A Royal Story


45.8K 1K 102

Ella Diana Porter, 21 years old young woman who's born in England but her parents moved to France, is soon go... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
You guys decide :)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
The Wedding Dress
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 9

1.2K 28 0

The day of the Grand Opening (Part 3)

My jaw dropped, I got it !

"Wha-?" I looked at the Prince in disbelief, Amal looked at me wide eyed just like she finally understood the secret of gravity.

"I knew it, that's why The Queen sent all those bodyguards and commended to close the park for the afternoon." Prince William said.

I couldn't believe it, I was with the Prince Harry this afternoon, he took me back to my hotel, I don't know what to think, gosh what the hell?!

"May I be excused?" I asked tears starting to form in my eyes, I see the Prince William making a way for me to  go out, "Your Highnesses." I say as I passed by with my head down, all I could think of is running and getting out of there, I mean, even I am not understanding the situation, I am not understanding what is happening what has gotten into me, I just left two of the most important people in the world and I am out in the street with a big gown and I don't know what to do.

Okay calm down Ella, keep calm, breath, it was just like friendly, it was a great moment, poor Harry maybe he doesn't have the opportunity of being normal with the life he has, why did I runaway, gosh dang it Ella put yourself together woman! i started to get back and make my way back to the Grand Opening. As I arrived there from afar I saw the Prince, Harry, he looked confused and lost, then he saw me and he looked relaxed.

"I am really sorry for my poor behavior, I shouldn't have run away, I acted stupidly and I'm sorry." I said looking down, I could feel his presence in front of me then he spoke up and his voice was so soothing I felt like I was back at the parc.

"No, I am sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you about my identity, I should have been honest, but I guess I was afraid, to have the superficial conversation I have for being a Prince, I wanted to be normal and somebody else, as soon as you talked to me you opened up even though I was a stranger, even though you didn't know me you made me feel so good. Gosh I never felt this important but at the same time normal." He said as he takes my hand in a gentleman way which made me look up at him.

"I am sorry, I'm kind of speechless I don't know what to say besides, I'm sorry for running away." I said smiling shyly.

"No worries it was my mistake, shall we enter in the main room again? And what about we start over? We keep the way we first met, not as Charles but as Harry?" he looks down at me smiling.

"I think this is all a good idea, but first I have a quick question your highness?" I said walking towards the main room.

"Yes go on, and please call me Harry." he said smiling.

"Charles? Like in " Henry Charles Albert David" I assume." I looked at him with a cheeky smile.

"That is correct, how do you know that?", I looked at him in a 'duh' way.

"I am a Royal fan, your Highness, I know everything there is to know as long as it came out in the public, now I don't know if this is true or not but at least I got your name right." I laughed.

"Uhhh so I have to be careful eh, you're a stalker of my family." he laughed.

"I mean, who isn't a stalker of your family? But I have to say that when you were younger I felt sad, I mean you're pressured by all those tabloids, the press and all, it wouldn't have been easy." I say a bit of sadness in my voice.

"It's okay I guess, I've been used to it for so long, but it's true sometimes you just want to be a Mister nobody, sometimes being who I am is hard, I love the people I love the work I get to do for them and everything but sometimes things aren't what they look like." he said, as I nod trying to understand what he meant.

"Well, I don't know how that feels, but I can only imagine." I said looking at him.

"Yeah, well, it's okay, never mind, now let's enjoy this evening shall we?" he said smiling.

"Yes of course." I smiled then I saw my parents with a concerned look on their faces coming towards me.

"Ella?-" my mom started.

"I'll explain later what happened mother, is it okay? Let's enjoy the evening shall we?" I said smiling.

"Mister and Miss Porter, can I ask your daughter to join me for this dance?" The Prince Harry asked. Amal looked at me and smiled cheekily as my mom looked pleased and my dad nodded smiling. Harry took my hand and led me to the center of the dance floor, everybody stopped dancing to let us dance, I could see Prince William smiling and watching us.

"Why is everybody staring?" I asked politely and discreetly while dancing.

"It's because you look lovely and probably because I'm a Prince and everybody knows me as the terrible Prince who wore the Nazi suit at a party, or even partied naked in Las Vegas, I was the stupidest but I grew out of it." he said sadly.

"Harry, I am no one to judge you by your past or the things you've done, what matters is the person you are today and the grown man you are." I told him squishing his hand tighter.

