICH

                                                                  Places people!

Gordon steps up stage. Cindy goes stage right. Sam struggles over to stage left.

                                                                    MS. YEVICH

                                                                     And Action!

A STUDENT comes into the classroom with a note. He taps Ms. Yevich on the shoulder. Ms. Yevich turns and the student hands the note to her.

                                                                   MS. YEVICH

                                                                  Cut! Hold on.

Ms. Yevich reads the note and turns toward the seats in which the rest of the CLASS is seated.

She looks at the students.

                                                                  MS. YEVICH

                                 Bill! Bill Haverchuck, Mr. Rosso would like to speak with you.

Bill looks at her and points to himself as he mouths the word, "me?". He stands up and walks over to her. She hands him the note.

Bill looks down at the note confused.

Ms. Yevich turns back towards the stage.

                                                                  MS. YEVICH

                                                           Now, where were we?


Bill stands at the door of Mr. Rosso's office. He holds his books and hesitantly knocks on the doorframe. 

Mr. Rosso sits behind his desk. He looks up at Bill.

Bill pushes up his glasses.


                                                     You wanted to see me, Mr. Rosso?

Mr. Rosso smiles and points to the chair in front of his desk.

                                                                    MR. ROSSO

                                                              Come have a seat, Bill.

Bill walks into the office and sits down in one of the two chairs.

Mr. Rosso looks at Bill happily. He folds his hands together.

                                                                   MR. ROSSO

                                                   I bet you want to know why you're here.

Bill stares at Mr. Rosso awkwardly.

                                                                     MR. ROSSO

                            Well Bill, we're starting a competitive robotics club here at McKinley

                                  and a little birdie told me that you were into building rockets.

Bill nods his head hesitantly.



                                                       Yeah. I mean, I do sometimes.

                                                                  MR. ROSSO

                                 Well then great! I want you to be the president of the club.

Bill looks at Mr. Rosso confused.


                                                               But, why me?

Mr. Rosso leans forward towards Bill.

                                                                  MR. ROSSO

                      We could really use a guy with your building and contructing background.


                                            But I only follow the directions on the box.

Mr. Rosso sits back in his chair.

                                                                     MR. ROSSO

                           Look, Bill. Sometimes in life we have to take the road less traveled.


          Mr. Rosso, what does traveling on a road have to do with being the president of the robotics club?

                                                                  MR. ROSSO

                     Would you have ever thought of becoming the president of a club before I asked you?

Bill sits back in his chair.



                                                           No, probably not.

                                                                MR. ROSSO

            And if you take this opportunity will you be traveling on the road you probably wouldn't have taken?

Bill shrugs.


                                                               Yeah, I guess so.

Mr. Rosso smiles.

                                                                MR. ROSSO

                                                               So you'll do it.

Bill looks hesitant. He nods.


                                                                 Uh, sure.

Bill gets out of the seat and begins to walk out of the office.

Mr. Rosso looks up from his desk.

                                                             MR. ROSSO

                                                             Oh and Bill!

Bill turns around and faces Mr. Rosso.

                                                                     MR. ROSSO

                                    There's a $100 grand prize at the final competition, so no pressure.

Mr. Rosso chuckles happily and looks back down at the paper work on his desk.

Bill becomes nervous.




Ken, Daniel, and Nick sit on the bleachers. Nick holds his drum sticks. He looks sad.


                                                  You know what you got to do, Nick?

Nick half looks up at Ken.




                                                          Forget! Just forget about it, man.

Daniel looks at Nick.


                                   You lost Lindsay, so what? You still have crazy Sara.

Daniel and Ken laugh.

Nick mockingly laughs back at them.


                            I just don't understand. I thought Lindsay and I had a great night the other night.

                                                                  Why is she trying to avoid me?

Lindsay and Kim walk out to the patio. They keep their distance from the rest of the group.

Lindsay sees Nick and turns her back to him. She looks at Kim.


                                                  You can go over there if you'd like.

Kim shakes her head.


                                    Na it's okay. Daniel and I are still not on good terms.

Lindsay nods.

Daniel points over towards Kim and Lindsay. He looks at Nick.


                                             Well if you really care about her, go talk to her.

Nick looks up.


                                                              Na I shouldn't.


                                                                  You should.

Daniel and Ken push Nick. Nick stumbles and stands up.

He stares over at the back of Lindsay.


                                                                 Just do it.

Daniel pushes the back of Nick.

Nick turns around and slaps Daniel's hand away.

Nick turns back toward Lindsay and starts walking up to her.

A STUDENT walks up to Lindsay and Kim. He talks to them.

Nick turns around and sits back on the bleachers.


                                                    Hey do either of you have a smoke?

Lindsay shakes her head.


                                                                    No, sorry.

The boy looks at Kim.


                                                                  Well, do you?


                                                          No, but I'm sure they do.

