Cold. [2]


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❝maybe choosing you two years ago was a mistake...❞ ©Y00NGIVERSE 2018-2023 More

[ D i s c l a i m e r ]
P r o l o g u e
O n e
T w o
T h r e e
F o u r
S i x
S e v e n
E i g h t
N i n e
T e n
E l e v e n
T w e l v e
T h i r t e e n
F o u r t e e n
F i f t e e n
S i x t e e n
S e v e n t e e n
E i g h t e e n
N i n e t e e n
T w e n t y
T w e n t y O n e
T w e n t y T w o
T w e n t y T h r e e
T w e n t y F o u r
T w e n t y F i v e
T w e n t y S i x
T w e n t y S e v e n 💦
T w e n t y E i g h t
T w e n t y N i n e
T h i r t y

F i v e

94 10 6

That same day
7:55 p.m.
Kimmi's and Y/N's apartment

Eating lunch with the guys was fun.

Well, not the whole Yoongi thing.

Once you two arrived home, you threw your stuff on the couch and ran to your room and closed the door behind you.

You plopped onto your bed and cried your eyes out.

The sad thing about the whole situation is the fact that this isn't the first time this has happened to you.

He's done this so many times.

You don't want to have to keep going through this with him.

It's becoming very repetitive and tiring.

You continue to cry until Kimmi enters your room and gasps.

"Y/N, are you okay?? I knew it wasn't the cold that made you look like you were crying! Was it Yanan?? I'm gonna kill–"

You sat up and wiped your eyes.

"No, Kimmi, it wasn't Yanan. It was Yoongi...again."

You ran a hand through your hair and sighed.

Kimmi slowly walked over to your bed.

"What do you mean it was Yoongi? What did he do?"

You stared at her and slowly began to cry again.

Pretty sure she figured out what you were trying to say.

She pulled you into a warm hug and you felt heat skin heat up with anger.

"Why does he keep doing this to you?! I'm gonna kill him! This is the last straw!"

She got up, grabbed her car keys, and stormed out of the apartment.

You got up and began to feel worried.

What was she gonna do?

You had to stop her before she does something she'd regret.

You grabbed your keys and locked the door before dashing to your car.

(A/N: Dashi Run! Run! Run! lmao)

You automatically assumed she going to find Yoongi and he's probably at home.

So, you hop into your car and drive as fast as you can, without going past the speed limit, to find her.

Once you arrive at their house, you can already see her car parked in the driveway.

You parked your car, got out, and locked it.

You basically sprinted inside their house.

Inside, everyone was yelling.

Namjoon, Jimin, Tae, and Jungkook we're trying to keep Kimmi calm but also yelling at Yoongi.

Hobi and Jin were yelling at Yoongi over by the couch.

You tried to inform everyone that you were here but everyone was too busy yelling to notice.

You cleared your throat and yelled, "HEY!"

Everybody stopped to look at you.

You waved awkwardly and walked towards Kimmi.

"Kimmi, c'mon let's go."

Yoongi ran up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Y/N, please wait! I'm sorry!"

You looked him in his eyes.

When you looked into his eyes, all you could feel was anger, sadness, and frustration.

You shook your arm off of him and punched him in his stomach.

"I'm done with you and all your sorries. Everytime you say it, you know you never mean it. You just continue to break my heart over and over. And I'm done. I guess maybe choosing you two years ago was a mistake."

You shook your head at him and ran inside your car before you started to cry.

You didn't drive off. You just put your hands on the steering wheel and bowed your head down while crying.

Deep down, you were kind of hoping this would happen.

Just a little.

Leaving Yoongi would help you focus more. And you could finally be happy and move on.

But of course, you're going to be sad at first. Just like right now.

Someone was knocking on the window of your car.

"Go. Away." You muttered as you wiped your eyes off and looked the other way.

They continued to knock. This time, they knocked faster.

You finally gave in to their knocking and turned around only to see Namjoon.

You leaned over and opened door.

"Y/N, I'm so sorr–". Before he could even finish his sentence, he stared into your eyes and pulled you into a hug.

