Won't You Stay? {COMPLETED}

By Chaotic_Energy_420

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Ticci Toby x Reader I do not own most of these characters. Hoodie and Masky (Brian and Tim) belong to Marble... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Four

123 2 29
By Chaotic_Energy_420

First Person P.O.V.

It's been a week since I've seen that boy, Toby. A week and everything has been seemingly normal. It sucks.

I was now sitting on the couch in my living room, questioning my existence. So, the norm.

While I was doing my own thing, someone knocks on my door. I stand to answer it when I hear someone unlock it and in comes Zoe and Lea.

"How did you-" I began to question until Lea holds up a hairpin and grins.

"Lockpicking one hundred!" Zoe shouts out before Lea can say anything. "Now, we're going to the mall whether you like it or not! Let's go!"

Zoe runs to me and grabs my arm. When I don't budge, she lifts me and tosses me over her shoulder.

"Zoe! What the fukk?!" I shout as Zoe jogs out of my apartment and Lea closes the door. Zoe chooses to ignore me as she carries me out.

Once we're a block from my apartment, she puts me down and I give her a glare that would kill if it could. If only it could...

Zoe just chuckles as Lea sighs and shakes her head. Lea then looks to me a smiles.

"So, anymore break in problems?" Lea questions as she pushes her glasses back into place. They ended up sliding back down her nose again.

"Nope. Not since last week." I hum in response as I look to a grinning Zoe. That worries me.

"I still think that Toby guy was genuinely trying to help. You should give him a chance." She says as she nods, making it seem like it was simply fact.

Lea shakes her head, giving Zoe a glare and pushing her glasses up once more. When she does this, they seem to glow. Is this an anime now?

"That's not a very wise idea. From the way you describe him, he seems shady. Plus, he doesn't sound like your type and you barely know him." She hums with that I-Know-Exactly-What-I'm-Saying tone.

I can't help but let out a long sigh as Zoe and Lea begin to bicker and argue over what I should do. Honestly, I don't plan on doing anything. Let fate decide or whatever. (In this case, I am fate. >:3)

Before I even know it, we reach the mall and I begin to be dragged pretty much everywhere by my two loving friends.

I finally get Zoe distracted by something shiny and Lea distracted by something unlogical. This gave me the chance to make my grand escape.

I wasn't going to outright abandon them, though. Plus, I was here at the mall, so why not check something out that I like while I'm at it?

I make my way to Hot Topic and enter the store. Looking over the T-shirts, I finally found the perfect (insert favorite anime here) shirt.

I grin as I scoop up the shirt and check the price tag. I'm pretty sure I have enough for this. Maybe. Probably not. But I'm still going to try.

I take the shirt and walk up to the cashier. I begin talking to him and, with just my luck, we began arguing. He wouldn't let me buy the shirt for whatever reason. I was only missing one damn penny. Asshole.

While bickering, I didn't notice a guy walk up behind me. Finally, I notice someone awkwardly close and I look up to see- Toby? How come I didn't notice how tall he was before?

Toby smiles down at me, I think, and then looks to the cashier. His maybe smile vanishes as he gives the cashier a glare.

He then slowly places a penny down and slides it to the cashier, his maybe grin rerurning. It was a little hard to tell with his mouth gaurd covering his mouth.

I quickly take my now paid for shirt and exit the mall, nodding a thanks to Toby as I go. What are the chances of another encounter?

I begin walking to where I left Lea and Zoe when I hear yelling and arguing. One of the voices was definitely Zoe, but the other was the voice of a woman I've never heard before.

Running over, I see Zoe fighting some girl over a pair of shiny black heels. Between them was a little girl in a pink hoodie trying to keep them apart. Damn it, Zoe.

First Person P.O.V.

It's been a week since I've seen that girl, (Y/N). A week and Jane hasn't left me alone. It sucks. (Woah, déjà vu-)

I was now sitting on the couch in the living room, questioning my existence. (More déjà vu) So, the usual.

While I was zoning out, BEN slowly reached his finger up to poke my cheek. Once he does so, I immediately click back to reality and look at him.

"What? What do you want?" I ask him as he slowly points next to me. Okay then.

I turn to look on the other side of me to see Jane in my face, grinning widely as she holds a mask in her hands.

Not expecting to see her there, I practically fall off the couch. Why is everyone suddenly so close to me???

She laughs once I fall off the couch and puts her mask on. She then stands and holds a hand out to me, helping me up.

"Come on, we're gonna go shopping!~" Jane hums as she starts dragging me out of the mansion.

"Wait, what-" I was cut off by Sally running at us and tripping over a rock with an "oof".

"Sally, if you're coming, you better have your hoodie." Jane says as she looks to the little Sally.

Sally hops up and flails her little pink hoodie in the air, showing she brought it. Jane only nods and continues to drag me as Sally pulls the hoodie on.

After that, the walk through the woods was mainly me trying to question them and them hushing me.

Before long, I'm being dragged around a large mall full of people that I'd much rather not be around at the moment. Or ever.

Sally and Jane kept trying to get me to try some things on, or at least look at what they think I'd look good in.

Soon enough, they both get distracted by something shiny and sparkly. I choose this time to escape from them.

Once I successfully get away, I begin to explore and look around. Then, two people catch my eye. One in a rainbow hoodie, and another in a purple and blue striped jumpsuit with a hat to match.

I quickly get close enough to listen in on them, they seemed interesting enough. Once close enough for my liking, I listen in carefully.

"Cicero, for the last time, that's not what we're here for." The one in rainbow says with a huff.

"But, I wanna do more than just help some plot move along. Why not a side story, Kat? Jester and Ranbow Girl save world from Evil Squirrels!" The one in stripes says as he waves a hand through the air.

Before the one in rainbow can continue, her eyes lock with mine. She stares for a bit before walking over. Shit.

She smiles as she stops in front of me. I just nod at her as she points to a store nearby.

"Over there. Hot Topic. I'm sure that place will have some things that could greatly catch your interest!" She chirps in excitement.

I nod slowly and walk to the store. I look back to see that the girl in rainbow and the guy in stripes were completely gone. The only thing that was there was a duffel bag. Weird.

I walk into the store and immediately notice (Y/N) arguing with the cashier. It seemed like they were arguing over a penny. Now, this is weirder.

I walk over and behind (Y/N), watching her argue with the cashier. When she looks up at me, I smile down at her. She's shorter than I remember.

I look back at the cashier and glare at him, slowly taking a penny from my pocket. I then grin as I slide it over to him.

Once the cashier takes the penny, (Y/N) scoops up the shirt she was buying and rushes out of the store. Though, before she leaves, she nods to me.

I wait a bit after she leaves, looking around the store, before I choose to walk out and head to where I left Sally and Jane.

As I'm walking, I hear the sound of arguing. The voices were both female, one of them obviously being Jane.

Running down, I find Jane arguing with some girl over some shiny black shoes. Standing between Jane and the girl was Sally, trying to break up the fight. Damn it Jane.


Another chapter written out. Yay! Pine, if you're reading this, stop being dead. Thank.
-Chaotic Kat

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