By Purplespy888

1.5K 44 22

(Y/n) is simply trying to find the best out of life after a rough upcoming when one day she's has a near deat... More

The experience
Mr. Wright is always right.
home sweet discomfort
Live for once
Back to limbo

From hell and out

119 4 0
By Purplespy888

I could hear screaming going on across the house. The sun rose high above the houses, beaming its damned light into my face, when I woke up. 'Jesus Christ my back...' I thought as I stretched awkwardly, still in my outfit. I could hear footsteps running toward my room, before the door banged open. She was breathing heavily, her hair was tangled up in a bun like s bird's nest and she was still in her night gown. . "You little bitch! You snuck out last night!" She yelled, her eye biting with anger and fists shaking. "Yeah what about it cunt?" My voice rose, now sobering up and wide awake. "You fucking whore! Is that the response I deserve for dealing with your ass, this past decade?!" She screamed, her skinny, boney legs pushed her closer to me, as she yanked at the collar of my shirt, pulling me face to face with the banshee. "You are going to suffer major consequences! I don't mean I'm going to just take away your electronics, ___!" Her face was best red, when she lifted her free hand up and slapped me across the face. I was stunned for a brief moment before she continued. "I'm gong to treat you like the bitch you are!" Quickly I scrambled up, off the bed. 'I'm running away from this hell hole!' I thought as I was only inches away from the doorway, but it was too late. She had grabbed a belt that what at my bedside and lassoed it around my neck, pulling me closer and closer to my certain doom. I struggled trying to slide a finger between the belt and my neck, but the belt tightened itself around my neck. I wanted to get a breathe of air but when I tried to breath it only made me want to cough. Soon the leather belt was tangled so tightly that my air passage closed. I felt her arm wrap itself around me. I scratched and pulled at her arm to no avail. I think tears where falling down my face when I started to feel dizzy. My ears burned and felt like they where going to pop out at any second when I felt my legs give out. I could feel my finger tips tingling and neck burning from chaffing she I finally passed out.

Mary, Mrs. __ servant, watched as the scene went down. She was shaking and held her breath as she watched the young girl fall down. She watched as Mrs.__ dropped to her knees in exhaustion as she let her grip on the belt go. Her hand was bright red and almost bleeding as she took deep breaths in. Mrs.__ breathed heavily as she looked down at the scene. ___ neck was definitely be bruised as she laid there limp, her face nearly blue and thin lines of blood running down her neck. A few moments passed of Mrs. __ breathed heavily before she turned her head around and spoke coldly. "Put her in the attic..." Mary wanted to call 911, but didn't because she didn't want to risk loosing the one job that paid her enough money to pay for her child's medical care. "And don't feed her or speak to her. I want you to tire her against one of the railing up there with this rope of her's." Mrs.__ spoke as Mary rushed to drag her arms. She began pulling her when Mrs.___ spoke again. "If you dare call 911 I'll make sure you ass is kicked out of the country.." She said as her cold black eyes met with Mary's. "Y-yes m'am." She cautiously walks toward the corpse like body on the floor and grabbed ___'s upper arms and pulled her to the end of the hall where the attic stairs we're. She dropped ___'s arms to catch her breath for a few moments before continuing the process. This time however she grabbed her by the waist hurrying the process. Soon she had her tied up in the cold, forget dusty attic. Mary quickly tied ___'s hair up because she pitied the poor child. At least she wouldn't have to deal with hair in her face during this cold weather.. "MARY! What is taking you so long!?" Mary flinched at the call of her name before she took one last look at the girl and leaving.
Hours passed and __ has awaken a few times. Each time she had awoken up she'd struggle to stay conscious enough to understand her settings or what had happened to lead to this. Black dots danced around in her vision a bit until she could finally stay awake long enough. She looked around the cold attic. The only light that came into the room came was from a small trapezoid window,far beyond her reach. Around the room were storage cardboard boxes, some labeled baby clothes and others labeled Christmas decorations. Beside her however was an okd porcelain doll which laid facedown, pieces of white porcelain surrounding it, hinting it's face was long broken. Judging by the sun's angle in the sky it was the afternoon. ___ tried to talk a few times but each time her voice would croak, or hurt. Not only did her voice hurt but her neck her, it burned and ached, she could feel little cuts when she moved her head around. The strangling did damage her vocal cords, making it incredibly hard to scream for help. He legs began to ache and grow sore from its lack of movement. Her ass even eventually began hurting too, from sitting all day. So instead she waited up stairs for many hours for something or someone to come but no one came. The next morning came. And she didn't even bother trying to move, her back burned every time she moved it from sitting all day. Her stomach began growling the night before she had gotten punished because she hadn't taken a bite out of the meat loaf. 'Why, god? Out of the many houses in all the world. Out of the many bodies in the world. Out of all the people in the world. Why? Why did I have to be born into this family?' I thought as I miserably stared through the small window. The sun soon began setting. The light blue sky changing from a light hue to a dark blue and eventually black. The attic was dark again. I could hear squirrels running around the attic and scampering. I was so fucking thirsty. I hadn't dranken anything and I was shivering. My mouth was so dry it felt like sand and my lips were so chapped and dry. She really is treating me like an animal. Eventually, I somehow managed to fall asleep during my intense shivering. I dreamt of nothing. It must've been extremely early in the morning when I was a woken. I could hear the locks fumbling behind the door before it creaked open. The warm, air coming from the hall. There in the light I could see a familiar silhouette. It was Grandma. She walked lever to be and whispered. "Are you going to be good now??" I couldn't answer because my throat was so sore and dry but I nodded my dead. "Answer me."
She lifted her hand up, striking me with all her might. She had slapped me so hard that I felt my head bang against the wooden post behind me and my neck pop. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, not because of the emotional abuse this women was capable of, but because of how fucking much my face burned. "Mary! Untie her now and get her stuff ready. I don't want to see a single thing of hers left in her room." Grandma shouted to the smaller women. Mary walked closer to me welding a butcher knife. "Don't move or I might hit you." She mumbled. "You better make sure all of your shit is packed up__ and get ready for school." Grandma uttered. I nervously sat there, waiting for in anticipation for her to cut me loose. I hurt the wind behind me break before I felt the rope around my torso and arms loosen. I tried getting up but fell, my legs were sore and numb from not using them the past few days. Mary grabbed me by my upper torso and began dragging me to the bathroom. "I left you food on the counter of the bathroom because you Grandmother asked that I make sure you don't eat." She stated as she sat me down on the toilet lid and handed me a plate that had eggs on it. I quickly ate, cherishing the warm yolk and bit at the buttery toast. "Give me your plate." I gave her my plate before she left and I stripped down before jumping into the warm welcoming shower. The hot water glided down my shoulder and into the drain. I quickly got dressed into my school uniform before going into my bedroom to grab my stuff. All my clothes that I had bought back from the school were neatly folded into the backpack. Beside the bag was my phone, fully charged with my headphones connect in. I made my way down the stairs and looked longingly at the front door. As Mary held the door open I hear my grandmother speak again. "If I find you failed a single class this semester I will make sure if it you go back into child protective services..." she replied coldly. I nodded my head with a 'yes ma'am.' And I left. The car drive was eerily long. 

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