You placed your chin in the crook of his neck and cried.

"I–I–I ju-just don't un–under– understand...", you managed to say in between sobs.

He ran his hand through you hair and sighs.

"I knew he'd do it again. He just doesn't know how good someone is until they're gone."

You gave him a faint smile and he kissed your forehead.

"It'll be okay, Y/N. Move on. Any guy who makes you cry and always breaks his promises is no guy you want to be with."

You nod and wipe your eyes again.

He hugs you and you begin to drift off to sleep.


9:45 a.m.

When you wake up, you're at home, in your bed, in your pajamas.

You freak out a little and wonder who brought you home.

On your nightstand, you see a plate of cookies with a note attached to it.

You get out of your covers and crawl over to it.

The note was written in pink ink.

You picked it up and read it.

'Dear Y/N,
Me and the guys are very sorry that you had to go through that. If you're wondering, Namjoon and I brought you home. I also made the cookies to repay for eating them earlier.
Feel better soon!'

-XOXO, Jin and Namjoon

You unwrap the cookies and take a bite out of one of them.

They're so soft and sweet.

As you're indulging in those delicious cookies, Kimmi stands in the doorway, smiling at you.

She clears her throat.

"I see you're awake. How ya feeling?" She walks over to you and ruffles your hair.

You smack her hand off your head and smile.

"I'm feeling a bit better," you say as you offer her a cookie.

She smiles at you and grabs a cookie off the plate and sits back down.

"Y/N, like Joonie said, just ignore him. Focus on other things. Like making me breakfast," she says as she takes a bite out of her cookie.

You shake your head at her and laugh.

"Okay, Kimmi, give me ten minutes. I need to get up and change and stuff. I'm glad we have no class today."

She nods and eyes your plate of cookies.

She grabs at least two cookies and runs out of your room laughing.

You hop up, grab one of your pillows off of your bed, and run into the living room.

She's hiding behind the couch munching on the cookies Jin made for you.

You tiptoe over to her and grin mischeviously at her.

When she looked up at you, you hit her on the top of her head with the pillow and ran back to your room and locked the door.

You ran into your closet and picked out your outfit for the day.

Y/N's Outfit Of The Day:

After you picked out your outfit, you walked to the bathroom with caution.

Kimmi could pop out of thin air and attack you.

Once the coast was clear, you ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

After you finished getting dressed and all that, you put your stuff on your bed and walk into the kitchen.

"Kimmi, what do you want for breakfast?", you yell as you look through your cabinets.

You hear her skip into the kitchen and walk towards you.

"Can you make pancakes?" She says as if she's a little kid who had too much sugar.

You laugh and pat her head.

"Okay, Kimmi, I'll make pancakes. Now go sit down and wait until they're done."

She claps her hands and runs back into the living room to watch TV.

You shake your head and begin to make pancakes.

After 15 minutes, the pancakes are done.

You put some on a plate for you and some on a plate for her.

"Kimmi, the pancakes are done! Come eat them before they get cold!" You yell as you go and get the syrup from off of the counter and bring it to the table.

You put a decent amount of it on your pancakes and pass it to Kimmi.

She, on the other hand pours so much on hers that when she finishes putting syrup on hers, there's like none left in the bottle.

You shake your head at her and take a bite out of your pancakes.

"Mmmm. Y/N,!" She says with a mouthful of pancakes.

You nod and take another bite of your pancakes.

As you lift your fork to take another bite out of your pancakes, you hear your phone ring from in your room.

You get up from your seat and tell Kimmi not to touch your food.

She nods and eats some more of hers.

You run into your room and look at your phone.

It was Jungkook!

You clicked the answer button and held the phone up to your ear.

"Hey, Jungkookie, what's up?"

"Hey, Y/N, Jin wanted to ask if you'd like to go groccery shopping with us."

You tapped your chin and sat on your bed.

"Hmm. Is Yoongi going?"

He sighed. "Yes."

"Then, I don't wanna go!"

"Y/N, please? Come on. Hobi promised that if Yoongi tried anything, he'd straighten him out."

