Tracked [Dirk Gently x Reader]

By theduskbrawler

5.1K 113 37

You are Project Ichnaea, also known as the 'holistic' Tracker. Supervisor Hugo and Mr.Priest want you to find... More

Chapter One
Part two: Don't take the shot
Part three: Trapped in a cage
Part four: Found you
Part six: An odd place
Part 7: To live or die
Part 8: See you soon
Part 9: Unfortunately so
Part 10: Memories (END)

Part five: Gone?

517 11 2
By theduskbrawler

Warning!: This story contains spoilers for season 2 of Dirk Gently. I suggest that you watch it before reading this story or you won't understand what I'm getting at!

Dirk decided to explore the Cardenas house with you, checking the different rooms. The most interesting room was the one that you had found Panto in. Dirk was off exploring some other part of the house so you walked in and sat on the now open bed. You quickly grabbed your radio and smashed it to pieces making it so that Blackwing could only trace you to the house. After a few minutes of sitting on the bed you heard Dirk yell loudly for you but as you tried to jump up the bed swung into its original position in the wall, taking you with it. It was dark for the next few minutes until you were pulled out of the water by the one and only Amanda Brotzman.

Hugo's POV _______________________

"What the hell do you mean she just disappeared off of your radar?" He yelled at Priest through the intercom. All of this was so confusing and annoying while he just wanted to lay down and have a good rest. "Her tracer was broken and we believe that it came from somewhere around Bergsberg but we can't be sure." Priest stated and Hugo slowly shifted his hand up to his face in impatience. "Just try to find her. She is important." Hugo said before turning he comm off and putting his jacket on. "Supervisor Friedkin! The Project Incubus are no longer in their holding cell" Yelled Lt. Assistent and Hugo began walking toward the Project Incubus chamber. 'How could this day get any worse?'

Todd's POV

"What do you mean she just disappeared?" Todd yelled and everyone shrugged looking at Dirk. It had been a long day trying to rescue Dirk from the house inside a house. Todd was still shaken up from the experience of visioning his sister in the wooden cage. "Well I don't know Todd. Maybe she just disappeared." Dirk said while rolling his eyes and shrugging. "Maybe she went to Wendimoor." Panto concluded and everyone else agreed. "Well at least we can say that she has gone somewhere."

((A/N) Sorry for the extra short chapter! I'm working on a bigger 3000 word one so hang tight my readers! Don't forget to tell Hulu to make a Season 3!!!!! See you soon)

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