Justifer. - Jen and Justin Th...

By jenniferaniston1969

7.7K 116 17

A Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux story. Jen meets Justin for the first time in 2008, on the set of Tropi... More

Chapter 1. -The one with the guy on the motorcycle.
Chapter 2. -The one where Jen hurts her knee.
Chapter 3. -The one with Pooma.
Chapter 4. -The one with the motel.
Chapter 5. -The one with the interruption.
Chapter 6. -The one with the secret.
Chapter 7. -The one where Paul figures it out.
Chapter 8. -The one where they tell Court.

Chapter 9. -The one where they almost you know...

1.1K 21 11
By jenniferaniston1969

Paul : Know what I want to do? I'm going to take off that robe and...

Paul yawns and lays down on the bed while his arms are wrapped around Jen.

Jen : It's okay. You're so tired. I know.
Paul : What do you say we break this place in the old fashioned way?

Jen and Paul yawns again, and closes their eyes, still lying on top of each other on the bed. Paul leans his head down and kisses Jen's lips.

Paul : Don't fall asleep.
Jen : Okay.
Paul : We can do this.
Jen : I'm not going to fall asleep.

Jen and Paul falls asleep on top of each other, their lips are still touching.

David (producer) : Cut!

Paul rolls away from Jen, stands up and reaches out his hand for her to grab.

David : Okay guys, that was terrific. We'll meet up here again, in 30 minutes.

He laughs, while Jen fixes her robe.

Jen : What? What is so funny?
Paul : You know, we've been kissing each other for years. Decades actually.
Jen : Yeah. Doesn't seem that long ago does it, huh?
Paul : I know right. Feels like yesterday when you were kissing my neck and I was gay.

Jen laughs and strokes Paul's arm friendly before she notices someone standing on the other side of the set.

Jen : Uhm there's Justin. Imma go talk to him.
Paul : Yeah, let's hope he's not too jealous.
Jen : Paul! He's fine.

Jen laughs and walks away from Paul, to Justin who's waiting for her. She hurries over to him, trying to not let anyone see her, even though there really isn't anyone around her.

A huge smiles appears on her face as soon as she sees his beautiful face. He opens his arms and holds her tight.

Jen : Hi baby.

He suddenly pushes her against the wall and kisses her. Demanding.

Jen quickly leans away as soon as she wakes up from a kiss that feels like heaven. A kiss that weakens her body, her mind, to the core.

Jen : Justin.
Justin : Mhm.
Jen : We can't do that. Not here. Not when other people are around. You shouldn't even be here in the first place, you're not in any of these scenes.
Justin : I'm in the movie.
Jen : Yeah, but you don't start shooting until monday.
Justin : Well I couldn't wait until monday. I needed to see you know.
Jen : I need to see you too, but...

Justin strokes her chin, while Jen's still standing against the wall, nervous.

Jen : But you can't kiss me here.
Justin : Paul got to kiss you.
Jen : Justin.

Jen rolls her eyes and sighs.

Jen : I love kissing you Justin. I love being with you, but we can't be together here.
Justin : So where can I kiss you then?
Jen : You can kiss me at home.
Justin : We're shooting this movie for the next 2 months.
Jen : I didn't mean home, home.
Justin : You didn't.
Jen : I mean, you know, in the trailers and stuff.
Justin : So I have to sit around and wait for you in the trailer all day?

Jen bites her lip, and smiles at him.

Jen : I guess you are. At least if you want to kiss me.
Justin : Well then, Jen. I want to kiss you now.

Jen takes his hand, and hurries out of the set to her trailer, with Justin not far behind her.

Jen : Hurry hurry.

She takes a scan of the area around them, and double checks it before she drags Justin inside of her trailer and locks the door.

Jen turns around to look at him. To look at the most handsome man she's ever seen, and knowing that he wants her just as bad as she wants him, makes her go wild.

Jen : Come here.

Jen grabs his t-shirt, pulls him closer to
herself, and before he gets a chance to say anything else, their lips meet.

Jen kisses him like she's been holding something back for a long time. Like she's been hiding something. Which she has. Knowing that this is their little secret can be exhausting but it can also be quite exciting.

Jen backs Justin up and pushes him down on the bed. He takes a grip around her waist and pulls her body down on himself, and they do it all without parting their mouths.

He starts to loosen the band around her robe, but Jen's hand quickly stops him.

Jen : What are you doing?
Justin : Well, I was trying to take off your robe, but then you stopped me.
Jen : But, uhm. You can't. Uhm, we haven't...

Justin let's go off her robe as he realizes what he was trying to to do.

Justin : Oh.
Jen : Mhm.

The both of them gets completely silent, as they're still laying on top of each other.

Justin : But, uhm...
Jen : I mean, uhm. We shouldn't, should we?
Justin : Well, I mean, uhm...

