Tracked [Dirk Gently x Reader]

By theduskbrawler

5.1K 113 37

You are Project Ichnaea, also known as the 'holistic' Tracker. Supervisor Hugo and Mr.Priest want you to find... More

Chapter One
Part two: Don't take the shot
Part three: Trapped in a cage
Part five: Gone?
Part six: An odd place
Part 7: To live or die
Part 8: See you soon
Part 9: Unfortunately so
Part 10: Memories (END)

Part four: Found you

551 13 0
By theduskbrawler

Warning!: This story contains spoilers for season 2 of Dirk Gently. I suggest tha you watch it before reading this story or you won't understand what I'm getting at!

It had been a few hours since you had last seen Dirk outside of your cell. You longed to get something to eat and the thought of food made your mouth water. Suddenly one of the police walked up to the cell that you and Bart were staying in with a key. He seemed to be wary of you both, giving a few glares toward Bart before he unlocked the cage and gently pulled you out. "We are going to need your help with something." He said and you just began analyzing ways to get out of the place. Dirk, another male and the two other females who had brought you here stood next to the wall. The man pushing you motioned to a chair, seemingly to tell you to sit down. After you had settled into the uncomfortable chair, Dirk and his trio cautiously moved forward. "My name is Hobbs and I wanted to ask you a few questions. Is that ok?" He asked and you nodded, giving him an unintentional, bone chilling glare. "What is this?" He asked as he grabbed your radio off of a table. It was no surprise that he didn't know it was as you had modified your radio to look like a sort of gun, just to confuse people. "It's a gun." You said, lying as best as you could. Blackwing could not be given away to these people, they would ruin it all. It seemed to be just your luck at that moment because Dirk stepped forward. "That is not a gun, she is lying! Don't trust her because, as a matter of fact, she is working closely with Blackwing." You turned around slowly and stared at him. 'Way to go buddy, now I'm busted.' You think as Hobbs gives you an odd but funny look. "What is it really?" He asked again and you gave him a small chuckle. What he didn't know was that you had actually built a gun into the radio, making it even more ligit than anyone or anything else in Blackwing. "It his a gun. I will show you if you give it to me." You say calmly and he hesitates before slowly handing you a radio and pointing to the wall. "Shoot it at that wall over there." He says as you gently grab the gun and point it. A loud bang was heard as you pulled the hidden trigger and everyone jerked backwards. A hole sat dab in the middle of a column and the group stared at it. While they were distracted you pressed a small button on the gun and it sends out a signal that only you could see. Happy with the fact that Blackwing new you were in trouble you set the gun down and lay back into the chair. "What is your name? You seem familiar." Dirk says while cautiously approaching you. "My name is (Y/N) Tracker, Project Tracker. One of your old friends at Blackwing." You say and he nods slowly. Everyone seems to be getting comfortable so you jumped up quickly and grabbed Dirk by the arm, dragging him out the door. You would be able to lead him to the house before Blackwing found him. He screamed and you stopped running not to far away from the Cardenas house. "What are you doing?" He asked with the most betrayed voice and you turned around. "I found you because Blackwing told me to. They want you to go back but that is not my purpose. My purpose is to be your friend." You say and give him a hug. "I found you."

((A/N) So sorry for the late upload. I'm an extremely lazy person! Next chapter will be out soon I hope!)

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