"Hmm. Okay. I'll go. But if Yoongi does bother me, I'm leaving. Deal?"

"Deal. Oh, and Jimin hyung said bring Kimmi. They're so gross."

You began to laugh at him. "Jungkook! Don't say that."

He began to laugh too. "I'm sorry, noona. Jin said he'll pick you guys up in thirty minutes."

(A/N: Noona means older sister, right? lol)

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit. Bye."


You hang up your phone and put it in your pocket.

As you walk back into the dining room, you catch Kimmi taking some of your pancakes.

You tiptoe behind her and tap her on the shoulder.

She jumps and screams at you.


You grabbed the pancake she tried to steal from you off of her fork and stuffed it in your mouth.

"Kimmi, what did I say? No touching my pancakes!" She began to pout and you sighed.

"Fine, Kimmi, you can have the rest of my pancakes."

She began to cheer as she scooped the rest of your pancakes on her plate.

You walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Oh, and Kimmi, hurry up. Jin is picking us up in less than twenty five minutes."

She dropped her fork on her plate and turned towards you.

"What do you mean, 'picking us up'? Where are we going?"

You turned back towards the TV and flicked through the channels.

"Oh, he wants us to join him and the rest of the guys in groccery shopping."

She nodded and turned back around to eat another but of pancakes.

"Ugh, I'm full. I'm gonna go get dressed. I'll be right back."

You gave her a thumbs up as she skipped into her room.

You got up and was about to clean up her mess until a wave of laziness struck over you.

You plopped back down on the couch and laid down.

Twenty minutes later, Kimmi came out from her room and smiled.

"I'm donee! How do I look?"

Kimmi's Outfit Of The Day:

You looked her up and down and gave her a groan.

She stomped her foot and ran over to you and sat on your legs.

You yelped in pain and began to hit Kimmi on her arm.

"Kimmi, get off! You're heavy!!"

She turned towards me and gasped.

"You calling me fat??" You shook your head yes and she threw a pillow at you before getting up.

"K–Kimmi, you look nice. Happy now?" You rolled your eyes at her and laid back down.

Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Kimmi ran from out of her room and looked through the peephole.

She turned towards you and mouthed the words, 'It's them' and giggled quietly.

"Who is it?" She said in a squeaky voice.

"It's your mom." Someone said from the other side of the door.

"Mommy?" She said in a kiddish voice.

Then there was a huge bang on the door.

"Kimmi-ah, open the damn door!"

You could already tell who it was.

It was Yoongi.

Kimmi gave in to her childish ways and opened the door for everyone.

Everyone walked inside and made themselves at home, as usual.

Jin was in the kitchen, looking for food.

Jungkook and Tae playing games on their phones.

Joon and Hobi on the couch watching TV.

Kimmi and Jimin cuddling each other.

And Yoongi was leaning against the door staring at you.

You chose to ignore him.

This isn't going to be like in high school. There is no longer going to be you giving into Yoongi's fake gloominess after one day.

No, this time, you mean it. That was the last straw.

It's over.

You turned towards the TV more and watched whatever Hobi had put on the TV.

After a while, Yoongi sat down on the couch and you began to feel anxious.

You looked down at the floor when he looked at you.

Hobi growled at him like an angry dog.

You grabbed his hand and whispered for him to chill.

He looked at you then at Yoongi and then sighed.

Jin walked over to you with Kimmi's leftover plate of pancakes in his hand.

"Hey, these pancakes are good. Cold yet good."

And then it happened.

He did his signature windshield wiper laugh.

You tried as hard as you could not to laugh but you failed.

You began to laugh along with Jin and soon, everyone but Yoongi was laughing.

Yoongi got up and said he'd be right back.

You were going to go after him but Hobi held your hand in a way that meant, 'Just let him be.'

You sighed and just stared at the door.

Min Yoongi

I walked outside and sat down on the front steps of Y/N's apartment.

I reached into my pocket and took out the pack of ciagrettes I bought a couple of hours ago.

I took a cigarette out of the pack and shoved the pack back into my pocket.

I reached into my other pocket and grabbed my black and white lighter.