Jen looks at him more serious now, while the both of them are trying to figure out what they're going to do. What they want to do, but maybe shouldn't do.

Jen : Do you wanna?
Justin : Are you serious?
Jen : Yeah.
Justin : But weren't we, uhm. Weren't we going to wait until, uhm.
Jen : I don't think we ever really, uhm discussed that. Did we?
Justin : No, no I don't think we did.

Justin smiles at her, while he's thinking about how beautiful she actually is. She's perfect. Her eyes are perfect, her forehead is perfect, her lips are perfect, all of her imperfections, all of her insecurities. Everything is just perfect, it's perfect because it belongs to her.

Justin : You know, have anybody ever told you how cute your nose actually is?
Jen : Hm?
Justin : It's just like a little tulip.

Jen rolls her eyes, and laughs at him.

Justin : A tiny little tulip.
Jen : That was original.
Justin : What do you mean? Have you heard that somewhere else?
Jen : You're exhausting.

She smiles, as he pulls her closer, and wraps his arms around her. She relaxes her head on his chest, and lets his fingers run through her hair as he's listening to her breathing.

Jen : Maybe we should wait.
Justin : Mhm.
Jen : It would be kind of risky to do it right here, right now. Wouldn't it?
Justin : Probably.
Jen : Mhm.
Justin : But risky can be exciting sometimes, can't it?

Jen lifts her head up, and looks straight into the eyes of a man she craves so desperately. A man she wants to have, a man she needs to have, and who is to tell her that she can't have him. No one.

Jen leans her head in to kiss him, to kiss him gently. Her lips slowly meets his, and their mouths open right away, letting their tongues greet each other with soft moans coming from the both of them.

She climbs on top of him, to hold him down, and bends over to reach his mouth again. Justin's hands runs up her legs, her thighs, all the way up to her waist. Where the band of the robe is the only thing that's keeping her from revealing herself almost entirely naked.

Justin : Are you sure you're ready?
Jen : I've never been more ready for anything my entire life Justin. Take it off, take it off now.

He unties the robe slowly to make the moment last longer. It's a moment he never wants to forget, a moment he never will forget. Jen looks at him the entire time. She looks at him with eyes that are filled with so many expectations, with so many bad intentions, but so much love.

The band loosens, and the robe parts revealing Jen's body in nothing but underwear covering up her womanly parts.

Justin let's his hand stroke over her stomach, which causes a reaction he's not prepared for. Jen starts to laugh, and lays her hands on top his to stop him from touching her.

Justin : What?
Jen : It tickles.
Justin : Really?

Justin starts to tickle her again, which causes Jen to throw herself in his arms and laugh even harder than before. Hearing her laugh like that makes him fall even deeper in love with everything about her.

Jen : Justin!
Justin : Sorry, I just can't resist that adorable laugher.
Jen : Well, I might know something that'll take your mind of my laughter.

Justin looks into her eyes, and can tell by the slow movements of her hands that something amazing is about to happen. Jen takes off the robe and lets it slide entirely off her body, before she unhooks her bra and throws it at Justin.

Jen : Did this help?

Justin's unable to answer her, as she's sitting on top of him, with her breasts being completely uncovered now.

He looks at them, admiring. While he's thinking to himself that they're yet another thing he can put to his list of everything that's perfect about her.

Justin : That, uhm. It, you. Ehm. You're, yeah.

Jen smiles at him, before she takes his hand and does something that'll cause tears to appear in his eyes.

Tears of happiness, because he can't understand how he possibly can deserve her. How he's the one who gets to be the one she's calling her man, the one who gets to kiss her, the one who gets to hold her, and now the one who gets to make love to her.

She takes his hands and presses them against her breasts. Against her toned, warm, naked breasts. She looks at him the entire time, while he's unable to get any words out. But that is okay. She knows what it is that he's trying to say, she knows what it is that he feels. She knows because she feels the same way.

Jen : Mmm.

Jen moans and leans her head back, as he caresses her breasts. She keeps her hands on top of his, while she can feel herself needing him. She wants him now, she's ready for him now, and she can tell that he's starting to get ready for her too.

She can feel as bulge starting to appear under her, as she continues to moan. Jen takes one of her hands, lifts up his shirt, and starts to stroke the part of his body that perfectly forms a V. He's so fit, he's so strong, he's just everything she wants.

Justin feels himself weaken from her touch, as she goes lower, and lower, until she has reached the part of him she's ready to take.

Jen : You're so...

Justin grabs her arm and stops her from doing anything else, just to look her straight in the eyes.

She starts to breathe heavily, proving how badly she wants him. She can hardly wait. She's desperate. She can't wait.

She starts to unzip his pants right away, like something suddenly changed between them. Like the crave for each other grew even harder to resist.

