Supernatural Preferences and...

By Crazy__Fangirl_

359K 9.6K 1.5K

All in the title Currently doing: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel and Crowley More

His Nickname for You-
How You Sleep-
Your favorite clothing of his you like to wear-
His name in your phone-
Your name in his phone-
Your Favorite Movie to watch together-
When your cold-
His Birthday Gift to You-
His thoughts when he first saw you-
From Me to You
His thoughts when he reads your letter
Pets Name-
He loves it when-
He messes with your phone-
Imagine Dean
Your Daughters Name
Horror movie you watch together-
So I'm Continuing This?
Supernatural Being You Are-
Your Son's Name-
Cute Moments
Imagine Castiel
Imagine Dean
Imagine Castiel

The TV show you make him watch with you-

16.5K 487 112
By Crazy__Fangirl_

"Oh my god!" You yelled, jumping up from your spot on the couch. 

"What's wrong! Are you hurt?" He yelled, his eyes darting around the room. 

"Why would you think that?" You laughed, "But, Baby Daddy season three is now on Netflix! Babe, lets binge!"

You threw your arms around him and attempted to drag him to the couch. "Babe, I'll pass. I'd rather-" You cut him off by glaring and crossing your arms, you even made your face pout to help add to the effect. 

"No, no, no. Dean, please! I do stuff for you all the time, can't you help your girl out?" You shrugged your shoulders and fell back onto the couch, pulling a blanket over your legs. 

"No." He resisted. 

"Fine. I'll just lay here..alone...watching the ever so cold room...the only company I'll have is myself-" You dragged on, sighing dramatically. 

"Oh would you stop it? I'll do it, alright?" You bolted upward and grinned. "But only 'cause your my cute girlfriend." 

Sam- "Sam?" You called from then couch, flicking through Netflix shows. 

 "What's up?" He asked as he walked out of the bathroom, of course he was shirtless. 

"So, you know I love you right?" You grinned, clearly up to something. 

"You sound like Dean," He laughed, pushing a shirt over his head and covering his abs. Sadly.  

"I'll take that as a compliment, but anyway, I was wondering if you would be a doll and watch Grey's Anatomy with me?" 

"Oh hell no, I'm not watching some-" He started, rolling his eyes. 

"Come here so we can cuddle and watch Grey's Anatomy, dammit!  I swear to god, Sam, I will not hesitate to cut your hair off in your sleep." 

His face dropped, "You-Y/n-you...period and on it?" His sentence jumbled together and barely made sense but you smiled and flew your arms open. 

"Maybe baby, now c'mere, let's cuddle!" 

"Cas," You yelled from the couch, you had your m&m's in one hand and remote in the other. A fuzzy blanket covered your bottom half and you searched Netflix for Pretty Little Liars. Man, you loved that show. You heard a flutter of wings but you didn't bother turning around. 

"You called my name?" Castiel said, his voice rough yet calming.

 "Do you wanna watch a show with me?" You asked, glancing over the couch to see him glaring at the TV. 

"Pretty little liars? I have not heard of that show before. Do you like it?" You pulled back some of you blanket so he could come sit next to you. 

"Yep, it's great. Filled with drama and plot twists but it pulls you in." You explained, popping a few m&m's in your mouth.

He made his way over to the couch and you picked up your legs to give him room to sit. Once he was seated you didn't hesitate to rest your legs on his lap and cover your legs back up with the blanket. 

"Well, anything you want to watch, I will watch too."

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