I stared at the lighter for a bit before lighting it up to light my cigarette.

I took a long drag on it before exhaling and letting out the big gray puff of smoke.

The first drag is always the one to make me feel like I'm about to cough up a lung.

I took up smoking a couple of hours ago.

Well, I've smoked a couple of times back in high school.

But I stopped when I met Y/N.

She was my positive outlet. Whenever I was with her, she made me happy.

Her smile was bright and beautiful and full of happiness.

I loved her with all of my heart.

Which is strange because before I met Y/N, I have never loved anyone like that before.

But, that's all gone.




I messed it all up.

I don't even know why I do it. It just happens.

Like, it's not like I don't love her.

It doesn't even matter anymore.

She made it clear to everyone that she can't put up with my bullshit anymore.

I can't blame her. I would be tired of having my heart broken, too.

So, now I smoke. Yeah, I know it's not healthy but who cares.

It helps clear my mind and relieve my stress.

I take another drag on my cigarette and let it out.

I throw the cigarette down on the sidewalk and extinguish it by stomping on it.

As I turn around to go back inside, I see Jin standing by the door with his arms folded.

"Ah, I see your smoking again."

He walks down the steps and stares into my eyes.

I look down at the ground and sigh.

"Yes, yes I am."

He adjusts my shirt and flicks off a piece of lint in my hair.

"Yoongi, smoking is not healthy. They're other things you can do besides smoking."

I sigh and shoot him an annoyed look.

"Jin, I'm not in the mood. Let's just go shopping and go home, okay?" He nods and we walk back up the stairs and into Y/N's apartment.

"Okay, guys, let's go!" He says as he walks back downstairs and outside to his car.

Everyone leaves but Y/N.

She can't find her phone.

I turn around and am about to leave until my conscience kicks in.

I know she's mad at me but I can't just leave her to struggle.

I sigh and help her look for her phone.

I check on the floor by the couch and in between the couch cushions.

Her phone was in between the cushions.

I took it out and dusted my pants off.

"Y/N I found your–" She walked into the room and stared at me.

"I–I um, found your pho–phone."

I hand her her phone and our hands touch as I give it to her.

(A/N: 'Give give it to me!'- Agust D)

She began to blush and look down at the floor.

"W–we should g–go..." her voice trailed off.

(A/N: Go Go! Okay, I'll stob lol)

I nod as she grabs her keys and wallet.

I hold the door open for her and she mumbles a slight thank you.

She closes the door and locks it.

We walk down the steps and to Jin hyung's car.

She climbs into the backseat with Hobi and Namjoon.

I guess those are like her "bodyguards".

They're supposed keep me away from her.


As I was about to climb in the backseat next to her, Jin clears his throat and pats the seat next to him.

"Yoongi, your seat's up here. Come on."

He looks at Y/N from the rear view mirror then back at me.

I sigh and climb out of the backseat.

I slam the backseat door close and hop into the front seat.

"I'm here, hyung. Can we go now?" I say as I close the door and sit back.

He waves his finger in my face.

"Nope, everyone, put on your seatbelts. Safety first!" He winks at us and everyone groans.

After everyone relunctantly puts on their seatbelts, he begins driving.

I take my phone out of my pocket and cut it on.

I open my gallery and look through all my photos.

Some of them are with the guys.

And the others are pictures of me and Y/N.

My favorite picture of us is when we went to the amusement park for our first date.

It was Lotte World.

She and I went to the gift shop and got cute head bands.

Hers was Minnie Mouse and mine was Mickey Mouse.

She had a cotton candy in her hand and was the happiest I've ever seen her.

I stare at the picture and sigh.

As we reach a stoplight, Jin looks over at me and grabs my hand.

"Yoongi, stop doing this to yourself," he whispered.

"It's just going to make you feel even worse..." He smiled at me and then his attention was back on the road.

I cut my phone off and put it back in my pocket.

Jin hyung is right. I need to stop. I messed up.


And now I have to suffer the consequences.

I run a hand through my hair and look out of the window.

I fog up a small part of the window and write on it: I miss you...


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See you guys later ♡

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