"I'm happy at least one person does, I mean William has always been protective of me and all and was always on my side so I'm glad to have him but today I found a new friend a true one, one who doesn't like me for being a Prince, but one who likes me for me!" he said smiling widely which caused me to smile too and burry my face in his torso for a couple of seconds.

"Crap! Shoot! Oh God Ella talk properly, I meant sorry, I probably shouldn't have done that." I said a bit embarrassed.

"No it's fine don't worry." he said smiling one last time before the song was over. After that we all ate, the dean made a speech we then danced some more but I didn't have the privilege to dance again with Pince Harry nor Prince William, at some point my shoes were killing me, my dress was getting heavier and heavier every second that passed by, and even though I don't drink I felt overwhelmed by everything that had happened tonight. It was 1 a.m., and it was definitely time for me to go to sleep and go back to the hotel.

"Mom I think the party is almost over, I feel a bit light headed can we go back to the hotel?" I asked her, my feet in pain because of those high heels, pretty but not confortable.

"Hunn, we must wait until the very end of the soiree, we cannot leave like that, and overall we cannot leave before their Royal Highnesses." she said rubbing my back.

"Okay then I'm going to seat until we go-" I was cut off by the Prince himself.

"If I have your permission I could take her to the hotel, me and William have separate cars and are going to leave in a few minutes, I could sneak her in my car and have her drive home." Harry said rather preoccupied with me and my wellbeing, which was hella cute.

"Your Highness we don't want Ella to be a burden for you." dad said.

"Yes it is fine, I can wait." I said fake smiling from the pain.

"Please it would be my pleasure." he said with pleading eyes, how can you say no to this cutie?! I turned to look at my mom then my dad, they agreed on me going with the Prince, as soon as they agreed Harry went to talk to William, they talked for a moment then William took the microphone and made a brief goodbye speech.

During William's speech a bodyguard came and led me inside Harry's car by the back of the building, so it wouldn't be obvious nor seen by anyone, then the car moved to the front door of the building and Prince Harry entered in the car waving to the cameras flashing, thank the Lord his back windows were smoked so nobody could see through it.

"Thank you for doing this for me, I mean I hope you won't be in trouble for that." I said touching the pearls on my dress.

"It is my pleasure really, I wanted to spend some alone time like the one we had in the parc you know?" he said smiling.

"I know I understand, but I'm so like impressed and intimidated by you haha I don't even know how to talk properly." I laughed.

"I understand but I'm just Harry okay? Please for you let me be just Harry." he said with pleading eyes and a soft smile.

"Okay just Harry, what to you want to talk about? Want to play 20 questions?" I asked laughing at how stupid it sounded.

"Yeah sure, me first! Who is your favorite character, it can be a real person ,or a fictional person somebody made up or a movie character." he asked all happy. I only had one person on my mind tho I hesitated telling him.

"Your Mother." I said sparkles in my eyes.

"My mother?" he asked.

"Yes, I know I didn't get the chance nor the privilege to know her, but as far as I can remember she has always been a model for me, a model of courage, love, passion, dedication, she gave so much, she was amazing, and that is the reason why I'm named 'Ella Diana Porter' in memory of your mom." I said smiling widely but a bit emotionally.

"Wow! I wasn't expecting this, take it from someone who got the chance to know her for 12 years, she was the greatest, her smile could light up the whole world, she had such a spirit such a mind such a heart, I want to find somebody like her, she was everything, she was my everything, and she still is." he said with emotion. We then continued talking all the ride, asking each other questions even the most silly ones. Unfortunately we arrived too fast at my hotel, and it was time to say goodbye.

"I would like to thank you for the amazing day I had and the magical evening I lived tonight. I really hope to see you soon Harry." I said looking at him before opening the door.

"No, thank you Ella, today was one of the greatest of my life, it was just amazing, and I definitely want to see you soon, I hope it won't be rude of me to ask you're number, is it?" he asked kind of shyly.

"No it's totally fine, here." I said giving my number to him, and smiling widely, DAMN ELLA YOU JUST GAVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO A PRINCE!!!!

We said our goodbyes, as a gentleman he took my hand and kissed it, as I was going out of the car I looked back and he looked sad, so I did the one thing I thought was the right thing to do, I ran to him smiled and kissed his cheek saying.

"Goodnight your Highness." I said now going away but not before looking at his face and the perfect smile he had on.

"Goodnight Ella." He said, I thought I saw a camera flashing when I was entering the hotel but I don't know and I don't care today was the greatest day ever.

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