Kim points over at Daniel, Ken, and Nick.


                                                                  Alright, thanks.

The boy walks over to Daniel, Ken, and Nick.


                                              Hey Kim said you guys might have a smoke?

Daniel reaches into his pocket.

Nick looks at the back of Lindsay.


                                             She probably hates me because of Sara.

Lindsay looks at Kim.


                                                He probably hates me because of Sara.

Daniel grabs a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. He hands one to the boy.




                                   So? She's Lindsay. She's like the coolest chick I've ever met.

The boy looks at Nick.


                                               Wait, are you talking about Lindsay Weir?


                                                             Yeah. Lindsay Weir.

The boy laughs.


                         Man, I heard she's going out with this guy from University of Michigan.

Nick looks shocked.

Daniel and Ken try to hide laughing.


Harris, Gordon, and Eli sit inside. COACH FREDRICKS sits behind a desk.

Eli looks at Gordon and Harris. Eli is excited. Gordon and Harris look bored.


                    But then the guy turns out to be a real robot. And that's why I love robots.

Bill walks in. He looks around.

Coach Fredricks looks up at Bill.

                                                                COACH FREDRICKS

                                                     Bill. The man we've all been waiting for.

Harris, Gordon, and Eli look up at Bill.

                                                              HARRIS, GORDON, ELI

                                                                       Hi, Bill.

Bill waves at them.


                                                                  Hi, guys.


Sam and Neal stand at Sam's locker. They both look impatient.


                                           Where is Bill? He was supposed to meet us here.

Neal checks his watch.


       I don't know, but Welcome Back Kotter is gonna be on soon so he should really hurry up.

Sam becomes concerned.


                                                  Maybe we should go look for him.

Neal shrugs.


Nick stands in front of Daniel and Ken. They sit on the couch across from Nick.

Nick paces back and forth with one hand on his hip.


                                              She's going out with some guy already?

Daniel and Ken roll their eyes.


                                  I just thought we had some real thing, you know?


                                          Then stop complaining and just talk to her.

Nick stops. He looks at Ken and Daniel. He nods.


                 Yeah. Yeah maybe I should. I mean, I'm probably better than the other guy anyway, man.


Harris, Gordon, and Eli huddle around Bill. Bill screws on the last part of the robot. Gordon wipes Bill's forehead with a folded up rag.

Bill steps back from the robot.



Harris picks up the controller. He passes it to Gordon. Gordon passes it to Eli. Eli holds it out to Bill.

They are all very excited.


                                                     Now for the moment of truth.

Bill takes the controller from Eli.

He looks at the robot. He takes a deep breath. He is nervous.



                                                        Come on please work.

Bill flicks on the controller. He moves the joy stick.

The robot moves around, moving the arms up and down in a chopping motion.

Sam and Neal walk in.

Harris, Gordon, and Eli cheer and pat Bill on the back.

Bill turns to face them. He is very happy.

                                                                HARRIS, GORDON, ELI
                                                        Bionic Bill! Bionic Bill! Bionic Bill!

Sam looks at Neal.


                                                I didn't know Bill was in the robotics club.

Neal shakes his head.


                                                          Why didn't he tell us?

Bill turns towards them. He waves.


                                                                 Hey guys.


Neal, Sam, and Bill walk down the street.


                              So why didn't you tell us you were in the robotics club, Bill?

Bill shrugs.


                                        I don't know. I was just checking it out. I don't think I'll stay.

Neal looks at Bill.


                                                 Why not? You looked really happy.

Bill shakes his head.


                                                              I don't know.

Neal checks his watch.


                                          Well, looks like we missed Welcome Back Kotter.


                                                          It's that late already?

Bill shrugs.


                                     I guess that's another reason to not be in the club.


Lindsay sits on her bed. She does her homework.

Nick knocks on the window.

Lindsay looks up. She looks panicked. She motions for Nick to go away.

Nick waves Lindsay over.

Lindsay hesitantly walks up to the window and opens it.


                                                                 What, Nick?


                                 I heard you're going out with a guy from University of Michigan.

Lindsay looks confused.

Nick paces back and forth.


                                                                Nick, I--.


                     No, Lindsay just listen. I really like you, okay? And I just thought that the other night--


                                                          Nick, I'm not dating anyone.


                                                                 I just thought that--

Nick stops. He looks at Lindsay.


                                                                Wait, you're not?

Lindsay shakes her head.


                                                            No. Who told you I was?


                    I just heard-- anyway, it doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell you that I thought the

                                        other night was real and like it was special, you know?

Lindsay hesitantly smiles.


                                                        Yeah, but what about Sara?

Nick shakes his head. He looks at Lindsay.


                                           I don't want Sara. I want you, Lindsay.

Nick leans in and kisses Lindsay through the window.

                                                                                                                                DISSOLVE TO:

                                                                                                                               FADE OUT

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