World Death Match

By Daddy_Bean

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Rose is a 12 year old girl living on Poveglia Island. Her and other people are chosen each year to compete in... More



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By Daddy_Bean

Nothing really happened for a month. I got a pregnancy test. I'm pregnant. Again. Macaroon opened the door. Brittany is at the door. Wonder what she wants. "Hello soon to be father". Oh no, she knows. Damn power of hers. "Wait what". "I don't know. Ask your slutty girlfriend of yours". "She's not a slut. She's an amazing person and I trust her with everything. I don't care if she's pregnant. That's gives me another reason to love her. Because we have something to bring us together me. Stop trying to make me love you because I never will". Mac slammed the door in Brittany's face. "Rose". I walked down the stairs. "Is what Brittany told me true" I nodded. Mac hugged me as if I was dying. "I am actually happy to have a child with you. We would make great parents. And hey. We have people to help us. But for now unless it's really noticeable". "Yea". I don't feel well. I ran to the bathroom and vomited. "I think it's the sickness". "Aloe from cabin 43. Please report to meeting hall immediately. Bring no one". "Alright guys. I got to go. Please don't hurt yourselves. I should be back a little while". Aloe left. The boy from Vietnam was at the door. "Your brother is in danger". The boy showed us a card with Aloe getting hurt. "Guys. I'll be right back". "You are not going alone". Mac ran up to me. "I have to. I'm sorry". "I'll be waiting outside". "Okay". "Mac. If you go. She dies". "What would happen if I stay here". "Her and possibly Aloe lives". "Please be careful". Mac kissed me. Vietnam showed me a few cards. Predicting stuff that happened. The party. Me running off. Brittany coming to our door. Even me getting pregnant. "Do you think you can show me the cards showing me how I can save Aloe". He gave me some cards. I nodded. "Thank you so much". I got to the place. "Good luck Rose". I got into the meeting center. I looked at the first card. "Hello I am her for a meeting". "Name". "Lovesita". "Room to the left". The card changed. Room 126. I got to the room and I can here them talking about the secrets my parents had before they died. "I can't say it. It's a family sin". Break in when you here a door close. I heard a door closing. I got in and Aloe was gone. Hide. Now. Best place is the cabinets. I hid in a cabinet. "He's not saying anything". "Then we are getting the tools". Go in now. If they catch you shoot them. If you threaten then they will kill you. Do not kill the blonde girl. You will know it's her. I got into the room and I saw Aloe beaten. "Rose. What are you doing leave". "Aloe I got cards. They have been working so far. They tell me the future. Enough talk". I got my bow and arrow then shot the shackles. Hide. I hid somewhere. I got my bow and arrow out again. They started beating him. "What is the secret of your parents. What were they hiding". "I don't know. Please I swear". Shoot them. NOW. I shot everybody there. Killing them. Except for the female the card said not to kill. "What the hell". The blonde lady was confused. "Wait. Why are you here". "I am a prisoner. I was a shameful child from the Carribean. I was an offer for peace so they can take over the ship. They sunk our ship and I was the only one survivor. They were going to make me sleep with this man". The blonde lady pointed at Aloe. She's telling the truth. Get her, you, and Aloe out of here. Escape through the back. The card had a map. "Guys follow me". I lead the two out successfully. "You guys are basically committing a crime". Even though she was telling the truth she's still bad. Keep an eye on her. Keep her at the tree fort. "Don't worry. We have a place to hide you". "Okay". We got her to the tree fort. "Thank you". Find a way to keep her in in the fort. She's evil. Her power is unknown. "I knew someone was using the cards". The blonde lady took off her round glasses revealing red eyes. "I guess it told you I was telling you the truth. Which is true. Who's cards are they"? "Im not telling you". "Um. Excuse me? Why"? "Because they are not mine and I know you are going to do something". "Alright. Let it be that way". She jumped from the tree and disappeared. "What the hell". Aloe started freaking out. "Hey there you guys are". I looked down to see it was Vietnam. "I need my cards back now". "Someone is after the cards". "No one will take them". "Alright". I got down and gave the cards to Veitnam. No shock crazy blonde took them. "So they were yours". "Give them back". "Go ahead. Try and touch me. I will beat you and rip your cards". Vietnam pissed the crazy lady. I pulled out my bow and arrow and shot her arm. "Ahhh fuck". She ripped the cards. Vietnam started glitching and slowly disappear. "Rose why". That was the last word of veitnam. "I needed to get rid of the cards. He was going to kill everyone except you". "Why wasn't he going to kill me and how do you know". "They put that weird needle in my arm and I got this phone. It predicts the future and today after he got the cards back he was going to kill everyone. It says he killed one person. It's not telling me who he killed. I swear I'm not insane". "Damn". "Well I gotta go. By the way. My name is Alyssa". Alyssa left. We got back the place and everyone is hurt. "Oh my god". "What happened". "Vietnam. He killed Film".

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