Justin drags his pants off, throws them away, and kisses her, it's all done in a few seconds. The moment is filled with passion. Passion that neither of them has ever experienced before, passion they've had inside of them, that has just been waiting to get released. And now that it has, it feels like something that has exploded inside of them.

Justin takes a grip around Jen's waist, lifts her on top of his hips and carries her to the wall. He pushes her against the wall, while he's owning her with his mouth. Justin's ready to slip his hand down between her legs before he gets interrupted.

He gets interrupted by Jen. Who's pressed against the wall, looking at him with a nervous look in her eyes.

Jen : The clock.
Justin : What?
Jen : How much is the clock?
Justin : I don't know.

Justin keeps kissing and caressing her body until Jen pushes him away and walks over to her phone.

Jen : It's 12.56.

Justin turns around and looks at Jen who's standing with the phone in her hand, looking like she's just seen a ghost.

Justin : What?
Jen : The clock! The time is 12.56.
Justin : And?
Jen : I gotta go Justin.
Justin : You gotta go? Now? Why?
Jen : We start shooting now. In 4 minutes.

Jen throws her clothes on in a rush, while Justin's more confused than ever. He walks over to her to try to calm her down, as she's almost struggling to breathe while she's fixing her hair.

Justin : Jen. Jen! You gotta calm down.
Jen : No but I can't Justin. I can't be late.
Justin : So you'll be a few minutes late, you work too hard anyway. They'll be alright with it.

He strokes the inside of her thigh, and leans in to kiss her. She quickly stands up and looks at him, more serious than ever.

Jen : Justin. Stop. I really have to go.
Justin : But...
Jen : If I'm not on set at time, they'll start looking after me. And they know where my trailer is. Everybody knows. Paul, Kathryn, Malin. Everybody. And if they show up here, and if they knock on the door while we're having sex, on the bed. I just, I just can't let that happen Justin. And I wouldn't even have the time to hide you, you wouldn't like, fit under the bed. So I would be forced to tell them that you were here, and they would know. And it would be too late.

Justin takes Jen's hands and looks into her eyes, while he's trying to understand what she's trying to tell him.

Justin : Too late for what Jen?
Jen : Too late for, not letting them know.
Justin : Letting them know that you're sleeping with me? That we're two adults that are sleeping together?
Jen : Yes, or no. It isn't, uhm. That's not...
Justin : Then what is it then?
Jen : I just, I. It's. I'm afraid. I'm just so afraid Justin.

Jen suddenly wraps her arms around him, and empties her heart out  for him to finally understand.

He's holding her in his arms, as she has nothing but her bra and a pair of pants on. He strokes her hair, and waits for her to tell him, as soon as she's ready.

Justin : It's okay. Just breathe Jen. Breathe.
Jen : But it's not okay. This isn't fair to you. It's not fair at all. I feel like I'm being a bitch. Like I don't care, but I do care. I care so much Justin.
Justin : I know you do sweetie. I know.
Jen : I'm just afraid to let everybody know, about us.
Justin : But why? Why are you afraid of them knowing about us?
Jen : Because I think that it might lead to me losing you. Like I've lost everybody else that I've ever even slightly loved. And this is even scarier, cause you, uhm. You're just, I've never loved anybody the way I love you. What we have, I just can't risk losing that.

Justin places his hands on each side of her head, and looks at her with the most serious look she's ever seen on him.

Justin : Listen to me Jen. You will never lose me. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, you can ever do to make me give up on you. I will never leave you, no matter what happens. We'll always go through the good and the bad stuff together. Always.

A tear rolls down Jen's chin as she hears the words Justin's saying to her. Words that mean more than anything else she's heard in her entire life. Because she knows that they're all true. That they're all to rely on, he's to rely on.

Justin : I don't give a shit what anybody thinks of us. I don't give a shit about what the magazines are printing for their next big head line, what the juiciest rumor that's all over Hollywood is saying. I might get annoyed sometimes, and I might lose my temper, but that's just because I give a shit about you. What you're thinking. What you're feeling. How it is affecting you. That's always what matters the most to me.

Jen kisses him, with all that she's feeling right there, as they've just opened their heart up for each other. Something Jen thought she were incapable of doing ever again, she waited and waited but it never happened. Turns out she was just waiting for the right guy to come along.

Jen : What have I ever done to deserve you?
Justin : I ask myself that same question every single day.

She kisses him again, before he picks up her shirt and hands it over to her.

Justin : Off you go now.
Jen : But we, uhm, what...
Justin : It's okay, we'll do it some other time. And lots of times after that.
Jen : Okay.
Justin : We have all the time in the world, remember.
Jen : I know. I know that now.

Jen puts on her shirt, kisses him goodbye, and disappears out of the door. Leaving Justin to feel that they've grown closer than ever, and leaving Jen to feel exactly the same way.

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